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Fantasy Land of the dragon


Galen scowled at the mention of a bear. He'd have to expend more herbs and spices on treatment then he would have liked. When the man asked about pay, Galen waved a hand. "We'll discuss such things afterwords. I don't want the wound to fester because we stopped to chat." He grabbed a small jar and pulled out some calendula paste. He approached the patient and offered him the jar. "I'm going to spread this on the wound. It should minimize the chance of infection." As he washed his hands and started treatment, he heard scratching coming from upstairs. He stiffened, and willed that the stranger wouldn't hear his little dragon.

@Sir Mayday @StriderBro
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When Tanis reached the market, He thought he felt his bag move. With the notion that someone was trying to get into it, he turned. However, there was no one relatively close to him. Guess I imagined it, he thought to himself as he continued through the market. Even though he knew exactly where he had to go, Tanis still found himself drawn to the certain vendors that pedaled spectacular items. He very well knew that the majority of the shiny things were fake but nonetheless beautiful.

Eventually, Tanis got to the food section of the village market. This area was a bit quieter than the others but still quite crowded. Meridian was full of rich snobs looking to fill their bellies with lots of food. He easily moved through the groups of bodies until he was in front of the baker's stall. For once this morning, Tanis was genuinely happy. In the air was the warm smell of freshly baked bread. Smiling to himself, he got behind the small line of people waiting for their turn.

The wait wasn't long and a few minutes later, it was Tanis' turn. He went up to the table and asked for the usual, bagged. It was too small at first for him to notice but as he went for his money, Tanis felt his bag move quite a lot. hH thought he even heard small squeaking. His mind raced with conclusions. For a few seconds, he just stood there with his breath caught in his chest. Eventually, he got a hold of himself and swiftly slid the bag off his back and set it on the ground. Tanis hesitated for but a moment before opening it. His eyes widened with shock and a grin of pure joy crept onto his face.

The small creature continued to try and dig into the bag, however she paused as she felt the bag being put down onto the ground. Kara's head tilted slightly as she felt the ground through the fabric of the bag, until suddenly, a stream of light slipped into the bag as it was opened. Naturally, the small dragon flinched a bit and quickly lowered its body closer to the ground with turning its head sharply up towards Tanis. Kara's ears perked up and she quickly stood herself back up from the lowered position, curiosity flickering within her bright eyes as she lets out a small mew of a squeak. Her tail waved just a little as it carefully and slowly moved up onto its hind legs, its paws coming up and gripping onto the top of the bag as she leaned her head towards the hand of the boy, her small nose wiggling quite adorably as she smelled her new surroundings. She blinked her eyes a few times as she attempted to adjust to the much brighter lighting. 

She looked around, her wide eyes bright as the scent of all of the vendors around brought a sense of excitement and curiosity. A few more mews escaped the small dragons vocals as it began attempting to jump out of the bag, however it was simply too small to complete such a task. Kara twitched her wings a little, though she was still too small to really use them much at all.

It's getting late for me and I am rather tired. I'll be back on tomorrow. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29878-veno/"]@Veno[/URL]
OOC(taging is being dumb sorry. But yea they should defiantly meet. Some characters should occasionally meet them outside of town also  since some trade or go hunting in other towns)

Akita rushes through the doors of Galen's shop causing the doors to bang shut  in Kiko's face  oops.. she slowly opens the door again to see Kiko cursing to herself. She decides to leave Kiko out there and heads toward Galen and the stranger. Seeing that Galen is tending to his wounds  she thinks it's best to keep a little distance from them.
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(That large post up above was my introduction post so this time jump will make sense.)

Three days later.

A band of riders comes into the small village, their horses well cared for and the men riding atop them clad in metal cuirasses emblazoned with a snarling wolfs head and Thick steel helms which cover most of their faces.

Pulling in upside the local magistrates office two of the 5 riders dismount and go inside the building whilst the other 3 dismount as well and simply see to their horses. They carried themselves with a assured stance and a cautious eye to the sky. One in particular, a large figure with a woolen skull cap upon his head instead of the thick full helm kept glancing at the sky as if he was waiting for something.

The two come back in from the magistrates office and motion to the other three. Two of which help the first two in loading items out from the saddlebags on the back of their horses whilst the third, the large one with the skullcap nods to the Magistrate and heads off into town.

Word quickly spreads through the village by hearsay and the gossipers, old men and women alike whispering in their homes and rushing to others to tell someone of the latest happening.

