Left Behind [Inactive]

Melinda nodded and ran forwards next to Haru, meanwhile Erin looked like he felt dirty, but looked up at Haru embarrassingly. He then looked away and sighed as Melinda ran next to Haru.

Haru looked towards Erin and smiled lightly before sitting upon the soft grass. She gathered some petals and patted the ground beside her.

"Here, I'll show you how to make a crown out of these petals." Again, she looked up towards Erin and motioned him over. "Care to join?"

And with that, she pulled out fair pieces of grass that seemed longer than the rest. Carefully she began weaving a couple petals into the blades of grass she collected. "It's as easy as one, two, and three." The girl said with a smile.
Melinda stared, fascinated by what Haru was doing. Erin shuffled over to the two and sat, blushing as he got closer. "Hold on..", he muttered, he turned into a cat and ran away, waving back. He was obviously just escaping the embarrassment he felt for a little while.
Her eyes glimpsed towards Erin as he bounded off into the distance. Afterwards, she peeked towards Melinda.

"Where's he headed off to?" she asked the girl, weaving the petals into a crown. Hiro padded on over and laid upon the ground beside her before setting his head upon the ground. Strange. . he gets embarrassed quite easily. she thought, smiling to herself.
Melinda shrugged. "I think he's embarrassed because I mentioned you two were going to have sex later or something", the eight year old said, sounding much older then she was. She then just shrugged. "It's gross, but I just wanted to embarrass him.", she said with a giggle.
Haru flinched and blushed a bright pink at the word she heard and looked at the little girl, putting down the crown she had just finished.

"W-where are you learning these words??" She asked, looking at the girl with disdain at this point. Yes, she understood as to why Erin seem bothered, but not that she knew the words he was avoiding, it bothered her in a way she couldn't understand.
"My daddy used to say them when he invited ladies over to our house", she said with a grim look. "He said he was just helping them exercise and they weren't my new mommies, but mommy got in a fight and..", Melinda began to cry and threw herself into Haru. 
It was odd how fast she was able to feel the girl's pain and the moment she threw herself into her arms, she hugged her dearly.

"Hush, hush. Everything will be perfectly fine, I can assure you that. I'll pay your daddy a little visit and see to it that he won't ever cause you trouble again." she said, rubbing the girl's back lightly. "How's about that?" Haru was always one to follow up on her word and for a young girl like this, there was no way she was going to let someone lower in life ruin it for the poor child.

(Alright haha)
Melinda began to cry. "N..No! I don't wanna see daddy!", she yelled out, pushing against Haru. "I don't want t-". Erin then walked to the two from where he had left. "Haru can watch you and I'll go talk to your father", Erin suggested.
Haru peered up towards Erin, who had returned from his departure. She held a worried look upon her expression.

"Are you sure? What if you end up getting hurt?" That was the one thing she worried about for the time being. If anything, seeing someone who was considered her friend get wounded would be the last thing she wanted to happen.
"I won't", he said with a smile. He then knelt down and looked at Melinda. "Where's your daddy?", he asked. She pointed down the road. "Ou..Our house is at the end of the road..", she said with a sniffle. Erin nodded and began walking, he reached the house and knocked on the door. He was obviously not intent on keeping the conversation too civil.
Of course Haru was one to worry, but she knew that worrying too much would most definately make her lose side to who she really was. There was no need to worry for Erin, right? As far as she's seen, he was capable of putting a guy onto the ground with one punch. She dragged herself back to reality and glimpsed at the girl.

"Are you going to be alright? I'm sure things will straighten out as soon as possible." Haru said with a bright smile.
"Mhm.. I'm going to be al-", she started, then she screamed and pointed towards a flaming Erin beating down some older man, who threw punches back too, which Erin would simply dodge. Erin then seemed to punch the man in the neck and he threw him out on the street. His yells were loud enough to wake up anyone on the street.

"How could you do that!? You know what? You don't deserve her! SHE'S MY DAUGHTER NOW!", he screamed as he kicked at the laying man. Everyone gathered outside and watched as a seemingly flaming man was beating a helpless man in the middle of the road.
For a second, Haru simiply gazed off the direction melinda pointed off towards. Rather than letting this go on any further, something pulled on her, as if it had brought her great discomfort. She usually wasn't bothered by a brutal act like this. It was as if she was reminded of something thought to be long forgotten.

"Erin!" she shouted, standing up. The beautifull blossom trees that painted the area began to turn to a rather darker shade of pink. One by one, the petals fell and the color of dread began to come into existance.

