Leicester Academy

Suh looked away while glancing at the things on the table, she scanned the various items and thought of what she would tell the young woman. " Matters of the heart...hmm..." she was silent after a moment before looking back to the woman, " Perhaps, you should not neglect these feelings then...if your going to be crying like that it seems that the person in question may need some talking to..." Suh took out a pack of gum and started to chew before offering the girl a piece, " Gum?"
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James hung on alright as Alex veered off onto the road his arms shot aruond her waist watching as they passed cars and other traffic on the highway, they exited pretty soon riding on a dirt road befor stopping. they both got off, James taking off the helmet and sitting on the seat of the motorcycle when she turned smiling at him he stood up and walked over to her "well maybe you will." With that he leaned in a kissed her gently on her lips enjoying the moment.
Alex looked at him the eyes the sun beam in directly on them making her eyes glisten. They became greenish blue with gold in them. " I wanna love you.. " she said softly lacing her fingers into his. She kissed him softly on the lips and then lead him to lake house. " want anything to eat?I'm very hungry myself..." She said with a smile and letting go of his hand and slowly walking to the kitchen. She looked out at the lake with a smile. "I'm going swimming after this..." She muttered.. @Kai'zen Makaira

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(sorry busy week/weekend) James smiled, "I'm okay I ate before we left school. Thank you though." James' mind was buzzing first day and he already found a ....girlfriend? He realized he hadn't actually asked her out officially, grinning mischeviously he pulled her to him spinning her around and holding her by her waist. "You know I haven't made it official." He stared into Alex's eyes feeling more relaxed than he thought he would. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He smiled nervously hoping he hadn't just everything screwed up.
(Same here but I had tapatalk on my phone so it kinda worked out..)

Alex smiled and was so excited it felt as if her heart was gonna explode. She looked at him spanned him around and pinned him against the wall with a laugh. " James ...I will be surely happy to be your girlfriend so yes..." She then put his arms around her and she gently kissed his lips. Well she said turning grabbing an apple. She gave it one good bit then slide off her shirt and pants. "Let's go swimming..." She said with smile hoping he wouldn't mind her stripping right in front of him. She grabbed the apple and begin to finish it of slowly with one bite a time. @Kai'zen Makaira

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James was happy that she said yes and nodded his head in agreement when she suggested swimming pausing quickly though. "I don't have my trunks, I don't suppose you have any spares my size?" He looked around nervously shifting his gaze from one side to the other, not wanting to stare at half-naked Alex. He turned a little pinkish and fumbled about nearly knocking over everything in his area.
"....its fine you can look I promise you'll like what you see..." Alex said as she opened a drawer and took of her dad's old trunks and looked at james. "Um..you gotta look at me to get them..." She said with a chuckle. @Kai'zen Makaira

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James turned his face to her gazing directly into her eyes and walking up to her closing the gap between them quickly bringing his face to hers theirs foreheads touching, "Never said what part of you I had to look at." he smiled sliding his hand down along her arm wrapping his hands around her, he gently tugged the swimsuit out of her hand, and planted a kiss on her lips. "I'll get changed quickly then I'll be out there to join you." he said this with a smirk before heading towards what he assumed was the bathroom. Closing the door behind him he began to change, being quick so he could get back to Alex. "I definetly lucked out"
Alex walked out looked at the sky. "Wow I'm lucky..." She said and hide beside the door so when he came out, she'd jump on his back and slightly kiss his neck and whisper "I'm a wild one..." @Kai'zen Makaira

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James came out of the cabin when alex jumped on his back. She whispered into his ear and he smiled. He put his arms under her legs to carry her easier. He ran to the dock and jumped into the lake holding her tight on his back releasing only after they dipped under the surface. He swam back up grinning at Alex. "I think I can handle that."
Alex smiled and went back under and swan around him like a mermaid. She came up with a smile and then looked beside her. She quickly to her hand and cover herself. "Um James...my bottoms can you get them?" She asked as her face turned red. They were floating right beside him. @Kai'zen Makaira

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James loooked around him noticing her bottoms, he his face turned a pinkish color a little deeper than when she first kissed him and picked them up tossing them to her then turning around in the water so she didn't have to worry about him peeking. "My bad I should've let you know I was jumping." he turned a little not knowing if she was done or not, but to be on the safe side he turned away again.
Alex slide them and tied the strings tigheter. " no the strings came a loose.." She said turning him around with a smile. She placed her arms around his neck and brought him under the water kissing him. Then they floated back up. "Sure you can handle this one?" She asked with a smile.

