[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

I'm back and exams are done. So IC should take off (mind you, I was planning to start the game now. Rather than earlier, since I knew exams would run me down) within the next hour or so
shepsquared said:
I'm back and exams are done. So IC should take off (mind you, I was planning to start the game now. Rather than earlier, since I knew exams would run me down) within the next hour or so
Good to see you back. If we weren't interested in the game, we wouldn't worry when you vanish, so take it as a complement that so many of us were hoping for IC posts.
More posts! More posts are needed! I'm going through game withdraw!
Mmm, I'm tempted to have Karima say something like. "Very nice. Kevlar's better at stopping bullets, of course, but that one is an excellent parade piece." But she wouldn't, it'd only offend and be mildly amusing.
That's why Raven wears her bullet proof vest even with her divine armor she can now make.
Solyrflair was one word away from a Fate/Stay Night reference...*shakes head sadly* Tsk tsk tsk.

I am disappointed it was not made.
Hmmm... I am not always the master of obscure references. What was the reference?

Of course, now you have Grisl wanting to check out Kendra's "stuff".
Oh nothing. Nothing at all.

Mmm, who else has some impressive stuff to put on display? Kendra's Birthrigths are rather lackluster.
Kendra's birthrights are purposely so.

Because when you use Spartan as an adjective...

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