Left Behind [Inactive]

Erin sighed, rolling around in his sleep. Melinda simply cried, clinging on to Haru's left leg like she was a monkey and it was a branch. She was obviously scared, and she looked up at Haru and weeped.
"Hush. You're alright. Why don't you show how brave you are? Maybe even the monster will run away and fear you." Haru said with a small smille, peering down towards the child. Course, that was worth a shot.
Melinda still cried. "Its not that, I just want Erin still..", she mumbled, clinging on to Haru's leg tighter. "You and him are supposed to scare the monster away..", she said quietly through sobs.
"Well the monster is gone now. Do you see it anywhere?" Haru patted the girl's head and peered around. "Now how's about we get out of here? I'll get everything cleaned up in no time. I've done it numerous times already." She said with a smile, lending the child her hand.
Melinda nodded and became silent in exception of crying. She took her hand and wiped her face, looking around. "D..Do you think Erin is at his bench?", she asked through hiccups. (Might have to go soon)
"Sure thing. It's the one place he's told he he'd be at. I'm sure of it." With that, Haru guided the girl out of the home and shut the door behind her, carefull to check to see if any of the town's folk had seen or heard the commotion.
"Did you hear that? I wonder what happened", a man muttered. "I bet that guy on the bench and that girl had some fun", another said aloud, laughing with two other men. Erin was in the distance, laying on his bench as a kitten. Melinda's eyes widened and pointed towards him. "L..Look!"
Keeping her thoughts to herself, she bawled her free hand into a fist and bit her lower lip. For now, she would play it nice to anyone that said anything about the incident not too long ago. Even if they didn't know of what really happened. Her eyes glimpsed towards the child and she let go of her hand, allowing her to run free if she wished to do so. She saw Erin as well and if she wanted to run over, Haru wasn't going to stop her.

"Go on ahead. Run up and say hi."
Melinda looked scared. She pointed at Erin with wide eyes. He had turned human and his wrists were red, it was obvious he had cut them. "Wh..what?" Melinda said, confused and scared.

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Haru paused for a second and walked over, guiding melinda along with her. As soon as she had gotten to where Erin was, she knelt down and shook him lightly.

"Hey, you. ." she said, tilting her head slightly. The smell of blood fumed through the air. It was either her that smelled it or just her little imagination at this point.
Erin looked over at her, sighing. His wrists were leaking a stream of blood and Melinda squealed. "Your hurt, you can't be hurt, get a.. a band-aid!", Melinda screamed. "Let it bleed", Erin said whilst looking over at Melinda when she looked through her backpack for a band-aid. "No, I won't let it bleed!", she yelled, slapping a tiny band-aid over the cut that covered only three fourths of it. She began to cry and hugged Erin, who looked away towards Haru. "I thought she was living with you?"
Haru stood and crossed her arms, giving a look of disdain.

"It's not my fault if she wants to see you, now is it?" her voice remained soft at this point, just how it's always been from the start. Who knew how long she could keep it that way.

"I find it real nice that she's determined to do so."
"Yeah, shut up and deal with it!", Melinda said angrily, hugging tighter. "Your persistent, you know that?", Erin groaned as Melinda squeezed him. Melinda looked up at Erin, wiping her face. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", she said quietly. "Both", Erin answered with a sigh as he looked up. "You can go now...", he said quietly. Melinda looked at Erin and shook her head no. Erin sighed and shook his head yes, and the two had a shaking head contest. "Why do I even bother..", he muttered, looking up at Haru with a sigh.
A smile crossed Haru's face and she laughed softly to herself.

"You two get along perfectly. It's not all that bad at all." With a tilt of her head, her thoughts seemed to scatter for a moment then she simply returned to reality within time.

"You know, I don't think it's all that safe sleeping on a bench. I find that quite odd nowadays." she mumbled. Now it was just Haru thinking aloud.
Erin raised a brow. "Does that mean you care about me?", he asked awkwardly. His eye's then widened when Melinda squeezed even tighter and he choked for breath. The two really looked like a father and a daughter, it was strangely perfect. Melind began to laugh as Erin weakly tried to push her off. 
(Might g2g soon)
Haru paused for a second and glimpsed off a different direction.

"T-that doesn't mean anything at all." she mumbled, placing a hand behind her head. It was odd, but things will eventually play out. Just maybe.

"So where would I sleep?", Erin asked with a slight blush as Melinda got off of him. He wondered where this was going and when he got an idea he blushed brighter. He was basically a sun now. (G2G for noaw)
She looked at him and let her arms drop for a second.

"Just like every other person sleeps in. An actual bed where in an actual home where strangers can't waltz in and harm you."

This time, she was using a tone that was a little more serious.
"I'll rent an apartment then", he replied with a sigh, getting up. Melinda hung from his neck where she had hugged him. Erin laughed and knelt down to let her gain her footing, and she let go. Erin looked through his wallet, he had more money then what he had when he gave it away to Haru. (Might g2g soon now, I got a lil more time)
The girl nodded and smiled brightly.

"Alright. Now I wouldn't have to worry about your well being anymore. I'm sure Melinda will enjoy being in a clean place rather than a messy one as well." Making sure the child was in a safe enviorment, letting the child stay with Ering was something to really think about.
Melinda smiled and noddled, and Erin walked away. "Stay with her while I go get one", he called back as he left. Melinda then looked up at Haru. "Do you like him?", she asked with a giggle.
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Haru nodded and walked over towards a patch of grass. There, she leaned back against a sturdy tree in the meantime.

"You know, for a child, you really like poking your nose around." she said in a childish tone. All the while, she held a light smile and tilted her head, watching Melinda.
Melinda laughed. "I found something under Erin's bench", she said, holding up a book labeled DIARY. She looked through it with her tongue sticking out and he eyes wide. "I will find evidence that he loves you"
"Melinda, quit poking around his things. That's not very nice, now is it? It's like someone eating your candy without you knowing." Haru was a little more serious, but not quite yet. Still, she watched the girl, waiting to see if she would put it away.

This girl is persistant. . odd
Melinda stopped at the freshest page and nodded. "Just this page.. hmm..", she said slowly, she then began to giggle and pointed at Haru. "It says he likes you!", she yelled out. She threw the book on the bench and fell down on the grass behind the bench, rolling around laughing.

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