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James smiled the water dripped from his hair and his eyes, reflected the surface of the water. "Yeah still pretty sure." He grinned splashing Alex with some water. Then dove under before she could splash back, he swam towards Alex wrapping his arms around her waist he lifted her up from the water and held her there. "Still think I can't handle you?" @Eriana-weird chick<3
Alex smiled and leaned back a little. Then back up again then slide down his body slowly. " sure..we will see.." She said with a smile.

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James smiled, "I guess we will." He let Alex down slowly placing her back where she was gently, he squinted a little taking in his surroundings better he smiled looking out at the rest of the calm lake. It was like one of those cheesy movies where the guy gets the girl and does seemingly random stuff like this. He looked back at Alex, wondering if he was living in a movie. "I can see why this place means alot to you it's very beautiful." He grinned staring down into her eyes. "That's something you have in common, huh." He brushed his finger against her forehead brushing a stray hair out of her face. "You know I'll probably end up drawing this, then painting it, then doing as much as possible to make this last. Possibly fulfilling the wish you mentioned earlier." He gave Alex another playful smile, Wondering if she understood just how happy he was in this moment.

(@Eriana-weird chick<3 Good lord, Life has been ridiculous, but here's my post sorry for freezing the rp everyone hope your not totally sick of me.:sorry:)
" no need..to paint..when it's right here begging you stay..this is the recall world, this is our world.. For me and you." Alex replied looking into his eyes one hand on his cheek."for me and you.." She whispered in his ear while slowly leaning in for a kiss. (Nah..its fine same here...I'm trying to hold it all together..if it wasn't for me having the tapatalk app I wouldn't be uphold this rp..)

@Kai'zen Makaira

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"Sounds good to me." James' smile widened at jer comments. "I'm glad I get to be with you, makes being here much more fun" he leaned in and kissed her his arms still around her waist. His smile still on his lips even as he kissed Alex.

@Eriana-weird chick<3

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Alex looked at him with a smile. "I know a place..wanna go..its up on the other side of the lake..can we please go?" Alex asked with puppy dog eyes. @Kai'zen Makaira

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"I'm game, let's go. It'll be cool to explore this lake." He slipped his fingers into hers looking aroung curious as to wether or not He could guess where they would be going. "Can we see it from here? I'm kinda curious."

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" nope..but when we get here you can see the lake.." Alex said with a smile and swam over to the motor boat dragging him with her. She pulled him in and cranked it up and drove to the other end of the lake. "Almost there.." She said with a smile as she dragged him along running through the woods to this big giant willow with a bench under neath. A big tree house lye in tree next to it. "Tada.." Alex said as she begin to climb the the ladder up to the tree house. It had a bed and some food. "My parents..like you know made me here.." Alex said feeling awkward ,because it was carved in the wall next to the bed. Alex softly kissed James and smiled. She peeked out the window and looked at the lake and the cabin. " see.." She said softly. @Kai'zen Makaira

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James was happy to follow Alex though he took in the sight of the water rushing past as they flew across it's surface. His vision seemed to him like a camera,recording precious moments. He quickly had multiple ideas for drawings and such but brought himself back to reality as they reached the other side of the lake. He continued following Alex as she climbed up the ladder. Once he reached the top he scooted in before sitting next to Alex. James chuckled when he heard Alex mention that this is where her parents " made her." He looked at her "So this is where you come from huh." He happily received Anne returned her kiss enjoying it more and more. When she looked out the window he followed her gaze smiling at the view. James locked his eyes on hers " Third most beautiful thing I've seen today." Mentally he thought back ranking what he's seen, a pang of regret hit him as he found that he couldn't place Soleil over Alex or Alex over Soleil,he tried telling himself that it only marketed that he was with Alex but still had indescribable feelings for Soleil. It made his head throb and his heart ache but he ignored it remembering he was with his GIRLFRIEND. He mentally emphasized the last part dismissing everything else.

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Alex got up and layed in the bed, putting her head in the pillow. "I'm sorry..I'm dragging you into this..I gotta go back to London and help rule and stuff..and I just..I made you force me to get with you and..I can't put you through this.." Alex managed get out with a sniffle at the end. She looked at james with a tear flowing down her cheek.

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