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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

oh well i guess it's a matter of you guys simply rolling the dice with a dshort description what the roll is for and me rolling for hits and stuff.

It makes that the roll comes after you edit the post. We'd have to slightly alter our rp style from "they dodge this" to "the attack whizzes by them" or whatever the roll is.

Though I can't seem to think of a way of how an enemy gets hit by an attack except for adopting the DnD way of Armor Class (AC)
Honestly, we'd have to completely redo at least the main character's stats with ACTUAL stats and modifiers.
making our stats mean something rather then just a power assessment lol
Sorry for the multiple separate posts.

AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
GM Decision time;
Please redo the following character's sheets;
Shark please redo; Rai, Heath, Kaminari and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
Alpha please redo; Mateo and Cora, Nikolai, Emmerly, Sebastian and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
I will redo; Skyla, The Death Knight, Mana, Nia, Kishi, Ryuuni and Azula and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
For now, we will restrain dice based combat to the main chapter to see how it works out. You can wait for me to modify one of my character's sheets to see how I want the stats and modifiers done if you want. Sorry but I'm putting my foot down on this one, I wanna see how dice combat would work out for the enemies and allies.
Characters not mentioned in the above post will remain on reaction-based 'realtime' combat until we deem that we collectively like dice combat better.
Honestly that might be better to control how op everyone is. Villains are kind of always really powerful, and I know they're more powerful than the group, but sometimes it can feel like an imbalance. Though, I don't know how great it would work out with our style of rp, considering its big chunks of text and like five parts at the same time. Might have to roll dice in the ooc chat if anything, or make a completely new thread for dice rolls, because I don't know how you would roll here.

Honestly, that's kind of how I was gonna run Mateo's chapter later on. I have dice sets irl, so I was gonna roll for attacks and whatnot.
Going back to this, when you edit your post, there's a "Throw Dice" option. you click that, set the number of faces and how many rolls then roll it. It'll make an addidtional little thingy below the post with the dice you rolled and the number you rolled.
look at you with the dice lol

I need to figure out how to work the dice system because for me, the 'throw dice' option doesnt show up on making a post.
You don't wanna know how many dice I have. I think right now its seven full sets of dice, plus one separate big d20. And I'm always trying to accumulate more XD These are my version of stamps and coins. They're all just so prettyyyy though

oh well i guess it's a matter of you guys simply rolling the dice with a dshort description what the roll is for and me rolling for hits and stuff.

It makes that the roll comes after you edit the post. We'd have to slightly alter our rp style from "they dodge this" to "the attack whizzes by them" or whatever the roll is.

Though I can't seem to think of a way of how an enemy gets hit by an attack except for adopting the DnD way of Armor Class (AC)
If we wanna adopt some Dnd combat rules I can help out with that. I know some of the rules, especially concerning combat, like initiative and AC and modifiers. Though I don't know how DnD you wanna go with this, or if it'll just be AC.

Sorry for the multiple separate posts.

AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
GM Decision time;
Please redo the following character's sheets;
Shark please redo; Rai, Heath, Kaminari and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
Alpha please redo; Mateo and Cora, Nikolai, Emmerly, Sebastian and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
I will redo; Skyla, The Death Knight, Mana, Nia, Kishi, Ryuuni and Azula and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
For now, we will restrain dice based combat to the main chapter to see how it works out. You can wait for me to modify one of my character's sheets to see how I want the stats and modifiers done if you want. Sorry but I'm putting my foot down on this one, I wanna see how dice combat would work out for the enemies and allies.
Remaking Niko and Emmerly sheets involves them to actually have sheets. Sorry, man, you're out of luck on those guys.

Jk Jk I'll wait for you to see how you're gonna do it, cause I've got no idea what this entails right now. Mateo, Cora, and likely August will probably be coming late with completely revamped sheets. Mateo and Cora desperately need it, and I'm not entirely happy with how August's came out initially, especially regarding attacks.

Going back to this, when you edit your post, there's a "Throw Dice" option. you click that, set the number of faces and how many rolls then roll it. It'll make an addidtional little thingy below the post with the dice you rolled and the number you rolled.
Ah, I see. I'll try it out with this post. Though it'll make IC posts so much more messy lol
You don't wanna know how many dice I have. I think right now its seven full sets of dice, plus one separate big d20. And I'm always trying to accumulate more XD These are my version of stamps and coins. They're all just so prettyyyy though

If we wanna adopt some Dnd combat rules I can help out with that. I know some of the rules, especially concerning combat, like initiative and AC and modifiers. Though I don't know how DnD you wanna go with this, or if it'll just be AC.

