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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh- uh..."

Pandora was speechless, honestly surprised by the girls response-It was very unlike any student at the schools probable response. It reminded Pandora of herself, the hood and actions the other girl made.

"Oh- uh..."

Pandora was speechless, honestly surprised by the girls response-It was very unlike any student at the schools probable response. It reminded Pandora of herself, the hood and actions the other girl made.

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Pandora, suddenly feeling awkward, decided to back away, and turn around. But at that, the bell rang loudly, alerting the students to their next class.
Alliah had gotten curious of her actions, but didnt have the social ability to actually go up and talk to her

"Ugh... I even got to my favourite song..."

She'd walk quickly out the library with a grudge
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Pandora shrugged, wondering what her next class was. She never really knew, not caring, so she left the library.
Corvus was disappointed that he was ignored. But the sudden ring of the bell sent a shock wave through his body that instantly woke up him up as if he was being defibrillated. He speed-walked towards the library counter in order to borrow Into the Wild. However, the librarian took too long in signing the book out, and Corvus could feel that the late bell was going to ring any moment now. Unwilling to take a chance, he sped out of the library and around a corner. Out of sight, his eyes glowed a blue hue once again before he simply teleported into a place right outside of his next class. Just as he walked into the room, the late bell rang and class was in session.
Hak finally got to the Iron gate's at the front of the school, as he slowly walked in he peered at his piece of paper containing the limited information to where he had to go,

"Teachers Office...eh I guess we go there then..." said Hak, he then proceeded to walk inside the awfully large building, the only building he had seen with the size comparison of this was the capital of the Wind nation. As he was walking up the stairs, he found a room labeled ' Teachers Office' after knocking twice he proceeded yet again to walk in.

(@PhoenixFire13 I've sorted that now I think, Sorry I'm new to this ;P :) )
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(@CelestiaVanGuard No prob. Everyone's a beginner sometime in their lives ^^ But try to skip some details and go to class cause I'm about to do a time skip to the end of the day.)

Shina nodded and was about to say something when the bell rang. "Ah, class next. Um... see you?" She smiled apologetically and waved her hand bye. She felt sad that she wasn't able to talk with Tyrrell for long but it was only the first day of school. There're many more chances to do so for the rest of the school year. She ran into her classroom and sat down, looking out the window. She unconsciously placed a hand on her shoulder to check if Aoi was there. Back to good old boring classes.
He got up and ran to the next class and also takes a seat, he sat in the opposite end of the classroom from Shina.(short but too tired)
After getting my information as to where to go, I make my way to the class room, I enter and introduce myself, Finally after sometime I take my seat and get ready for lesson.
This is taking, like, thirty years... I just wanna go into fear mode and kill people... One of the orbs zapped her "Ow! God dammit!"
For the next 45 minutes or so of her life, Shina sat staring out the window with her head on her palm. The teacher tried to catch her off guard by calling on her for a question. She didn't even look at the board and answered, "1576." Shocked, because it was the right answer, the teacher gave her a few words of boring stuff about school and education and all those good old boring stuff before leaving her alone for the rest of the period (deja vu?).

Wow. I guessed correctly.

Shina sighed and continued to look out the window, wishing for the class to hurry up and end.


After what seemed like
forever, the last bell of the day rang. Shina hurriedly stuffed her stuff inside her backpack and rushed out the door, eager to be out in the sun and anywhere but inside a crowded classroom with a boring teacher. As she rushed out of the classroom, however, three guys blocked her her way down the stairs. They seemed to be waiting to ambush her.

"Hey, Fire Girl, wanna come with us for a second?"

Shina narrowed her eyes at them.
"No. Move."

"Aw, come on. We won't do anything to you, promise."

She wanted to punch them for wasting her time. She really, really wanted to punch them and get them out of her way. But the teacher was behind her and students were starting to swarm and whisper, watching them. So she sighed and said,
"Fine. Only 10 minutes."

She followed them to the side of the school and turned around.
"So what do you want from-" One of the boys clamped a napkin over her mouth.

Cloroform! Don't breath it in!

But it was too late. Her vision phased in and out from the smell, and fell into darkness.
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Tyrrell Got up from his desk and headed out of the classroom, he didnt know what happened to Shina. He walked through the front doors and went over to one of the trees before sitting down and closing his eyes.
Alliah grinned. The day is over, and someone is panicking so badly. How perfect! Alliah gathered her books, put them in her locker and magically appeared over to where Shina was, hiding expertly

@PhoenixFire13 (If this is alright)
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(@Krekire Sure but how did you know where I was? O.o Oh, nvm, got the magical part. Help Tyrrell save Shina? 8D)

The leader of the three boys removed his hand from the girl's mouth. Her body slumped onto his arms; she was knocked out cold.

