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Fantasy Land of the dragon

"Well, Tanis," Sophia began as she hurriedly caught up to the boy. "What do you plan on doing afterward?" It sounded as though the boy was going to leave his home. He isn't planning on running away, is he? She thought to herself as they walked, resting her chin on one hand, the other arm across her chest. At this point, she should have left Tanis to his own shenanigans, but something kept her there. She glanced at the dragon in the boy's hand and remembered her childhood...

...Nathaniel tripping foolishly, the large violet gem falling out of his hands, being swallowed by the stream hundreds feet below...

"Alastaire..." Sophia muttered solemnly, forgetting where she was and where she was going. Her fists clenched. "Piece of shit."

@XTrump_CardX @Veno

Galen raised an eyebrow. He supposed he could afford to be his cynical self, since he wasn't technically working anymore. "And why would you do that? What could you possibly gain from helping us?" He cast a sidelong glance at Orion as he finished, watching his dragon play with Kiko. 



What did he plan to do after? What kind of question is that? Tanis had the impression that Sophia had wanted to help him. Though, he wouldn't blame her for backing out now. This was about as much time that someone new spent with Tanis. They could never keep up with his hectic lifestyle, even before he got a baby dragon. Anyway, the tone of Sophia's voice showed a little worry, He wondered why.

"Well Sophia, I thought you were going to help me with this bundle of trouble," Tanis replied, showing affection towards the dragon his arms, despite the name he called her. Speaking of, she had fallen asleep while they were walking. Tanis found that quite adorable and he caught himself smiling. His thoughts turned to his dragon and what he was going to do. He would have to take her someplace safe for awhile. One place came to mind, and that was Lorik's place. Tanis figured he would be fine with the dragon and whatever mess she made. However, he would still have to make sure she didn't cause too much trouble.

That put another thought in Tanis' head. What am I going to name you? Tanis looked down at his dragon as he had that thought. There was only one word that sat in his mind afterward. I am going to name you...Kara.

@Veno @Ignace

Tempest // Boise


"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Koen. I am Tempest, Eye of the Storm." Tempest said as she lowered her head in a deep bow, shutting her leaf green eyes for a brief moment in silence. Raising her head once more, she couldn't help the curving of her maw into an almost sheepish grin, that is, if it was on a human's face. "My sincerest apologies for not offering you my name earlier, that must have been rude of me."

Eye of the Storm. A title bestowed upon her not only for her serene and tranquil disposition, but also her viscous and brutal temperament in the battlefield, similar to a hurricane at it's best. Not many have heard of her, since she rarely ever actually goes into battle unless needed, but those who have learn to fear her. Those days of hers were over, however, and it was very unlikely that she would fight ever again. But who knows? She certainly didn't. Maybe there'll be a day when she has to charge headstrong into war somewhere in the near future.

@Jarkov Malachai
Kara remained peacefully asleep within his arms, just as he had decided on her name, her body vibrated a bit in a comfortable purr- much like that of a happy kitten. She stretched her body out along his arms, her tail flicking side to side a few times before she curled back up and pulled her wings around her, covering her face with them. Her chest rose and fall evenly with each gentle breath, The type of dragon that she was would still be unknown to Tanis, only a master dragon tamer would have the knowledge to tell what kind of dragon she was this early on- however for an amateur, or even an average tamer, he wouldn't find out for a while longer, not until she begins to learn, and use her abilities.

Her small body felt quite warm within his arms, her feathers soft to the touch.

The Young Soldier nods his head once more. "The pleasure is mine." He grinds out with a concentrated force of will to calm the agitation of his weak throat muscles as the Dragoness introduces herself. Koen Raad did not know of a creature that went by the name of Tempest, however the ending Moniker gave him pause. Such names were not crafted by those who wore them, but gifted to by others. Some with benevolent tongues. Others... with hate and scorn upon their lips as the terrible titles flew like poison from their viperous tongue. Koen Raad could not determine whether or not Tempests title had been bestowed with such intentions. But names as such were hardly decorative, even attached to beauteous creatures such as she. 

The Young Soldier paused to wonder if it was wrong of him to think of the dragon as such and then shook his head. Of course not, he was an artist. True a Soldier first, but nevertheless he could appreciate things when he saw them. Even in his work, bloody and violent as it is there are moments of beauty even in the struggle for life and death. He nods to himself, the inner question having found an answer he deemed suitable. 

