Left Behind [Inactive]

Melinda was certianly a child that amused her more than the rest. I wouldn't hurt to take care of someone right? Besides, she was sure that it wouldn't be much trouble anyhow.

"It's fine, really? There's no need to worry. I'll take care of her. It'll be like having a new partner on my team." Haru smiled and wandered about, seeing if Hiro was up to any mischief. The last thing she wanted to see was a mess caused by a dog with partial sense.

"Do any of you need anything at all? If so, help yourself to the fridge. I don't typically eat all too much or often anyway." There was a good reason behind this but, of course, Haru was the type to keep things to herself. She didn't want anyone getting a bit curious as of now.
Melinda was already digging into her fridge as she spoke, pulling out an apple. She bit into it as she explored Haru's house. Erin simply smiled and looked around, watching over Melinda wherever she ran off too. Melinda then approached the door that Haru never opened it and rested her hand on the doorknob, "What's in here?"
Haru peered over and the minute the girl touched the door, she fell into some sort of paralysis yet again.

"D-Don't touch that door. . don't go anywhere beyond it, alright? It's. . not safe. ." Her eyes watched the girl's movements and she refused to do anything else until the child was away from the door. If anything at all, she should've gotten rid of whatever lay beyond it years ago.

"You wouldn't understand. . no one does. ." It was clear that Haru was suddenly shaken with fear and she still held onto the little hope she had for the child to simply wander away.
Melinda turned the doorknob and pulled the door back quickly while Haru was speaking, confused as to why she wouldn't want her to open the door to some room. Erin bit his lip, knowing Melinda shouldn't have done that, and walked over to Haru. "What do you mean?", he asked as he peered back towards the door that slowly creaked open.
Her eyes watched the door and her reaction seemed to move quicker than her own thoughts.

"Melinda, don't open that door!" Before she had gotten to the door, the door had burst open in no time at all. What pushed forth from the door was enough to put Haru back onto loose ends. A creature that had developed a sense of bloodlust crept from the door, its large size pushing out an overwheling feel of both feer and hate. The gleaming red eyes pierced the shadows of the room and its low demonic hiss filled the silence. Haru took a few steps back, peering up towards the beast that crept from the door.

". . What I mean is not being able to fight for myself in my past. . before my companions left me to die. . they wanted to make me stronger. . and left me with something I was bound to never forget. . " her voice shook with fear and her steps continued to push back. Haru seemed to be in fear's grasp.
Melinda screamed and ran towards Erin, who guided her to Haru. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!", Melinda screamed as she cried next to Haru, tugging at her leg. Erin simply erupted into flames, clenching the knife he usually kept strapped around his right arm, that seemed to swiftly fly into his hand. He dashed forwards and yelled back, "Run!", as he stabbed at the beast. 
Haru held the child close to her ans shut her eyes tightly. The creature sent out a loud scream that seemed to show not only pain, but aggressiveness. Its gleaming crimson eyes traced the room until it fell upon Haru herself. Its shadowlike body cascaded the room with darkness and filled the atmosphere with fear and hate.

"Haru Ketami. . hell awaits your presence. ." the hell-bound spirit reared back and pulled the knife from where it had harmed it. After doing so, it was followed up with another ear piercing screach.

(Wb xD )
Erin glared and began to throw punches, "Don't stand there! Run!", he yelled. Obviously Erin just wanted them to be safe, even if it meant giving his own life to some monster such as the one in front of him.

"Your my only family! Don't die on me, you guys!"
Try as she must, it was as if she could no longer move. Rather than trying to force things on herself, she let the child go and stood up.

"Come on, Melinda. . I'm sure Erin can hold off that monster long enough for me to . ." The rest was murmurred to herself as she forced herself to keep moving. Haru guided the child into a seperate part of the house, away from any potentiall threat.

"S-stay here. . keep a lookout while I just. . " Haru looked towards the ground then towards her hands. "I just. . won't be myself for a while. . "

She looked at the little girl and gave a comforting smile. "God knows what'll become of me. " Stitting down, she tuned into her own thoughts and the shrill screaches that pierced through the air. Even though it was terrifying to return to her original self, it was worth the time and effort.

Using brute strength and some effort, the creature swung its arm directly towards the boy, attempting to get rid of what it thought was a nuicanse.
Erin was hit and flung into a nearby wall, nearly breaking his spine as he hit it. "GRAAAH!", he yelled out, his flames only grew. "Go away!", he screamed. Melinda simply sat and kept quiet, terrified. "Kill me, and leave them alone!", Erin screamed again, getting up slowly as he limped over to throw another punch, now weak.
The demon's eyes watched in amusement and veered around Erin, seeing what part of his aura here seemed the weakest.

"You fight for something that will sooner or later put you in the ground. ." its voice was low and demonic, echoing through the room that it stood in. A smile played upon its expression while it circled him.

Haru's eyes closed for a while and by the time she had opened them minutes later, the once pinnk eyes burned a fierce amber. She was still sane and that refrained her from harming the child who stood oh so quietly behind her.

"Ok. . let's play a little game. ." Haru pushed herself up from the ground and tapped into her own minipulating powers. Having not used it in years, it was difficult to make what she wanted. It took some time, but within time, she formed a flute using the shadows that cascaded the home. It was delicatly held up near her mouth and carefully, she blew upon the instrument, allowing it to play intricate notes through the split silence.

Before the demon had struck the boy with another deadly blow, it paused and picked up on some sounds. For now, it would distract it long enough for Erin to at least do something.
Erin summoned a knife of flame through pure hatred and stabbed towards the demon's neck, on contact the knife would explode, discharging a massive amount of energy powered by his emotions alone.