One of the boys giggled, "Hey, boss. What we gonna do with her? Can we eat her?" He licked his lips in delight.

"Course we are! But after I get my revenge. Stupid girl, aiming for me in dodgeball. A human like her should know her place!" The boy referred to as "boss" cursed and slapped the girl on the cheek.

The other boy was jumping up and down in excitement, "Hey, hey, boss. Can we torture her? Can we touch her? Can we rape her?"

The boss's eyes gleam maliciously. "Yes. Yes, we're going to do all that! What smart guys you are. All you have to do it follow my orders. Now, help let's move this girl to our base. If a teacher sees us, we'll be busted big time."

He picked the girl up like she weighed nothing and threw her roughly over his back. They decided to go through the back since everyone left school through the front door. They didn't notice the boy sitting with his back on a tree, nor the girl watching their every move from the shadows.

@DragonStorm @Krekire
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The twins had been sick so they missed school. Luckily, they were up just as school finished.

"I can't believe we missed our first day at school..." Lila sighed.

Jack smirked. "Are you still playing the role of little miss perfect?"

Lila blushed and quietens down
Aww! I love the fear that women get instead! Oh well... I can make this work~... Atleast they're anxious. Alliah didn't care much about Tyrrell, but to get the actual fear from them, she went to him "Hey. Those three guys, they have a girl they plan to rape and torture and shit. Mind helping me get them busted? I love the sight of fear. I'll repay you~" She said quietly, giggling at the end. @DragonStorm Alliah went over, and stood on the side of the path they were on "Heya~" She said to the men.

Alliah made the illusion to make her chest larger than it was to the men.
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As school was over, Hak left the classroom and began walking down the stairs when he saw what seemed like a girl being swung over a tall broad guys shoulders, yet it looked like she wasn't moving an inch, somehow I had that feeling something bad was happening.... Hak decides to suddenly jump out of the window, as he lands making a windy breeze like aura around himself, suddenly what seemed like 3 guys stopped and slowly turned after noticing the Bloodlust in his eyes, the second they looked into his eyes they begun trembling with fear, yet the biggest guy which seemed like the 'gang' leader gave no response.

Hak also noticed a person approaching them and a guy suddenly arising from under a tree, It appears they had the same ideas... "Maybe we can make this work....eh" Says Hak.

Hak began unwrapping the sheets surrounding his Pole-Arm Spear and then remembered he was told that no violence will be tolerated on school grounds, He took a couple of seconds to think yet was still doing it.

(You carry it on or tell me if I should stop :) cause I think it'd be a great way to start talking or something :) )
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The 4 orbs that followed Tyrrell flew around the boys before circling them and before long Tyrrell stood up, his eyes still closed. He took off his coat and set it down revealing his arm.

"I would recommend that you set her down before I hurt you Guys and break every bone in your bodys"

He didnt even seem like he is lying.one bit.
Oh this i gonna be sooo good.... The pleasure she was getting from this was building up, her sharp metallic teeth from her fear mode flickered a bit from her open mouthed smile
(Gonna make this a bit more interesting so it isn't too easy :P These guys are gonna be seniors and tough ones. And wow, internet dies on me half-way through writing this. @CelestiaVanGuard Sure! It'll be boring if it's only through my ideas. Also, this is sorta a way for you guys to show off your powers o3o/)

The boss cursed under his breath. Not even 20 steps and they were caught by three people simultaneously. He threw the girl on the ground behind him, not bothering to be gentle. She didn't even stir. "Snap out of it, they're just puny underclassmen who don't know what this school is about." The two boys looked at each other and cheered, their fighting spirit revived.

"You," he pointed at one of the boys, "Get that guy with the orbs."

"You," he pointed at the other boy, "Get that girl with the sharp teeth and, well, she has big boobs. I mean, don't get distract!"

"I'll get the wind guy." He turned toward Hak and cracked his knuckles. "This is gonna be fun."
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Pandora rushed towards the gate, eager to make her way to her motel room. But as she had that thought of her solitary room, she realised she had to pay her rent today- to which she had no money. She stopped.


In her brief moment of panic, she came to the conclusion that she could probably manipulate the owner to let her stay anyway. But then, interrupting her thoughts, she noticed the small crowd of the somewhat familiar people, and decided to check it out. So she hid behind a nearby tree and listened best she could, analysing what she saw, As a fight started to break out, she began to smile.
The guy versing Alliah (Guy #1, for lack of inspiration for names) was making a show of flexing and stretching out his body.

"Hey, pretty girl with big boobs, you gonna let me touch them melons or what? Oh, wait, they aren't even big are they? I bet you just showed that illusion to hid your flat-chestness, eh?"

He grinned, showing a set of crooked teeth.

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