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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ready for the time skip to the next day?

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GingerBread said:
I'm not sure how i feel about this.
How would Jay feel if Nyx just left him for Enki?
GingerBread said:
@Lotusy just out of curiosity, How would Jay react if Nyx Were to die? would he try to bring him back?
But you know what they say, curiosity killed the Nyxen
How oddly similar those two posts are.... Hmmm......
Anywhale, is there a summary I could get? I don't know why, I just feel like not reading several hundred posts in order to establish each ship...

There are alot* of ships in that poll on the Overview... *shudders*


Spazzycat101 said:
Anywhale, is there a summary I could get? I don't know why, I just feel like not reading several hundred posts in order to establish each ship...
There are alot* of ships in that poll on the Overview... *shudders*


Yea, sure. It's really been a hell of a ride (in my memory, at least,) since the start.

Concerning the ships, the creator just made every pairing for the characters, just for fun. Here are some of the more popular ships, as you can see by the poll:

Willow x Hak: Between Oceanbunny and CelestiaVanGuard . It's a straight ship. Pretty cute, since they got matching pets from the zoo raid we had. I think Willow tried her first sweets with Hak, so that was pretty cool. Currently, one half of the ship (Hak) is inactive.

Corvus x Pandora: Between TheCreator645 and LegenDarius . I'm not sure how they met, but it's one of the longest-standing ships. Since I've joined, the two have seemed pretty close, but I don't remember anything specific. Half of the ship is inactive.

Shina x Enki: Between metalcity and Phoenixfire13 . It's a romance between two fire users. Shina is the first person to really get to know Enki, (though his diary). Shina also sacrificed herself to save Enki, back when demons invaded the school. Currently, she's been reincarnated as a bird and is still watching over Enki. Phoenixfire13 has been swamped by work and stuff, so I think this might be inactive.

Jay x Nyx: I know a lot about this one, simply because my character is part of it and I've been controlling him all this time. :P Between me and Gingerbread. Homosexual ship. It's between a vampire and a normal guy, who's a healer and pigeon-whisperer (But I swear it's not Twilight). Jay's done things like saved Nyx's life with blood and healing, while Nyx has defended him with his strength. It's a symbiotic relationship. We're still active.

Anyways, the summary. Prepare for a beast of a wall of text. Honestly, I can only give the recount from around my character, since I don't remember that much. Thus, expect it to be more focused from Jay, Nyx, Enki, and Shina's POV. This is from when I jumped in, of course. I didn't bother to read the earlier pages.

To establish the main conflict, we have Shina and Nyx. In a virtual fighting simulator, they killed each other at the same time, and have started a rivalry. Nyx taunted Enki, who tried to help Shina, and that's started the Nyx vs Enki conflict in this RP, one of the biggest and most violent to date.

After their first fight, Enki is sent to the underworld and has to fight off demons. He regains control of his body, but sets off some new kind of fire. Shina absorbs it and gains the help of the blue fire, which had a name that I don't remember (but I think it was Fiona).

A bit later, Jay saves Nyx's life with some of his blood, and does so again when Nyx summons a panther familiar, and it mauls him. I think from there is where Jay x Nyx started. Just a personal thing, but Jay found a potion recipe that would enhance his healing power, but it requires two liters of his blood.

The next day, Nyx and Enki, then Nyx and Shina are sent into a fight. Both Nyx and Shina are sent into comas, and Jay organizes a raid on the local magical zoo to try and get some unicorn tears and revive them. The raid is a huge success, with lost of students bringing home personal pets. (Jay got some peacock feathers.)

The next day, demons invade the school. There's a lot of chaos ensuing. After a while, Jay and Nyx work together to draw blood and make the potion. The students fight off the demons, but then the demon general shows up. Shina fights him 1-on-1, and as he targets Enki, she sacrifices herself to save him and end the invasion.

The next day, the students come down with curses, and they have to fix all of them. I think Corvus fought a giant spider. (This part was foggy, and that's all I remember from the day.)

Then it comes to today. GreenEyedStranger's character, Ja'zi Ro, starts a plague at the school. Additionally, he kidnaps two students, Willow and Dhaylian. Currently, Jay and Nyx are assembling a rescue team.
@Spazzycat101 I'm not the best at summaries but here goes

So in the beginning there was nothing, then... sorry i'm going off track :P

So in the beginning Shina was kidnapped and there was a giant fight, people died you know the norm, Then a while after that there was fight in the library consisting Of Nyx, Pandora, Kyzaba and Corvus, While this was going on Hak and Willow were romancing it up.

Then after that everyone went into a simulation to have a hunger games sort of fight, People died, After Shina, Enki and Nyx died Nyx tried topick a fight with Shina, but ended up fighting Enki, Nyx decided to try to get some help in the fight so he used some Mind control on Jay, Shina then slapped Jay. Enki got possessed and then Died... or did he? So Nyx ended running off and jay followed, Jay then attacked Nyx with his flock of pigeons before running off.

