Leicester Academy


Elliot giggled"Well...you can be handsome with a rose."he said smiling as he stood on his tippy toes and adjusted the rose in his hair."Hmm..."he thought about something else"Or you can just put it in your shirt pocket."he said as he took the rose out and placed it perfectly on Vincent's chest where his pocket was"There.Perfect."he said the giggled.When Vincent took hold of his hand,Elliot took hold of his as well then continued to walk through the park"Ice cream."he said with a smile as he walked over to it"It's free today."he said happily as he ordered cookies and cream ice cream cone then sat down on the bench and waited for Vincent to get his and sit down beside him.
Vincent"I guess your right." Vincent said with a slight smile when Elliot had said he could look handsome with a rose in his hair "What are you? A stylist?" Vincent questioned as he watched Elliot take the flower out of his blonde locks and into his chest pocket. As they walked Vincent let Elliot go to the ice cream, smiling to himself, he walked over to the truck himself and ordered a cherry snow cone. When it was given to him he went to the bench Elliot was sitting on and sat next to him, taking a bite from his his snow cone happily enjoying the flavor "So Elliot what else do you like besides music and picking flowers." he asked curiously.


Elliot giggled"Guess?....y-you are handsome."he said with a smile"The rose is just to add more perfection to it."he added."Well...i like putting accessories in other people's hair.I'm really good with that i guess.Does that count as styling?"he asked curiously.Elliot smiled when Vincent arrived beside him and sat down."Um.Well i like art as well and sometimes I do drawing or paint.I also sing a little but,not really comfortable with that."he said.He giggled nervously and licked his ice cream a couple of times.He licked it once more and the ice cream got on his nose a little.He laughed and tried to take it off with his tongue but,couldn't quite get it off with it."Hehe.."he giggled cutely as he kept trying.

(@Neon Nyan )
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He nodded and smiled. "System's awesome. Serj Tankian is one of the most unique vocalists out there." he said with a grin. "I tend to follow more of the metal scene. I listen to a lot of fantasy-metal..." he mused, only seeming to realize that now. "Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Unleash the Archers, that sort of thing." Max tilted his head a bit at her words. "You talk too much? Not really. You should hear me when I really get on a rant about something. I won't shut up for hours." he said with a laugh.

An was amazed at her offer. "Wow! Doh tzay!" He smiled brightly and grabbed a few. He gobbled them all at once and sighed with content. "They are very sweet and... uh, chewy? They all taste the same to me. And they are called jelly beans? Very odd name. In China, we have many treats. A lot of hard candies and chewy ones. Different flavors too. We have candies that taste like flowers too. Those come from Japan, however. They're called Hana no Kuchizuke. In English, Flower's Kiss." He stopped talking for a second and took a good look at Athalia. She was a very nice looking girl. "Lay hoh leng. You are very pretty, in Cantonese." He smiled at her once more, taking more of her delicious jelly beans.
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Alex finally came back from England and arrived at the academy. Here thin had already moved in and she had her bike parked in front of the school building. She walked in and signed in and let them know she was attending then she walked around the school. The first place she went was the mechanic shop to check out the tools and gear. Her second major was art and third was drama. They even included her in singing and dancing, even though she thought she sucked.

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Anise let out a small chuckle and replied, "Everybody keeps on talking when they rant, they only stop to catch their breath." She cleared her throat, "I haven't heard any of Unleash the Archers's songs, even the name. Are they nice?" she sipped her strawberry milk and continued, "I mean their music, not the attitude..." Anise then grabbed her phone and tapped a few times on it, typing the note 'Unleash the Archers' and saving it.
Vincent laughed a bit at Elliot and his words "Well thank you Elliot, you a very adorable. And would I consider it styling..hmm...yes, especially if you are good at it." Vincent said before taking a chomp out of his cherry snow cone, it was a bit hot today so he was glad they were able to get ice ice cream. Vincent was even more glad because he had gotten to get ice cream with Elliot. "You sing?" Vincent smirked a bit "Well I would like to hear that." he said before blushing when Elliot tried to lick ice cream that had gotten on his nose Damn this boy is cute! Vincent said as he wiped the ice cream off of Elliots nose with his thumb "Next time when you want to eat your ice cream, aim for your face." Vincent laughed.
Max nodded and smiled. "They're interesting, that's for sure... They're almost a parody of fantasy metal, so listening to them is like listening to Lord of the Rings or the Pern novels in metal form." He pulled out his phone, typing on it for a moment. "Here you go, if you wanted to hear them. This is their song 'Dawn of Ages'" he said, pressing play. "If you like this, you should also check out Orden Ogan. The lead singer is a great vocalist." He watched her for a moment while the song played, only now seeming to realize that she was actually pretty damn cute. His face went a little red as he turned his attention to his phone, a slight smirk on his lips.


