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Futuristic Large Scale Sci-Fi Strategy Idea


Did I miss much?

I didn't get notifs for this, sadly.

Page 14?
I'm just waiting right now.... I might post this link to an Rp I'm in just so we can have more people.
Okay. I can make the RP if we want to go ahead and try to get things organized.

Never mind this process of requesting new tabs is ridiculous. Well is someone else willing to do it?
I just wanna get things up so I can start thinking in depth about my kingdom, lol.

I woooooooooooooooould, but I suck at running threads.
I'm afraid I'm rather new at this and don't know how to run or create anything. Maybe when colonel comes back online he would want to take the initiative since it was his idea in the first place. I say for now to start planning out your kingdoms and get some outlines ready.
Full Name:

Shortened Name:


Primary Climate:

Geography Description:

Head of State:

Head of Government:

Form of Government:

  • Legislative Branch:
  • Judicial Branch:
  • Executive Branch:

Economic System:

Tax Rate:


Major Imports (3):

Major Exports (3):

Major Crop:

Primary Industry:

Government's Top Priority:



Military Structure:

Military Manpower (Keep below 3% in Peace and 15% in war):

Major Cities:


This a basic thing... modify it as you see fit.
Goodnight and if someone would just create it then we could actually move forward on this.

I was saying goodnight to Archdemon. I myself am not going to bed for a long while.
Sorry, I was busy with stuff, and I still was using totally and forgot to leave. I'll make an OOC thread to spark interest. But I think we should make our kingdom cards here so that we can have them in the first couple of posts so that people can choose which kingdom to join. Then when we start accumulating a few people to interact with, the rulers can make they're kingdom threads and post a link to them, and we can start.

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That's the problem, free time on weekdays is almost always on my mobile.

I have ticklish fingers so it can become really awkward xD
Kingdom: The Vallar Imperium of

Full Name: The Vallar Imperium

Shortened Name: The Imperium or Vallaria

Capital: Vallencourt City

Culture Your Nation Can Relate Too: The Nords from Skyrim or the Norn from Guild Wars II.

Primary Climate: Temperate

Geography Description: The Imperium sits on the Island in the Southeast of the world. With striking white cliffs that give way to white beaches on the northern shores. The southern shores are still cliffs but they give way to colder rockier beaches. The interior of the island is divided into east and west by the Spine Mountains that run from the northern shore to the southern shore. The Great Desert sat situated by some mountains on in the southeast of the Imperium. The Green Eternal (grasslands) sat in the North of the Imperium. Marshes, Mountains, Plains and Forests could be found all of the Imperium's homeland. In the colonies the climate was much dryer to the point that deserts and savannahs coupled with mountains were all that could be found.

Head of State: Celestial Empress Delphine (II) of Great House Astreides

Head of Government: The Elder Council

Form of Government: Absolute Elective Monarchy

  • Legislative Branch: The Imperial Senate
  • Judicial Branch: The Konaar (Chief Court)
  • Executive Branch: The Imperial Sovereign

Economic System: Socio-Capitalist

Tax Rate: Progressive. Poor Strata = 5%, Middle Strata = 10-15%, Upper Strata = 25-35%.

Population: 62 Million

Major Imports (3): Luxury Goods, Rare Minerals, Machinery

Major Exports (3): Banking, Metals, Medicinal Technology

Major Crop: Wheat

Primary Industry: Trade and Commerce

Government's Top Priority: Defense

Religion(s): The Aetherian Pantheon.

Currency: Krein

Military Structure: Major Focus on Well trained but small land forces, formidable and large navy, weak air force.

Military Manpower (Keep below 3% in Peace and 15% in war): 2%, 1,240,000 Total. 240,000 Active, 1,000,000 in reserve.

Major Cities: Vallencourt (Capital), Sovengarde (Southern Seat), Dovahro Naar (Eastern Seat), Yuvon Strah (Western Seat), and Rath Iliah (Northern Seat).

