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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

Hmmm, I kinda feel like they'd first meet up at a distant cave or stable. Depending on what map we're using, the Lost Woods are pretty far from Castle Town.
Prob BOTW map, but they wouldn't have stables anymore, and the distance means they will encounter a lot of enemies along the way.
Also Sara already spoke with Alys and Dia already was near Rosalyn.
I feel like it'd be more realistic if they don't think they can stop Ganon at first since he just caused a country wide blackout.
Ooh, that's going pretty far West. What about all the random caves that seem to pop up? Temporary? Yes. But then, how do our characters decide on the Lost Woods? Divine intervention?
Well they could hide out at Rosalyn's house and learn that there is a way to stop Ganon by going through the library
In that case, are we just going to have our characters run into each other, resulting in a heck of a collision? Three of them are currently riding after all.
I don't think Aruna will really have any concequences from a collision XD
Rosalyn will feel that since she's already keeping a window and one door open, she's doing have aching muscles
Hmmm. Maybe we could have a bit of divine intervention in terms of influencing our animals' sense of direction? That's about half of the group right there.
Hmm or maybe the intervention is that they all ended up at the same place (the stables could be replaced by inns or something) and don't know why they went there
That does sound a bit more likely. Though, I thought you wanted Rosalyn to get back to her house in Castle Town despite the recent outbreak.
Well she'd go check on her grandparents, but if Hylia's intervening then chances are she'll like pack some snacks before heading of

Looking at this map of botw Hyrule, which marks all the stables that could have been replaced by inns, unless we add an inn somewhere near Castletown, there’s not really a lot of places they can meet up unless they were already heading towards the Lost Woods, and the area around Castletown, until they get across that second river, is grassy plains, at least in the game, so no caves to rest in either.

It also doesn’t make much sense for Sara and Alys to run into Rosa and Dia and go to Rosa’s house, since Rosa and Dia are still in the castle and Sara and Alys are at the gates to the bridge to leave the island the castle is on, which puts a lot of distance and a crowd of panicked people between them. They could run into Wulf or Aruna though, depending on where those two are.

My idea for Alys was to invite Sara to her house but be unable to get to it due to destruction caused by monsters, because otherwise she would just stay at her house to protect her family. Unless she and Rosa know each other, she wouldn’t think to stop by Rosa’s house to look for her and would just focus on helping people get out of Castletown and away from monsters while also heading away from town herself.

Divine intervention to meet at an inn, or even to meet at the edge of the Lost Woods, seems most probable. Meeting at the edge of the Lost Woods might make some sense. Remember that Alys and Sara have horses, so wherever they meet up, they’ll have been there a while before anyone else shows up. It would give the two (and anyone they run into on the way, like Aruna or Wulf) some time to figure out how the Woods work, so when everyone else shows up, they can just walk through the Woods and to the ruins.
Aruna, while he can ride a horse, doesn't have one, he rides a motorcycle, Rosa has a horse at home and can ride it, but getting home will be a challenge for her
So Aruna would probably get to the meet up place first then.

They could conceivably meet up at the inn closest to the Lost Woods. If I remember correctly, it’s only like a day’s walk from Castletown in-game, so it’d be like half a day on mounts/a few hours in vehicles. And depending on the time of day it currently is ic, I’m assuming either late morning or sometime in the afternoon? It was never really specified. They could all stop at the inn because it’s starting to get dark and then head to the Woods the next morning
I do see a potential problem with Aruna's mode of transportation. Ganondorf brought Hyrule back to the Dark Ages right? Doesn't that mean motor vehicles are also rendered useless?
I do see a potential problem with Aruna's mode of transportation. Ganondorf brought Hyrule back to the Dark Ages right? Doesn't that mean motor vehicles are also rendered useless?
I imagine getting more gas/fuel is the issue more then the vihicle itself, of course all automatic navigation is gone too, so

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