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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Go run over and look at the kid section I wont be far sweetie" Esme said before heading over to find what she was looking for.

@Hawkeye (I dont know where anyone is at so yeah
(@PhoenixFire13 If @metalcity gives him the collar then he would xD )

Nyx was getting annoyed with not being able to get the bird, fed up he flopped onto his side not trying to kill the bird anymore, an expression of pure Hopelessness in his eyes.
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Jayden and Sylvia walk into the school and notice minor chaos everywhere. "Did we miss something" Sylvia asks her brother before her gives her a small shrug. "Probably nothing to worry about Sylv. Lets get going, last thing we need is to add to the chaos." "Right..." Sylvia walks along her brother before noticing something in the corner of her eye, what looked like a piece of paper floating though the air. "Jayden. What's that" She points to the paper floating by. "Not sure... but we can find out" Jayden bends the wind so the paper flies straight toward them. They both look at it before a weird feeling is sent through them both. They decide to shrug it off and head inside.
Enki felt pecking on his ear, would it just leave me alone. He opened one eye and noticed the bird getting harder, he went to swipe it off his shoulder but it flew away, about time he thought as he closed a eye.

Some time later he heard the cry of a cat as it was in pain, he sighed and got up. He noticed the cat was in pain and his paw was burned. Enki walked over and picked the cat by the back of the neck, it swang in the wind. "Awwwww why aren't you just adorable. Wait, did some one burn you." Then he noticed that it was Willow's cat. Enki walked over and picked up the collar that cursed him "Well if you are not a human, this wont do anything." Enki told the cat before putting the collar on the cat. Then he looked at Willow, "You talk to animals, and you believe it is ok to just torturer them. You witch he said in pure disgust as he summoned his sword, Enki examined the cat's situation "And you would let it attack a innocent bird as well, you truly are a monster." Enki shouted in anger as he placed the cat down and charged at Willow. "I thought you where a friend to me and animals, but you are just a monster."

(so forever cat Nyx and the price is a even more pissed off Enki who now hates Willow, good trade off :D )

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Enki stopped and looked at Willow confused, "Your saying..." Enki looked back at the cat in confusion "Thats Nyx..." Enki looked closer at the cat then put his sword away, and burst out laughing "Oh my, sorry. Looks like I hurt some one else." A tear ran down his face as he thought of Shina again. It was obvious he was sad but covered it as happiness. Then he walked over the the cat and picked it up by the neck again. "So this wittle thing is Nyx, aren't you just a cutie." Enki said laughing in the cats face before looking back at Willow "Is it neutered?" Enki said as he turned back to the Nyxen with a evil grin. Another tear ran down his face.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @PhoenixFire13

(Enki isn't bothered by a walking talking tree, he thought animal cruelty was happening, plus now he knows that Nyx is a cat, he wants to take advantage and take the piss out of him)
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"Well you look pissed." Enki said as he placed Nyxen back on the ground. "Well see you guys later." Enki said as he left the group and went to a tree on the other side of the school with his dog.

(going to school now, rushed post.)

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Shina watched the scene that unfolded before her from the school rooftop, where she had settled down after Nyx finally gave up on catching her. She smiled sadly at Enki's laughter, happy that he was cheerful again but sad because it held a hint of pain that she knew she was the cause of. She wanted to follow Enki into school but held herself back, knowing that she would only get swatted at again. Sighing to herself, she turned to her other friends and continued to observe them.
You know, I really hate my life.

Jay moved, albeit slowly, over to the ground where Nyx was at. He cast a huge shadow over the kitten, leaning his face towards the ground. "Nyx..." He put one of his arms down towards the kitten. "It's... me..." He paused. "I... am... Jay..."

so you're a tree. If everything goes back to normal and i'm still a cat, you're taking care of me Nyx thought trying to direct it at the Jay tree.

@Lotusy (I'm assuming you'd be able to hear Nyx's thoughts, cause you heard Shina's)
Enki reached his tree, he sat down by it and his back rested on the bark. Hyip laid next to him with her head on his lap. As they laid there Enki thought what to do about Enball, but every time he closed his eyes he saw the day before and Shina's death. The images haunted his mind, he picked up his backpack which he took off to sit and pulled out the book on fire he read before. He started to read it as he wasn't sure what to do with his mind.
"Of... course..." He scooped up Nyx and help him up higher. "After all... if... you're... still a kitten... it would... be... HISS-TERICAL!!!" His laughed boomed across the school.