Elliot giggled and blushed a little"Well...thank you."he said softly."I guess i'm good at it.."he added.Elliot listened to what Vincent was saying and turned his head to him when he said he would like to hear it"Uhm- I'm not that..confident about singing in front of others."he said."I only do it when i'm alone..."he said.Elliot blushed a little more when Vincent wiped the ice cream off his nose and laughed at the comment"I'll try."he said still giggling.He looked into Vincent's eyes then down at his feet then went back to eating his ice cream.He looked back at Vincent and put ice cream on the other males nose and laughed.
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Athalia listened intently with bright eyes, as An told her about the many treats in China, and even candy in Japan that tasted like flowers. She was honestly a sucker for candy, and she knew that she would love to taste them, at least someday. "Hopefully, there can be a few trips to other countries here." She said happily, a lot of jelly beans still in her mouth, and continued. "I just love sweet things. H-Hana no Kuchizuke... Sweets that taste like flowers, that's just amazing and weird at the same time." She chuckled admittedly, obviously amused. For a very short while, she praised herself mentally for successfully being able to not mess the Japanese words' pronunciation, and looked straight at An's eyes for just a moment. He pretty much did the same with her too. She had almost got too flattered when he said that she was pretty, and even in another language. "Thank you~" She hummed thankfully, and placed the big bag of different colored jelly beans by the edge of her table, so that both of them could have access on the delicious candy. Indeed, she got that a lot, but never would she hear that sincerely from someone who was as calm and nice as An. I am indeed, lucky to have met a friend like him. She announced gladly in her mind, the trickle of happiness in her face visible.

"Well.." Vincent said before taking a bit out his cherry snowcone and facing his body to Elliot more "Pretend that you are alone. Just imagine im not even here." Vincent said with a little smile "If you do that then there shouldn't be a problem with singing, right?" he questioned before feeling the cold ice icecream on his nose "Really?" Vincent said as he wiped the ice cream from the tip of his nose and licked it "Well I guess this war." And with that Vincent snatched Elliots ice cream away and raised it in the air, since Vincent was much talled then Elliot this would be difficult for Elliot "I guess you get no ice cream since you dont know how to eat it. I guess i'll eat it for you." Vincent said with a smirk.


Elliot looked down"Well I guess i can do that...but,don't laugh at me..and yeah..I guess there wouldn't be a problem"he said with a soft smile.Elliot giggled when Vincent had licked the ice cream away."Wha-eek!"he said as Vincent took his ice cream away."Give it back!!!"he said as he tried jumping up and getting it,it wasn't working."Hmpf..."Elliot said then thought of something.He pushed his hair back and looked up at Vincent with kitty cat eyes"Plwease?"he asked and swayed back and forth with his hands in the middle of him and his eyes never losing contact with Vincent's eyes the whole entire time.

<----Think of that x3
(( OHMYGERD =TT= dats cute ))

"I wouldn't laugh at you, well besides for right now." Vincent said as he chuckled when Elliot started to reach for the ice cream "Sorry but apparently you dont know how to eat it and I like cookies n cream too." Vincent said through a chuckle. Vincent froze when Elliot had said please in the most cutest way possible and gave him a puppy face. Vincent dropped both of their ice creams and they fell onto the ground of the park, he quickly grabbed Elliots shoulder's and pulled him into a unexpected kiss, for the both of them this was unexpected.


Elliot did the face again trying to get Vincent to give him back his ice cream,which was now melting onto the ground"Eeek.You're gonna melt all of it."he said then jumped back when he dropped them both of then ground.Before Elliot could even look up at Vincent he was pulled into a kiss.Elliot pushed a cherry red on both sides as Vincent held him close.Elliot's eyes were wide open until he relaxed a little and closed his eyes then kissed Vincent back.Elliot's heart was beating fast D-did he just..? he thought to himself.It certainly was a surprise for Elliot since he never gotten a kiss from a boy on the cheek let alone mouth to mouth.
When Vincent felt Elliot kiss back he smiled mentally to himself. After a moment Vincent had pulled away from the kiss, looking down at Elliot and his blush "U-Uhh sorry.." Vincent said as he let go of Elliot and looked down to their ice creams that were now melting on the ground "Sorry about that too." he said scratching the back of his head, he hoped he didn't make things awkward now, it was just that he couldn't help himself anymore, Elliot was practically tempting and teasing him with being so adorable and all.