Turning his attention back to the dragoness he waves a hand in the air, uncomfortable at having such a creature apologize to him.
"Think nothing of it.... Lady Tempest..." He rasps. "Manners were sadly the last thing on my mind... upon first sight." Indeed, more like was he going to die? As of now he was growing more confident that the she-serpent would not kill him. Rather hard to kill something that had given its name. Its why their resident falconer, Sergeant Fraux never named his birds until they had made the fledgling flight and came back, their training having remained strong. 'Easier in case they dont come back boy, a name has power'. The Man had told him when Koen had asked why he did not name the young gyrfalcon Fraux was currently tending.

Whilst Koen Raad disagreed with that practice he had to admit on the power of names and titles. Words had power, especially titles. 
He traveled with two such men, whose deeds were infamous amongst certain circles. The Dragons themselves no doubt. The Shining Star and Steel Wall of the North were well known to the scaled beasts. 
Koen wondered if either Commander Mikhail or Captain Kyridian knew of a Serpent named Tempest, Eye of the Storm?

The Young Soldier stares at the Serpents leafy green eyes and with a final struggle grunts. "Is there... something I can-" Coughing fit. "Do for you?"

@Maiza Avaro
"Oh, n-no... I mean, yes, I do want to help," Sophia stammered, snapped from her past with Tanis' response. She shook her head and sighed at her weak answer, gathering her thoughts. "Where will you be staying if not with your brother? Surely, you must have a place in mind." She realized how worried she must have sounded and decided that limiting her words would be best for the time being. She didn't want to act too attached to someone she had barely met. Instead, she examined her ring again, which only took her back to the horrible place in her mind she had been in only a few minutes before. At that moment, Sophia realized the good luck the marchant advertised was simply a lie.

"Don't let her out of your sight again, okay?" the girl added meekly. That was it. She shut herself up and continued to follow Tanis intently. 

@XTrump_CardX @Veno

Edur flicked his ears, letting out a few more chirps when he was set down. He sat, staring at his master. When Kyle started digging, Edur excitedly jumping to his paws, letting out a small screech-like sound. He darted forward, beside his master and set to work, his tiny claws digging into the earth. He wasn't really much of a help, and have been actually getting underfoot, but it was the thought that counted... right? In all honesty Edur just wanted to find treasure.


Tempest // Boise


"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?" Tempest replied, an inquisitive gleam in her eyes. She leaned in a bit closer to the young soldier, tilting her head to the side in question. A soft trill escaped her maws as she stared directly into the cerulean blue eyes of the human before her, a bird-like tendency of hers that often shows itself from time to time. "Is there something you want to ask me, Koen?" She asked him, curiosity practically dripping from her voice despite the fact that she had a reasonable notion as to what his answer would be. After all, she could still be wrong. Regardless of how long she had lived, she was not omnipotent.

@Jarkov Malachai (Sorry for the short post! Writing detailed posts can get pretty tiring for me! :P)
@Lost @StriderBro @HuntedFox


Kiko lightly pushes Orion's head down with her paw. She speaks to Orion with her mind "Orion?" Kiko wanted to know if he knew how to talk yet.. She'd enjoy teaching him some.. Less than appropriate words.

Akita stands up and looks at Galen. It's not for you... It's for Orion and all of his kind. They are getting slaughtered by greedy soldiers or merchants. Then ignorant people are killing them because they don't know shit about these animals and I'm not letting another dragon die! she started to get worked up but it wasn't because she was mad at him.. Akita is just passionate about dragons.


Kyle continue to dig with Edur until he notices something protruding out of the ground(hint it'll be a gun, 9mm semi auto pistol. Obviously none functional). Edur look, treasure. he points to the object in the ground. Kyle grabs his soft brush and starts wiping away the dirt from the silver object.

OOC(you can have Edur actually take it out of the ground if ya want)
(Okay. :3)


Edur tilted his head, freezing when he heard his master. His eyes darted down to where Kyle pointed, finding a shiny silver thing coming up form the ground. Edur let out a tip and dashed forward, weaving between his master's hands. Without hesitation, he clamped his small jaws around the object and began to pull. Well, it was more like yanking. But the yanking seemed to work and after a short but he found himself tumbling backward as the thing came free. He jumped to his paws and sniffed the object, pawing at it before laying on it. He looked up at his master and chirped. 

