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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - In Character

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

In a couple of seconds, things took a turn for the worse.

Kumii and the smallest feral had an exchange of attacks, with Kumii missing his and the demon landed a slash at him. Then, it seemed to Domori that Kumii got pissed, leading him to charge at the feral with tremendous force. However, being the new evade master, I ducked right under him and Kumii slammed into the pillar that had been getting damaged all battle.

And now, the effect of their slip ups finally caught up to them.

With a loud crackle, the ceiling came down on them. Domori quickly darted as far away as possible and got out of its range, and so did the third feral. However, Kumii and the first feral weren't so lucky. Dying instantly, the first feral was crushed by a large piece of debris, leaving a red splat on the ground. Kumii wasn't as unfortunate, but still got hurt, being hit with a stone slab.

Domori ran over to Kumii and pulled him away from the rest of the debris falling. "Kumii! You okay?" Domori looked back up at the other feral, who was still wanting to fight. "You take some time to recuperate, alright? I'll deal with her."

Domori nocked another arrow, shooting another burst of light arrows at it.

Health Points: 98/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 4/5 Remaining
Target: Feral #1
Attack Used + Description: Quick Draw (Failed)

Heath regretted his decision in an instant.

The Death Knight pulled something he had never seen before. He slashed the air with his scythe, and from it came a wide arc of dark fire magic. It shot at him at insane speeds -- so fast he wasn't able to react, and it slammed into his chest, dissipating the moment it hit him.

Heath stood there for a moment, looking unphased. He smirked at the Death Knight. "That's all?"

Heath held a poker face as he stared at his foe, but inside, he was hurting. Badly. There was a burning sensation surging throughout his body, and he felt...weak. The strength and reinvigoration he had just gained from activating Kuzureru was still there, but it didn't feel like it was in full effect. But the king dismissed it, deciding to not let it affect him.

With that, Heath dashed forward toward the Death Knight and threw a kick low, trying to begin a combo

Health Points: 203/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+1 to hit rolls), Feeble, and 1d4 Fire Damage per turn
Slots: 4/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Scared and Desperate
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

Kuragiri desperately pulled at his restraints, feeling the sharp pain in his wrists and the bitter taste of defeat in his mouth. He longed to break free from these chains and escape Heath's control, but it seemed like an impossible task. Fear clawed at his heart, constantly reminding him of the consequences if he failed. Yet, a small part of him couldn't help but wonder if this was where he truly belonged. Heโ€™d done terrible things. Things that made him no different than his oppressors. Why me? he thought. Why do I always have to be the one needing to be saved? Why can't I just-

"NO." Kuragiri snarled, shaking his head and panting. "I...I gotta get outta here." He took in a deep breath, trying to be composed. "Come on...come on!"

Kuragiri's muscles bulged as he spread his hands wide, summoning every iota of power within him. A tiny spark emerged, flickering weakly before growing into a blazing flame that consumed his palm and danced with ferocious energy. The intensity in Kuragiri's eyes matched the fiery glow on his face as he reveled in the raw power at his command. But just as he began to revel in his triumph, a wave of exhaustion swept over him and the flame dwindled, disappearing into nothingness.


Kuragiri pushed and pushed, trying to keep the flame alive, but inevitably, he failed, and it diminished once more.

Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 3

    The Death Knight leaned to and fro dodging Heath's flurry, "Get away from me."

    The Death Knight got a little annoyed when Heath got up close with him as he wasn't able to retaliate and when he did, the Death Misjudged the distance as he created a gap and his scythe swung harmlessly inches from Heath's face.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Scythe Slash (Missed)
    Target: Heath

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Domori's eyes widened as the watched the remaining feral take on a new tactic. It leapt into the air and from its mouth spewed a strong blast of flames. The flames went around in a wide arc, and Domori had to roll forwards under it to avoid it.

Then, he nocked an arrow and aimed it toward the demon. This shot was different from the others. Domori held onto the drawstring for a split second longer than usual, quickly charging the arrow with Sound magic at a high frequency.

Then, he let it fly, and it zipped through the air at immense speeds with a whistling noise.

