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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Leon shook his head,"Nope, but I need to get this book off." And without a second thought, Leon pushed his way through the doors. The second he saw everyone his face turned a rosy red and the book dropped to the ground, cutting Leon's arm slightly as a bit of his blood fell onto one of the pages. Leon bent over and picked up the book and flipped through it, the pages were blank...why were they blank? Leon turned to face his "rider" and showed her the book,"Look, it isn't snapping anymore."

Why are we helping it anyway, When i first became a cat you just made puns Nyx thought annoyed Before getting an idea

Jay, maybe if you kiss the frog she'll turn back Nyx thought trying to hold back laughter

LegenDarius said:
"Web? Oh..." he said in realization. "Maybe I have to spin a web? Won't be that hard if I'm a spider. Or half spider, that is"
Getting up using his eight spider legs, Corvus discreetly crawled his way to a corner of the library and weaved a simple web while the librarian wasn't looking. But as he became at ease, confident that the black operation was clean and complete, a certain voice entered his head, Better clean that up. So much for stealth.

But Corvus felt different. It was as if the power had gone out from the necklace, as if someone heard a lock door clicking open. Taking a risk, Corvus briefly touched the necklace with his other hand, and found that it was benign. That was when Corvus put it together. Turning to the wolf-man, he said, "I think I know what to do now. Thank you so much for all of your help. What was your name?" Corvus was slightly embarrassed that only now would he ask for the wolf-man's name, but perhaps the circumstance made it justifiable.

"Kino." Kino said with a small smile. "My name is Kino." He held out his hand. "Happy to help."
(Page 100 woohoo!)

Jay glared daggers at Nyx. Suddenly, his lips turned up in a devilish smile.. "If you didn't like my puns, you could have stopped me. I just saw the claw-pportunity and I took it." He started chuckling. "Don't paw-nder over it. Jus tell me next time." Before he burst out laughing again, he took a deep breath. "Boy, this situation has just been a cat-astrophe!" He laughed, rolling on the floor like a maniac. "Whew... oh my god... this is the best! Never turn back, Nyx."

Columbus face palmed, "These puns need to stop right Meow" She slowly removed her hand to reveal a huge smile, "I'm paw-sitive the cat is getting fed up, so lets tone it down paw-lease." She began to giggle as she took the frog from Jay and began to take off the mirror, "Okay I'm getting down to business, putting on my big boy pants! Enough Kitten around!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Artemistel
You're lucky you're good looking Nyx thought forgetting Jay could hear his thoughts. Nyx remembered Jay could hear his thoughts That was a... um... joke? Nyx thought his tone unsure as he looked away from Jay

@Lotusy (Make way for the ship, Because when's a better time to ship Jay and Nyx xD )
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"The feeling is mutual," Kino said, shaking the boy's hand. "Man, I'm really coming out of my shell today," he thought.
"Haha... wait what?" Jay's laughter stopped abruptly. He thought for a moment. "Oh, nevermind." He grinned and turned back to Columbus. "Nyx said you're lucky that you're good looking." He poked Nyx in the side. That was quite a bold thing for him to do." I mean, that was directed towards Columbus... right...?

(@GingerBread Jay is ever so oblivious :P )
(sorry for the interruption, there are two new people, including myself, who are showing up. I'm gonna pull myself and them into the action because I finally mustered the courage)

A small, handsome boy walks up to the gates of Lakoria Highschool "Huh, now that I know it's here, I can't imagine it NOT here..." He checks the time (I just need to know what time is it, and he has a pocket watch). He tries to teleport inside, and seems unable to do so. He pouts for a moment. Out of the corner of his eye, Ray thinks he sees a figure approaching...

@Blacknife @PhoenixFire13
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Nyx let out a small sigh of relief, Happy that Jay thought the comment wasn't directed at him. But he also felt a bit upset

Does Jay not like me back? Nyx pondered Sadly, this time Trying to Stop Jay hearing his thoughts.

@Lotusy ( If you want you can hear Nyx's thoughts ;) )
After Enki had thrown Nyx, Willow had shifted to her smaller size and gone looking for him, only to get herself completely lost. 'I really don't know my way around this school.' She sighed to herself while flying around the corner of a building. Spotting the school gates she flies towards them, hoping to be able to remember her way around from there. As she approaches the gates she notices a boy standing outside and looking down the street. She shifts to human size and lands lightly on the inside of the gate. "Hello, you waiting for someone?" She asks, smiling at the boy outside the gates.