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Koen Raad nods his head, aye there was a great many things he would have liked to ask the Emerald Dragoness. Many things indeed which might shed some like on the enigma that was Dragonkind as a whole. However the Young Soldier knew that whilst his curiosity might be slated pursuing such a conversation t'was dangerous for both parties. 
Koen Raad could not believe for a second that their encampment at Boise was now just to drop off their spoils to their contracted merchants. There was no way that the Commander or Captain would not have heard of such a beast living nearby. There were always signs and the Iron Wolves trackers and scouts were well trained. He hoped to join their ranks one day and whilst his strength and size would serve a piece upon the vanguard come the fight Koen believed that the scouts were the more elite group within the Iron Legion. They operated on their own for long periods of time in seriously hostile environments and were tasked with tracking down the quarries, be they man or beast, of which the Iron Legion hunted down and remained mostly autonomous. Only joining the main body for a resupply of crucial materials or to give in reports, etc. It took a certain type of man to be able to do that.

So how in the dark fires of hell had they missed this beautiful beast? Her coloration would serve her well in the tree's but even so during the last hunt that Albino Dam was of the same mind set and still the Scouts had found her and planned the trap well to catch her with her guard down. The Facts were not adding up in Koen Raads mind, something was a foot and unknown variables generally tended to get one killed in his line of work.

As his brain cranked away he heard his voice, in its broken, scratchy tones say. "Mind sitting for a sketch?" 

... wait....what?

@Maiza Avaro

By the time that they had arrived at Tanis' house, it was already late afternoon. He had a hoped to be home sooner, but his ribs started really hurting and they had needed to stop for awhile so he could rest. Tanis figured his brother was home by now. That was something he didn't want. Not in his current condition. He would just have to get in and out as quickly as possible without causing too much attention. As they stopped in front of his house, Tanis turned toward Sophia.

"Listen, I need you to just stay here with her," He paused to give Sophia the dragon. "I'll be back out in no time. Oh, and by the way, I'm naming her Kara."

@Veno @Ignace

He studied her for moment longer, his green eyes alight with amusement at her passionate outburst. "Fair enough," He finally relented. Though his suspicions were not completely allayed, he knew it would be foolish to reject her offer. And, he thought, she and Kiko aren't bad company. "So," He started. "I don't suppose you would happen to know what I should feed him? I would give him some more herbs, but I have a small suspicion he wouldn't be too happy about that."

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Tempest // Boise


"Of course." Tempest agreed after a few moments of silence, which she used to ponder over whether or not she should allow him to sketch her. After all, such a drawing could be used against her somewhere in the near future, but the human before her seemed to be trustworthy enough. That is, if her age hadn't clouded her judgement. She was sure that he wouldn't do anything life-threatening to her without a valid reason to do so, and if that notion of hers was false, well, who knows? "I trust that you'll do well." She added, almost as an afterthought, as she slithered into a pile, just as she had done before.

@Jarkov Malachai
Just want you guys to know that I will be offline for the majority of tomorrow and Saturday. I should be back Saturday night. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29878-veno/"]@Veno[/URL] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/43184-ignace/"]@Ignace[/URL]
Koen Raad looked affronted at her insinuation that he would not endeavor to do his best to capture her in the likeness which was the truth. The expression was really the only one of which his impassive face had betrayed itself by, otherwise it was not but a mask of un-moving stone. Against his better judgement and instincts the Young Soldier sat down atop the root which just a little while earlier had met with the back of his head in so rude a manner. He stared at the emerald Dragoness for some time, his head tilted to the side as he pondered the task before him. 
He stood back up, walked to the side of the beast and climbed up the tree there carefully. Shaking leaves, displacing angry squirrels and birds that had been so happily resting upon those self same branches and fled with a combination of angry chattering and outraged squawks. Reaching the branch he wanted he stared at the sun filtering just above the treetops, its orange light fading in the setting sun and bent it back, shoving and twisting it as necessary to get more light to flutter down upon the emerald gem below.

