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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Emma frowned. "Well then, if that's the way you want to play it, fine," she said. She sat down on the concrete, and pulled out her phone, looking at current events. Her thumb kept scrolling until something caught her eye. She shouted. "Aha!" Quickly scrambling to her feet, she flipped her phone to show the message on the the screen. It read:

Lakoria High Equestrian Club, any members welcome!

You are all invited to join the Equestrian Club this Monday. We have all sorts of magical horse breeds, including Pegasi, Unicorns, and everything in-between! We'll show off all different saddles, and teach basic horse riding skills. It'll be a blast!

She put the phone down and ran over to the centaur. "So, what do you think? This sounds nice, plus, it's happening today!" she said. "Think about it. They're bound to have a saddle for you. Plus, you'll be ridden in front of everyone!" She poked him with her elbow. "Well?" she asked. "What do you think? Is that a yes I hear?"

"Yea, a translation would be nice." He turned around to look at Cokumbus. "I'm sure that our friend there would need a translation as well." He shook his head, laughing. "It's like a United Nations meeting! It'll tale too long to understand each other." He look back at Nyx. "Just ask the frog where to find this... 'mirror'. That'll be enough."

@GingerBread @Artemistel @LokiofSP
(@sitanomoto You're taking way too long to respond, I have to move on)

Corvus took one more look at the passage, that was now translated into English by his newfound wolf-man friend. "Wait... It says here, 'Take hold of it, and those who show their might it shall not overpower.' Right at the end of the passage."

Corvus paused for a while. "I guess it means I do have to touch the gemstone." He took a deep breath before enveloping the stone with his entire left hand. The stone shone with the same purple hue through his fingers as an intense heat plagued his hand. "Ah!" Corvus screamed, noticeably louder than his last cry of pain, before hissing at his burned hand.

He looked at his palm, and noticed three words written on it by the gemstone's heat. "Lox... Vo... Grah...," he read slowly. Showing the wolf-man his palm, Corvus asked him, "Hey... What does this mean?"
Poor Leon had no other choice as he nodded his head for standing up. Just the thought alone was embarrassing enough. Leon only shook his head and turned to face Emma,"Just hurry up and show me where it's at...I just wanna get this over with."

Mira hopped along the grass, somehow knowledgable about the path she took here. She stopped to where the mirror shards were, but they weren't there.

What? It was here before.. and what is this stupid thing on my neck? Mira thought, letting out a croak-like sigh. It felt cold and sharp.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Alright!" Emma shouted in joy, and did a little victory dance. "Now I'll get to learn how to ride a horse, and a centaur at that," she said. She grabbed Leon and ran towards the track. "By the way," she said, "I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Emma, and it's nice to meet you." After running to the field, she pulled Leon towards a small group of people with horses. "Excuse me, could I have a saddle for my friend? He's always *ahem* wanted to be ridden," she told the group. They gave her a saddle, and she brought it over to Leon. "Now, let's get started," she said. She pulled a the saddle onto the centaur, trying to figure out which loop went with which buckle.

As they were heading towards the track, Leon heard the girl introduce herself and quickly responded,"Leon." before they made it to a group of people with a multitude of different horses. He then felt the saddle being attached to his back and only shook his head,"What's next, the reins?"

LegenDarius said:
(@sitanomoto You're taking way too long to respond, I have to move on)
Corvus took one more look at the passage, that was now translated into English by his newfound wolf-man friend. "Wait... It says here, 'Take hold of it, and those who show their might it shall not overpower.' Right at the end of the passage."

Corvus paused for a while. "I guess it means I do have to touch the gemstone." He took a deep breath before enveloping the stone with his entire left hand. The stone shone with the same purple hue through his fingers as an intense heat plagued his hand. "Ah!" Corvus screamed, noticeably louder than his last cry of pain, before hissing at his burned hand.

He looked at his palm, and noticed three words written on it by the gemstone's heat. "Lox... Vo... Grah...," he read slowly. Showing the wolf-man his palm, Corvus asked him, "Hey... What does this mean?"
((Omg sorry!!))

