Left Behind [Inactive]

Haru tilted her head and smiled. After what seemed to be hours to her, she peered down towards her bag. Only then did she realize that it was best to get that home before the boys returned with a bit of backup. The girl set down the kitten and smiled dimly.

"Ok, I've got to go now. If you wish to accompany me, I'm sure I'd be more than welcome for you to do so." She picked up her bag, smiled once more, than finally began making her way back home. It was broad daylight at the moment and that was something to really yearn for. Feeling boredome over cloudy days tend to get. . bland and casuall. To her, seeing an actuall sunny day was something to be happy over.
Erin transformed into a human behind her. "I need to think today, but I'll see you later", he said with a smile as he sat normally on his bench. "Hey.. What's your name if you don't mind me asking? I'm Erin"

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Her gaze was taken off of the blue sky and fell upon the boy. She took the time to memorize his name before nodding in understanding.

"Pleasure to meet you. My name is Haru. It's as simple as that." With a smile and a small wave, she was off, making her way back home. "And alright. I'll see you later." It didn't take long for her to reach home, really. She unlocked the door, stepped in, and placed her bag wherever. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth before she sat down upon the floor, leaning her back against a worn down wall. For a home that's been abandoned for a whlie now, it wasn't all too bad.

Haru's pinkish eyes glanced around for a moment. Nothing. She peeked around the corner of the wall and held a small look of worry.

"Hiro?" she called out, sitting up a little. Hiro was a fluffy husky she's become quite attatched to about a year back. Whenever she got home, it was either a really energetic greeting, or nothing at all. Just like right now. Her current goal was to simply find the dog before doing something else.
Erin laid and thought about Haru on his bench as a cat.

She's adorable... Too adorable to ignore...

Erin quickly fell asleep and dreamed of his friends, all coming back. It was the first nice dream he had in a while, his friends were there, he was happy, they were happy. And not only that but Haru was in the dream as well.. and.. she was happy with them. They were all one big happy group.
Pushing herself from her spot, Haru peered around the corner of the wall again and took a glance around.

"Hiro, where are you? Don't play games on me now. ." As soon as she took towards the stairs, she heard a couple heavy steps pad across the floor. At last, the large, fluffy husky skittered down and sat upon a step, peering up towards her for a minute. Haru smiled with joy and ruffled the dog's fur and hugged it gently. "That's a good boy." she said happily. "So how was your day? I know mine was more than just simple joy." The dog barked a couple times and swayed its tail back and forth with excitement. Not only did it feel the girl's joy. It felt how less stressed she was as well.

"You wouldn't believe what miracle I ran into today." She, too, sat down upon a step and gazed up towards the ceiling. With no one else in the house to speak to, she's resorted to making a small conversation with her companion. All the while, she debated with her sub-conscience whether to pay Erin a visit or not.
Erin suddenly awoke and spotted a little girl crying, he ran over on all fours and leaped into her lap, licking her leg. She smiled and started to giggle, wiping away her tears.

"My parents left me here.. but you won't leave like them.. right?", she asked, sniffling.

Erin looked up and smiled at the little girl and shook his head no, then laid on to her lap.
Haru began to daze away into her own little imagination as time passed. She spent most of her time talking to her companion, Hiro, rather than making bracelets. Not much was given away but making more was never a mere mistake. The more the merrier. Part of her was still in reality while most of her was somewhere in her thoughts. Finally, she stood and patted the husky lightly upon its head and began wandering about.

Pictures hung upon the walls, little charms decorated a table, and of course, one room in partiqular remained untouched. Every now and then, she'd pause just at the entrance of it, thinking of why she's never entered. There was a reason why she didn't bother walking inside but she could never put her finger on it. She peered out the window then the room and nodded to herself. Maybe getting out of the house would get her mind off of it. Paying a small visit to Erin as well would probably get her mind set straight afterwards. "Hiro, you comming with? I'm headed out." Haru called out, picking up her sweater.
The little girl smiled. She had been left here by her drunk father after she had hit him when he yelled at her. "What's your name, kitty? My name is Melinda", she said as she petted Erin.

