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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Alliumbus blinked a few times, "Oh my god..." She grinned manically and set Jay down, she took out her phone, "You are gonna make me internet famous!"

"Hisss!" Jay scrambled away from the phone, hooked his collar around a shelf, and pulled it off. Instantly he turned back into the giant tree. "Stop... please..." He raised one of his branches. "Are... you... Columbus?"

Shina blinked at Enki before laughing out loud. She landed on the ground and used a wing to wipe tears from her eyes.

First time we talk since my death and he says "tweet tweet". Best conversation starter ever.

She smiled and let out a chirp, tilting her head to one side to present confusion.

Nyx slowly started moving, taking the Nurse's advice and trying not to put pressure on his broken leg, hoping he would come across someone who could Understand him. In the distance he saw Willow. He mentally called out to her hoping she'd hear him Hey! Willow.

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Alliumbus stared at the giant tree for a few moments in awe, she then got on her knees and bowed down, "OH GOD ARE YOU MY ANCESTORS OR SOMETHING?! I READ IN A TEXTBOOK THAT MY PEOPLE THOUGHT THIS HAPPENED, BUT I NEVER THOUGHT IT'D BE LIKE THIS!!"

"Did that bird just laugh, strange?" He looked at the bird again. "How could a bird do that, we already debunked the idea that you where a human." As he thought this out loud Hyip started to bark happily at the bird, she kind of recognised the scent. "This bird is strange..." He looked at the bird more before placing his hand out inviting it to land on his hand.

(Totally didn't just laugh out loud at that your post xD @PhoenixFire13 )
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Venus trotted towards the library only to realize that she couldn't get in. Crap. She thought. She then sat at the door and howled to get someone's attention. Caspian, I swear to god, if you make a dog pun I"M never talking to you again. She growled. Okay okay, but wouldnt you say today has been ruff? He grinned and laughed. Oh. My. God. Please stop. Venus howled some more and scratched at the door until she got someones attention. A boy came to open the door and Venus darted in. Thank you kind soul! She praised the kid. Being a dog was hard on wood floor because Venus was skidding and slipping all over the place looking for someone to help her.
(@metalcity I totally didn't when I read your "tweet tweet" post :P )

Shina winked slyly at Hyip. Shhhh, good girl. You have a thickheaded master but keep this a secret for me please. I want him to figure it out himself.

She flew onto his hand and pecked at it lightly, humming out a lullaby.
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Enki looked at it, "Errrrr, hi there? I guess?" Enki looked at it carefully. It looked so peaceful (when its not pissing itself) he thought. He went to move his other arm to pat it gently but was scared as it was fire and moved it back with a sad look, then looked back up. "Your not a normal bird are you, congrats on beating the cat. Sorry if he hurt you, he can be a brat." Enki realised that he was talking to a bird and started to re think his life decisions. He continued to look at it peacefully.

Shina hid her smile beneath her wings as she groomed herself with her beak. She looked back at him when she finished and chirped again. She flew up into the air above his head and circled around him before landing on his head. She pecked at his hair affectionately.

"aren't you just sweet." Enki lifted his eyes to try look at it, he couldn't but gave it a smile. "This is the first time I have felt happy, since yesterday." A tear ran down his face. He looked around and saw no one was there "Hope you don't tell anyone, but I need to talk to someone. I killed some one. A very good friend, and I don't know what to do." Tears ran down his face "I cant talk to anyone, they will just get hurt. Like from where I was before." His tears stopped slightly and his face was disappointed "So what's your story, oh yea you cant speak."

Leon was in the library. He had his glasses on, but still looked like a mess as he grabbed a random book off the shelf. He opened it and as he finger followed along with the words, the book suddenly snapped shut on his arm. Leon's eyes widened as the massive centaur reared up and began to shake the arm with the book on it. After almost knocking over a whole line of book shelves, Leon calmed down a little and stared at the inside of the book. He managed to make out the following: If you wish to remove the book, you must- the rest was entirely cut off. The centaur practically galloped out of the library as he looked around like crazy for someone...anyone to help him. He galloped around for a bit and continuously looked around, "Can someone please help me! There's a book practically eating my arm!"

