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Fantasy Lakoria High School

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Hey, @Prizzy Kriyze.

So it just came across my attention that Zera just got bit - and killed one of Pluto's snakes. Now, while killing isn't a problem, just the way you went about wasn't the best. I mean, even characters like that deserve a bit of respect, and next time, could you perhaps ask Squid before you kill off one of her characters? In fact, controlling characters in general isn't the best route, since it's somebody else's after all. The snake may have been peaceful and wouldn't bite, or maybe let go after a few shakes - only Squid knows that, and doing so is making assumptions about someone else's character's actions.

To put in some confirmation, Squid isn't angered much about it, but I got the "go" to tell you this.
Honestly, that wasn't my intention at all. First of all, I assumed that since an unnamed amount of snakes had been grabbed, killing one would change nothing. Secondly, if squid doesn't want the snake to die, it's not dead yet. I never declared anything like that in the post. It's "on fire", but that fire is magical and the way the RP is going I'm figuring that we're not taking physics into particularly strong account over plot and what's of higher interest to happen. Feel free to rip the snake off of his arm, and declaring that the fire dissipated.
And @Magical Squid Senpai, because I felt rude af writing that post, I just want to say sorry. As I said, I assumed it wouldn't mean anything, since you could still declare whatever amount of snakes you felt you wanted at the time. In my defence, they seemed like NPCs that hadn't been expanded on, and people generally don't give a shit about things like that disappearing. But once again, as I said, I never actually intended for it to die at all. It's by all intents and purposes still alive.


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GingerBread said:
No, no! I swear to freaking buddha that I'm being sincere ):

God damn, I haven't felt this misunderstood since I just started roleplaying. My only wish is to have fun with the roleplay, and the rest of ya'll. Honestly, my bad if I've come across as a douche (I probably have, I haven't been putting a lot of effort towards being nice here and frankly I am pretty much a douche at heart) but I really (really) have no intention to offend or ruin your RPing experience.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]No, no! I swear to freaking buddha that I'm being sincere ):
God damn, I haven't felt this misunderstood since I just started roleplaying. My only wish is to have fun with the roleplay, and the rest of ya'll. Honestly, my bad if I've come across as a douche (I probably have, I haven't been putting a lot of effort towards being nice here and frankly I am pretty much a douche at heart) but I really (really) have no intention to offend or ruin your RPing experience.

Well, I mean, you're not the worst person alive, I just think we have different takes on roleplay.

For example, you said, "killing one would change nothing", "it wouldn't mean anything", and "people gnereally don't give a shit on things like that disappearing". However, at Lakoria, all characters are created equal. I've even had a personal experience where a certain RPer killed one of Jay's pigeons to make his character seems more dramatic, and that's a big no-no. You just have to consider all characters on the level of your main character, and treat them like such, not expendable. Also, though you didn't address it, controlling is also something (and something I bet others) don't like, and that's mainly what went down there.

Ya dig? ;)
Lotusy said:
Well, I mean, you're not the worst person alive, I just think we have different takes on roleplay.
For example, you said, "killing one would change nothing", "it wouldn't mean anything", and "people gnereally don't give a shit on things like that disappearing". However, at Lakoria, all characters are created equal. I've even had a personal experience where a certain RPer killed one of Jay's pigeons to make his character seems more dramatic, and that's a big no-no. You just have to consider all characters on the level of your main character, and treat them like such, not expendable. Also, though you didn't address it, controlling is also something (and something I bet others) don't like, and that's mainly what went down there.

Ya dig? ;)
Sure, I just considered it an NPC. I wouldn't dictate someone's character if they've already been established with a personality and maybe a name, but I really just figured this was a random snake, on level with that one random disposable shopkeeper. I didn't think you were so strict about it seeing as someone's character was dictated pinned to the ground by some animal just a few pages back. Maybe that was agreed upon beforehand though, I dunno.

Didn't know "ya dig" was so innately rude either. Maybe it's the smiley that does it, but I never meant for that to be the meaning.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Sure, I just considered it an NPC. I wouldn't dictate someone's character if they've already been established with a personality and maybe a name, but I really just figured this was a random snake, on level with that one random disposable shopkeeper. I didn't think you were so strict about it seeing as someone's character was dictated pinned to the ground by some animal just a few pages back. Maybe that was agreed upon beforehand though, I dunno.
Didn't know "ya dig" was so innately rude either. Maybe it's the smiley that does it, but I never meant for that to be the meaning.