Health Points: 98/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: Feral #3
Attack Used + Description: Slicing Arrowheads (Landed for 5 damage and inflicts Bleeding)

Heath just barely dodged a slash from the Death Knight, seeing the blade right before his eyes. He ducked to the side right afterward then threw an uppercut to the left side of the Death Knight's face.

Health Points: 200/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble, and 1d4 Fire Damage per turn
Slots: 4/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Scared and Desperate
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"How long has it been...?"
Kuragiri thought, panting from his struggle. "What day is it...what month? And what the fuck is happening up there!" Kuragiri clenched his jaw and screamed in frustration as he yanked at the unbreakable chains that bound him. The sound of them holding strong only fueled his anger even more. He pulled with all his might, feeling the skin on his wrists tear and bleed, but he refused to stop. The pain and blood were nothing compared to the burning desire to break free.

Minutes dragged by as the cellar echoed with Kuragiri's grunts of rage and the clanking of chains, until finally, defeated and exhausted, he collapsed to the ground with one final cry of fury.

"Fucking great." Kuragiri couldn't believe his misfortune. He wanted to laugh it off, but the weight of reality settled in and he couldn't help but let out a mixture of hysterical laughter and quiet sobs. Eventually, the sobs outweighed his amusement.

Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 4

    The Death Knight laned out of the way but just like Heath, the Death Knight couldn't seem to get in the zone as he missed his attack as well. He was starting to get a little annoyed with himself. The greatest avatar of Death is having trouble fighting a mortal. Pathetic.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Scythe Slash (Missed)
    Target: Heath

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

"There you go!" Domori called out as Kumii finally landed a hit on the feral, a devastating one at that. "Now let's finish this thing off."

Domori's fingers relaxed on the bowstring and he released a steady exhale, releasing a swirling green energy from his lips. As he opened his eyes, they burned with determination as he focused his gaze on the feral creature in front of him.

And finally, he took in one final deep breath, and raised his voice, saying, "Allow me to put you out of your misery."

As his words reverberated through the air, a potent and deafening wave of sound energy surged towards the demon with an unstoppable force. The sheer power of the impact caused the demon to writhe, contort, and eventually collapse into a mangled heap on the ground, reduced to nothing but a mass of flesh and bones. The intense pressure of the sound seemed to compress everything in its path, leaving behind a scene of destruction and triumph.

After, Domori fell to his knees and coughed violently, blood spewing from his mouth and onto the floor. The use of that ability did damage to his throat. Not much, but enough to cause him pain.

[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword will carry on with Domori to his next battle or rest]
Health Points: 95/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: Feral #3 (Now deceased)
Attack Used + Description: Thy Tongue Is Sharper Than Thy Blade (Landed for 33 damage)

Heath dodged another attack from the Death Knight and then threw his own, yet failed to hit the man.

Health Points: 197/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble, and 1d4 Fire Damage per turn
Slots: 4/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Scared and Desperate
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

Kuragiri looked up quickly as he heard a voice. At first, he couldn't find its source. Until he spotted the elf eared man in the corner, making him flinch.

"What the fuck!?" His chains rattled as he jerked back.

Then, the man...offered him cheese? Kuragiri stared at the man for a second. He was about to say something rude, but then the guy vanished from his sight, reappearing outside of his cell with a single piece of cheese in his hand.

"Wha...?" Kuragiri's face contorted in confusion. "Who the hell are you? And...you think you're fucking funny, huh?" Kuragiri tugged at his chains that were keep him stuck to the wall. "I can't fucking walk all the way over there, you pri-"

Kuragiri stopped as his stomach growled.

He really was hungry. But who was this random man offering him cheese?
Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 5

    The Death Knight laned out of the way but just like Heath, the Death Knight couldn't seem to get in the zone as he missed his attack as well. He was starting to get a little annoyed with himself. The greatest avatar of Death is having trouble fighting a mortal. Pathetic.
    (it's gonna be the same few sentences till someone gets a hit cause I aint gonna bother making a way to say an attack missed every time we post.)

