Leicester Academy

James walked over sitting on the edge closest to Alex, he gently brushed the tear off of her cheek, a saddened expression on his face. "Hey you didn't force me to do anything, I'm here because I want to be. And besides its kinda fun letting you take me on a date." He put on his most charming smile. " Besides I enjoy spending time with you. Though I didn't know you had to go back." There was a tinge of sadness in his words but he still smiled, "If anything at least we're together now."

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Alex smiled and hugged James crying into his shoulder.

"We got 5months together..then I have to return..I don't wanna leave.." She said in between sniffles.

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James wrapped his arms around Alex one around her head the other around her back, he turned his face down, and kissed her forhead. "well we can be together 'til then, I'm sure we can figure something out. there has to be a way that we can be together."
" you can move to London!" Alex said with excitement. " you can finish your studies in London we have the exact same college and I still haven't finish exploring Europe! We can go exploring to different countries and places and you can come back and visit your family! Ahh that would be awesome if you could come. " she said with a smile looking at James as she wiped a tear from her face. " can you come?" She asked. @Kai'zen Makaira

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James was a little blindsided, not expecting the question. He looked dumbfounded, "Uh, I don't know I'd have to talk with my parents, otherwis I don't know. I'd like to though." He looked down at Alex smiling,

@Eriana-weird chick<3
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"I'd like that to.." Alex said with a smile as she rubbed his cheek softly. "Love Sandford sight.... is a wonderful thing" Alex whispered in James ear as she kissed it. Alex wrapped her arms around his neck and look into his eyes with a smile. She softly kissed his lips. "Lets makeout .." she said with a smile.

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James smiled kissing her back, "Don't have to tell me twice." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently taking his time to savor the feel of her lips against his.

(No problem, at least you checked. :) )
Alex kissed james back taking in the moment enjoying the feel of his lips against hers. she let her tongue wrestle with his in a lovely motion.

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James held Alex tighter following her lead he paused and took a quick breath before kissing her again. He leaned into it being careful not to lose his balance.

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Alex wrapped her arms around James bring them so close there bodies touched. She like the his body heat felt as she leaned back on the bed bring him on top of her. Then bring him into a kiss . @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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James propped himself up on an elbow his other atm wrapped around waist still. He kissed warmly and gently stopping to take a bath every once in a while.

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Alex pulled back for a minute and thought of her mother. She looked at James with a smile and stood up in front of the bed. " hello sir " bows talking in a propper tone. " I'm princess Alexia , will you be delighted to join me on the trip to england? Wait hold on" Alex picks up her phone and dials her butler in england. " hey Marvin can you do me a favor?" She asked sounding like she actually from england. Marvin quickly replied and Alex smile. " there is a boy at my school by the name of James. No last name should be needed. Contact his parents for me and ask them if he can come to england to finish up his schooling.. Say he has been special chosen." Alex replied and Marvin laughed so loud it was heard through the phone. He replied with a "yes ma'am " . Alex smiled and giggle a little " thanks marvin" she said and hung up. " well if your parents day yes where good to go and if not.. I'll come and visit!" @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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James smiled and sat up on the bed, "I would greatly enjoy going to England with you, actually. Why don't we go to my house, my parents live on the other side of town. We should make a pit stop on campus so I can pick up my car." He hopped up and walked over to her wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissing her. "What do you think?"

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" that's fine my motorcycle is being taken back to England tomorrow..so how about we stay there at your parents?" She asked James with a smile putting her head on his chest listening to his heart beat noticing that his matched hers. She made the sound of their hearts silently waiting for his reply. (Hey can we do this in conversation bcuz no one else is RPing and secondly I get my convo notifications @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )

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