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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki looked up to see Nyxen flee to the top of the school building, he looked at him with a small grin Doesn't feel good to be weak now does it. Shame, you couldn't always be this harmless. Enki chuckled Seems like he will probably hate me more after this. Better get ready for a fight. Enki gave a sad smirk to this thought.

Hurry up and look at some one, I want blood on your hands. I'm tired of your glasses. Enki's hand moved to his face, he started shaking and sweating.

Well to bad, its going to be awhile until I kill someone. I'm determined to not kill anyone, no mater what.

Don't worry, I'll continue to do what my late master wanted and keep this beast at bay.

Are you sure you can even do that, I could kill this child easily just by thinking. And you think the one that couldn't even beat me before has a better chance now, just because girly died you want to act tough. Better hurry and get stronger or you will continue to kill the people closest to you, just like that girl you cared so much for. Enball chuckled at what he said.

Don't speak of her. Enki thought as he picked up Hyip, she licked his face and barked happily. Enki gave her a small smile.

You cant hide the fact that you killed her for ever, maybe I should take that as your kill, you seemed happy about it with that laughter. Enball thought happily, he sounded like a made man in his head.

Shut up, you don't know how us humans feel. You demonic scum. A tear ran down Enki's face.

Did I hit a nerve, I'm soooo sorry. That you are scared of the truth that you killed her. Now you know that become stronger to fight me or the person you kill. I need this body scum, now take those glasses off and kill someone or try me boy. Enball said with a evil laugh.

Enki ignored this thought and made his way to the football field to train.
With each word that Nyx-en said, Shina became increasingly tearful, even at the part where he said he wished he had killed her himself. Well, that part made her a bit mad but still, she missed the times when she was able to fight Nyx in her human body.

She flew higher when the kitten jumped at her again. Not a good idea to learn how to fly either, Nyx-en. But now her voice had become softer and was losing its hint of sarcasm.

Always running away aren't you, at least she put up a fight. She wasn't weak like everyone else, she could fight unlike Enki, he should have died instead, he was weak and didn't deserve to live Nyx thought landing near the edge of the building.

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Venus had gotten the hang of moving like a dog. Now she could move twice as fast than before. She then trotted across campus looking for someone to help her. Only the only people that she had found, treated her like a dog. It was quite mortifying when someone petted her on her head and she enjoyed it. Caspian was still laughing his face off when that happened. Oh my god, shut up! Dont you mean oh my dog? He cackled. Venus shook her head and ran across the campus looking for someone. Maybe the library can help me. Venus then ran towards the library.
Shina stayed silent, willing herself not to reply back. She knew what she would say if she allowed herself to speak:

He's not weak! I'm the weak one... I couldn't even find a way to kill the devil without killing myself. And all my death has brought was more suffering. I'm not strong at all...

Nyx looked over the edge before continuing He is the weakest in this school, he caused all the demons to invade. All because he was too weak to stop it himself. Nyx said his tone getting Angrier as he thought this, his tail violently cutting through the air behind him When i turn back, I will end his life.

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LegenDarius said:
"Well then you just might be my man," Corvus replied, accepting the person's offer for help. "Mind taking a look at this?" He handed the heavy tome to him.
Kino smiled. "It's in ancient Dragon. Man, I haven't read stuff like this in FOREVER." He scanned the page. "I think you have to take off the necklace."

He nearly jumped three feet into the air when he saw the new girl in n front of them. "H-h-hello....." He said, his stutter coming back.
"Alright...," Corvus replied with uncertainty. "I'll try." I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place...

Corvus gripped the necklace carefully around the metal ball chain that held the necklace together, careful not to touch the strange gemstone it held. But as Corvus was slowly taking it off, the necklace glowed with a sinister violet hue as pain shot through his hand. "Aaaah!" he screamed in pain as he let go of the necklace. It then gravitated to its initial position around Corvus's neck, leaving him with a pained hand and wasted time. Turning to the fox-man hybrid, he said while panting, "It... didn't work. Anything else?"

Alliumbus stepped into the library and sighed, "Okay...So I'm supposed to increase this girls grades and connections... How the hell am I supposed to do this? Unless her grades are lower than a B- I can't help her, and I really don't know anybody here all that well." She grabbed a few random books and sat down with a huff, flipping through a few pages of a science textbook, "This stuff wouldn't make any more sense to me if it were a caveman's painting, but I got to find a way to keep my end of the bargain!" She sighed and flipped through the book for a few moments, lightly taking note of the commotion that was going on at the other end of the library, she looked back at her book, only half paying attention now.
Shina's eyes gained a hard glint. No. You won't, she thought at him. You will leave that boy alone.

In her anger, she flew toward Nyx-en, brushing her wing against his tail as she passed by him. The tail caught on fire, but Shina wasn't done just yet. She continued flying toward the back of his head, pushing at him with all her might. He's a cat. He won't die from a fall like this. But for Enki's sake, I'll teach this kitten a lesson on not to mess with fire ever again. (she thinking this part to herself)

@GingerBread @metalcity (-passes over the power to torture, er I mean, tease Nyx-en-)
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Nyx let out a sound of pain as his tail was set alight, causing fire to shoot out of his mouth as he was pushed off the edge of the building. falling though the air like a fireball.