Erin looked up and meowed, rubbing his body against her stomach. "Meeeeow"

"Well I can't understand you so I'll call you Mr.Furry", she said with a smile as she clung unto Erin. He was squeezed tight but he didn't mind, this girl needed something to comfort her anyway.
After slipping on her sweater, she opened up the door and was followed by Hiro at arm's length. As soon as the two had stepped out, she shut the door and let Hiro head on ahead. She placed her hands within her pockets for a minute. "Now. . where did he say he usually stayed. .?" the girl mumbled to herself, watching the dog pad across the cobblestone path. Ah, that. . bench. With that, she started towards where she had last seen him and kept a close eye upon Hiro. The last thing she wanted to happen was a couple of idiots to put her under some stress.

It didn't take long for her to walk upon the road that let towards town. This path was sure to bring her towards Erin, right? Just up ahead, her eyes spotted a girl hugging what seemed to be a small kitten. Haru paused and tilted her head for a moment, glancing at the small girl. She's all alone. . she thought, thinking if she should aid the child rather than walk away like she's always done to people.
Erin turned to look at Haru and smiled, waving with his paw. The girl looked over and stared at Haru. "Wow she's pretty", Melinda whispered out, smiling. "Yeah she is pretty", Erin said, suddenly sitting next to her. The kitten was gone.

"Where'd Mr.Furry go?", the little girl said with a frown. "Well Mr.Furry is right here, and his name is Erin", he said with a smile. Melinda looked confused and then her face brightened. "Magic!?", she said with an open mouth and smile. "Magic? You could call it that.", Erin said with a smile, rubbing Melinda's head in a fatherly kind of way.
Haru smiled and laughed lightly. Hiro padded across the coblestone path and stood beside Haru for a moment. Its own curiosity had gotten the best of it and it tilted its head side to side.

"Now who may this be?" she directed this question towards Erin and awaited an answer. The girl seemed lonesome and that puzzled her for a mintute. Was she left behind as well? Was she headed down the same path she was going through right this minute? It pondered through her thoughts and second by second, she let her mind focus on this one thing. She can't be alone now, can she? Poor child. .
"A girl I found, apparently her parents left her here and didn't come back", Erin said with a sigh, "Her name's Melinda". Erin wiped Melinda's face of tears and smiled. "Don't worry I'll take care of you", he said, trying not to cry himself. "You aren't alone, you don't have to worry".

"S..So your my new parents?", she asked, wiping her eyes.

New parents? As in we are a family? This is awkward..
"U-um. . parents? I d-don't trypically know. ." Haru seemed a bit confused at this point in time and she didn't know exactly what to say. She didn't run into children all too often and if she did, she would've walked away from it. Her eyes looked from Erin to Melinda and still, she didn't have the right answer.

I can't look after a child. . especially at a time like this. .maybe it'll be like looking after Hiro. .?
Melinda began to tear up. "O..Oh", she said, looking downwards. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you", Erin said with a smile, putting his finger on her chin he lifted her face up. "You don't have to be afraid, I take care of everyone I meet if I have to", Erin said, laughing. The girl suddenly smiled and began to laugh with him, pulling him into a hug.
Haru smiled dimly and tilted her head. "You seem to work well with children. I don't really run into them myself." She was interested in the things this boy was cabable of. Not only was she wondering about that, but she was thinking of what powers he was cabable of using. He can shape shift. . and use fire. . is there anything else I should know about? The girl was good at conceiling her own powers and even if she did use it, it wouldn't be obvious at all.
Erin looked up at smiled as he stared at Haru's face. He seemed to enter a trance and sat there awkwardly for awhile, just staring at her. A blush was visible on his face, and then he snapped out of it. "Uhm.. I see...", he said with a smile as he hugged Melinda. She then looked over at him and giggled.

"Do you like her?", she said rather loudly. Erin's eyes widened and his face became as red as a cherry. "W..What!?", he said, laughing awkwardly. "Uhm.. are you hungry?", Erin asked, trying to change the subject. The little girl glared, "Come on, answer my question!", Melinda said with a glare. She started poking his face. "Answer!"

"F..Fine! I like her!", Erin let out, backing up. He looked up at Haru and looked away, clearly embarrassed.
The girl paused and fainty blushed, placing a hand behind her head.