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Scythe Slash (Missed)
    Target: Heath

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Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Domori stood back up slowly as Kumii checked on him.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine." he wheezed, regaining his composure. Taking in a deep breath, he continued, "Now...let's work on getting your sister back."

He looked over to where Heath and Death Knight were at. It seemed that the woman from before was gone, and now it was just the two powerhouses duking it out. However, neither seemed to be landing any attacks.

"Heath is dealing with the knight man right now..." Domori began. "We have to defeat him, right? I mean...in order to get you sister back? So come on!"

[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword will carry on with Domori to his next battle or rest]
Health Points: 95/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: N/A

Heath evaded yet another strike from the Death Knight, then drew in close. As he had done with Julianna before, Heath shot his leg downward and swept the Death Knight off of his feet, then used an axe kick to slam him into the ground.

Health Points: 197/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble
Slots: 4/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Heel Slam (Landed for 8 damage)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Hysteric
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"Wh..." Kuragiri stammered. "What the hell are you talking about? A part of my mind...all the things I wish for? What kind of shit is this? You must be-"

Kuragiri halted his words once more. Gears spun in his head as he came to a conclusion.

"Oh...OH!" Kuragiri exclaimed. Then, he began to laugh. "Oh shit, I'm actually going insane in here. I'm seeing things now, what the fuck?" Kuragiri's laughter continued, with his eyes watering from amusement. Then he suddenly stopped laughing. Staring deeply at the man before him he said, "Wait...why the hell did I think of some creepy old guy?"

Kuragiri burst out cackling again once more, his abs flexing as tears streamed down his face. "Shit, I'm done for!"
Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 6

    The Death Knight stumbled back but wasn't knocked down thanks to his passive Iron Wall, however he still felt the attacks, "Damn." He tried to counter but entirely, possibly he panicked a bit with his counter. Regardless, he regained himself, "After back and forth exchange, once of us was bound to mess up. I'm surprised it was me."

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Scythe Slash (Missed)
    Target: Heath

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

"Wait, you-" Domori began to say to Kumii as he left, but it was too late, so he just said, "Rest yourself!"

Then, to Domori's surprise, Mei stepped out of the portal, taking Kumii's place. He smiled as he saw her and said, "Mei! Welcome back."

Domori took a second to assess his injuries. He touched his wounds gently. The gash on his forehead, the slash on his back, and the cut on his shoulder. He winced in pain a bit, but shook it off.

"Kumii and I got into a bit of a scuffle with some demons." he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "But forget about me. I just...are you okay? You, uh...weren't really yourself earlier, Mei."

[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword will carry on with Domori to his next battle or rest]
Health Points: 95/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: N/A

Heath ignored the knights words, focused on the battle and determined to defend his kingdom. He positioned himself at the Death Knight's left side, pivoting on his heels to get there. Heath then used earth magic to wrap his arms into a sharp cone. After, he began to send a flurry of slices the knight's way, leaving slashes in his armor. And ending the combo, he thrusted into his side, piercing his armor a bit and hopefully reaching his skin.

Health Points: 197/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Kuzureru | Dismember (Landed for 6 damage)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Hysteric
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

Kuragiri's laughter ceased as he fell to the ground, suddenly free from his restraints. "Wha-"

He looked up at the old man once more, feeling a strong discomfort seeing his unsettling smile. The man had opened the door to the cellar and removed his chains in an instant. But...how?

"H-How did you..." Kuragiri began to sputter out, but he could barely find the words to say.
Code by Serobliss
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  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 7

    The Death Knight had trouble dodging Heath's attack and his final thrust did manage to dent his armor where struck, however he took that to momentum and used it to disengage some. As he disengaged, he formed a Dark Spear in his free hand and threw it at Heath's feet. The spear struck the ground and lingered for a few seconds as lightning struck wildly around the spear before both the lightning and spear vanished.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Dark Spear (Ground) (Hit. 9 necrotic and piercing damage. Lightning strikes missed)
    Target: Heath

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

The archer read Mei's lips.

Domori then let out a weak cough and smiled. "I'll be alright...as a Royal Guard, I'm supposed to be able to take this kind of stuff. As long as you're okay-"

Cutting Domori off was a demon whizzing past his head and then crashing to the ground. Looking up, he saw Firebrand, their largest foot soldier, taking on a group of them. "Right...no time for chatting."