Elliot opened his eyes slowly when Vincent had broke the kiss along with the moment."I-it's alright."he said as he tried to calm his cheeks down to it's original state.He was kinda sad that it ended,he defiantly saw sparks fly in that moment for some reason.The feeling he felt when Vincent kissed him was a feeling he had never gotten before,in a good way of course.Elliot looked down on the ground"It's alright..."he said,He walked back over to the stand and just ordered a bowl of ice cream and a spoon along with a top."I won't put it on your nose anymore."he stated as he put a spoon full of ice cream into his mouth and swallowed then smiled at Vincent.
Anise tapped her foot a little as she listened to the song. "Hmm... I like it. It's nice" she glanced at her watch for a moment and said "Better keep your phone now, classes will resume in three.. Two.. One." As if on cue, the bell rang. Signalling for students to go back to their classroom. Anise stood up while clutching her trash on her right hand and threw them in the nearest trash can. She turned back to Max, gesturing for him to walk "Let's go...?"
Max blinked, chuckling a bit. "You have an impeccable sense of timing." he said with a grin, picking up his stuff. He stood, making his way over to her. "Hey, thanks. I mean, it's not often I get the chance to talk music with someone who has an actual appreciation for it." He grinned a bit. "I mean, you're the first who hasn't mocked me for not listening to pop music and the like." Max shrugged, scratching his head. "You're pretty cool."
Vincent smiled slightly whem Elliot had said it was alright but in Vincents mind, right now he was freaking out. Why the hell did you kiss him!? He probably thinks im weird now or something but he was so cute, and that kiss....it was nice, his lips are soft and he tasted like cookies and cream....I god I do sound like a weirdo, even in my own thoughts! When Elliot had walked away to go get another ice cream Vincent sighed "Things are so complicated.." he mumbled to himself. When Elliot had returned Vincent smiled, he grabbed the spoon of the ice cream bowl and placed some on Elliots cheek "I made no promises."
James took one last bite out of his muffin and threw the wrapper away as he heard the bell ring, he screwed the top back onto his bottle of orange juice. James walked away shouldering his backpack and heading back to class. He took a quick look around noticing two of his classmates he smiled and kept walking, glad to see some familiar faces. "Round two." he said to himself as he walked.
Anise shook her head, "No. You're cool. I never thought that someone will approach me, being a loner as I am..." she let out a small laugh. "Thanks for you time by the way." She smiled and walked towards her classroom, avoiding most of the people who were casually walking with their friends. When she arrived, she immediately sat down on her seat and checked her class schedule: Math. Anise heaved out a small sigh, and prepared the materials needed for the period.
Alex walked around then went to the court yard and layer in the grass. This was gonna be rough day for her and she knew it. She layed there drawing the moon just above the ocean.

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[QUOTE="Neon Nyan]Vincent smiled slightly whem Elliot had said it was alright but in Vincents mind, right now he was freaking out. Why the hell did you kiss him!? He probably thinks im weird now or something but he was so cute, and that kiss....it was nice, his lips are soft and he tasted like cookies and cream....I god I do sound like a weirdo, even in my own thoughts! When Elliot had walked away to go get another ice cream Vincent sighed "Things are so complicated.." he mumbled to himself. When Elliot had returned Vincent smiled, he grabbed the spoon of the ice cream bowl and placed some on Elliots cheek "I made no promises."



Elliot took different amounts of ice cream and put them into his mouth as he studied Vincent's expressions looking for something that told him whether he was alright or just not feeling good about what had just happened. Maybe it was just for show....he probably doesn't like me like that...he thought as he put another spoon full into his mouth.He was about to take another spoon full until it was taking away from him.He looked up at Vincent as the other male was putting ice cream on his cheek"Hey!"he said as he wiped it off and laughed a little then looked up at Vincent with bright grey and blue,mixed together,eyes as he gave him and smile before speaking"Where to next?"and awaiting his answer.

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