Dropping back down, a some ten foot drop the Young Soldier takes like a champ as he went hitting the ground with a thick clunk of metal latches and plates underneath that leather overcoat and overtop it as well, he goes back to that root and sits down with an air of satisfaction and finality. 
He breaks out a charcoal pencil and an ink well of which he carefully removes the stopper. 

Dark, deep blue oceanic eyes meet Verdant green. Koen Raad nods slowly, and his hand begins to move. 

The light of the sun faded away slowly but it did not deter the Young Soldier from his task. Minutes pass by, perhaps an hour or two but for the Raad boy time went on by unnoticed. 

Eventually the young man finishes his sketch, young man for as he worked he lost that guise of a soldier and revealed the artist beneath as he muttered silently to himself. Sketching, erasing, making better his previous lines until the more or less finished product was available and he stood up to show the She-Serpent. 

Tempest lay in the center of the page, curled up as she was now. Koen having captured both the sparkle of her scales in the fading light which filtered down through the leafy tree tops at the same time managing to make it seem that her coils endlessly looped around herself as if she was larger than she was, the muscles visible even as the drawing relaxed in the glade it was portrayed inside. The focus of the picture. A mischievous light in the Serpents eyes glinted back with a crack of lightning, mirrored by that oh so sly rise of lips and the partial revealing of fangs as the drawing stared back at the beholder. 
The forest was dark and smudgy, like a mist which cleared around the Emerald Dragoness, dark shapes and shadows flitted in the silhouettes of the trees. 
There were a few little details as well. The leaves which pooled about the sketches coils whirled and twirled about her form like a miniature tornado. 

A few smudges of green on the corners as one could only assume Koen had tried to experiment with local plants and or leaves to get a green sort of dye going but obviously gave up as the entirety of the sketch was done masterfully with charcoal, ink and lines, the shading giving the sketch a deeper volume than mere paint could have achieved alone

@Maiza Avaro 
@HuntedFox @Lost @StriderBro


Akita laughs  Yea, I wouldn't feed him herbs. He needs meat.. Chicken, eggs, red meats, and even fish if he likes it. I was gonna go out on a hunt if you want me to bring him back something? Also I can grab my makeshift metal bed with some straw for him? It was gonna be for my hatching but he hasn't decided to come out of his egg yet. she double checks she brought her skinning knife and a few arrows in her satchel.

Kiko chuckles at Orion.  Get ready.. she readies herself to pounce at Orion and smiles. She lunges at him and softly grabs him with her feet rolling a few feet with Orion on her belly.


Kyle laughs as Edur yanks the gun out of the ground. He kneels down and picks up the gun he examines it. It was a 9mm semi automatic pistol, pre war. It was covered with dirt inside and out, with a few scratches from Edur's teeth. The pistol's handle was black and padded though the padding was slightly torn and the muzzle of the gun was silver with some carving on the side he couldn't quite make out. Good job Edur! We can dig a little bit longer before dawn.. he scratches Edur behind his scaly ears. He wraps the gun in some clothe and puts it into his leather satchel. This will help in figuring out how guns use to work as long as most everything is intact and eventually they'll be able to recreate pre war weapons.
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Orion yelped, tumbling around with her. His tail wrapped around hers, taking away most of her modality, pinning her down beneath him. Win! He shouted at her, smiling toothy 

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(Sorry for not replying. I had, zero motivation. Me being lazy. *sigh* :3) @Selectivegolem


Edur let out a kind of whining chirp sound as his master took the 'treasure' away. He let out more of those whining chirps and jumped to his paws, darting over to dig of one of Kyle's feet. He was about to chirp again when Kyle reached down and scratched behind in his ears. His dismay forgotten, Edur let out a purr-like warble. He enjoyed the praise and was excited when he said they could dig more. Maybe he'd find more treasure! Edur cheerily skittered off Kyle's foot and dashed along the ground, several feet away from where they were digging. Snuffling his little nose along the ground, he wandered in a little circle before contently chirping and beginning to dig.

His eyes widened. "Oh no, I couldn't take all that for free. I can pay you for the meat. The bed too." Though he would feel a little guilty for accepting them for free, he didn't want to owe any favors. His mother had always said debts were like infection. The longer you waited to treat them, the worse they got. And while he didn't think Akita would hold him to anything, he didn't want to risk it.


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