@GingerBread Just had to get one last pun in. It'll the the last one, I promise.)
"I... have... a better idea..." Jay pulled the collar off of Nyx, and placed it on himself. Instantly he shrank, and both he and Nyx quickly fell to the ground. I think I prefer this form better. It sure beats being a lumbering birch.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
So Enki knew that i would stay as a kitten and he kept the collar on me, i'll be right back Nyx thought as he ran off determined to find Enki.

Nyx found Enki reading a book under a tree, he saw that enki had a dog sitting next to him, Nyx was too angry to think of the possible dangers of assaulting someone who had a dog while he was a kitten. He ran towards Enki as fast as he could leaping onto his face and digging his claws into Enki's face, effectively attaching onto Enki's face.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy @metalcity (Fight me mate)
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Kino, seeing that there was nothing else he could do, headed to the library. He needed to return his books anyway. He stopped by his room first and grabbed the impaled eyeball, took it to the now kittenized Jay, placed it in front of him, then headed to the library. While he was there, he returned his books and sat in his normal corner, closing his eyes and dozing off.
"Awwwwww, why aren't you just the cutest." Enki said knowing that it was Nyxen he started to pet him on the head, then shot fire out of the claw marks setting his paws on fire.

(cats are vermin, happily kill you :D )

Nyx once again tried to extinguish the fire on his paws. He extinguished the fire, Adrenalin pumping through his veins helping him to ignore the pain in his Paws he charged at Enki, his mouth wide open aiming for Enki's neck.

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Enki raised his hand and caught Nyxen by the fur on the top of his head. "poor baby boo." Enki said as he set fire to all the paws and throw Nyxen over at the building.

(Lol this is so amusing. I'll have Nyxen join me on the rooftop)

Shina was laughing at the brawl between Enki and Nyxen when the kitten was thrown onto the school rooftop. She flew slightly above Nyxen, grinning at him.

Not a good idea to play with fire, kitty cat.

Nyx landed on the rooftop, he saw the bird flying above him grinning, You know bird, you remind me of someone, she was a cocky bitch and now she's dead. Nyx thought sending his thought towards the bird before adding And my only regret is that i wasn't the one to kill her, but i guess killing you will do.

Nyx stood up, his paws stinging from being burnt multiple times, Nyx took a deep breath Trying to will the pain away, before taking a few steps back before he started running at the bird then leaping at the bird trying to catch it in mid air.

Corvus noticed another person walking into the library to return his books, but didn't mind too much as he was too absorbed in finding a way out of his curse. After several minutes of digging through the fragile pages, Corvus landed on a passage that just might help his case, as it was situated near a faded illustration of a spider wearing a necklace. It read:

Dur do faal Kostim Rahvum

Duraal los ye wo kodaav faal Rahvum do Arachon, fah rek lost gekenlok hin kopraan, ahrk nu rek nahkip nau hin sil. Lif nii kos, ahrk naal oblaan do sul ye fent kos med gein do niin tol ahkrop nau gol voth niist eln ghastly ogiir. Nid lingrahiik fent ye koraav, hon, uv fraan med mun, nuz mahfaeraak fent ye kos duraal. Thy nunon savend los rahvum. Nii tolaan wah lost imaar avok hi, nuz hi kent in nii. Trog gevild do nii, ahrk daar wo genun niist uld nii fent ni nahmul.
With a frustrated sigh, Corvus said to himself, "Great... Can't even read it."
Kino opened an eye at the exasperated exclamation from a spider reading a book. "What can't you read?" He asked, his ears flicking. "I might be able to help."

Kino could read anything. His lack of friends left him with too much spare time, so he used it studying foreign languages, learning culinary arts, and art.
Starino arrived at the school wentt through the gate and the first thing she did was go in the library,then she looked around and saw two guys at a cornner so she apprpoached hoping they would like her

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