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Fantasy Legend of Zelda:Generation hyrule


She just walked up to the sword as she placed her hands on the handle of the sword as she smiled as she took it out” whoa did I really took it out no way” she say as she just looked her sister as she smiled” will mom and dad be mad if we took it home” she say​
"i don't think so..." she said unsure looking at her sister "well, we should get home, its getting dark" she said looking at the slowly decending sun as it grew dark, she started for the horses, once again walking in front of akira so she could easily defend akira if needed

She just looked at her sister as held the sword” what about the sword can we take home” she asked as she got on the sword as she smiled” awe do we have to go home it been fun hanging out with you I don’t want to go” she say as she didn’t like when her sister was so busy she barley see her with her studies and training​
she looked at her sister sadly, she felt guilty "yeah we can take the sword home and we can hang out at the castle though, do you want mommy and daddy to worry about us? you know how mommy gets when she worry's, plus you get to see me all day tommarow to" she said to her sister grinning
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She just sighed as she looked down” I know but it’s so lonely at the castle wait we still can hang out okay we can go home” she say as she knew her mother was already worried as she smiled glad she had the master sword as she just smiled going home” it was fun today when can we do it again” she asked​
she thought for a moment, tommarow was her birthday "maybe we can tommarow" she said gently as they rode home, today was fun, but like all things, must come to an end and they reached hyrule castle and they returned their horses and went inide, let their parents know that they where home, and went to Akira's room to hang out.
"guess what? tommarow you get payback for me waking you up early because tommarow is my birthday" she said grinning, it was like a tradition, the birthday girl sleeps in and the other sibling wakes 'em up as payback for their birthday, and it was Akira's turn for payback

She just placed her sword in her room as she smiled” I like riding the horse it was fun” she told her” can we train tomorrow I wanna see how you fight” pretending forgetting her sister birthday she made a scrapbook for her” yeah I know wait till I wake you up” she say snickering​
"sure sissy, we can train if you want tommarow" she said happily as she yawned "well i'm going to bed sissy, goodnight" she said waveing to her sister as she left to her room and immediately fell asleep

She just smiled as she fell asleep in her bed as she hugged her pillow as she just wanted the next day to come since she really wanted to give her sister her present and train​
-The next morning-

Azura was sleeping soundly in the comfort of her bed not realizeing what time it was, she hugged her pillow in her sleep and her hair was a mess, she was in a spaghetti strap tank-top and black shorts because it was the middle of summer and it got kind of hot in her room.
And I change mine the name you suggested I sorta edited the name on the first page
(yeah well glad we caught that before we got TO Far into the story whelp lets continue shall we...)

She just was running down the hall as she smiled as she was opening her sis door as she smiled she just sat on her sister” wake up wake up wake up” she say over and over again she was excited she woke up super early to make her sister her special birthday breakfast she just smiled​
she opened one eye groggily, she didn't wanna get up "mmmmm five more minutes pleeeeaaaseee" she said raising her head before slowly getting up "okay im up" she said tiredly as she stood and pulled out a fancy blue dress and neclace and went to her bathroom and put it on along with blue High heels and her tiara coming out and twirling for her sister "do you like it? she asked looking at her sister

dress she put on:

She just looked at her sister" whoa so pretty big sissy" she say as she smiled" i got a present for you" she say as she smiled" what do you want to do for your birthday" she asked as she just got out of the bed as she was wearing her dress" i made you breakfest too" she say" i hope you like it" she say as she just smiled​
She opened the present and teared up with happy tears and she hugged her sister "I love it, give me a second to do my hair and we can go eat" she said walking to her vanity and doing her hair, it took her a second to do but it was worth it, she walked out the door to eat breakfast with her family and staff

her hairstyle:
"how about we ride around hyrule, then get icecream?" she suggested, honestly in her mind it was up to her sister "you know what? what do you want to do?" she asked smileing

She just looked at her as she just smiled" mmm ice cream" she say" i wish i can do my hair like that" she say as she just looked at her" can i ride on my own this time" she asks" and can we train later on" she asked​
"okay so we ride around hyrule, get icecream, ill do you hair, and then we can train" she said memorizeing the agenda in her head then she sat down and ate her breakfast "breakfast is very good alane, thank you for wakeing up early to make it" she said politely

She just looked at her big sister as she was happy that her sister liked her food" yay you like it really i wanted to surprise you" she say as she just eat her breakfest as she was eating what the maids made her" i'll do anything to make my sister happy and to protect my family and our people i do anything" she say as she was determined​

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