Left Behind [Inactive]

"M-Melinda! That wasn't so nice now was it?" She stood up and crossed her arms, giving a look of disdain. Although she was lightly blushing, she relied on her pink hair to sort of hide it for now.
Melinda rolled around and couldn't help but look up at her whilst laughing. "S..Sorry I was just curious!", she choked through laughs. She then looked back at the diary and back at Haru. "It said your breast size was nice too!"
Rather than arguing with her, she bit her lip and held her toungue.

How is it that this kid knows so much. . ?? I'm beginning to wonder if this child is suppose to be special or something. .

"I'll be over there if you need me. " she said with a frustrated sigh, dropping her hands. At this point, she only wished that this child would calm down. As funny as it was though, everything eventually would be a little to much for her head to handle.
Melinda nodded and rolled around, laughing. Erin was coming back and saw that his diary had moved and his eyes widened. "You touched my diary!?", he yelled, blushing.

"Mhmm!", Melinda said through giggles.
Haru stretched and played with some small petals that fluttered on by. Since it was one of the few things that kept her sane, all there was to do was wait for any other things that would be similar. Erin's voice echoed within the distance and she smiled, shaking her head in disdain. Right now, Melinda wasn't her problem. It was now Erin's. She was sure that Melinda was playing games. Right?
Erin sighed and grabbed Melinda. "I got us an apartment, say bye to Haru", he said with a slight blush as he looked up to Haru. "Bye!", she said, giggling as she waved whilst the two walked towards not too far away apartment buildings.
Haru glimpsed up and smiled, waving back at the child.

"Bye you two. Don't get into any trouble now!" she called on out. For now, she would sit here. The fear of being attacked yet again within her own home ran through her mind. She wasn't going to take any chances.
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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