Right. I was the one who pinned someone to the ground with a animal ( A panther named richard, in case you care) And that's different. Not by a lot I'll give you that. But it's still different.

Because if a panther appeared out of thin air and the came charging at you, you wouldn't be able to dodge it, so you'd get pinned to the ground. There's no avoiding that really.

But you took control of a snake and made it do something that it might've not done. And then you lit it on fire.

So there's a difference here, because I didn't take control of a character, I merely let it play out how it would've gone had that happened properly. I didn't say there character threw off Richard or anything like that, so I wasn't dictating how there character would do something. I just had my character knock theirs over.

You see the difference? Like I said it seems like a small difference, so it can be thought of as the same thing. But yeah. Basic rule to take away from this, is unless you made/brought the character into this or if you have permission from the person who did. Don't dictate their actions. Like, saying something, doing an action that they would have control over, like biting or flinching and things like that.
GingerBread said:
Right. I was the one who pinned someone to the ground with a animal ( A panther named richard, in case you care) And that's different. Not by a lot I'll give you that. But it's still different.
Because if a panther appeared out of thin air and the came charging at you, you wouldn't be able to dodge it, so you'd get pinned to the ground. There's no avoiding that really.

But you took control of a snake and made it do something that it might've not done. And then you lit it on fire.

So there's a difference here, because I didn't take control of a character, I merely let it play out how it would've gone had that happened properly. I didn't say there character threw off Richard or anything like that, so I wasn't dictating how there character would do something. I just had my character knock theirs over.

You see the difference? Like I said it seems like a small difference, so it can be thought of as the same thing. But yeah. Basic rule to take away from this, is unless you made/brought the character into this or if you have permission from the person who did. Don't dictate their actions. Like, saying something, doing an action that they would have control over, like biting or flinching and things like that.
That's fair, but if we're going to be okay with dictating hits on other players and not leave it up to their own judgment, that's really going to be a problem for me.

Generally speaking, @Lotusy, @GingerBread, is that going to be an okay thing? I mean, guyson guy was playing a weird alien thing, it's hardly like he's going to be as susceptible to surprise as a regular human.
@Lotusy[/URL], @GingerBread, is that going to be an okay thing? I mean, guyson guy was playing a weird alien thing, it's hardly like he's going to be as susceptible to surprise as a regular human.
I didn't dictate that he couldn't have dodged it. But considering he had said that he was completely ignoring my character, he wouldn't have seen it to be able to dodge it. And he was meant to be acting like a normal person, so he would've probably took the hit anyway, My point is that, he wouldn't have, under any circumstances been able to dodge it.

We don't dictate what other people can and can't do here, at least most of us don't. But we do treat you like you treat us. So if someone does hit my character multiple times without giving me a chance to dodge, I'll do the same thing back to them. But if it's something that they'd have no chance to dodge (And considering Richard is a vampire Panther) Then I'll make them take a hit most of the time. Though it will never be a thing that would damage the character unless they wanted it to.
@Lotusy[/URL], @GingerBread, is that going to be an okay thing? I mean, guyson guy was playing a weird alien thing, it's hardly like he's going to be as susceptible to surprise as a regular human.
We settle these on a case-by-case basis, so previous events don't need to be applied. All that you need to take away from this is that controlling other characters is a no-no, and all lives are, like in the real world, sacred.

In he case of "Ya dig", well, I'm just not the biggest fan of jibes. I understand what you meant, but still. I just reciprocated the thought, however it was meant or taken.
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ShadowEntity said:
Excuse, are there any spots open?
We are always open! Feel free to make a character and one the admins will respond soon! Please read the rules and find the secret word .
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Ah yes, sorry. I'll be leaving, too many things happening all of a sudden IRL.

kk, best of luck man
@GingerBread @Lotusy

My Sincere Apologies

I realize now that what I did last month was disrespectful and extremely immoral. I was terribly selfish for doing this, and I know that you must be genuinely insulted by my posting YOUR creation. I deeply apologize for injustices, and in truth, I realize that I just really wanted to copy your roleplay because it was such a neat idea, and I immediately fell in love with the plot and my own character (very self-centred I'm sorry), and just because I couldn't immediately be apart of your character's interactions and lives, I felt left out which, mixed with my own selfishness and ignorance, has led me to do such a terrible thing--PLAGIARISM. Thank you for making me realize that I am a terrible person for doing this to someone's wonderful, brilliant creations.

I will personally ask moderators on the site to delete this, although maybe there's a way to do this myself (I am so stupid I haven't even figured this out yet) but I will make sure that this is wiped. I will not bother you amazing creators or your amazing RP, and will delete my accounts and obviously character from the RP.

