Leicester Academy


Elliot stayed wrapped around Vincent's neck because it felt comfortable,to him,cuddling against.He listened to what Vincent was saying and nodded softly but pouted when Vincent pulled him away from him.Must have did something wrong...he thought as he fixed his scarf and looked up at Vincent who was looking the opposite direction so Elliot wouldn't see his face.He sighed softly before he was being pulled again out of the school and outside"W-where are we going?"he asked curiously as he tilted his head a little.

"W-We can go to the park or something, you know get some ice cream. I saw there was one near by when me and my cousin were driving here." Vincent said as he took a deep breath so his blush faded a bit so it wasn't as bright as it was before. When they had made it off of school grounds Vincent turned back to Elliot, looking down on him "S-So are you ok?" he asked. He dis not like seeing Elliot cry like that because of other people being ignorant, it made him angry a bit actually, knowing someone was making fun of Elliot who is cute as hell just bugged him and plucked his nerves.
((Darn it, I'm so sorry if I only show up once in a while for this week. Exam's fast approaching and I can't use the PC for now ;A; BTW, you can actually do time-skips... But only once in a while ^-^ I don't wanna get lost you know ;n;))

"Eh-- So all of you introduced themselves right? Now let's begin the class---" Before Gilbert can finish,the bell rang, signifying a short break. He sweat-dropped, he just wasted the whole period making the students introduce themselves but oh well... "Class dismissed..." he sighed to himself. Students were rushing outside, chatting with their new friends. Gilbert also joined the sea of people as he went outside to eat his own snacks inside the faculty room.

Meanwhile, Anise waited until half of the students from the room was out, then went outside when there were less people. She went to the school cafeteria, ordered a fruit sandwich, some fries and a box off strawberry milk and silently walked to an unoccupied table. Anise sat down, biting the sandwich little by little while shuffling through her playlist.
Max headed out with the rest of the class, looking around the school. He didn't really have a chance to check it out properly, so he decided he'd do some wandering. Though, he wouldn't go wandering without a snack first. He headed to the cafeteria and grabbed a sandwich, looking around for anyone he recognized. He noticed Anise sitting there and waved to her before heading off to explore.

(Trying to figure out what to do for character interaction. Any ideas?)
(I'm not really sure... Like a gathering or something?)

Anise noticed the silver-haired male waving to her direction. She wasn't sure that she was the one who was waved to, thus she turned around to look for someone who was waving back at her classmate. Oddly enough, no one was behind her. Anise turned back to the position of Max to wave back, but he was already heading off to another direction. She then continued to eat her fruit sandwich.
((Maybe. I'm not sure how many others are online though.))

Max strolled slowly through the school, eating his sandwich. The school itself was huge, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to see any decent amount of it during the break they had. He didn't wander too far this time, and slowly wound his way back to the cafeteria. He walked inside and just kinda stood there, unsure of what to do. Everyone else was chatting away and laughing, just waiting for the next class to start. He finished off his sandwich and wandered over to where Anise was sitting and scratched his head. "Hey, anyone else sitting here?" he asked.
Anise heard a slight murmur of words through the blaring of her earphone's music and tensed, maybe the audio file was haunted. Looking up and noticing that it was only a classmate, she eased. Anise heard the male asking for something with the word 'sit', probably asking if the area is free. She nodded and scooted away, giving space to the other occupant.
Max sat down and smiled at her, pulling out his book. "So... What are you listening to?" he asked. He wasn't sure if he should try to make small talk or not, seeing as she was listening to music. He offered a small, awkward smile and tried to fix the pages that were falling out. (Sorry for the short post, working on costuming stuff)
(S'okay, I also have short posts too LOL)

"Nothing interesting. Just classics." she answered while lowering the volume of the music. Anise noticed the book he was trying to fix. She pointed at it, "Do you need glue for that?" she asked. The book was rather interesting, but she doesn't want to pry so she brushed it off her mind. She nibbled on her sandwich and sipped her strawberry milk while waiting for an answer.
He smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, that would help. I really need to get a new copy, but I haven't had the chance to yet." he shrugged a bit. "Don't really want to get rid of it, either." he added, but didn't go into any more detail. He smiled a bit. "You know, classics are pretty interesting. Are we talking about classical classics? Rock classics?"