Domori laughed hoarsely for a moment and then stood up slowly, wincing a bit as he did so. He looked around at the chaos ensuing around him. Dead bodies littered the ground, the scent of death clogged the air, and the sounds of clashing weapons and blasts just barely got through his earplugs. He shook his head.

"I can't wait for this all to be over..." he muttered, nocking another arrow before turning back to Mei. "We must deal with the knight. Heath's trading blows with him right now, and, I have confidence in him. But...I've never met someone as strong as Heath until now, and that's Kumii. And if someone as powerful as Kumii considers the knight is a serious threat, then I will too."

Domori glanced over at the two powerhouses fighting.

"We should go over there and help." he pondered for a moment. "Well, Kumii said he'd be back. So...do you think we should wait for him first?"

[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword will carry on with Domori to his next battle or rest]
Health Points: 95/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: N/A

Heath raised his arms to protect his face as he deflected the lightning strikes coming his way. The initial shockwave from the spear hitting the ground shook the king a bit, but didn't damage him much. Once the spear and lightning dissipated, Heath charged forward once more and sent a roundhouse kick the Knight's way.

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Hysteric
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"No!" Kuragiri shouted at Dervenin. Then, he lowered his voice. "No, no. D-Don't shackle me back up. Please. Okay? I...you said...stir up some chaos? Wh...what? Listen to what's going on above us. It sounds like it's too late for that now."

Domori stood up quickly, dusting off his pants. He rubbed his wrists gently, wincing from the immense pain in them.

"Shit. And, uh, I couldn't stir up chaos if I wanted to. My magic...it isn't working."
Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 7

    The Death Knight ducked out of the way and placed his armored gauntlet on Heath's face. A dark magic flowed from it and began to flay Heath's soul. On top of the damage, it also would inflict Heath with paralysis and Mind Wipe. The Death Knight pulled his hand away and took a step back.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Soul Flay (Hit. 4 necrotic damage. Heath is inflicted with Paralysis and Mind Wipe (Halved intelligence) as well as having Disadvantage on magic attacks for 4 turns.)
    Target: Heath

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Domori nodded at Mei, then shakily brought the nock of his bow to his cheek, aiming at the Death Knight.

"I'm already a little roughed up..." Domori breathed out, preparing to fire. "I'll stay back here and try to deal damage from a distance. You get in close and I'll cover you, alright?"

Domori's eyes widened as he saw Heath stumble a bit.


Then, he released a flurry of light arrows, sending them the Death Knight's way.

[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword will carry on with Domori to his next battle or rest]
Health Points: 91/118
Statuses: Demon King's Presence (Advantage!)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: N/A

As the Death Knight placed his ice-cold gauntlet upon Heath's head, a sudden wave of fatigue swept over him. He felt as if his very soul was being drained and damaged by the touch. It was like a numbing chill seeping into his bones. And to add to his torment, he found that he could no longer move his limbs, as if they were held in place by an invisible force. With all his might, Heath struggled to break free, but it was futile against the Death Knight's dark magic. Each second felt like an eternity as he lay there, helpless and at the mercy of his enemy's twisted intentions.

Heath's eyes widened as he looked up at the Death Knight, his mind being assaulted with confusion.

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Shocked
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

Domori stared at Dervenin for a moment, his face twisted in confusion.

"The fuck?" he said. Then, he placed his hand on his head and chuckled in disbelief. "I-I have to be going insane. This is a dream or something. This is all too stupid to be real life."

Kuragiri pinched himself, and when he felt pain, he looked back up at Dervenin in shock.

"Y...You're actually real? This stupid shit is actually real?"
Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 8

    The Death Knight looked up just in time to see Domori's arrows flying at him, he leaned to the side and watched as they harmlessly flew by. After that, Mei charged in with her claws and managed to catch Lutherd off guard but he still reacted rather quickly and grabbed Mei's wrist and began to use the same magic on her as he did on Heath.

