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Fantasy Legends of Xeria - OOC

I fucking hate customer service y'all
I tried it, and it turns out I literally can't handle it XD I sort of have a poor grasp on my emotions (Mental condition, both a good and bad thing) so I could hardly stop myself from flying off the handle sometimes under the stress. Not vocally but physically, which is much worse
I tried it, and it turns out I literally can't handle it XD I sort of have a poor grasp on my emotions (Mental condition, both a good and bad thing) so I could hardly stop myself from flying off the handle sometimes under the stress. Not vocally but physically, which is much worse

I kinda feel your pain. I'm surprisingly good at customer service, but I absolutely cannot waitress. I was one for like four months, and I'd just break down crying from the stress.

If it's not one thing it's another. People who don't understand why we can't accept their expired coupon, people who insist they get a sale price on something not on sale. And I get hit on at least once a week. Which is creepy, because I legit look 16.
I kinda feel your pain. I'm surprisingly good at customer service, but I absolutely cannot waitress. I was one for like four months, and I'd just break down crying from the stress.

If it's not one thing it's another. People who don't understand why we can't accept their expired coupon, people who insist they get a sale price on something not on sale. And I get hit on at least once a week. Which is creepy, because I legit look 16.
Trust me, I'm well aware XD

People be crazy yo
LegoLad659 LegoLad659 Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist @Arrogant Menace Computing Magus Computing Magus

Laciel grasped Miyarkus' hand and shook it. He understood immediately that this person was new to the outside world. He had known an individual who had to adjust to the world. A Svirfneblin who came to the surface and joined him and his friends on an adventure once. Poor man gnome had died to... 'now is not the time to dwell.' Laciel thought to himself.

"Ah a new adventurer eh? Well then I will have to tell you some stories sometime. And in return, you could tell me a little about your kind and your home village." He said to Miyarkus.

He smiled at the prospect of inspiring the thrill of an adventure in someone. Laciel had told himself he would always keep that spark of excitement alive in his heart, so that he would never get bored of seeing new places.

He turned to the woman next to Miyarkus. After a look over, he concluded he should be a bit more formal with this one. He had pissed off enough nobles for a lifetime and didn't want to risk this one. He offered a hand and introduced himself to Lilit.

"Hello, M'lady. My name is Laciel, May I know yours?" He asked as politely as he could.
Miyarkus literally slaps Laciel's handshake-expecting hand similar to a somewhat low high-five instead of shaking on it, believing the gesture was to be as such. Just wanted to point that out.
I think it's amusing, as I've never had a character interact with a personality like her before, but Sadika herself will get tired of it quickly. She's actually going to get ready to leave, but it will be a while before I can post again.
LegoLad659 LegoLad659 Are the two pairs of adventurers seriously going to go their separate directions? That's rather unfortunate. It's kind of hard to realistically find a way for everyone to adventure together at this point, so I'm kind of in a rut for as to what to reply. I'd like to include Mistory Mistory as well, so I'll add them in my next postlater.
IC they had already decided on locations prior to meeting, but since Lilit was undecided from the start perhaps she can convince one party to join the other? Or the newcomer changes something~
LegoLad659 LegoLad659 Are the two pairs of adventurers seriously going to go their separate directions? That's rather unfortunate. It's kind of hard to realistically find a way for everyone to adventure together at this point, so I'm kind of in a rut for as to what to reply. I'd like to include Mistory Mistory as well, so I'll add them in my next postlater.
Yeah, unless Laciel changes his mind about where he wants to go anyway. I'm just going off what he said earlier

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