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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Alliumbus nodded and took the old woman's glasses, who yelled after him. She handed Jay the glasses, "Is there anything else I could do for you ancestors? Should I sacrifice the old woman as well? I don't know how this works anymore!"

"But you didn't have to!" Enki shouted "It was my fault. I'm to weak and you chose to protect me, because I cant myself. I'm sorry." Again he started to repeat this with tears running down his cheeks. He bowed his head down in disappointment.

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Out of the corner of his eye nyx saw an Alligator heading towards him, not wanting to become Alligator food Nyx turned tail and tried to Walk away only to be reminded of his Broken Paw God dammit Nyx thought before taking a deep breath and walking as fast as he could away from the alligator, Pain shooting through his leg with every step he took.

Seeing the library he decided to go inside For a second to catch his breath, realizing he Hadn't breathed since he started hobbling away from the alligator. Nyx hoped he had gotten away from the alligator, only to have hopes shattered as he felt pressure on his tail as the alligator started Devouring him.

Nyx was surprised to find that being eaten Didn't kill him, he started struggling to get out of the alligator, only to find that he was stuck.After what felt like an eternity, He felt his tail leave the alligator's body, though it felt slightly lighter. Nyx started to feel his whole body become lighter, he was confused about this until he felt light hit his eyes and his head start to become lighter, he saw a bunch on balloons on the ceiling as he felt himself start to rise up to the ceiling to join the balloons. Noticing his reflection in the window of the library, Nyx saw that he was a balloon as well.

Looking around for someone to help, he noticed Jay and another girl who he had not seen before, He tried to call out to Jay only for fire to come out instead of sound popping the balloon in front of him, Causing Massive pain to go through Nyx's body, Confirming that the Balloons were part of him.

Nyx tried to send his thoughts towards Jay Jay, help I've become balloons

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Jay put on the glasses. A spiraling light engulfed his kitten body. He opened his mouth, searing a rune into the ground. His cat body shimmered, and in a flash of light, Jay was back to being good ol' Jay. "He turns back to the girl. "I told you I was a human. You don't need to sacrifice anyone." He chuckled, standing up and waving a goodbye at the girl who smelled like Columbus.

He suddenly heard Nyx calling for him. What? A balloon? He spun around. "Not time to ask questions, just follow me!" He grabbed the book with one hand, the girl's arm in the other, and sprinted out the door. As he ran out of the library, he saw a small kitten balloon, along with... alligator balloons? "Nyx! What happened?"


(@LokiofSP if you don't want to follow Jay, I can edit my post, I added that part just in case.)
No, Shina flew before Enki's face and wiped his tears away with her wing, You aren't weak. I protected you because I'm your friend. You hold none of the blame. If you want to blame someone, blame the devil for being such a power drunk. Blame the church for those horrible experiments. You can even blame me for being too weak to protect you without dying before you and causing you so much grief. But don't blame yourself. I can't bear to see my closest friend suffer so much.

She paused for a while and slapped him across the cheek a second time. And stop apologizing. I told you that it wasn't your fault. Will it make you feel better, if I say I forgive you? For being such a good friend that I don't regret dying for?

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I was eaten by an alligator and turned into balloons Nyx thought trying to send his thoughts towards jay, A blank look on his Balloon face

Any idea how we can get me back to normal, or a least something that's not a balloon

Alliumbus followed suit, going after Jay to get Nyx, "How does this school work like this? One moment I'm studying, the next I'm sacrificing people to my tree ancestors, the next my tree ancestors turn into my friends....Oh and I switched bodies with a girl." She looked at the balloon confusedly, "So....Did you want me to pull these down or something? Because you do realize you're taller than me now right?"

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Enki looked at Shina with aw, he could feel each word trying to make him feel better, but he wanted to keep apologising but he stopped himself as he was about to. "Ok, I'm glad you are ok. But I will get stronger, so you and everyone else never have to experience that again." He wiped his tears away but he was still blushing. He then realised that his glasses where removed by the wing attack, and how he then looked her in the eyes. "No no no no, I didn't mean it!! I cant kill her!!" Enki shouted as he jumped grabbing his face. Then he completely passed out.


"Uh... let me see..." Jay flipped through the book. Flipping to a page, he looked up and shouted at the nyx balloon "Um... the closest they have is helium overdose treatment. Should we go with that?" He put his bag down and turned to the Columbus girl. "You know, this might seem normal, but this situation is just balloony!" He cackled madly before choking on his own saliva. "Ahem. Yeah, I'll start drawing." He takes a stick of chalk out of his bag and starts writing the rune in the book.


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Enball looked at her with crazed eyes, But he made a promise, which he has to keep, one girl or the whole school. He shouted as he went to hit her.

Fiona, don't worry. I plan to kick his ass. Enki was full of anger, Enball was about to speak but Enki already was at his door step, readying a punch directed at his chest. I wont hurt her, you will pay you deranged psychopath!

You brat! Enball summoned a flame and throw it at Enki, he caught it and destroyed it in his fist, See this is what I seeked all these years! I know you could do this, I chose you for this reason! Now hand over my body! As he said this a blue fire appeared on top of Enki and fired a blue fire blast out of his chest, it pored down like water on a water fountain, setting the school on fire.