(@Anyone who wants to help Leon)
A single tear fell from Shina's eye and dropped onto Enki's head. She hurriedly covered her face with a wing, hoping that he hadn't felt it. She chirped sadly and jumped onto his shoulder. At first she just pecked him lightly on the cheek but suddenly, she slapped him with her wing and flew before him, chirping at him angrily.

"Chirp chirp chirp? Chirp chirp chirp CHIRP! Chirp chirp chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp! Chirp chirp chirp... Chirp chirp chirp... chirp ... chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp... chirp chirp... chirp... (You killed me? Don't tell me you believe that too! I died because I chose to die! I rather die than have the rest of my friends suffer. I don't want you to think that it was your fault. If anyone's at fault, it's mine... I wanted to save everyone but I couldn't save myself... I'm really pathetic... I wanted to be strong but all I did was hurt the people around me...)"

@metalcity (Demon possessed human gets lectured by a bird)
(not sure whether that's sad or funny)

Enki looked at the bird confused at its act "I know, I'm pathetic. I couldn't even save own friend, I wish I was the one that died. She didn't deserve this fate." Enki said as a tear fell from his eye. as Enki said this Hyip kind of face pawed herself that Enki didn't figure it out from that. "But I will get stronger, and no one will get hurt again. And no one will die when I'm around." Enki said as he clutched his hand into a fist.

(@metalcity Both! \o/ Hyip is such a smart dog xD Face palming session going on here)

Shina wing-faced herself, resisting the urge to slap Enki again. I give up... Enki, you are the most thickheaded person I have ever met. I didn't want to do this but... I can't watch him blame himself any longer.

She landed on the ground and glared up at him before opening up her mind to him. How oblivious can you get, you guilt crazy idiot.
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Enki looked at the bird in anger then shock, "Who are you calling a idiot you little. . . wait? You sound just like, no, it cant be. How can it be, I saw you die in fount of my eyes." Enki looked at her confused, am I dreaming?

(you ruined my plans ;- ;)

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(@metalcity Dun worry, I won't reveal her identity that easily)

Shina realized what she had just done and hurriedly tried to cover up her outburst.

"C-chirp?" She looked at him, pretending to be confused.

Please think that the voice didn't come from me. Please think that the voice didn't come from me. Please think that the voice didn't come from me. Please think that the voice didn't come from me.
Enki's face grow very very confused "What just happened, I swear." Then a thought popped into Enki's head as he placed a purple flame around the bird, capturing it, no way out. If it truly is her, then this will prove it. He laid down and observed the birds every move. He also gave it a evil grin, it would react if it was her.

(Have fun with his tests :D )

(@metalcity Do you want me to reveal that it is her from one of these tests or save the moment for another glorious reunion? xD )

Shina flew around inside the area created by the purple flame in panic. As a Phoenix, her body automatically began to absorb the flames but Shina rejected them at the same speed, trying to make it look like she couldn't absorb the flames.

Darn, Enki, you smart-ass ... I refuse to back down from this!!!

She continued to fly around the confined area in what looked like a panicked pattern but in actuality, she was trying to reject the purple flames in the precise amount in rapid speed at various points so that the purple flames looked undisturbed.
(@metalcity Welp, I think it's time for Enki to finally get the biggest hint)

Shina started to grow tired from flying around so fast and in complicated patterns. Her speed began to decrease and parts of the purple flame began to stay within her. The purple flame's size slowly decreased until Shina fell to the ground, exhausted. Then the purple flame was absorbed completely and disappeared. She pushed herself up from the ground and glared at Enki.

Wipe that stupid grin off your face, idiot Enki. If I didn't have to worry about my body absorbing the flames, I would have just sat there and watch you figure everything out in vain.
Enki's face grow in shock "so I...It is tru..ue. But why? and how?" He collected all the fire and fell on his hands and knees in front of the bird. Enki started to cry "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Enki repeated this over and over again.

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"No..." Jay points to the Columbus-girl. "I'm... just... Jay..." He pointed to the librarian. "Please... just... get me those glasses..."

Shina raked through her mind, trying to think of things she could do to throw Enki off track. But she took one look at him crying and changed her mind. She sighed and re-opened her mind to him.

Why are you apologizing? I keep telling you that it wasn't your fault. I chose to make that sacrifice.


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