"S-stop! Please stop!" Haru knew that after an incident like this passed through, there was a good chance that she wouldn't be able to see the boy again. At last, she ran towards where the fight took place, holding the child's hand and refused to go any further from the clearing's borderline in fear that she, too, would cause an uprising. Still, she urged her friend to stop, doing her best to keep a certain memory far beyond her own reach.
Erin looked over at Haru and stopped, the flames died. It was obvious the very sight of her made him calm, happy. He began to limp towards her, his fists clenched. "I'm sorry.. d.. don't talk to me..", he said, limping past. "I'm a monster aren't I? You wouldn't want to talk to me anyway.. No one do-" "I want to talk to you", Melinda said, sniffling. "Don't go, your all we have", she begged. Erin looked back and began to cry with Melinda. Melinda leaped into his arms and they hugged, Melinda looked over at Haru with a look that said, 'Your the missing piece...'
She hesitated for a moment, peering back towards the crowd that seemed to be splitting up and an incredibly slow rate. After doing so, her gaze dropped towards the ground.

"Listen . . n-not every soul is pure. . everyone's is always tainted in the slightest way. ." She smiled dimly and attempted to lift her gaze from the ground but without much success. As much as she wanted to hug the two of them, it was as if her body wouldn't move out of place. Haru was now caught in the grasp of paralysis.
"I understand if you just want to leave and forget", Erin said with a sigh. "But you can at least say... goodbye before you do", he said with a smile, a fake one at that. Melinda however just looked back into Erin's shoulder and cried as he spoke. "But I don't want her to go, she'll be just like mommy and daddy!" "I'm sorry but that's just how it works sometimes.."
"I. . I never said I was going to leave. " Haru said softly. She peered up for a moment yet kept her eyes partially hidded behind her bangs. "I was just. . scared for a minute. ." The atmosphere around them felt heavier than usuall. The girl's heart felt heavy and for what seemed to be years of doing the things she did, her heart felt heavy. "I. . didn't want to lose you. .I don't want to stand alone again. .never again. ." Her voice was fairly shaky and she did her best to hold back the tears that formed within the corners of her eyes.
Erin smiled over at Haru. "I don't want to lose you either", he said, blushing openly. He didn't seem embarrassed or anything. Melinda found her way down Erin and ran over to Haru, grabbing on to her leg. "I love you", she said, hugging it like Erin would as a kitten. He simply stared at Haru's eyes and smiled.
Haru smiled faintly and knelt down, hugging Melinda gently before standing back up. It was as if she could feel eyes watching her. Only then did she speak quietly. ". . I want to get back home. . I've never really felt this odd around town since my relative's departure. . " Her pink eyes glimpsed back up towards Erin and she smiled only a bit more. "Care to join?" With that, she turned and redirected herself around the crowd, onto a path that led around this common road and the herd of people. It was best to avoid these people for now.
Erin nodded, following Haru like a zombie, paying no real attention to anything else. Melinda only held on to his left hand and followed, smiling. These people were way better then her old family. Erin was simply attracted to Haru immensely, and it brought back memories of the friends he used to have.
She called out for her companion, who simply padded across the field and back towards where she was headed. Haru had this special connection with this dog, as if it were her own brother itself. It was either that, or the fact that she's been accompanying this dog for quite some time now. Avoiding the crowd was one thing but having to look at them filled her with dread.

"I'm sure this will all die down in time. I'm sure of it. . after a few things my relative and I have done, it was as if they don't even remember who I previously was." Her eyes glimpsed back towards Erin to make sure he was alright and as soon as she pulled her gaze from him, they neared what she called her home.
Erin nodded and smiled, then broke the trance as he looked up at her house. "Wow, it's pretty", Melinda let out, smiling. The two looked at each other and simply followed Haru. Erin didn't know what to think about Haru unless it was something he wouldn't want to say out loud, and Melinda simply seemed to just enjoy the adventure they were having.
Haru laughed softly and walked up towards the door, unlocking it and letting Hiro inside.

"honestly. . it's not much to look at. . It's been here for years and I didn't think to do anything with it. . sorry if it's still a bit messy. . Hiro get's the best of this home every day." She welcomed Erin and the child inside her 'home' and smiled brightly. "Just try not to break any pictures and everything will surely be fine." Of course, the pictures were hung upon the walls rather than being placed anywhere around the house. She was sure nothing was honestly going to break.
Melinda looked confused. "Mess? Well it's certainly cleaner then my dad's house..", she said, look around with a smile. She then poked Erin's stomach. "Can you talk more?".

Erin sighed and smiled, "If that's what you want. What do you want me to talk about?", he asked. Melinda shrugged, "About something...". Erin looked up in thought and sighed. "What're we going to do with Melinda after this? I mean I can take care of her at my house if you don't want her", Erin said with all seriousness towards Haru. "I'm not letting her stay with her parents after what had happened earlier.."

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