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Futuristic Large Scale Sci-Fi Strategy Idea

Yeah, we could. To break away from the chaos of running a huge planet as well, we could have them be smaller planets that aren't so hard to manage.

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Well each planet doesn't need to be fully colonized like Earth is today. Each planet could be only partially colonized. Like maybe the total area of Western Europe could be colonized on each allowing for expansion and easier control.
I still side with separate land masses on one planet.

A whole planet right off the bat would be too much for me to handle to be honest.
Could be one planet that everyone is trying to colonize, but then we are getting a little less creative and more sid mires
Maybe have it be a post-apocalypse senior with the kingdoms being the survivors of a great epidemic banding together to survivor and conquer?
Forum RP sounds awesome bro

Never done one.

I think a Medieval-type future?

Possibly after a huge war that caused the tension and betrayal?
Or, it could be sort of like warhammer 40k, a futuristic world that feels really medieval with castles and the like.

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I vote for medieval-future because futuristic medieval is best time period. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Let us be creative.
I like the idea of a futuristic medieval Rp. It's less complicated for the futuristic part and is very fun from the medieval aspect.

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