History: The Vallar Imperium was forged some five hundred years ago when the Crimson Empire collapsed. Vallaria, Vuiliah, Ekrah, Dilhiiv, and Strunmah were the five nations that rose from the ashes of the Crimson Empire. A fragile peace was implemented between the five that allowed them to solidify their holds on their newly formed realms. Over a century passed since the Crimson Empire's fall which became known as The Great Collapse. The peace failed after a mercenary faction was found inside the lands of Ekrah under the employ of Dilhiiv. The two went to war and after twelve years of near constant fighting Ekrah annexed Dilhiiv. This caused a power shift as Ekrah had become more powerful. Under the leadership of Harkon (I) of House Astreides, Vallaria and Vuiliah merged to form the Valliahn Kingdom. Harkon became King of a United Government. Valliahn treated with Strunmah who had remained neutral so far, and together the two attacked and defeated Ekrah in the Great War, that lasted some sixty years. In the end Strunmah too the west of the Island, and Valliahn too the East. The two entered into a time of mutual trust and peace. Prosperity soon followed and the island entered a Golden Age. This state of affairs would last well into the modern times. Not more than a century ago, the two Kingdoms, Strunmah in the West and Valliahn in the East united to form the Vallar Imperium. The capital was moved to the newly constructed Vallencourt City that sat on the shores of the Great Continental Lake that was called Lake Serenity. Once the nations had united the Imperium as it was now called formed the Elder Council. The Sovereign of the Nation sat at its head. The two Consuls of the Imperial Senate, the High Justicar of the Konaar, the Matriarch and Patriarch of the Aetherian Pantheon and the Twelve Guild Masters made up the remainder of the Elder Council. They together decided to claim land on the Eastern Continent and establish the Vallar Colonial State there. The Imperium had lived up to its name and prosperity seemed to reign.
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I'm interested

Kingdom: Imperial ZEON Empire

Full Name: The Grand Imperial, Principality Empire of ZEON

Shortened Name: Zodiac Empire

Capital: Zéros

Culture Your Nation Can Relate Too: Western culture with some imperial german culture

Primary Climate: Temperate

Geography Description: The ZEON Empire is located on the continent that is in the northern hemisphere. The nation has the ocean bordering it`s west. Most of the beaches are sandy beaches in the southern part of the coast. Some parts of the shoreline is covered by mountains. There are a series of rocky mountains that run from the central provinces. The country has many breathtaking valleys and hills. There are tons of forests that are scattered around the nation.

Head of State: Emperor Reiuns (VI)

Head of Government: President Adia Mumbai

Form of Government: Imperial government in which the people can vote the presidents, governors, and several politicians into power.

  • Legislative Branch: The Grand Imperial Senate
  • Judicial Branch: The Imperial Court of ZEON
  • Executive Branch: The Imperial High Command

Economic System: Capitalist

Tax Rate: Poor = 3%, Middle class = 10%, Upper class = 20-30%.

Population: 16 million

Major Imports (3): gold, luxury goods, metals

Major Exports (3): iron,

Major Crop: iron

Primary Industry: Military

Government's Top Priority: security

Religion(s): Buddhism

Currency: Rézus

Military Structure: Slightly larger ground force than the navy and air force.

Military Manpower (Keep below 3% in Peace and 15% in war): 3% 60, 000 in peace time. Can call up 700,000 and conscript a few more during war time.

Major Cities: Zéros (Capital), Éscross (Economic centre of ZEON), Zérogus (Former Capital),

History: The ZEON Empire was created through centuries of wars. The ZEON empire was original called the Grand Kingdom of Zodion, which was made up of several tiny countries consisting of The Empire, The Xena Empire, The Zelavia Empire and the imperial state of Exodon. The Empire had fought two wars with the Xena empire. There have been a total of 4 Great war of the Empires and 4 Unification wars. The Empire, at that time began to rise and become the strongest kingdom in the region. The Head of State at that time, King Ferad Zevaz wanted to expand his territory to ensure security but also to lay the foundations for a united empire that will be strong. The first two Great War of the Empires were between The Empire and The Xena Empire. From then on, The Empire was re-organized into the Grand Empire. After the first unification war, which was an atempt by the Xea province to become independent again, The Grand Empire launched an offensive against the other kingdoms that surrounded the nation. This was the start of the thirst great war of the empires. Centuries later, The Zodion Empire and the Grande Empire of Fretiland, the last remaining kingdom began negotiations for unification. Many people of Fertiland were reluctant and after unification, the last Unification war would start. A century later, the Zodion EMpir ewas renamed the Imperial ZEON empire by Landy Stanns, the youngest President, who completely changed the ZEON political system from a royal to an Imperial government. The small nation stays mostly neutral. The nation does not involve itself in world disputes and only keeping a military capable of defending the territory of ZEON.
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I don't think that you're able to have a large kingdom cause the first five people who are in this Thread are the only ones with major kingdoms.

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