"U-um. ." Haru skittered through her thoughts and finally settled on one thing. "H-how's about we all go on a little walk?" She said, smiling brightly. It took all she had to try to forget about what she just heard, but it was well worth a shot. Failing to do so, she peered down at Hiro, who had seemingly sat beside her, leaning against her leg. Her hands were put back down to her sides and she waited the best she could for a simple yes or no.
Erin just kept looking away and the girl ran over to him and shook his arm. "Yes! We're going for a walk and you two wi-", Erin's eyes widened and he covered her mouth. "Don't cause anymore trouble!", he said rather loudly. The girl nodded and giggled under his hand. Erin got up and grabbed her hand, walking over to Haru, he still looked embarrassed, but his blush wasn't as bright.
Haru giggled and patted Hiro upon the head as to get him to stand up.

"Alright. I know a great place to wander about in. I'm sure you two will come to like it as well." The husky went and took the lead as Haru followed along at a distance. Every now and then, she'd peek back towards Erin and the girl. She was beginning to like the little girl. It wasn't every day she's seen a child who was capable of making someone talk without much effort.

It wasn't long before Haru took sighting of sakura trees not too far ahead. The pink petals brought a delicate smile to her face as she walked the cobblestone path and within each step, it was as if she wanted to pick a few petals of her own. She was fond of a place like this and there was no way she was going to let anything happen to it.

"It's not much, but if you really can see the meaning behind this place. . you'll feel all warm and fuzzy inside." she called out.
Erin nodded as he looked around at the trees. Melinda smiled and giggled as she ran away, grabbing at the petals. "Their so cool!", she said and then she looked back at Erin who was awkwardly quiet. "Come up here, daddy!", she said with a wave.

Did she just call me daddy?

Erin sighed and smiled, walking up to her. "They are cool, aren't they?", he said, laughing as Melinda threw a handful of petals into his face. She then frowned and pointed at Erin with a glare, "Pick me up and let me ride your shoulders!", she said with a commanding tone. "Erm.. okay", Erin replied rather awkwardly as she picked the strange girl up and sat her on his shoulders.

"Wheee! Haha!", Melinda let out, giggling.

Erin was so happy, and any wounds on both of the girls began to heal quickly.
Her head tilted and she watched the two with a little amusement. Now this is something you won't see everyday. She thought, giggling to herself. She felt a bit lighter and it seemed though something had shifted in the atmosphere. Without trying to overthink it, she focused her attantion upon the dog. Hiro padded across the cobblestone path and bounded out into the clearing just ahead. He turned around and barked a couple of times before bounding off yet again.

"Alright, I'm comming!" She called out, running after the dog. There was no way she was going to let her companion out of sight and it could show brightly within her eyes. Haru motioned for Erin and Melinda to follow as she ran on by and with that, she seeked out the husky.
Erin rushed quickly towards Haru, following her as close as possible. He wasn't going to let her disappear like anyone else, not for a second. He laughed and chased her, nearly tripping a few times, all while carrying Melinda, who giggled like she was riding some kind of human rollercoaster of sorts.

"You guys are way better then daddy!"

Erin smiled and began to catch up with Haru as he followed.

Do I actually like her?

Erin then suddenly cared for Haru not as a normal person but as a family member, and his tone was brighter then ever.

"Hey! Don't leave us behind!", Erin yelled out.
Haru peeked back and smiled brightly.

"Who said I was going to leave you two behind?" She called out. After a few more seconds of running about, she came to a stop and glmpsed around the clearing. She simply adored the sakura trees that flourished throughout the area. Her pink eyes glimpsed at the petals before looking back towards Erin. Of course, the moment she looked at him, she couldn't help but laugh lightly to herself.

"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Haru mocked.
Erin smiled and tried to catch up. "I'll try to come faste-", he then blushed as he saw the dirty side of what he said. "O..Okay!", he let out from his red face. Melinda laughed as she realized why he blushed. "Your dirty, you want to do it with h-", she started.

"LALALALALA", Erin yelled out to block out her dirty words.
For a minute, she hesitated to reply noticing the odd conversation she was hearing between the two and a very faint blush came across her expression. The only thing she relied on to hide it was the pink eye coloration she possessed.

"M-Melinda. How's about I show you something?" Haru was attempting to change the subject once more. Maybe it would bring Erin to a lighter atmosphere afterwards.

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