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Fantasy Lakoria High School

She jumped in surprise as the book snapped back shut. "Well... it said that if you wanted to remove the book, you needed to face a form of humiliation. I promise, that's what it said," she replied, still taken aback by the crazy book and centaur combo. She winced as she heard his bones crack under the pressure. "So, how are you going to humiliate yourself? Do the chicken dance in class? Eat a million hot dogs? Play strip poker?" she asked, curious to know. "I-I mean, it's not like I'm prying."


@Moonflight are you talking to us? :D
John was in the library studying, oblivious to all the chatter. All of the sudden, his hearing had disappeared, to his panic. He yelled out, confirming he couldn't hear.
Corvus took note of the strange dog that had just joined him in the library. "Huh. So I'm guessing you're cursed too?," he asked the dog. "As you can see, I was cursed, but I'm halfway out. Or at least I hope so..."

((@Mango yes.))

Venus then lay down looking up at the two people. They seemed to already have some issues of their own, but they were the only people that she had found that looked like they were capable of helping her. All the others had only treated her like a dog, which she was not so pleased about. Plus Caspian was still making dog puns which was getting on her nerves. He may be her brother, but she didn't like the dog puns. Please stop! You're killing me casp. She whined.

Venus wagged her tail and barked to the dude who had just asked her if she was cursed. Yes! Yes I was! Oh my gosh! This is so infuriating. Urggg what I would give to be able to speak human!
John looked at a group of people, and decided to approach them, mouthing the words, "I can't hear." At least he wasn't dead... He spotted a dog at looked at strangely for a moment. The hell?
Leon sighed and looked at the girl,"Explain to me how strip poker for a centaur would work? I'm already not wearing pants, the most I'd have to take off is my shirt." Leon shook his head and thought before saying, "Chicken dance doesn't work...I'm pretty sure eating a hot-dog isn't humiliation either." Leon sat his massive lower half onto the ground and sighed, "What can I do?...There has to be something."

Venus whined and kicked her legs when the girl picked her up. Woah! This is giving me vertigo. The ground looks so far away! She thought becoming slightly dizzy. Venus struggled in the girl's arms trying to get down. Please let this girl put me down. Please! She prayed to anyone listening. When the girl asked if there was something wrong with her, Venus took slight offence. Of course there's something wrong with me! I'M A FREAKING MERMAID STUCK IN THE FORM OF THE DOG! Stupid collar.
Emma checked the dog. "Is something bothering you?" she asked. "Well, it's no matter. I'm sure that person could help," she said, pustting the dog down and pushing her towards another student.

She turned back to the centaur. "How about you do something out of your comfort zone? Something, er, weird. Like lose an arm wrestle to me in front of all your guy friends, or something. Is that what boys do?" She thought for a second.
Think Emma, think. Her brain was going into overdrive, trying to think of what a centaur could do that was humiliating. Aha! I got it! she thought. "Well, Mr. Centaur, not to be pushy, but maybe you could ask out the gal you love. Or the guy, you know, it doesn't matter. If they turn you down, that'd be super humiliating," she said.


@Moonflight sorry about that, I was outside the library.
(Screw it I need interaction)

John suddenly was handed a dog, glaring at the girl who gave it. The hell is this?! He started to think, that it was too smart to be a dog. "What are you... He said loudly. He put it down, walking out of the library, deciding to explore the school. This sucks... (@Moonflight)
Leon shrugged,"I really don't have a special person...studies are a bit more important for me." The massive centaur's hooves tapped the ground impatiently, there wasn't anything too embarrassing for Leon. Leon shrugged and thought on it,"Well, the real embarrassing thing for a centaur is to be ridden around like a actual horse...but I am NOT going to do that in a million years. Besides, I don't see a saddle or reigns anywhere so I'm in the clear."

((Well, we have a fucking neko here. Looks like Gary Stu is back... Fucking things...)) John reached outside, when he saw a stream of fire shoot out backing away.
"Oh, no saddle? I'm sure I... could manage." Emma's lips twist up in a smile. "I've never ridden a horse, and I'm sure I'd fall, but," she stopped mid sentence. "LET'S DO THIS!!!" She quickly grabbed his arms, using them for support as she brought herself up. "OWOWOW!" Sheesh, this hurts. Wish I had a saddle, she thought. "GIDDYUP!!!" She tried to kick his sides, failing miserable, and instead twisted one of his arms to try and get him moving.

@Isune It's up to you if you want to kick me off.
Leon was surprised as the girl suddenly jumped onto his back and instantly reared up before quickly bucking her off. The second he felt the weight leave his back he instantly turned around and picked up the girl the collar of her shirt before dangling her in his face,"If you EVER do that again, I'll make sure you won't be around to ever do it again!" He then let out a frustrated snort like a wild stallion before suddenly dropping her onto the ground and crossing his arm, looking away from the girl.

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Well at least she put me down. Venus shrugged. She was happy for a moment only to be put in the arms of some kid. Great, we're playing pass the potato. Only with a dog. And I happen to be that dog. She let out the dog version of a human sigh. She eyed the boy who looked like he had just been handed a screaming baby. Well if you didn't hear what I said, I'm a freaking mermaid. Stuck in the form of a dog. Which really sucks. She thought. When the boy put her down, she gave off a bark of annoyance. CAN ANYONE IN THIS SCHOOL HELP ME? OR AM I DOOMED TO BE A DOG FOREVER?!! She growled and sulked away.
Mira walked along the Grounds of the large campus. She still couldn't believe that she could never see her family and friends from the outside world again. She looked down at her loafers as she kicked at the grass. Out of the corner of her eye, she detected something shiny, and went towards it curiously. It was a broken mirror. She crouched down on her toes, and looked at it. She suddenly felt very small. The grass around her had grown as tall as her. She started to scream, but it turned into a croak. She tried to run, but her legs suddenly sprang and she darted across the field. She croaked again in panic. "What was going on?," she thought. ((@GingerBread))
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Nyx Heard a croak and looked over at where the noise had come from, when he looked over he saw a frog leap forwards, he walked over to it.

You need any help? or are you just a frog? Nyx thought sending the thought to the Frog

Croaking again Mira the frog thought up an explanation.

I was just walking along, and looked into a broken mirror on the ground. Maybe it was cursed She thought gloomily. There was still a cold feeling in her chest.

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WHAT? How cruel can someone be? Mira thought angrily, much more bold than she would be if she was looking like herself.

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Mira swallowed nervously, which was difficult to do since she was a frog.

Why does this person want to kill me? she thought uneasily, and then panicked again because she realised that whoever they were could still hear her thoughts.

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