Then Nyx found Jay in the library and tried to kill him, but got stopped by Shina. After that Maka (One of Enki's devils) Shina and Jay, all started talking while Enki was dead on a table, Nyx then interrupted this because Jay had a book he wanted, Nyx got the book and Started Fighting a panther, who is now know as richard. Nyx killed it -ish and was in the process of dying, So Jay being the Wonderful person he is, Saved Nyx's life, For his kindness Nyx gave Jay some of his blood (Shut up that's not creepy :P ) Then everyone started talking around Enki again this time Nyx was involved, though all he did was insult everyone and Keep reminding Shina that she owed him a fight.

So then Enki woke up and talked to Shina they both went outside, Nyx being the asshole he is followed them to make fun of them. While Outside Enki found that this new blue flame he had would never go out, He found this out by setting a tree on fire, Shina tried to touch the fire and got burned.

Luckily Nyx was there to save the day and like the big hero he is, He put the fire out by absorbing it.

Now you may be wondering what's jay doing at this moment in time , well He was in his dorm cutting himself to get 2 liters of his blood for a potion, and Kinda failed and passed out only getting like a test tube full of blood.

Anyway back to Nyx, Nyx was on the ground, deadish, until Shina used some healing fire on him which made him start to writhe in pain until Enki came and sucked the fire out of him, Nyx once again passed out, in the process of Dying. Luckily Jay came along to save the day and gave Nyx his blood that he worked so hard to get, Nyx being the greedy vampire he is, wanted more, Shina afraid of Nyx and wanting to keep her blood (Selfish Girl) Ran off before passing out, Now nyx wanting to avoid confusion ran after her to confirm that he wanted animal blood, not human. Jay tagged along with Nyx and they both found Shina Passed out so Jay being the wonderful person he is help Shina, Nyx also helped-ish Anyway Enki came along and thought Nyx was trying to drink her blood and put a sword to the back of his head.

Anyway Shina woke up and went into the Gym with Enki while Jay and Nyx headed to a butcher to get some animal blood, While that happened Jay asked Nyx why he has such an arse to people (Albeit in a nicer way) And nyx Told him stuff. Anywho back to the simulation which at this point was destroyed by Tyrell who is a 2 story tall dragon so that ended.

At some point Nyx and Jay fell out sort of and nyx goes 'Home' Crying, anyway the next day Nyx goes on a manhunt to kill jay and ends up fighting Enki and then Shina, Shina and Nyx start dying, So Jay once again being a hero organises a raid on the local Zoo to get some unicorn tears to wake up Shina and Nyx

So after Jay saves Nyx, He gets a reward of being beat up, and then they make up, And then demons invade the school, Jay concocts a potion and Nyx gets one shotted, Anyway Shina sacrifices herself to get rid of the great big bloody demon and then Nyx drinks some fairy blood and becomes a kitten.

The next day Everyone gets cursed, a giant spider got fought By Corvus, Willow and Enki, oh and Shina returns as a bird

Then The day after that Nyx fights Enki, Shina intervenes and becomes a human shortly and Then Enki and Nyx both end up at the infirmary, Jay comes along and asks Nyx about Shina, Nyx tells Jay why he thinks it's good that shina came back (Nyx thinks it's good, because now he can kill her) Jay disagrees and has a go at Nyx, Nyx then mopes and then Spies on Enki a bit, Who has gone to see the principal, who tells Enki about his future

Nyx then tries to attack the principal , gets one shotted and has to have a dorm.

Nyx And jay make up and become Boyfriends. Then Jay drags Nyx to class and then a girl complete with all illnesses appears outside and jay wants to check it out, The girl melts and releases a toxic cloud, Nyx starts dying again only minorly this time and Dhaylian gives him some of his blood

It being fairy blood however, Nyx once again Becomes a kitten. Willow and Dhaylian then get kidnapped

And now we're on this day, Nyx, Jay Myaku (No idea how to spell that) and Miko are mounting a rescue team to save Willow and Dhaylian

Edit: God damn it @Lotusy Why do you have to be so fast? xD
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@Lotusy after cutting his arm off he walked over to jay and told him to go with him, they went to the infirmary and enki told jay that nyx was after him and wanted to potentially kill him
xD My apologies, when I say 'summary', I don't mean everything. I just mean what is happening where at the time. xD
Spazzycat101 said:
xD My apologies, when I say 'summary', I don't mean everything. I just mean what is happening where at the time. xD
Oh lol. I poured my heart, soul, and bodily fluids onto that post :P Sorry about that.
Lotusy said:
Oh lol. I poured my heart, soul, and bodily fluids onto that post :P Sorry about that.
Yes, your very being has become the post. You are the post. You are doomed to linger on the internet, simply an unchanging trace of your activity forever more.

Bam Bam Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
So Guys What do you think about @GreenEyedStranger He hasn't been online Since the stuff in Paris happened. Now i may be jumping to conclusions (And i hope i am) but do you think he's ok, it might be a coincidence but he hasn't been online and he went offline around the same time the Paris stuff started
Hopefully that's not what's happened.

Did you happen to notice the times they typically posted in? It could help us determine the general timezone they were in, so the continent on which they live could be nearly certain.

But that is jumping to conclusions, hopefully it's not correct.

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