    Mei screamed in pain as she felt her very soul get beaten and flayed. After the Death Knight had let go, she fell to the ground in the same state as Heath. Paralyzed.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    None at the moment
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Soul Flay (Hit. 12 necrotic damage. Mei is inflicted with Paralysis and Mind Wipe (Halved intelligence) as well as having Disadvantage on magic attacks for 4 turns.)
    Target: Mei
    Mei's Statuses
    HP 110/122
    AC: 13

    Mind Wipe (4 turns left)
    Disadvantage on Magic attacks (4 turns left)
    Mei's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Claw Charge (Hit. 4 slashing damage.)
    Target: Death Knight

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Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Domori watched as both Heath and Mei were neutralized. In mere seconds, he was the only one standing. "Mei!" he yelled out at the sound of her screams. He gritted his teeth and stood upright, feeling a chill go down his spine at the Death Knight's gaze fell upon him.

"Shit!" Domori cursed as he moved in toward the Death Knight, deciding that long range was useless with his two up-and-close fighters immobilized.

As Domori charged at the knight, wispy trails of green magic began to emit from his mouth as he exhaled, just like when he killed the demon. He took in a deep breath as he found himself just a 12 feet from the knight.


Upon speaking, a lightning fast beam of sound magic blasted forward from Domori's mouth. It blitzed toward the Death Knight, a shockwave trailing behind it as it collided with his chest.

Domori coughed violently once the beam was sent out, feeling more pain in his throat.

[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword lasts for 3 more turns.]
Health Points: 88/118
Statuses: None
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword (Landed for 16 damage)

A primal roar ripped from Heath's throat as he fought against the invisible shackles that held him in place. His jaw clenched with determination as he strained every muscle in his body, desperate to break free of the paralysis consuming him. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he focused every ounce of willpower, pushing past the fear and pain coursing through him. Finally, a flicker of movement in his leg gave him hope, and with a burst of energy, he willed himself to stand up. Grunting and gritting his teeth, Heath rose to his feet, fueled by sheer determination and frustration at being held captive by his own body.

"Ima kitanai itazura o shite iru nodesu ka?" Heath murmured to himself. [Translation: Playing dirty tricks now?]

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble, Paralysis, Mind wipe
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: N/A

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Shocked
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

Kuragiri shook his head in disbelief.

"Alright then...if you're real, then come on!" he exclaimed. "Get me outta here! I'll...do whatever stupid chaos you want, as long as you get me out of this cellar. If you don't I'm gonna die!"
Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 9

    The Death Knight slid back as the sound wave collided with his chest, briefly knocking the wind out of him. However, he managed to recover rather quickly and retaliated by throwing a Dark Spear at Domori.

    Meanwhile, Mei shook off the paralysis, same as Heath and got up. She held her head momentarily as she still felt the chill of her soul being ripped apart by his attack, "Damn..." she muttered to herself.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    Overwhelming Presence (+2 damage)
    Iron Wall (Immune to knock backs/downs.)
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Dark Spear (Throw) (Hit. 7 necrotic damage.)
    Target: Domori
    Mei's Statuses
    HP 110/122
    AC: 13

    Mind Wipe (3 turns left)
    Disadvantage on Magic attacks (3 turns left)
    Mei's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: N/A
    Target: Death Knight

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Domori narrowly dodged the spear from the Death Knight, but it sliced along his arm, causing him to cry out in pain as he clutched it. He panted heavily as blood came from it, sending a sharp pain throughout his arm.

"Agh!" Domori cried out in pain. But he knew that right now, he could not afford to halt his attacks. So, Domori slowly and painfully lifted his bow and brought the nock to his cheek. However, just as he was about to release it, another stabbing pain shot through his arm, causing him to drop his bow and clutch it again. Moving his arm only increased damaged it even more, bloodying his kimono even more. He dropped to his knees, groaning in pain.


[Thy Tongue Is Sharper than Thy Sword lasts for 2 more turns.]
Health Points: 78/118
Statuses: None
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: Quick Draw (Failed)

Once Heath got all of his feeling back, he charged at the Death Knight, throwing a right hook.