“Did ya’ hear lad? Seems a band of Mercenaries has some business to take care of in the area and their gonna be camped just outside the towns perimeter!”
“I heard it was by the old river bed and it was to protect their cargo from any get rich quick young lads of the village.”
“eh? Now where’d ya hear that Margret?”
“Ole Jimmy saw them coming in whilst working in the field. Said they were carrying spoils in the back of some of the wagons, dragon hide on one of the wagons.”

“Ole Jimmy is half blind, he couldn’t tell Snake skin from dragonhide if you put it in his face!”

“I’d believe it, I’ve heard of that lot. Call themselves the Steel dogs or something. Iron Mutts? Bah, no matter. They caused quite a stir up near Boise territories. Slew some 5 dragons I ‘eard! The lizard lovers had a cow when they offered the bone up to them for sale though they rejected it I bet the Meridian damn sure bought it off them for a pretty penny.”

“Truth? By the Maker I wonder how many there are?”

“Jimmy said there was a thousand of them but knowing him t’was more likely 50 or so.”

“Aye, I’d believe that. They sure look mighty sure of themselves.”

“S’pose they’d have to be, to hunt dragons.”

Koen Raad.

The young soldier stared down at his hands for a few seconds before shaking his head and ducking into the apothecary or… whatever this place was. He had to to quickly freeze and back pedal to avoid smashing into a young girl whose attention was trained upon what appeared to be the apothecary who was already tending to another customer. Koens nose twitches but waits patiently. He didn’t expect much from a place like this but then again he really wasn’t here for himself.
Koen Raad scooted over to the side of the room and sat down on the floor, ignoring any stares or looks he might have gotten and pulls out his sketch pad. On it was a odd drawing of what appeared to be the night sky overshadowed by the day. If anyone had flown dragonback or climbed to a large height they would have recognized the sight as the setting sun above the clouds.
When the fluffy white clouds burned orange from the dying suns last breath and the calm cool blue-purple of the growing darkness up above.  

@Selectivegolem & @Lost
Akita glances at  Koen quickly feeling uneasy about him.. She didn't like the thought of war or the soldiers. Her mom was violently attacked by a drunken soldier and she died a few days later due to internal bleeding in her brain. Kiko please come here.. she telepathically asks Kiko. Kiko senses the uneasiness of her master so she immediately rushes to her side. Are you okay Akita?

come.. Akita whispers as she pulls her hood over her head with silver strands of hair peaking out the sides. She goes to the opposite side of the room and plops down on the floor. Keeping an eye on the soldier.

Kiko pads over and sits in her lap she starts humming a lovely tune that gives everyone who hears it a sense of calmness.
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 ~ Human ~

Name: Sophia Whitmore 

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Tribe: Meridian

Job: None, takes horseback rides in the mountains in free time 

Dragon/Tamer?: N/A


Family: Father, mother, older brother



Though Sophia has a whip, she usually carries it around for the sake of looking tough. She carries a couple daggers around for self-defense, but she'd rather not get involved in combat at all. Sophia enjoys wearing different outfits that reflect her high social status.

 Personality: Sophia is a bit self-centered and can also be sadistic at times. She enjoys flaunting her family's wealth and views most outsiders to her tribe as below her. She has a tendency to disregard any issues that do not directly affect her. Sophia's father is a wealthy merchant, and her mother is a seamstress. Additionally, Sophia has extensive knowledge of medicinal herbs and has picked up sewing skills from her mother.
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Tempest // Boise


At this point in time, a certain Amphiptere Dragon could be seen slithering about Boise Village, presumably with nothing better to do. Such a sight had become commonplace within the tribe ever since Tempest's Human Master had passed away of old age not too long ago, for a Dragon at least, so it wasn't considered odd to see her wandering around. Her Master had no successors after all, so she was left with no one to follow. She sees the situation in a more positive light, however, a chance to see the world for herself and maybe, just maybe, find another human to call her Master. Right now, however, she was content with where she was.
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((OOC: Hikari is Purple and Mindy is Blue just so y'all know))

Hikari doesn't need anything other than her dragon. They live a little ways away from boise happily together. She get enough food, clothes, etc... They go to celebrate holidays and see the tribe once in a while, but usually they were a mystery. That was good, after all Mindy could be a bit sour. 

Mindy loves attention. That's why she drags Hikari to the village every once in a while. She loves people looking at her in awe, and gaping. 
The young Soldier in question pays no mind to the young girl, but her beast was another matter entirely. His eyes catch sight of the little fae creature and widen ever so slightly before those artic ocean eyes harden and his lips thin into a grim set.
His hand instinctively goes to his side where he keeps his dirk, a foot long blade with a heady base, but stills it with a thought.