Kino peered at it closely. " hm." His ears flicked in curiosity. "Grah...." He looked at Corvus. "Grah is 'battle' in the dragon tongue. But battle what?"
(@sitanomoto it's all good :P )

"Battle?," Corvus repeated in confusion before pausing for a moment. In that moment of silence, the background noise of the library suddenly became as loud as the battlefield, but in time Corvus received the revelation he was waiting for. Withdrawing his palm from the wolf-man's face, he spoke, "Oh... I might have to battle some monster that's trapped inside of this gemstone." He sighed, it was going to be another crazy day today, if it wasn't already. "What do the first two words mean then?"
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Emma smiled. "Oh yeah, it's a good thing you reminded me of that." She quickly grabbed some reins, wrapping them around Leon's torso. She slung herself up, putting her feet in the reigns. Inside, she was laughing at Leon's obvious discomfort. "Haha... I mean, sorry. Let's just go. She kicked his sides with her feet, flicking the reins, waiting for him to start running.

Leon shook his head, at least the reins weren't in his mouth attached to some bit. He felt the small kick and the flick ass he began to slowly walk, avoiding eye contact with any of the people in the group. He could feel the book slowly starting to loosen as the centaur slowly picked up the pace.

Yo jay, the mirrors gone, but there's a necklace around it's neck now He thought before adding I think the necklace would work like the mirror, and the curse has to be transferred to someone else. And before you get all goody two shoes, you aren't taking the curse, i need you to be a translator and you can't do that if you're a frog

(Sorry I was gone, long day of errands)

Alliumbus looked at the kitten, "So uh....What's the frog saying? Oh and don't forget the cute kitten, that might be useful info to!"

"Let me think...." Kino bit his lip. "Lox.... Lox..... Lox is 'thought'? No... Lox..... Lox..." His eyes went wide as he realized the translation. "Web." He looked at the necklace and then groaned. "Crap..."

LegenDarius said:
(@sitanomoto it's all good :P )
"Battle?," Corvus repeated in confusion before pausing for a moment. In that moment of silence, the background noise of the library suddenly became as loud as the battlefield, but in time Corvus received the revelation he was waiting for. Withdrawing his palm from the wolf-man's face, he spoke, "Oh... I might have to battle some monster that's trapped inside of this gemstone." He sighed, it was going to be another crazy day today, if it wasn't already. "What do the first two words mean then?"
"Web? Oh..." he said in realization. "Maybe I have to spin a web? Won't be that hard if I'm a spider. Or half spider, that is"

Getting up using his eight spider legs, Corvus discreetly crawled his way to a corner of the library and weaved a simple web while the librarian wasn't looking. But as he became at ease, confident that the black operation was clean and complete, a certain voice entered his head, Better clean that up. So much for stealth.

But Corvus felt different. It was as if the power had gone out from the necklace, as if someone heard a lock door clicking open. Taking a risk, Corvus briefly touched the necklace with his other hand, and found that it was benign. That was when Corvus put it together. Turning to the wolf-man, he said, "I think I know what to do now. Thank you so much for all of your help. What was your name?" Corvus was slightly embarrassed that only now would he ask for the wolf-man's name, but perhaps the circumstance made it justifiable.

Jay turned to Columbus. "Well, apparently the frog got turned into a frog by a mirror. Now, that mirror is hanging around its neck." He pointed to the necklace. "And apparently, whoever looks into the necklace also becomes a frog. Whoop-dee-doo."

He just wants to teach you primordial students the fundamentals of the universe in a way you'll understand Mira retorted (Conflict starter). Yes, she felt much too bold and would have probably recoiled at her last statement if she was not an ornamented amphibian.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP
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Assuming what the frog said was an insult Nyx turned to face the frog i Suggest you don't insult us Nyx thought making sure only the frog could hear him, as he loomed over her, looking ready to kill her any second I could kill you right now

Realizing the weight of what she had said, Mira stuttered, even through her thoughts.

It's not like I know how smart you are. You may be very smart. I think you're very smart she rambled on nervously, gulping as the cat loomed over her.
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As the centaur picked up his pace, Emma started to feel the exhilaration of horse riding. She could feel the wind, and the bumps on the ground. "WHat do you think?" she yelled through the wind. "I'm starting to think we should go back to the lunchroom! Plenty of embarrassment there!" She flicked the reins and began to turn Leon towards the school's lunchroom. Before they entered, she spoke. "Are you ready? This is about to be the most humiliating moment in your life. Think of aaalllll the staaaares!"

Though Jay couldn't hear the frog's thoughts, he could feel the hostile thoughts of Nyx, who was glaring at the frog. "Hey! Hey! Nyx! Back off of that frog!" He reached out and grabbed Nyx by the collar. "Just hold up. I have no idea what's bothering you, but I'm sure we are going to need this frog alive for now.


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