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble, Paralysis, Mind wipe
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Shocked
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

Kuragiri groaned in frustration. "No, no, no." he scowled. "This is not the time for games! Just get me out of here!"
Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 10

    The Death Knight dodged to the side of Heath's haymaker then deflected Mei's attack away from himself and formed a dark spear in his free hand. Instead of throwing it at Mei or Heath, he threw it at Domori. When the spear struck the ground, it spawned bolts of lightning that struck the area around it.

    Mei shook off the feeling and charged in for an attack but was ultimately deflected away by Lutherd. She came to a stop just a few feet away from the Death Knight as she watched him throw his dark spear at Domori, "Domori! Look out!" She cried out.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    Overwhelming Presence (+2 damage)
    Iron Wall (Immune to knock backs/downs.)
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Dark Spear (Ground) (Critical Hit. 18 necrotic damage. 2 Lightning damage. 20 damage total.)
    Target: Domori
    Mei's Statuses
    HP 110/122
    AC: 13

    Mind Wipe (2 turns left)
    Disadvantage on Magic attacks (2 turns left)
    Mei's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: N/A
    Target: Death Knight

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

As Domori struggled to regain his balance after his earlier missteps, a spear flew through the air towards him. It landed on the ground just inches away, sending a jolt of piercing pain throughout his entire body. But that was only the beginning. The spear's tip began to emit an otherworldly energy, causing bolts of bright blue lightning to shoot out in all directions. Domori screamed as the electric shocks coursed through every inch of his body, leaving him trembling and falling to his knees. The bolts seemed unending, but finally they dissipated along with the spear.

Domori remained on the ground, paralyzed with shock and fear.

[Domori is now under 60 health points, thus, he is temporarily out of commision!]

Health Points: 58/118
Statuses: None
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: N/A

Reacting immediately, Heath dashed toward Domori and moved him out of battling range. Then, positioned himself between the archer and the knight.

With genuine concern in his voice, the king murmured. "Domori. Are you alright?"

When he didn't get a response, Heath turned his head back to the Death Knight and narrowed his eyes. Then, he looked over at Mei.

"Mei...I may not be your king, but please follow my commands here. We severely lack coordination. Plain rushing in and hoping to land an attack serves to be ineffective, and I'm ashamed for doing myself in the first place. Hope will not bring us victory here. We need strategy. And from I've heard from Kumii, you're exceptional when it comes to that kind of things."

Heath gave Mei a nod.

"If I can just find an opening...Mei, once I get an attack off, take flight as you did before, do you understand?"

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls), Feeble, Paralysis, Mind wipe
Slots: 3/5 Remaining
Target: N/A
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Shocked
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"Holy shit, this is somehow worse than being in that cellar..." Kuragiri placed a hand to his temple in frustration. "Fine! The right path. I'm not using this little cane of yours."

Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 11

    Mei covered her mouth as the attack put Domori out of commission. She turned to the Death Knight, "I won't let you kill anyone else I care about!" She yelled at him.

    She looked back at Heath who said they'd need to coordinate their attacks, reluctantly she agreed, "I feel gross taking orders from someone who isn't Kumii but seeing as he isn't here right now... i'll listen to you for now." She attempted to knock the Death Knight back but... well the Knight was remarkably sturdy. The Death Knight tried to go for his own attack but Mei was quick enough to evade it.

    She took up a position about 3 feet away from Heath, "Sorry, I had to see if it would work."

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    Overwhelming Presence (+2 damage)
    Iron Wall (Immune to knock backs/downs.)
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Scythe Slash (Miss)
    Target: Mei
    Mei's Statuses
    HP 110/122
    AC: 13

    Mind Wipe (1 turn left)
    Disadvantage on Magic attacks (1 turn left)
    Mei's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Demon Drill (Miss)
    Spell Slots 4/5
    Target: Death Knight

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Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Heath sighed in frustration and closed his eyes for a moment. "It's...It's fine. Just follow my lead, understand?"

Without waiting for Mei's response, Heath began to walk toward the Death Knight, keeping his eyes on him for any movements. Then, once he was in his desired range, he got into a taekwondo stance, the Renoji Dachi stance. The king raised his leg up to eye level, and then with devastating force, he brought his foot down onto the ground, creating a small barrier as he smashed it. From his slam, a powerful shockwave shot forward toward the Death Knight, exploding abruptly as it reached him.