He notes how the girl holds it tight and eyes him as if the soldier were the monster in this scenario despite that he had done nothing yet. Eyeing the beast he determines that it wont be a threat, now or later. Besides, where was the right in killing some girls little pet? With those thoughts in mind Koen Raad picks back up his sketch pad and glances again over at the two.

Closest he had ever been to one of the lesser dragon races. Might as well take a drawing of it eh? Those eyes were quite mesmerizing. He could almost remember…. No… it was gone again. Oh well. Damn it all for forgetting his colored inks back at camp, he always had them on him. He’d just have to commit the beasts eye colors to memory and hope he got them right.
The scratch scratch of a charcoal pencil filled the apothecary.


As Galen finished applying the calendula, he heard the bell at the door chime to reveal none other than Akita Moore. Though first he felt glad that he wouldn't have to track her down, that relief quickly turned to dread. If anyone would recognize Orion's squealing, it would be a tamer. He needed to quiet Orion down, or his goal to keep his dragon a secret would be over before it began. He turned back to the man he was treating. "That's about all I can do for now. Bind the wound up and try not to strain it too much, lest it get worse than it already is. As for payment, come back in a couple days for a checkup, and that will suffice." Though he would usually charge the man, he needed to deal with Orion quickly before anyone else caught on.

Just as he started up the stairs, Galen heard the door chime a second time, revealing yet another soldier. "I'll be with you momentarily," He called over his shoulder as he entered the attic. There he found the room in shambles, which he admittedly expected. He closed the door quickly, and turned to his little dragon. "Orion, I understand you're hungry and hate being cooped up in hear, but I need you to quiet down. If anyone finds out you're here, they could take you away forever." He felt silly talking when he doubted Orion could understand him, but he thought there was a chance his little dragon could understand him.



@Jarkov Malachai

Tempest // Boise


'Hmm...' Tempest hummed to herself within her mind as she slithered about, her feathered tail flicking from side to side in a steady rhythm akin to a beating heart. 'It seems as though I've grown bored.' She huffed as she curled up around the large oak tree she called home.

The Amphiptere had already stopped aimlessly wandering about the village, since it appeared that there wasn't anything that had piqued her interest. Thus, she had decided to return to what she had considered to be her home for many years. It was a rather majestic oak tree, with it's branches twisting and turning into elegant shapes, with what seemed to be hundreds of leaves at the end of each branch gently catching the morning dew, an carefully allowed them to make their way to the grass. It was like thousands of stars in the sky as the sun caught the drops and made them shine so brightly. This was her personal slice of heaven, one that was given to her by the man who had taken care of her since she was just an egg. That man was gone now, sadly, and he was never coming back.

'No reason to be discouraged, though.' Tempest's maw curved in what could have been a smile, showcasing her sharp fangs as they glinted in the sunlight. 'I'll eventually find another human to call my companion.'
Name: Kyle Moore
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: He's a gentlemen to say the least.. He dresses well, is always polite, calm, and a little flirty at times. Though he has more money than most he treats all people equally and always gives when he can. Because of his intelligence and skills he is a valuable asset in the community.
Job: Librarian/Archaeologist
Tribe: Meridian
Eggs: none
Relationship: Meh..
Family: Akita Moore is my sister.
Appearance: He's about 6’5 tall and 215lbs. His build is very slender and refine. He has a killer smile that can charm almost anyone. His eyes are a light blue color with specks of green. Much like his sister he has impeccable aim with a bow that he only brings with him when his sister wants to hunt with him. He also dual wields twin swords which are roughly 3 feet long. They are simple blades with an accent of gold paint through the middle of the blades. He keeps them under his coat at all times. One thing you can almost always count on him wearing is that coat of his..


Tanis was shocked, surprised, and most of all, downright giddy with joy. He simply couldn't believe that his egg had hatched. In his bag of all places. It was of little consequence but he thought of the slimy mess the dragon had made, breaking apart its egg. His mind then wandered to the question of whether or not dragons needed baths. The entire time That he was thinking of these things Tanis was simply staring at the baby dragon, his baby dragon.

"Hey, kid! I've got places to be!" Someone a few paces down the, increasingly impatient, line yelled. The lady behind him saw everything and all she did was put a hand to her hip and started tapping her foot. The Baker's wife had his bread in hand and let out a cough. Tanis snapped out of the mesmerizing appearance of The stark white dragon hatchling, noticing the holdup he was causing. With hastened movements, he closed up his and slid it back onto his shoulders. He pulled out all his money and handed it to the Vendor, grabbing his bread and sprinting back the way he came. With a glance backward, Tanis shouted out. "Keep the change!"

