[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

Mmm, I actually have no idea about Set's marital and extramarital affairs. I should look into that, not that I expect Karima to follow him to any great extent.
Huh. That was quick, Wikipedia says:

"His siblings are Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys. His wife is Nephthys and in some accounts he had relationships with other goddesses: Hathor, Neith and the foreign goddesses Anat, and Astarte. His homosexual episodes with Horus result in them fathering the moon god Thoth."

So, not only did was he married to one sister and lusting for the other, he also had several extramarrital affairs, was bi and fathered a moon god with another guy. You don't see that in the Bible.
What will we get up to as gods? I mean, the old farts have already done everything, up to and including impregnating someone as a literal golden shower.
Foolish13 said:
What will we get up to as gods? I mean, the old farts have already done everything, up to and including impregnating someone as a literal golden shower.
Rule 36. I rest my case.
The ancient Egyptian story The Feud Between Horus and Set has what is probably the earliest recorded come-on: "How lovely your backside is!" ;)
Needs to be more awkward.

...Now for me to start composing a list of awkward come ons.
Oooh, and necrophilia! "Osiris' son Horus was conceived by Isis with Osiris' corpse." You Greek's got nothing on a proper, mature pantheon!
...again I say, literal golden shower got someone pregnant with a son who would kill his mortal father.

If that's not the gods pissing on you, then I don't know what is.
Well. In any case we can't really take credit for our parents' deeds. We'll see who wins when it gets going in character, so far there is only awkwardness and smirking, neither of which are particularly impressive.

Unless of course someone would like to expand on their backstory ;)
Foolish13 said:
...again I say, literal golden shower got someone pregnant with a son who would kill his mortal father.
If that's not the gods pissing on you, then I don't know what is.
Kill his grandfather, you mean.
Foolish13 said:
...again I say, literal golden shower got someone pregnant with a son who would kill his mortal father.
If that's not the gods pissing on you, then I don't know what is.
Who is this again?
Esbilon said:
Who is this again?
Zeus as the shower, Danae as the target, and Perseus the result.


Arynne said:
Kill his grandfather, you mean.
Did a little rereading, thanks for catching that. Looks like forgot about that.
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Grisl already had her come on line when she asked Kendra to be her light.

Kendra said yes.

Grisl is a bit of a loner (read as 'HUGE') so she knows Kendra will someday leave her.

Grisl will cry lots. And her tears will infect a neighbourhood with HepC.

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