But that was not all.

The ground began to shake violently beneath the king's feet, all around the throne room. It was as if an earthquake had begun right under the empire, shifting the tectonic plates.

"Mei! Get into the air, now!"

[The Death Knight, and anyone else grounded (besides Heath), gain the effect Instability, which takes a -3 to their AC for five turns. Turns remaining: 5]

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Tectonic Taekwondo (Landed for 12 damage)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Pissed
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"I don't give a shit about that guy!" Kuragiri cursed, becoming even more frustrated with Dervenin's constant talking. "He cheated his way to success, sure, but what does that have to do with me! That has nothing to do with this!"

"I pick the right path again!"
Kuragiri yelled, but then closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. "Just...just get me the hell out of-"

Before Kuragiri could finish, he stumbled slightly as the floor began to shake violently. Small bits of the stone above began to fall down, and dust kicked up.

"Come on, we need to hurry. I think this place is gonna collapse..."

Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 12

    Mei felt the ground rumble for a moment and immediately took flight as Heath unleashed a rather strong looking attack and looked to do considerable damage as well. The Death Knight was shaken off balance as the ground rumbled below him.

    Mei took this time to boost her damage. At least her fire damage, she set herself alight but the flames didn't seem to affect her though.

    As for the Death Knight, he couldn't seem to regain his balance enough to attack.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    Overwhelming Presence (+2 damage)
    Iron Wall (Immune to knock backs/downs.)
    AC: 11 (reduced from 14 (Tectonic Taekwondo))
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Scythe Slash (Miss)
    Target: Mei
    Mei's Statuses
    HP 110/122
    AC: 13

    Advantage on Rolls (Battle Strategy)
    Desolation (+4 damage to fire attacks. 5 turns left.)
    Flying (Demon Wings, immune to attacks that affect the ground.)
    Mei's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Desolation (+4 fire damage boost)
    Spell Slots 3/5
    Target: Self

Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

With the damage being done and the earthquake in effect, Heath wasted no time charging in at the Death Knight. He rushed toward him and then threw another flurry of kicks.

[The Death Knight, and anyone else grounded (besides Heath), gain the effect Instability, which takes a -3 to their AC for five turns. Turns remaining: 4]

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls)
Slots: 2/5 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Flurry (Failed)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Pissed
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"God of death?" Kuragiri said in defeat, deciding to just indulge in the topic. "Sounds corny. Like a desperate attempt to sound intimidating. And once again, this has nothing to do with me."

Kuragiri froze for a moment as another rumble erupted from above. When it died down, he resumed.

"But..." he sighed. "Tell me more. The least I could do is listen to you, since you're getting me out of here. What does this little story have to do with me?"

Kuragiri stopped in front of the door, then looked to Dervenin. "This it?"

Code by Serobliss
  • The Death Knight vs. HeathLocation: Corridor, Seiryoku Empire
    Interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
    Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
    Current Turn: 13

    Mei's eyes flashed a brief red as her wings grew with flames as she crashed into the ground, causing a pillar of flames to erupt beneath the Death Knight, engulfing him in intense flames. Mei then attempted to fly back to get away but the Death Knight's armored gauntlet reached out from the flames and grabbed her by the neck.

    As the flames died down, the Death Knight glared at Mei as a clear yet sinister magic drained from Mei, however she stood resilient, despite the intense stinging she felt from the Death Knight's grip.