There was a sickening crack as Nyx Hit the ground, the fire being extinguished as he hit the ground, He tried to stand up only for Pain to shoot through his front leg as he put slight pressure on it, causing him to drop to the ground once again

Thats two Things i will make sure suffer when they die Nyx thought Angrily as he laid on the ground, unable to stand up.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity (Now Nyx-en has a broken leg D: )
Shina watched coldly as Nyx-en fell. Somewhere in her heart, there was a part of her screaming in horror at her attitude.

I don't care, she told herself. He deserved that. He can walk all over school with a broken leg. I won't forgive him until he apologizes to Enki.

She flew back onto the rooftop and hopped over to a dark corner. Closing her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep full of conflicted dreams.
As Enki made his way from the cat he heard a random cry, he looked back to see the Nyxen laying on the ground. He sighed and made his back to where the cat was "Hi again, looks like you broke your leg, can't have you being a wimp in our fight. I had my fun." Enki said as he picked up the creature known as Nyxen and made his way to the infermary. Hyip barked angrily at the cat but Enki patted her on the head causing her to calm down.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
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As he was picked up By Enki, Pain once again shot through his leg causing Nyx to lash out at Enki, Scratching his face, while trying to let out sounds of pain, once again causing fire to shoot out of his mouth towards Enki.

Enki used his fire arm to absorb the fire, "calm down, do you want me to drop you." Enki said with a grin, he made his way into the infermary and looked around "Hello, this poor poor cat is badly injured." Enki flicked the cat in the leg, "see its badly hurt, help it please." As he said this with tears running down his face a woman ran over and took the cat away.

Nyx Tried to let out a string of curses at the Enki and the woman but only achieved Breathing fire into the woman's face, causing her to drop him in shock as her face burned.

As Nyx hit the ground, Pain shot through his leg causing him to let out more fire, he slowly tried to drag himself away from everyone, trying to ignore the pain in his leg

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Jay's acceleration affected him even in cat form. He quickly zipped from outside into the library. "Let's see..." He quickly shot from shelf to shelf. He quickly found a book, titled "On removing curses", but it was too high up. He hooked his collar on a shelf and pulled it off. Instantly, Jay turned from a small kitten into a giant treant, smashing through the second floor of the library. "Oops." He grabbed the book with one hand and the collar with the other. He put on the collar, shrinking back into a cat.

One stifling hour or reading later, Jay finally found a spell, but it required putting on a pair of glasses. What the hell is up with these spells? They have such weird ingredients. He glanced around for glasses, and saw some on the librarian. Knowing he couldn't just take them for her, he scanned the room again, this time looking for help. He saw a girl reading out of a book. Sniffing the air, he smell something like... Columbus? I should check this out. He picked up the book and trotted over to where the girl was sitting. "Meow!" Oh yea. I can't talk.

(@GingerBread Much horrible treatment to the schools nurse! I'll take over as the nurse to take care of this bad bad kitten)

The nurse doused her face with water created from her hand, thanking her parents not for the first time that she was born a water nymph. In her opinion, there were way too many fire users in this school. But she was just a nurse; who cared about her opinion? She picked up the kitten, softly this time and carried it to a vacant bed. She placed it onto the bed and began to work on the broken leg, avoiding the kitten's blasts of fire each time it yelped out in pain.

She finished up by bandaging the broken leg. "Now, then, my dear, don't use to much force on that leg for the rest of the day. It should heal by tomorrow. Do be careful not to hurt it again. Cats are small animals and have fragile bones. We can't have your leg break completely, can we?"

She picked the kitten up and returned it to the boy, whom she assumed was the cat's owner. "Here you go, sweetie. Your pet's leg is all bandaged up nicely. Make sure he doesn't apply pressure to that leg. It'll heal by tomorrow."

Then she went off to treat her next patient.

"Thank you ma'am." Enki said as he took the cat. He then left the infermary and put Nyxen on the floor "go find the others, I have something to do." Enki started to find a way to the top of the school. No way he would fall like that, something caused this. When Enki summoned his sword and ran up the building at high speeds, he saw the bird that annoyed him before.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Alliumbus looked up confused at the cat's meow, she looked down to see a cat, she picked it up and held it far away from her, "Weird cat, why are you here?"

(Urk ... Shina, if you get busted, I'm sorry)

Shina was woken up by a loud sound as the door to the rooftop was flung open. She saw Enki staring at him with his sword out and flew straight up in the air. Flapping her wings rapidly to calm her heart, she lowered herself to his height and stared back into his eyes.


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"Mrow." Jay opened his mouth, and fired a small beam of orange light at the Columbus-smelling-girl. He squirmed out from her arms, opened his mouth, and let out more light. With the beam, he crudely wrote the letter "J" on the floor. That should do.

Esme Looked around and then changed back to his familiar form "finally back to normal" (Got tired of waiting)

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