(sure why not)

You know, i really want to punch you for all the puns, also even if you do turn me back i think the alligator will have something to say about it Nyx thought sending his thought towards Jay.


"Hehe... sure you will." He finished drawing the rune. Instantly, the helium sprayed out the back of Nyx's balloons.

Jay quickly ran over to where he fell. Noticing he was re-inflating, he took a string and tied Nyx's balloons to a bike rack. "So. We got you down. Any idea on what to do next?"

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
(welp, uh, does this count as an event or a normal occurrence at Lakoria? Cause this school sure has a history OF GETTING DESTROYED)

(@metalcity Cooooooool you can destroy flames :o )

Shina flew back in shock when Enki suddenly shouted out and fainted. She waited in a distance for a while and then hopped over to his head, pecking at him nervously. H-hey ... Enki? What ha- She stopped as she heard Fiona's voice crying out, giving her a few seconds of warning before she had time to fly backwards in a hurry. Enball jumped up and began to walk toward her, looking like he was going to punch her but suddenly doubled over.

Enball ... I should have known! Fiona, go assist Enki! I'll try to hold the fire back for as long as possible!

Understood, master! Fiona threw a blue fireball at Enball.

Shina summoned fire chains that chained Enball's arms and legs together. She flew behind him and took a deep breath before placing her wings on the blue fire, beginning to absorb the fire before it could spread further. It had already burned a hole where Enki had fainted.

Hurry, Enki, Fiona ... I don't know how long I can hold him back in this form...
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You still got that collar, being a cat would be better than a balloon that can't move Nyx thought, his balloon body gently swaying side to side

"Yea. I'll get it." He ran into the library, and back out, clutching the collar, then double over, out of breath.

"Oh god *pant* I am definitely out of shape..." He threw the collar around the head balloon.

Alliumbus's looked at Jay like he was a madman, "Okay, so first you talked to a balloon, then you put a collar on it...Did I go to a school or a loony bin?"

As the collar was put around his Balloon head, all the other balloons Magnetizing towards him surrounding as a bright glow enveloped Nyx and all the balloons.

When the bright Glow had disappeared, Nyx fell to the ground once again a kitten, Nyx let out fire as he tried to make a sound of pain as he landed on his bandaged broken paw Nyx tried to move away from the bike rack only to find he was still tied to it.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Jay turned to the girl. "Hah, you haven't. It's a Balloon-y bin, little miss." He watched Nyx breathe fire. "Ouch! Hot!" He quickly untied Nyx from the bike rack. Seeing that Nyx was still injured, he started his healing process. As he healed, he noticed the marks all over Nyx. "Holy crap! Were you abused or something?"


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Lets see, i was set on fire and thrown on top of a building Nyx thought sending his thought to Jay before adding But wait it gets better i was then pushed off of the building and broke my leg, now what would you call that?

Emma walked to the Lakoria library, quickly sneaking a can of Generic Brand Juice, Orange Flavor, out of the vending machine outside the lunchroom. This is just a little treat... for later, she said to herself. As soon as she arrived, she saw a... centaur, running around, hollering, with a book. "There's a first time for everything," she muttered. A quick thought crossed her mind. i'd better get going, he looks like he's in trouble. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?" she asked, concerned.

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"Animal abuse. Definitely animal abuse." He picks up Nyx, holding him up to the sky. "I mean, you're so cute... and fluffy. I mean, seriously? You've got to be kitten me. Who would do this to you?" He thought for a moment. "Or maybe they knew you were Nyx. I think I need to have a talk with Enki later." He put Nyx down. "Well, I'm sorry for you, buddy. I'm sure this experience has been clawful for you."

@GingerBread No brakes on the pun train ;)

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No Human should make that many puns, it's just unnatural, was that your curse to make bad puns all the time? Nyx sent his thought to Jay, his tone sarcastic.

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Leon's screaming had clearly worked since a girl came running over asking if he was okay. Leon shook his head as he held out the hand with the book still latched onto it as he looked down at the girl, "This book is eating my hand...does it look like I'm okay!?" Leon still had no idea what to do to get this stupid book off his hand as he remembered what he saw written in the book and said,"Hey, I'll try to pry the book open and you try to read what's written in the red ink, okay?" before the girl could reply, Leon grabbed the cover of the book and with all of his might (which was quite a lot due to his super strength) he managed to heave the book open just a small bit, but still not enough to pull his arm free. Written in the red ink was the following: If you wish to remove this book you must face a form of humiliation. That is the only way the book may be removed from a person. Then, the book snapped shut again twice as hard onto Leon's arm, making him wince in pain as he could have sworn it was beginning to crush his bones. He quickly looked back at the girl,"So, what did it say?"

((Jumping in here. Sorry for the short post))

Venus skidded across the floor of the library. She had finally found people to help her! She ran up towards the centaur person and the human person in the library to get their attention. Please help me. Please? She gave them the puppy dog eyes. Which somehow she had already mastered.
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