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Fantasy Legends of Xeria - OOC

Computing Magus Computing Magus plot wise, which direction did you want everybody to head in general?
Me and marshmarrow marshmarrow we're just discussing before that Komorrah would be the next one if I manage to move the main group to it, but nothing actually plot-relevant. We can still travel to anyone's wishes to what they believe is interesting since aside from what I've been trying to head to, I guess I shouldn't direct everyone to a certain place. I would just like a way for the main group to be a single one, barring those that choose to explore by themselves, for the sake of everyone interacting. Hope I don't put a monkey wrench into anyone's plans by forcing things.
Me and marshmarrow marshmarrow we're just discussing before that Komorrah would be the next one if I manage to move the main group to it, but nothing actually plot-relevant. We can still travel to anyone's wishes to what they believe is interesting since aside from what I've been trying to head to, I guess I shouldn't direct everyone to a certain place. I would just like a way for the main group to be a single one, barring those that choose to explore by themselves, for the sake of everyone interacting. Hope I don't put a monkey wrench into anyone's plans by forcing things.
I've noticed that some of us post much faster than others, so perhaps it's better to separate the groups this way. I dunno, I'm just speculating at the moment (I'm also pretty sick right now, so don't expect me to be of much help, sorry XD)
Computing Magus Computing Magus I mean, I think the original point was to
have everyone traveling together anyways though, wasn't it?
Yes, the goal for this RP is to have a group of adventurers traveling the world together, plot or not, so separating into smaller groups deviates from that idea. Again, suggesting things as long as it's for the good of the RP isn't bad. I won't stop anyone from wanting to stay in Vegera for now or move to a different place by themselves altogether.
I'm okay with anything, really. I just post slow, but Sadika isn't joining the group yet anyway; I was just itching to write something while I had time to. In my next post, I'll have her put on "standby" in Komorrah, ready to interact with everyone later if you all decide to go there. If not, I can think of something else.

The configuration we have now works for me because I'm a slow writer and I'm pretty busy, but I'm really enjoying what we have so far!
Im already nearby. Alden needs to question the carraige drivers. But im sure abit of interaction between the dragon and lich will do~
Right? lol
Hence why Delia was so offended.
AHH, well, Hun is all about turning the other cheek until he reaches his breaking point at least, it'll be fun to see what progressively happens x
At anyone who sees this, is anyone up for a Discord server? I never implemented it at first since most don't use Discord so they won't visit it, and most don't occasionally check it as much as others do, so there's would be an information divide between those that do and those that don't use Discord.

Still, Discord is good since you can talk to each other in real chat, and we can organize some more stuff there without cluttering RPN. We'll still be RPing here however, and important things like Lore and Rules would still be here.
At anyone who sees this, is anyone up for a Discord server? I never implemented it at first since most don't use Discord so they won't visit it, and most don't occasionally check it as much as others do, so there's would be an information divide between those that do and those that don't use Discord.

Still, Discord is good since you can talk to each other in real chat, and we can organize some more stuff there without cluttering RPN. We'll still be RPing here however, and important things like Lore and Rules would still be here.
I mean, I'd be up for a Discord. It'd make it easier for checking the ooc and all, personally that is lol
At anyone who sees this, is anyone up for a Discord server? I never implemented it at first since most don't use Discord so they won't visit it, and most don't occasionally check it as much as others do, so there's would be an information divide between those that do and those that don't use Discord.

Still, Discord is good since you can talk to each other in real chat, and we can organize some more stuff there without cluttering RPN. We'll still be RPing here however, and important things like Lore and Rules would still be here.

I'd be up for it. I use discord a lot.

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