"Go back to hell!", he screamed as he was sent back by his own shockwave of force. Melinda fell back on her butt and closed her eyes, terrified of the demon.
The explosion put the flute to a stop and the instrument she held vanished within seconds. Her amber eyes peered back towards the child and carefully, she reached down to pick her up. After doing so, she turned and made her way back towards where the battle had taken place. Walking there was as simple as counting and her pistol came to hand. Of course, she wasn't herself at the moment, but it was only a matter of time before she forced herself back into the helpless body she called herself.

The creature had partially collapsed upon the ground and cleched its open wound. The crimson eyes glared up towards the boy one last time and clenched his jaws tightly. Before lunging out towards the boy, there was a single gunshot that signaled its immediate death. Still, its eyes were glued upon Erin until finally, it vanished within a mist of shadows. Not a word was spoken by Haru and her weapon had vanished long before the creature had been eradicated. She simply stood there and refused to move yet again.
Erin sighed and looked over at Haru in fear. What had happened to her? He didn't understand, but not many understood each other's pasts when it seemed all too complicated.. He felt bad for her, really bad. Did they rip open a closed scar of hers? He didn't want that to happen, and neither did Melinda, but it seems like they had. The two felt bad, for her, and felt shame, for themselves.
The girl glimpsed down towards her hands and bit her bottom lip, not wanting to say anything. It had taken her years to conceil her fondness of bloodshed and at last, its seal had been broken. Haru's eyes did not life from her hands that shook slightly from the burden upon her shoulders.

"Erin. .I-I'm scared. . I don't want to go back to being an enemy. . not now. " Her voice was still soft, yet held a shakey tone."It's not your fault. . It was never intended. . I should've gotten rid of it years before. . I was just too scared to do anything. ." she admitted, leaning back against a wall.
"Don't be scared, I'm here", Erin said, walking up to her and giving her a light hug, then he backed off. "Melinda, are you okay?", he asked. Melinda nodded, shaken up. "Wa..Was that a monster?", she asked, sniffling. "Yes, but monsters won't hurt you if someone is there to protect you.", he replied.
Haru smiled dimly before peering towards Melinda. She realized how scared she must've been and having to see something as low life as a demon, it was understandable that she was scared.

". .It's gone, don't you worry at all. He won't come to harm anyone for quite some time." Her amber eyes flickered, though it didn't completely fade away. For now, it was a minor problem that she could or couldn't get rid of. There was time for her to think and she had the guts to seek her past once more. Maybe then it would allow her to live a life she thought was peacefull.
Erin sat down next to Melinda and comforted her. "Wh..What happened?", she asked, pointing towards Haru. "Y..You changed", she said simply, sobbing as she did. Erin looked over at Haru for an answer as well, whilst wiping Melinda's teary face.
Everything had happened all too quickly for her. One moment the child opened the door and the next, it seemed though her original self was returning to existance.

"Just a little modification, Melinda. I'll be ok. . " she said in response, forcing a bright smile. At least . . I hope. . As far as her looks and personality, it still seemed like the nice person she once was just a few minutes ago. Haru wandered towards the open door and at last, closed it. Just for precautions. Whatever had slithered out of there, she didn't want to see any more of it.

"Everything's going to change. . I can feel it. The atmosphere around us isn't the same as it once was. It feels. . heavier. . denser. . darker." As she said so, the first thing that came to mind was her companion. ". . Hiro. .?" she said softly, veering around and scanning the room. A new goal had now been set into place.
Erin looked down at Melinda and sighed, getting up and turning around.

"D..Don't leave me!", she called out.

Erin stopped and sighed. "It's for your own good..", he blurted out rather aggressively. It was all too much for him, and he had broke. "I'll be back one day, don't worry", he called out behind him as he exited the house and on to the street.

He didn't need these people, all he'd do was ruin their lives.
Haru's sense of hearing was perked and the small words she picked up had her suffering at the brink of sorrow. The child was one thing to worry about and Erin would be another. There was no way she was going to let this child fend for herself, just as she's done for years. She turned around and carefully walked over to Melinda, being sure that she wasn't intnding on harming the child at any point in time.

"You'll be fine, alright? I'll tell you what. . For as long as I'm still sane in this world, I'll always be by your side. You will not reduce to a mere lonesome soul upon these dangerous steets, ok?" Haru's voice remained soft and gentle, just as she would talk to any other child. Peering up, she eyed Ering from a distance and was sure to stop on by whenever she could. "How's about it?" she said lightly towards Melinda.
Erin went over to his bench as a kitten, and went to sleep. He had a long day.

Melinda began to cry. "But..I want Erin!", she yelled, rolling up into a ball. "I don't want just you! I want Erin! You were my new family!", she screamed, a puddle of tears surrounding her as she rolled around on the floor weeping.
She paused for a second then picked up a few words she carefully chose.

"Listen, Melinda. . Not everybody can have what they want all the time. You've got to give this some time, alright? You can just jump to conclusions thinking that we're going to perminately take care of you. . In fact, both me and him aren't your average people. Just wait things out, alright?" She said, tilting her head slightly.
"O..okay" Melinda said, beginning to cry more. "I still miss Erin though" she let out, trying to stop crying. "I don't want him to go but I can't have what I want"

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"Tell you what. As soon as I get things straightened out here, I'll be sure to get you to see him as soon as possible." Haru smiled and stood up, peering around the house. Not only was it a bit of a mess, the feel of the air around her made her a bit uneasy. As for her dog, she had no sight as to where it might've been any longer.

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