Remaking Niko and Emmerly sheets involves them to actually have sheets. Sorry, man, you're out of luck on those guys.

Jk Jk I'll wait for you to see how you're gonna do it, cause I've got no idea what this entails right now. Mateo, Cora, and likely August will probably be coming late with completely revamped sheets. Mateo and Cora desperately need it, and I'm not entirely happy with how August's came out initially, especially regarding attacks.

Ah, I see. I'll try it out with this post. Though it'll make IC posts so much more messy lol
As for our combat posts, that'll be an easy solution, we just cut back with our multi attacks lol

You go in dice jail
What do you mean lol
we'll do our posts in turns.

I.e. Me, then you then Shark or something
As for our combat posts, that'll be an easy solution, we just cut back with our multi attacks lol

What do you mean lol
It's a DnD thing. If a dice rolls low, especially nat 1's, people often throw them in dice jail, which really just means switching it out for a new dice and not using it for the session. It's like a joke thing.

We don't also have to limit our multi attacks so much. In Dnd, if you take the attack action, you usually get at least two attacks (each with their own roll) and three if you choose to use your bonus action for attacking. You can also ready an attack with a specific condition for release. Say Mateo was shooting a fireball, but wanted to wait for when Rai was out of the blast radius. He doesn't do it in the post, but during Rai's turn if Rai does get out of the way. Rai getting out of the way would be the specific condition for Mateo to release the spell, otherwise if he didn't, Mateo's spell would burn up. Holding an action doesn't include multi attacks however, you can only hold one action, so one attack. Combat can be pretty flexible that way. We'd just have to worry about metagaming. Like, if Rai was up close and attacking, he wouldn't know to get out of the way for Mateo's spell unless he called it out. In DnD, each turn is worth six seconds, so your characters can't see and account for everything. So, even if we ourselves know Mateo's readying a fireball with that specific condition, we have to take into account that our characters might not know that and act like they wouldn't. If Rai doesn't know, Mateo's burning up a spell slot. That's just how it is.

we'll do our posts in turns.

I.e. Me, then you then Shark or something
In Dnd there's something called initiative if you wanted to do that. You basically roll for your place in the combat round. If a player rolls a higher number, they're before a player who rolled below them. So, say you got a fifteen and I rolled a thirteen, you'd be before me in the combat round. We could adopt that, or just continue with our normal post turns, which is usually you, then Shark, then me, or me then Shark then you, depending on how you see it. It kind of flip flops around a lot though. Especially in this current chapter, I like to do mine after both you and Shark have posted, so both your characters and Rai can get their opinions out on what Mateo's telling them.
It's a DnD thing. If a dice rolls low, especially nat 1's, people often throw them in dice jail, which really just means switching it out for a new dice and not using it for the session. It's like a joke thing.

We don't also have to limit our multi attacks so much. In Dnd, if you take the attack action, you usually get at least two attacks (each with their own roll) and three if you choose to use your bonus action for attacking. You can also ready an attack with a specific condition for release. Say Mateo was shooting a fireball, but wanted to wait for when Rai was out of the blast radius. He doesn't do it in the post, but during Rai's turn if Rai does get out of the way. Rai getting out of the way would be the specific condition for Mateo to release the spell, otherwise if he didn't, Mateo's spell would burn up. Holding an action doesn't include multi attacks however, you can only hold one action, so one attack. Combat can be pretty flexible that way. We'd just have to worry about metagaming. Like, if Rai was up close and attacking, he wouldn't know to get out of the way for Mateo's spell unless he called it out. In DnD, each turn is worth six seconds, so your characters can't see and account for everything. So, even if we ourselves know Mateo's readying a fireball with that specific condition, we have to take into account that our characters might not know that and act like they wouldn't. If Rai doesn't know, Mateo's burning up a spell slot. That's just how it is.

