[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

What about an extra power for the Sibylline Book? One I only thought of after I started RP-ing?

It's the Book of Augury -- the taking of omens from the flight and call of birds. So, it adds some special benefit to Prophecy rolls when the Scion does just that, as opposed to using the book alone?

(Somewhere out there, there's probably a Book of Hydromancy, a Book of Pyromancy, a Book of Aeromancy and so forth...)
While I enjoy the experience, you couldn't have made it an even 8 points, so I could get another dot of Epic Ability? Sigh. I suppose I can wait.
I thought that the Epic Abilities favored by your divine parent are 8 points, and other Epic abilities are 10 points. Did I read it wrong?
I see now. That was the cost to purchase a new Epic Ability, not the cost to raise up a current one. Soooo, I can afford to raise a Epic Ability, now I just need to decide which one.
shepsquared said:
So you get extra dice if you're looking at the entrails of a bird?
(Or rather, their flight patterns)
Or a target reduction on the roll, or something like that. The trick is, you have to be outside, and there have to be birds. Also, "taking the auspices" has to be performed in the correct ritual manner.

SephirothSage said:
Does it work better with an Australian Swallow, or European?
I don't--


Ha, almost got me there!
Okay, picked up Frost Immunity for 4 and upped my Investigation to a 2 for 1 point. Frost Immunity was something she always had, but having lived in the tropics all her life, she has never been close to cold weather, so even now she still doesn't know she has it. She picked up a few tricks by watching how others dealt with being trapped in the lobby, and will employ them in the future for their current investigation.
I snagged my second dot of Epic Stamina and the Body Armor Knack. Probably will come in handy with the upcoming fights we'll be getting into.
I'm debating between a second dot of Epic Charisma (and Crowd Control) or getting the War Boon Trimarkisia for the perfect three man combination. Decisions, decisions. Or I might hold out for Flick from Epic Strength...
I'm mostly debating Epic Dex 2 (Untouchable Opponent) vs Epic Int 2 (Axiom [Companion 57]).
Esbilon said:
Always get Dex over Strength.
Unless you're planning to use a lot of brawling and grappling skills, those usually clip the little Epic DEX guys wings a little bit.
utdfan22 said:
Unless you're planning to use a lot of brawling and grappling skills, those usually clip the little Epic DEX guys wings a little bit.
Perhaps. A little. Dex gives you both offense and defense, Strength only gives you offense.
Esbilon said:
Perhaps. A little. Dex gives you both offense and defense, Strength only gives you offense.
No, I fully agree that DEX is the best Physical stat in a lot of ways. I'm just saying that certain builds can benefit more from the increased focus on offence. Also I think the Epic Strength Knacks are a little better for combat, to be honest.

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