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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ready for the time skip to the next day?

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This next battle is going to be pretty tough to decide, since both of the characters are superpowered. Do you guys want to roll a die?
@Sicarius Quick thing... what you just did would technically be godmodding as you took control of my character as you made Nyx attack. I'm going to let it slide this time But try not to do it again :) thanks
Lotusy said:
This next battle is going to be pretty tough to decide, since both of the characters are superpowered. Do you guys want to roll a die?
@Sicarius Do you want to? I personally like just taking the hits as they come but if you want to roll a dice i'm cool with it :)
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GingerBread said:
I would Also like to state that i have no idea how the dice rolls work and looking at them confused me :/
Don't worry, I've rolled dice before. I'll cover ya.
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GingerBread said:
@mewbot5408 I don't he's literally a Raven, i thinks thats the name of his alter ego
His alter form is Corvus, and the information about him can be found on page 4 of the character sign up tab.

GingerBread said:
@Sicarius Quick thing... what you just did would technically be godmodding as you took control of my character as you made Nyx attack. I'm going to let it slide this time But try not to do it again :) thanks
I did not realize this was considered godmodding, considering I let my character take a hit, but I completely understand. Since I technically controlled your character, it makes sense. Sorry lol, just tried to add something more interesting than just: "Raven blocked Nyx's attack. -End"

GingerBread said:
@Sicarius Do you want to? I personally like just taking the hits as they come but if you want to roll a dice i'm cool with it :)
I don't care, as long as we reach a fair conclusion that satisfies both parties, I'm down with taking hits and getting injured lol

@GingerBread @mewbot5408

Raven needs a first time friend, so if you can find a way to reach out to him and get to his feelings, he'll open up to you :)

Granted, it will take a lot of effort.
Sicarius said:
I did not realize this was considered godmodding, considering I let my character take a hit, but I completely understand. Since I technically controlled your character, it makes sense. Sorry lol, just tried to add something more interesting than just: "Raven blocked Nyx's attack. -End"
I see where you're coming from and i did like the way you write it. Just be glad it wasn't @metalcity you did it to, boy loves to rant
Lotusy said:
Dice results, since I think I heard OK.
Am i being stupid, i don't understand this D: I feel like an old man who doesn't understand technology (Which is pretty much what i am, minus the old part :P )

Sicarius said:
Raven needs a first time friend, so if you can find a way to reach out to him and get to his feelings, he'll open up to you :)

Granted, it will take a lot of effort.
Jackal is really animalistic and often seems like a cat more than anything so I don't think it'll too hard
GingerBread said:
Am i being stupid, i don't understand this D: I feel like an old man who doesn't understand technology (Which is pretty much what i am, minus the old part :P )
These darn newfangled dice!

Well, it was 1 for Raven, 2 for Nyx, 3 for a draw, and it rolled a 2.
mewbot5408 said:
Jackal is really animalistic and often seems like a cat more than anything so I don't think it'll too hard
Raven is a cold hearted, savage like man who is on the edge of losing his humanity. He doesn't have a soft side for cats lol
Sicarius said:
Raven is a cold hearted, savage like man who is on the edge of losing his humanity. He doesn't have a soft side for cats lol
Not what I ment, I mean it's easier to get along with animals than people since they're extremely loyal to who they choose to trust. Also he may lean more to the cat but he has various other animal forms. That being said I'm more so talking about loyalty animals have
Sicarius said:
@GingerBread @Lotusy
I thought we were just gonna play it out without dice?
Well it helps to have a outcome, cause otherwise this fight could end up going on forever, we still get to write out a fight but just for deciding who wins, since both our characters are really quite powerful. But Nyx hardly ever gets out of a fight without almost dying xD

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