I'm very sorry for being so terrible. I don't have the right to be forgiven, but I will make sure that this and I have disappeared from your sight.
[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]
Name: Noah Jackson
Gender: Male

Age: 14

School year: Freshman

Species: Reaper


1. Can sense when someone is going to die.

2. Can harvest the souls of living creatures with a Scythe

3. Short range teleportation (about 5-15ft)

4. Is able to psychically manfest themeselfs in someones dreams

5. Can transform into a crow




Personality: He is kind, kinder than most other people especially to those ones close to death he tends to comfort those ones the most as he knows they need it for what is about to come, he never gets angry often but when he does he tends not to use his abilities as he knows he shouldn't harvest the souls of people who are not close to death, he can be a bit sarcastic sometimes but he does it in a jokingly manner and never wants to offened anyone.

Backstory: Born on November 14th 2001 Noah in life was kind and helpful to those who wanted it he never answered back to anyone who he knew was telling him something important he took advice carefully as well and always stuck by the rules to those alot of people liked him aswell besides the odd few dilenquents whom he knew to never give trouble but on Janaury 13th 2016 he was killed by a gunman that entered him home and shot up his entirely family.

Death himself took an inerest into Noah as he liked him when he was alive and Death himself searched the enite of the afterlife in hopes to find Noah eventually he did but Noah was broken mentally he was practically a hollow shell incapable of feeling happy but he didn't show this on the outside as he seemed as happy as he could possibly be.


Death spoke to Noah and talked about how he knew his situation Death proposed a deal to Noah saying that if Noah became a Reaper he could help people again by giving them a peaceful death Noah accepted his offer and well here we are now.



Hey man, looks great. Hell you even have the secret word! :D

With the whole going into dreams thing, we never really tend to have people fall asleep or go into dreams. It's fine if you want to keep it on the off chance that it does happen though.

Oh and since we've gotten into the habit of doing this. Lakoria is mainly... Silly. We're not the most serious bunch around. So don't expect too much seriousness. Hell even us admins are silly most of the time! Unless you break one of our rules or things like that, then we're sort of forced to become serious.

But the only thing I see being a major problem, is the being able to harvest souls from living creatures. Now I only say this because this seems like an instant kill sort of thing. So I'm going to have to ask you to either take it away, limit it or convince me why it is you should keep it.

But yeah, don't expect to have everyone be serious grumps. Hardly anyone is, even my murderous vampire is silly xD and get back to me about the harvesting souls thing, that's all you'll need to do and then I'll be able to welcome you into Lakoria :D
GingerBread said:
Hey man, looks great. Hell you even have the secret word! :D
With the whole going into dreams thing, we never really tend to have people fall asleep or go into dreams. It's fine if you want to keep it on the off chance that it does happen though.

Oh and since we've gotten into the habit of doing this. Lakoria is mainly... Silly. We're not the most serious bunch around. So don't expect too much seriousness. Hell even us admins are silly most of the time! Unless you break one of our rules or things like that, then we're sort of forced to become serious.

But the only thing I see being a major problem, is the being able to harvest souls from living creatures. Now I only say this because this seems like an instant kill sort of thing. So I'm going to have to ask you to either take it away, limit it or convince me why it is you should keep it.

But yeah, don't expect to have everyone be serious grumps. Hardly anyone is, even my murderous vampire is silly xD and get back to me about the harvesting souls thing, that's all you'll need to do and then I'll be able to welcome you into Lakoria :D
I have limited his soul harvesting power to that of living creatures near death
[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]I have limited his soul harvesting power to that of living creatures near death

Right okay, I guess that's an okay limit.

But since you have that power, I'm going to have to give you a small talk, just so there are no misunderstanding like there has been in the past.

Basically if someone made a post about an Npc doing something, then that is their Npc. So if you wish to have it do something or kill it or anything like that. You must ask the person who created them. Same goes for other people's characters. In lakoria every character is at the same level as yours, therefore you must treat them all with respect.

Bottom line, if you didn't make it or make the first post with it, then you do not have any right to do anything with it.

Now I'm not saying that you will do anything like that, but we have had a few incidences in the past. So this is just a precaution.

Also on the topic of Npc's, the one character rule still applies, they can be made for some things, like shop keepers. But nothing permanent. Only admins can make permanent Npc's.

I think that's everything. Welcome to Lakoria! :D If you have any questions, feel free to ask and me or one of the other admins will do our best to answer it. :)

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