Kara let out a small gasp and yelped just a bit, before squeaking as she lost her balance and fell onto her back in the bag, the gooey substance sticking onto her, and causing quite a mess as Tanis hastily pulled the bag back up onto his shoulders and sprinted off. Kara struggled for a few moments before she managed to roll back onto her feet with a sense of imbalance with how much the bag was shaking. She chirped and squeaked out a bit as she paced a bit within the bag, moving back up onto her hind legs, crawling back up the side of the bag once again, only to fall back down. Kara continued to chirp and squeak out, she wasn't necessarily distressed with all the movement, just confused. She scratched and dug at the side of the back, Tanis would be able to feel it just slightly on his back as she did this.

After a few minutes she stopped digging, and shook her body a bit, shaking and ruffling her wings a bit as she attempted to get the sticky goo off of her coat, but simply couldnt without any help. She continued to move around and chirp, occasionally crawling up the side of the bag and trying to poke her head out of the top of the bag.

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Name: Edur

Age: Hatchling

Gender: Male

Tribe: Meridan

Behavior: Edur is quite a mischievous little hatchling, he likes to hide places or steal little trinkets. But he is never one to wander far away from his Master. He understands that his master is his protector at his young age, so of course he'd feel a need to stay close. Edur is also very curious, which is probably why he like to steal things.

Human master: Kyle Moore

Species: Western dragon

Power: Ice/snow

Mate: N/A

Eggs: N/A


Currently Hatchling-


When grown-


Now, depending on the kind, an ice dragon hatchling could look very different from it's adult counterpart. And this is for good reason. The raised, feather-like scales on the hatchling are for defense. With all those pointed scales,  it would make the hatchling painful to touch if you're not careful. But even more painful to try and eat. Over time, the scales on its legs and wings will flatten and interlock, providing a strong armour. The scales on its head and back will grow into plated spikes. And of course, it's claws will grow out along with a spike on each point of the wings.
Koen Raad watched as the Apothecary ran off upstairs. The young soldiers senses, so finely tuned after years of training and operations with the Iron Legion could hear the Apothecaries muttered words and… squawks?

The young Soldier shakes his head in disbelief and looks back over to where the girl still sat staring at him as if he was the dark one incarnate. How many of these little fae creatures were around this place? If there were this many lesser dragons then perhaps their larger kin would be abundant as well? Information to give to the Captain when he returned, Koen Raad thought to himself with his hand paused on the iris of the little dragon in question. The sketch taking a vague bodily form though it was the eyes that were most pronounced, after all they were the main focus of his attempt.

After a few more minutes of waiting Koen Raad finally decides that whilst yes he could wait patiently for the Apothecary, the girl was giving him the creeps just… staring at him like that.
Standing up, he takes the note which the Captain gave him and then scribbled something else at the Bottom.
It read summarily.

At the Behest of the Iron Legion, would the healer, apothecary or holy man reading this please prepare 4 Quart jars of Salve for serious burn wounds? Do not mind the messenger, the lad does not speak much. He will pay you upon receiving the requested items.
            Captain Kyridian

Underneath the surprisingly beautiful writing lay the scrawled words, hastily written.

Will be back in two candle marks. Take time to prepare. Will be back to pick up items at said time, payment to be discussed then.

With that the Young Soldier nods to himself and places the note on the counter and secures it there by moving a jar to sit atop the edge. Ensuring it could not be blown away by an errant breeze when the door opens but still obvious when the Apothecary came back.

Koen Raad takes his leave of the shop, pausing to stare at the girl and her pet before nodding grimly at them both and with a little bow. Vanishes out the door.

With previous thoughts of other draconic species roosting about the Young Soldier decides that while though the Captain already sent scouts through the surrounding area to make sure none of the beasts were about and took offense to them carting around two of their owns dead remains. Five if you counted the hatchlings, Koen Raad thought with sadness.
The young man didn’t exactly approve of the work he did, but it was the only life he could ever remember and the men of the Iron Legion were like family to him. But did they really have to kill the hatchlings as well?

Realistically they would have died any way as soon as the Dam and Sire were slayed. With no one to see to their needs, they would have frozen up there at those heights, the wee ones not having been old enough to make first flight. He could tell by the flight muscles.

The Young Soldiers Musings took him out of town and into the woods about the township, oblivious to anything or anyone but his own thoughts.

@Selectivegolem @Lost @Maiza Avaro (To Maiza, wanna jump a oblivious young soldier? He's ripe for the picking... sorta.)

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