Land of the Gears- Out of Character Chat

I might need to make another character because there aren't many people in the forge for Zia to interact with. I just really love making characters.
So do I. It is just interesting to think about how they will interact with the world. It just depends on how you sculpt them and how others will then shape them.

If I were allowed three characters, I'd have introduced my twins. Those two are so much fun in rps.
Oh, twins? Cap may be open to that idea considering my character has a private body guard.

Though he mostly grunts.
They are so much fun, Justice and Jael (the joke is that "Justice is blind" and Jael means angel. So it's like an angel of Justice). They're my favourite duo I've ever made aaaah!
That sounds pretty neat and allows for a lot of possibilities. I notice over the span of me being here that I tend to create sociopaths, heartless, or generally aggressive characters. I'm slightly worried.
That's where all the fun is, though!

If you want me to drop in a heartless sociopath, Naomi is definitely an apt candidate.
Hehe thank you. I'm interested in any character you are to make, though I never saw a person create twins before which seems really awesome.
Haha, thanks! I love making characters that aren't commonly used archetypes, they're just so much fun to use and develop!!
I've put them into a superhero type rp (Justice had the soul of Jael attached to her like in the video game Beyond: Two Souls) as well as an elemental rp (Justice was water and Jael was metal). I adore those twins. I've put them in a few, that's for sure. I'm not counting the rps where their counterpart was killed off in some horrific accident because I'm terrible like that.
My characters are like my children, I love them so much aaaaah. I should ask if I'd be allowed to add my twins along with Zia, they're never really separate from eachother and ahh I love them so much.
You seems to be a ball of positive energy. Allow Fester to shatter you. I joke of course but watch out for him. Still I'm expecting great potential!
I guess I am a ball of positive energy, being cheerful is way more fun than moping around in my opinion. Fester couldn't shatter me, it'd be more likely for me to shatter him with pure blinding positivity!
Or so you think. He may just poison you and walk away if he gets tired. He speaks like a gentleman but is far from it.

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