In Dnd there's something called initiative if you wanted to do that. You basically roll for your place in the combat round. If a player rolls a higher number, they're before a player who rolled below them. So, say you got a fifteen and I rolled a thirteen, you'd be before me in the combat round. We could adopt that, or just continue with our normal post turns, which is usually you, then Shark, then me, or me then Shark then you, depending on how you see it. It kind of flip flops around a lot though. Especially in this current chapter, I like to do mine after both you and Shark have posted, so both your characters and Rai can get their opinions out on what Mateo's telling them.
Well i've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 which is essentially dnd in video game form.

Essentially, the combat works like normal, everyones gets one action and one bonus action per turn. casting spells and attacking use up an action slot using an item, certain buff spells etc use up a bonus action. Which a few exceptions like Frenzy and stuff, it limits everyone to a certain damage threshold per turn and makes stuff a bit harder. Friendly fire in Baldur's Gate 3 is also not as forgiving, you cast a spell or throw an item, unless it specifies otherwise, its damaging everyone in its radius. Which is how I assume it is in regular dnd too.

There are also certain rolls we just wont do, like stat checks in normal RP and initative rolls. We'll do saving throws as normal unless it turns out that it's too tough to get those in. All characters will start with considerable health, like i'm starting Skyla with 85 hp and stats wont change for any character so there's no leveling up or anything and no way to permanently increase stats.
To make things as fair as possible, I want the characters we're redoing (minus the boss characters) to have around the same stat total, which is around 50-60.
you can go lower is you feel it matches the narrative but no going any higher unless they're considered a Boss enemy.
Well i've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 which is essentially dnd in video game form.

Essentially, the combat works like normal, everyones gets one action and one bonus action per turn. casting spells and attacking use up an action slot using an item, certain buff spells etc use up a bonus action. Which a few exceptions like Frenzy and stuff, it limits everyone to a certain damage threshold per turn and makes stuff a bit harder. Friendly fire in Baldur's Gate 3 is also not as forgiving, you cast a spell or throw an item, unless it specifies otherwise, its damaging everyone in its radius. Which is how I assume it is in regular dnd too.

There are also certain rolls we just wont do, like stat checks in normal RP and initative rolls. We'll do saving throws as normal unless it turns out that it's too tough to get those in. All characters will start with considerable health, like i'm starting Skyla with 85 hp and stats wont change for any character so there's no leveling up or anything and no way to permanently increase stats.
Sounds interesting. I might give it a try.

That sounds the same as DnD, except the damage threshold. Rogues and Barbarians are examples of high damage players. If a rogue is hiding, they get sneak attack damage, which is basically adding more dice to roll for the damage and thus higher numbers. They can easily one-shot enemies with high damage from sneak attacks. And of course, Barbarians are your up close, high damage fighters. Rage was built for extremely high damage outputs and taking minimal damage from what's attacking you. Plus, they get access to Reckless, which lets them make their attacks with advantage, but those attacking them also have advantage on them. In Dnd, it's all about the dice and whether or not the dice gods want to fuck you over. You can get extremely high rolls, 50 range at times, if you get good rolls and have a class that can get you there. Radius works like that as well in dnd. An example off the top of my head is fireball, a pretty notorious radius spell because of its high damage and potentially really bad if you're hitting members of your own party. It's a 20-foot sphere radius, and anything within it takes the damage. Although I don't know if Baldur's Gate has saving roles. With spells like fireball, if you're in the radius you make a saving throw. On a failed one, you're taking all the damage, but on a successful save you only take half damage.

Yeah, I'd assume outside of combat would remain normal. Rolls are combat exclusive. And we can always do rolls, like saving, in ooc if we need to.

you can go lower is you feel it matches the narrative but no going any higher unless they're considered a Boss enemy.
I know you said no increasing, but if we're starting lower (might for Mateo for narrative reasons. We had that talk about his slow burn development a while ago) can we progressively increase it up to max as characters hit narrative goals? Like say Mateo would start out lower for now, and after Luminosa arc he'd grow a little and get closer to max than he was before.
Sounds interesting. I might give it a try.

