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Fantasy Lakoria High School

I don't want to kill you... yet Nyx thought turning to face the Frog And i don't really care if you turn back or not He added turning back around and walking back to Jay

@Artemistel @Lotusy
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You wont hurt anyone, I'll kill you. Enki ran towards Enball and summoned a blue flame in both his hands, and throw them at Enball, they where sharp fire boomerangs. They flew towards Enball, he jumped out of they way but just hit, leaving behind a burn on Enball's right arm, but they flu back around striking him throw the chest Yes yes yes, this is what I desire, this kind of power. Enball jumped around, joy filled his body. Give me my body! Enball shouted as he began charging at Enki, he jumped into him takaling him to the ground before lifting him, Where was all that talk about killing me boy!!! Laughing in Enki's face dancing around while having him by his neck. You wanna know something, having a fire arm is great. Enki's arm started to mould armour made of blue fire, setting fire to Enball's arm. In a panic Enball let go of Enki and moved back What is this, you clever boy. This is better than I thought. Enball laughed at this.

(need to think of what to do next...)

@metalcity (Shina's busy trying to prevent the school from burning down. I dun know what to have Fiona do either...)

Fiona stood watching the fight between the two boys. Master told me to help the boy ... but ... I must disobey that order. This fight is the boy's. I will help hold back the flames.

She sat on the ground and closed her eyes, connecting her mind to her master to lend her master her strength. This is all I can do for those two, and for you, master.
Emma tried to mount the centaur, only to b bucked off in a miserable fashion. Landing square on the ground, she yelped. "Ouch! Hey, what was that for?" Before she could recover, the centaur already had her up by her collar. "Fine, I won't do it again," she said, squirming out of his grasp and landing on the ground. "Syke!" She took out her orange juice, and drank half of in in one gulp. She closed her eyes, waiting for the adrenaline rush to kick in. Any second now, she thought. Any second... She opened up her eyes. "That's weird. I promise, I was supposed to be really hyperactive and mount you again," she said. "I wonder if there's something wrong..." She chugged the rest of the orange juice. Nothing happened. "This is so weird," she said. "Either way, we need to focus on your humiliation. I bet that book's starting to hurt a bit now. Do you have any other ideas?"

Nope, just a normal frog, not a cursed student at all Nyx thought, hoping Jay wouldn't pick up on the lie while trying to avoid eye contact with Jay

@Lotusy (Nyx is still evil :D )
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Don't laugh, just fight! Enki shouted as he coated his hand in fire. He ran at Enball and went for a punch, Enball moved and kicked Enki in the chest, he started to cough. This is fun, you have grown since I was placed into you. And you can communicate with me now.

Stop talking! I will beat you, because I wont kill my friend. Enki spattered out during his coughing fit. He got up and started to cover his body in fire again, then he dashed at Enball. His fire armour left his body and formed into a sword in Enki's hand. He slashed at Enball but he caught the sword, it then exploded in his hand forcing a smoke cloud to form around him, Enki fell as his sword left and he punched Enball in the face, he staggered back and Enki went for another punch.

You are pushing me brat!

Then just leave me and return to hell! Enki knocked Enball at the floor and started a fire ball. You think its that easy, do you really want to kill me? I haven't even show you all the fire's, not all the swords. You still have more to learn until you can beat me. I'll give up on this as I do need your body.

Enki disappeared from his own mind and his eyes opened in the other world. He looked around in a panic and noticed a bird on him stopping fire from leaving his body. He screamed out in pain.

Enki saw the flames begin to spurt out of his chest again, they continued to fall but he started to hum and collect all the fire. They went back into him and he screamed out in pain again, then it stopped and he sighed in relief.

"Hello again, urm, sorry if I worried you. You know how he can be, rowdy devil ain't he." Enki smiled at Shina.

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"Don't be sarcastic, Nyx. Why would be talking with it otherwise?" Jay pokes the cat in the side. "I think we should help it. I mean, maybe it knows a little something about these animal curses." He picks up the kitten. "C'mon, let's go. We shouldn't keep it waiting."

"Hey! Froggy!" Jay runs over to the frog. "So, how did you get cursed?"

@GingerBread @Artemistel @LokiofSP
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Leon sighed as he once again shrugged,"Most of the things that are embarrassing to you humans, us centaurs don't really do." When Leon heard the bit about the orange juice he let out a angered snort, once again very similar to a wild stallion's,"What was that about hopping onto my back again? If you try that again. You're getting two hooves to the back of the head!" He then sat down on the ground and began to think of things that were extremely embarrassing.

it said it looked into a broken mirror Nyx thought I doubt there's any way way to change them back, so lets just leave

@Artemistel @Lotusy (I'm assuming i'll end up being a translator between you and the frog, since they don't have a metal link thing like Jay and Nyx)
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Yeah ... thought I got my fair share of devils for the rest of my life. Apparently not. Anyways, you ok? Got him under control?

She paused for a while as Fiona told her what had happened.

Ok, so he left? Just like that? Jerk comes and goes as he pleases...

She frowned and crossed her wings, which looked very weird in her bird form.

Enki tried to hold back a laugh, "Well, I still have more to learn. He gave up Because needs me to learn more." He continued to look at the bird with laughter, "So...how is it to be a bird?" Enki asked.

Mira the frog was in despair. So this is how her life would play out. She would forever be a frog, and die a frog without anyone cared knowing.

Perhaps I could find another cursed animal. There's bound to be another somewhere. I hop around until I get squashed she thought, drifting in her thoughts.
Hearing the frogs thoughts, Nyx replied Unfortunately my friend has decided he wants to help you, so you can tell us if you got any weird necklaces or rings or whatever, Just don't waste my time

@Artemistel @Lotusy
Shina sighed and unfolded her wings.

The restraint on my powers is a pain but other than that, flying is fun. The feel of the wind blowing through my wings is really exciting. As much as I want my human form back, I don't think I'll mind turning into a bird once in a while.

"So, do you know if you can return to your human self?" Enki asked without sounding like he didn't care for her in a bird form. "oh and also, what do you plan on doing as a bird, will you attend classes?" He asked as well quickly after his fist question.

I should be able to return to my human form after a while. Burning myself dealt quite a lot of damage to it; I almost couldn't revive because my body was so badly burnt that it couldn't regenerate. But when I was drifting in the darkness after death ... I saw my ... I saw my parents.

Shina's voice broke as she said this. She didn't want to have Enki hear about her caring parents when he had such a bad childhood so she hurried through the rest of her explanation.

I think they gave me this bird form so that I can still see and talk to my friends while my body is regenerating. I don't know how much time it'll take to recover completely though.

She looked up at him, searching his face for any reaction.

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Jay looked at the frog, which only croaked. "Nyx, I'm not sure that I understand what it's saying." He sat down and crossed his legs, thinking. "So how can I talk to you, if I can't talk to this thing?"

I would assume, it's because you drank some of my blood, i did say it could create a mental bond Nyx thought Looking at Jay I'm going to assume you want me to translate.


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