It was the end of class for now, and that was a happy thing for Athalia. Students rushed out of the rooms, including their teachers, filling the hallways with all kinds of interactions. This was a whole lot better than her former school, she knew at least. Cross-legged, it seemed that she never wanted to stand from her seat and just watched everybody go by from above with the help of the glass window. Soon enough, the others who didn't exit the classroom yet, all went outside, unconsciously leaving the red-haired student, all alone. To be honest, she saw more happiness in observing people, rather than eating. A little grin was planted on her face as she simply took out a little bag of jelly beans from her back just to munch them. They were her favorite, anyway. What interested her most were a few significant students in this class. Take for example, the two males who were rushing out of the school, and of course, there were the bullies-so typical-, and there was Anise, whom she knew there was more to her than a shy little closed shell, and the others whom she haven't talked to much, she knew that she would find new things from them and make new friends.
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He turned his head at the mention of his name. He saw the girl seated next to him waving at him, and he smiled and nodded at her. "What's up? Athalia right? I saw your introductions when I peeked through the window on the door. Happy Birthday to you by the way. You're 17 now right?" An said to her.


Athalia was quite surprised when she heard a voice from a bit behind her. Munching on a pink jelly bean, she looked at her seatmate and smiled,
"Sorry, I thought everyone left already." She nodded a bit, then continued, "Yep, Athalia it is. Turned 17 today, but it doesn't really matter." She acknowledged her seat mate's presence with a little smile, and continued watching by the window. "But thank you, for remembering." She said monotonously, not wanting to show anyone her real self simply to someone she had just met on the first day of school.

He sighed a bit, "Yeah, I don't have much of a presence." He eyed her suspiciously when her voice became even without any intonation or expressiveness. Let sleeping dogs lie is what his mother would always tells him and he was going to do just that. He glanced at her bag of goodies and his eyes lit up with wonder. "Are those western candies? What are they called?" He had always wanted to go west, but Hong Kong was as western as you could get in China.
(SO SORRY I missed so much but yesterday was ridiculously busy)

James only sighed when class ended, apparently he had been forgotten by everyone including the teacher, but it didn't matter he had more pressing things to deal with. He had seen the jock write the note and pass it and decided to give them a warning. He wrote a quick note and walked out of the classroom, snagging some tape from the desk as he passed. He followed the jocks until they reached an open area, which he guessed was the commons. James decided that it was the best time and briskly walked past the jock smacking the folded note onto his back, he smiled and kept walking feeling better about the situation even if he just made himself a target, better him than Elliott. He looked at his schedule seeing that his second period class was math in the room he was in before, James hated math so he decided to skip knowing he could use the "it's the first day and I got lost" excuse. James looked back to see the jocks reading the note. "Three strikes and you're out II." James chuckled at their confused expressions an walked up to the lunch-ladies requesting a oreo muffin and orange juice. He took his food and found a table under a tree and sat with his back to it content to wait until this period is over.
[QUOTE="Neon Nyan]Vincent☆
"W-We can go to the park or something, you know get some ice cream. I saw there was one near by when me and my cousin were driving here." Vincent said as he took a deep breath so his blush faded a bit so it wasn't as bright as it was before. When they had made it off of school grounds Vincent turned back to Elliot, looking down on him "S-So are you ok?" he asked. He dis not like seeing Elliot cry like that because of other people being ignorant, it made him angry a bit actually, knowing someone was making fun of Elliot who is cute as hell just bugged him and plucked his nerves.



Elliot listened to what Vincent suggested they go and nodded softly as he wiped his eyes more."O-ok.The park is fine.I love the flowers there."he said with a soft smile as he began to feel a little better with Vincent.Elliot was glad that they were no longer on the school grounds which gave him a massive relief."I-im fine.."he said as he hugged Vincent softly and kissed his cheek then stood beside him.He wanted to hold onto Vincent's arm while they walked but,he felt as if he should give the taller male some space for right now.He didn't want to make a mistake and make him mad or anything like that.No no that wouldn't be right at all if he did that.
Vincent smiled at Elliots words about liking the flowers at the park "You can pick as many flowers as you want Elliot and if you want we can even go to the aquarium." Vincent said before looking down at Elliot when he hugged him sweetly, he blushed when he was kissed on the cheek This guy! Vincent thought to himself If he keeps this up i'm going to completely tackle him!. With deep breaths Vincent had managed to make his blush die down, he took a side step away from Elliot a bit so he was sure he would not poune on him. It was about a few minutes before they actually made it to the park.