Az flew around the entire school before seeing his gemstone start to glow "no, no, no. Not now. This is the wrong time and place" before long a small black-hole like portal opened up in front of him. Az then got sucked into the black-hole like portal and it then closes up. Az knows what was happening, but to him it isn't fun. His body started to change to his other familiar form while he was still in the portal. It never took to long for him to change, it was pretty fast, other than the pain it causes him through out the entire transformation. Through out the entire transformation he was screaming in pain which was more like screeching instead of screaming. About a second later another black-hole like portal opened up outside and out came Az like a speeding bullet that just got shot from a gun. He hit the ground and rolled before hitting the side of the school and leaving somewhat of a hole in the wall, more like a dent. Az then pushed himself out of the wall and fell back down "Bloody hell, That is not very fun" He said his voice sounding different. His body was outstandingly durable too, after being able to survive after being tossed at a wall.

He looked around, His body seemed a bit more solid not very transparent like his other familiar form. He sighed for a moment before stretching "You never know where those portals will appear or even when they will appear" The black-hole like portal then vanished since it was no longer needed. He opened his wings before grunting and looking towards his right wing, which in fact was definitely broken "I've must haven broken it from the impact" He sighed again "Bloody hell, this happens almost all the time" He said before he was realizing that he was talking to himself. He was a bit bigger in this form, like the size of a full grown wolf at most. He scanned the area one more time hoping to find someone that might be able to bandage up his broken wing. "I don't even know where master is, Why do I always lose my master" He didn't know where Corvus was, and if he did, it would take him a while to even get to him in the first place. His body wasnt transparent or at least not that very transparent, He was more solid in this form. And right over his gemstone looked like a barrier that was spinning at a very slow rate and looked like a black-hole or at the least in comparison to one.

He then turned around to where he made the hole or dent in the wall, Az thought for a moment before walking over and the gemstone in the center of his chest flashed for a moment and the wall started to repair itself, and before long it looked like nothing has ever happened. He Then started to wander around hoping to find someone to help him.

((This is towards anyone just mention me in your post))
"Um...Yes, I got this." He pauses and sifts through his messenger bag "Letter of acceptance, to Lakoria Highschool." He presents it, then realities that obviously whoever he is speaking to isn't who sent it. "I was hoping to speak to some faculty. But I suppose you could show me around in the mean time?" He smiles. @OceanBunny
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Willow tips her head to the side and smiles, "So you weren't waiting for anyone." She holds her hand out to him through the gate. "I'm Willow. I can try to show you around.. I haven't been here for very long though."

"That's fine. Let's just explore then. I'll try to not to..." He teleports a few feet, now officially inside the campus and behind Willow. "...go too fast."

He pauses, then remembers soemthing. "Oh, almsot forgot, my name is Ray." @OceanBunny
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Willow drops her hand to her side and turns around with a smile. "It's nice to meet you Ray."

She walks over to him and looks around at the school buildings. "I believe the canteen and main building are this way." She says as her wings flutter, lifting her off the ground.

Columbus looked down at the body he was currently in and began to panic, "Oh crap! If he's attracted to this body I have no doubt given the bits of personality I've seen that the girl who owns it will KILL HIM! I have to think of a way to keep him safe!" She went to the water fountain and filled a water bottle,she then sprayed some water on Nyx, "Bad cat! This body is NOT attractive! Well... I mean it is, but not for you!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx was quickly broken out of his thoughts, when he had some water sprayed over him. He looked around for the source of the water and saw the girl standing there with a bottle of water. calling him a bad cat. All of his thoughts turning to ones of anger and rage

Nyx turned to face the girl before charging at her launching himself at her face, with his claws out whilst trying to let out a string of curses, causing fire to shoot towards the girl.

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
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"Last week? Huh, where'd that time go" he rubs the back of his neck. "The staff must think I never got their letter..." He seems preoccupied by his surroundings, taking in the beautiful campus, as if he's looking for something. "Are we close?"


edits: grammar
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"The canteens in here, if you're hungry." Willow says with a smile. She watches him curiously, wondering what he's looking for. "I can here Thursday night, didn't start school till Friday." Suddenly a leopard comes running towards them, a trail of frost behind her.


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