That sounds the same as DnD, except the damage threshold. Rogues and Barbarians are examples of high damage players. If a rogue is hiding, they get sneak attack damage, which is basically adding more dice to roll for the damage and thus higher numbers. They can easily one-shot enemies with high damage from sneak attacks. And of course, Barbarians are your up close, high damage fighters. Rage was built for extremely high damage outputs and taking minimal damage from what's attacking you. Plus, they get access to Reckless, which lets them make their attacks with advantage, but those attacking them also have advantage on them. In Dnd, it's all about the dice and whether or not the dice gods want to fuck you over. You can get extremely high rolls, 50 range at times, if you get good rolls and have a class that can get you there. Radius works like that as well in dnd. An example off the top of my head is fireball, a pretty notorious radius spell because of its high damage and potentially really bad if you're hitting members of your own party. It's a 20-foot sphere radius, and anything within it takes the damage. Although I don't know if Baldur's Gate has saving roles. With spells like fireball, if you're in the radius you make a saving throw. On a failed one, you're taking all the damage, but on a successful save you only take half damage.

Yeah, I'd assume outside of combat would remain normal. Rolls are combat exclusive. And we can always do rolls, like saving, in ooc if we need to.
Baldur's Gate has all the things in DnD. it's all done automatically for the sake of gameplay but the combat in turn based with initiative and stuff. It's also coop lol

We can also do advantage and disadvantage too. we just all have to be very trusthworthy with the throw dice mechanic and not redo the dice to get favorable numbers lol

I know you said no increasing, but if we're starting lower (might for Mateo for narrative reasons. We had that talk about his slow burn development a while ago) can we progressively increase it up to max as characters hit narrative goals? Like say Mateo would start out lower for now, and after Luminosa arc he'd grow a little and get closer to max than he was before.
Aw fuck, forgot about that. Yeah we can do that. Start him off lower then by the end bring him up to the 50-60 range.
Baldur's Gate has all the things in DnD. it's all done automatically for the sake of gameplay but the combat in turn based with initiative and stuff. It's also coop lol

We can also do advantage and disadvantage too. we just all have to be very trusthworthy with the throw dice mechanic and not redo the dice to get favorable numbers lol
Damn that sounds great for me who's lonely as hell lol I can never find a group. Went to my local library like a year ago cause they were doing sessions and it was like a session a month with like elementary schoolers and grown ass adults, no in between. I mean, no shade to them, but I'd rather play with people I know and I'm more comfortable with and are in my age range, especially since social anxiety is the name of my struggle lol. And it kind of felt like parents were running a group for their younger kids, who weren't roleplaying at all. Just wasn't my thing, so I've been waiting for like forever. I mean, I'd still love to actually play, but Baldur's Gate seems like it could be my fix until I do find a solid group XD

We can also just show the two rolls in the box. Advantage is just taking the higher roll and then adding your usual modifiers, opposite if we're talking disadvantage, so we don't even have to be trustworthy. We can just show the two rolls, and we'll all know, unless I'm misunderstanding the mechanic. I've literally never used it on my whole time on this site, so I have no clue.

Aw fuck, forgot about that. Yeah we can do that. Start him off lower then by the end bring him up to the 50-60 range.
Cool thanks!
Damn that sounds great for me who's lonely as hell lol I can never find a group. Went to my local library like a year ago cause they were doing sessions and it was like a session a month with like elementary schoolers and grown ass adults, no in between. I mean, no shade to them, but I'd rather play with people I know and I'm more comfortable with and are in my age range, especially since social anxiety is the name of my struggle lol. And it kind of felt like parents were running a group for their younger kids, who weren't roleplaying at all. Just wasn't my thing, so I've been waiting for like forever. I mean, I'd still love to actually play, but Baldur's Gate seems like it could be my fix until I do find a solid group XD

We can also just show the two rolls in the box. Advantage is just taking the higher roll and then adding your usual modifiers, opposite if we're talking disadvantage, so we don't even have to be trustworthy. We can just show the two rolls, and we'll all know, unless I'm misunderstanding the mechanic. I've literally never used it on my whole time on this site, so I have no clue.

Cool thanks!
well, I mean you have to edit your post first, so you theoretically, you can cancel the edit, re-edit and reroll dice to get better rolls. You can't remove dice in a single edit, you can only roll again.

ANd yeah, if you did end up playing, I'm on pc so I could totally play with you lol
edited the first post in the lore section that explains, in my own mind, what the stats do. Give it a look.
also gave my best explanation for determining your health pool lol
edited it a few more times. Realized I left out some major info in the Constitution explanation lol

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