Elliot smiled softly,he loved flowers a lot and was happy that he actually got to pick them today."Aquarium?I-i never went there before..."Elliot said softly as he looked at Vincent.He watched Vincent actions to what he did and frowned a little when he moved away.It's official...i'll give you your space...he thought as they finally arrived at the park"It's beautiful..."he said as he watched people walk in and out of the park and the many butterflies that flew throughout the place.Elliot smiled again and smelt the air which was a mixture of flowers,ice cream,and fast foods.Elliot watched as a butterfly flew onto his noes and flapped it's wings softly before flying.Elliot sneezed then watched the insect fly away"Go inside?"he asked Vincent before going in.
"You never been to the aquarium before?" Vincent questioned in disbelief. Everyone has went to the aquarium before, it was like a child tradition so hearing Elliot hadn't surprised him "Well looks like we must go." he said with a small chuckle "Its a pretty fun place." When they where halfway in the park Vincent glanced over to Elliot only who had a butterfly land on his noes Yep. Thats it Vincent thought. When Elliot had started to walk in the park Vincent grabbed his hand and pulled him closely so that his head was against his chest "How long do you plan on being absolutely adorable, Elliot." Vincent whispered in Elliots ear.
((Oh, to give you guys a heads up... I won't be active for maybe a week due to exams. Although there are times when I can sneak in and use the internet HAHAHA xD ))

@Alex Phalin

"Rock classics..." Anise immediately answered and stood up. "Wait here..." she asked the male as she walked to a table with a group of seemingly normal high-school girls who were busy with their art materials and stuff. Probably for the club screenings, she thought. Anise borrowed a glue from one of the girls and promised to return it after the break. She then scurried to the table she was sharing with Max, and handed him the glue.


Elliot smiled"W-well...it seems fun."he said and giggled a little.Elliot felt his aim being pulled over and into Vincent's chest.He looked up at Vincent and blushed deeply"I-I don't know."he said and giggled nervously.He smiled softly at Vincent as his blush only got deeper when he felt the warmth of Vincent's chest.He stepped away from the taller boy and chuckled then walked over to some roses and smelt them then picked one and handed it to Vincent"For you."he said softly then stuck it in Vincent's hair perfectly"hehe."he giggled cutely at the flower that was in the other males blonde hair."Now you look adorable."he added.

(@Neon Nyan )
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Secretly feeling the new classmate eye her just when she spoke in her monotone, she shook her head, as if she just did something really stupid.
"Don't mind my random mood swings," She said with a smile as honest as her previous statement, and shook her big bag of jelly beans, which she simply loved, when she heard An ask about it. "Western? I'm not really sure." She chuckled. "But they're called jelly beans." She stressed the last two words for the sake of clarity, still smiling. "I don't know why they're called that, but they're my favorite. They're just so scrumptious." She offered the bag happily, gesturing that her classmate could get a few samples of her candy, her eyes still fixed on the grounds below. "Get some, if you like. There's many to share."

Max smiled and nodded, watching her go over to the other table. When she mentioned rock classics his interest was piqued, a small grin on his face when she came back. "ACDC? Meatloaf? Or are we talking even older?" he asked, turning his attention to fixing his book. "I love classic rock. Also modern stuff. Metal too." he said, pressing a page back where it was supposed to go. "Who's your favorite?"
Vincent looked down at Elliot, smiling as he saw his deep blush only get deeper as he looked up at him, everything about Elliot was just adorable, to his hobby's down to his size Though he frowned when Elliot had pulled away but he smiled when he saw Elliot go to some roses then pick one, only toapproach Vincent again and put the rose in his hair "Oh please im not adorable, its not my style." Vincent said with a chuckle and slight blush. Vincent leaned down wanting to kiss Elliot but he decided not to, instead he smiled and held his hand.
Anise eyed the male with a hint of interest and amusement. "You know ACDC?" she asked. It was hard for her to find someone with the same interests as her, especially in high school. She obviously wanted to ask a dozen more but she held back, realizing that she just met the guy and probably it was too rude for her to ask more. Anise cleared her throat "I'm interested in The Doors, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Avenged Sevenfold and a lot more... System of a Down is my all-time favorite though." she stopped talking, bit back and sighed. "Sorry, I talk too much"

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