    Lutherd Eversteele, Avatar of Death

    Boss BGM

    Enjoy the Unique Boss BGM for this fight ;p
    Death Knight's Statuses
    Overwhelming Presence (+2 damage)
    Iron Wall (Immune to knockback/down.)
    Intense Flames (Death Knight takes 2d4+4 fire damage next turn.)
    AC: 11 (reduced from 14 (Tectonic Taekwondo))
    Death Knight's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Death Blight (4 void damage total. Mei resisted Dread.)
    Target: Mei
    Mei's Statuses
    HP 106/122
    AC: 13

    Advantage on Rolls (Battle Strategy)
    Desolation (+4 damage to fire attacks. 4 turns left.)
    Flying (Demon Wings, immune to attacks that affect the ground.)
    Mei's Current Target & Attack
    Attack: Flames of Urag-hau (Hit. 27 fire damage dealt. Death Knight inflicted with Intense Flames.)
    Spell Slots 3/5
    Ultimate Spell Slot 0/1
    Target: Death Knight
    Flames of Urag-hau
    Mei's Ultimate Ability.
    Mei harnesses the flames of Urag-hau from within herself to deal 3d12 fire damage and inflict Intense Flames for 1 turn. This attack gains a doubled boost if Desolation is active (+8 damage rather then the normal +4).

    Intense Flames - Target takes 2d4+4 fire damage next turn.

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Mood: Angered and Alert
Heath Mazaki
The Unbreakable King
The Seiryoku Empire

Heath's flurry was dodged and parried by the Death Knight, making his attacks useless. The king grunted and twisted his body toward the Death Knight, prepared to send another strike his way. But instead, he had to leap back away from his foe as a sudden burst of flames engulfed him. Heath could feel the heat against his skin even from afar.

It looked to do some damage to the Death Knight, as he visibly ticked and grunted. But he didn't let himself go out like that, and was able to get a grip on her, holding her by the neck. Magic flicked throughout the air for a moment. At first, Heath thought the Death Knight was about to use an ability on Mei, but nothing happened. She remained unphased as she glared at him with steel resolve. In that moment, the king's respect for him took an uptick.

In an attempt to free her from the knight's grip, Heath bull-rushed toward his foe once again. In a mere second, he was right beside the Death Knight, and so was the arm that was gripping Mei's neck.

The king's muscular leg shot out in a perfectly executed roundhouse kick, connecting with the Death Knight's metal-clad arm. The impact was like a thunderbolt, sending a shockwave through the air. The knight's armor crumpled and buckled under the force of Heath's kick, and the sound of his arm snapping echoed through the throne room.

[The Death Knight, and anyone else grounded (besides Heath), gain the effect Instability, which takes a -3 to their AC for five turns. Turns remaining: 3]

Health Points: 188/228
Status and Effects: Kuzureru (+2 to hit rolls)
Slots: 2/6 Remaining
Target: The Death Knight
Attack Used + Description: Shatter (Landed for 32 damage)

Kumii Kumii

Code by Serobliss

Mood: Pissed
Kuragiri Shiro
The Smothering Flame
The Seiryoku Empire

[15 feet below the battlefieldโ€ฆ]

"What? What the hell are you---shit!"

Kuragiri raised his hand to cover his eyes as a bright light assaulted his eyes when the door was opened. It was so bright it was blinding. Kuragiri quite literally could not see a thing. He reached out, trying to grab something or someone, but to no avail.

But eventually, his sight came back to him. But now he was alone. Kuragiri looked around him, and Dervenin was nowhere to be found. The only trace of him left was his cane, which was still in Kuragiri's hand. The boy stood there for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts in silence. He was confused, but he was free, just as he asked.

A chill went down the bandit's spine as a voice suddenly, rang throughout his head, uttering the words,

"I look forward to seeing how you deal with the upcoming chaos.... Kuragiri..."

Kuragiri froze again. The hairs on the back of his neck stood. His breath caught in his throat. His heart suddenly raced. Kuragiri was in utter shock, and maybe even a tinge of fear. He couldn't think straight, and so, he just said,

"Thanks, Dervenin..."

Kuragiri looked up at the staircase that was on the other side of the door, leading up to yet to another door. He shakily began to walk up the steps, his shoes clacking against the ground in repetition, like a doomsday clock counting down to his demise. In this moment, he could only think about everything Dervenin had said.


"Although... madness... always wins in the end..."


"The chaos is almost palpable! Hahaha!"


"Oh and this has everything to do with you. You just don't know it."


"Let's stir up some chaos, shall we?"

And finally, Kuragiri pushed the door open, bracing himself for the chaos he'd encounter.
Code by Serobliss

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