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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Guy #1 and Guy #2 howled as the attacks hit them, the two of them falling hard onto the ground. The boss glanced at the two of them in disgust, "Worthless trash. Do I have to do everything? Tch." He landed on the ground, or what was left of the ground, kicked the two of them, hard. "I agreed to be your boss because you two promised that you were strong. Now what, huh? You want me to kill you guys for being weak and losing to a bunch of upshot kiddies?"

Guy #1 and Guy #2 whimpered. They each had both hands over their wounds. "S-sorry boss. But they're really strong."

A person tapped the boss on the shoulder. He turned around ... to see a huge collection of monsters behind him, and even more flying in the air. Despite the calm and cool posture he always maintained, his jaw dropped at the sight.

"Can we join in?"

Still in a state of shock, the boss didn't understand what was being asked until he was tapped again. "Oh, uh, yeah sure. That'll be helpful. You see, I just wanted to play around with that little human but these guys are standing in my way. You get my point?"

"Yeah." The guy who tapped him grinned, showing 4 sets of teeth. "We gotchu." He snapped his fingers at a goblin, who made a series of clicks and clucks with his tongue before running off in a speed that surprised the boss. Before he was able to blink, the goblin was back, carrying the girl over his head. It dumped her onto his arms before jumping off to join the fight.

The boss grinned wickedly. There were plenty of monsters gathering around them. He had all the time in the world to do what he wanted to do. Kill the mother fucking girl that started all this mess.

(Excuse my language)
Her anger seethed. Grinning widely."I was only getting started... Since i was just playing easy..." She made the illusion of everything being surrouded in darkness. Including her, just her red glowing pupils seen.
Pandora, in the midst of the destruction, managed to hold onto the remains of the broken tree that still stuck into the ground. She couldn't see anything, and so she simply stuck her knife into the wood deeply, gripping it powerfully.

(Idk wat to doo xD )
Corvus took time after school to rest, but a malevolent earthquake woke the elvish boy from his slumber. As he exited the room he was in, his ears perked up as he heard shouts coming from outside. Is there a fight going on?, he thought as he burst through one of the school exits. From his position, his eyes took in the full image of a war. Ghouls, goblins, and all sorts of monsters blackened the skies just like the gunships back at Kansas. The school appeared to be structurally compromised, as giant dragons, demons, and other people with their weapons drawn out were fighting.

Alarmed, his eyes glowed a familiar blue. Arcane glyphs formed around his body as a handful of futuristic weapons materialized before him. With no more time to think, he slung a silenced DSR-1 high powered sniper rifle over his back and readied two Beretta 93R burst pistols. Just in case, Corvus set both of his pistols to semi-auto. Locked and loaded with both guns drawn, Corvus went back inside the school and made his way to the top of the roof.

Once there, he put his pistols back in his holster and took the rifle from his back, turning safety off in the process. Corvus looked down the scope and saw a golem carrying an unconscious girl. He adjusted the zoom on his scope, and he realized that the unconscious girl appeared to be Shina, from one of his classes. "Oh no...", he muttered to himself. There were also two monsters beside the golem, and one of them made a move toward Shina. Oh crap!, he thought. Corvus held his breath and aimed at the guy's head. A loud psssh sound was heard, like a miniature gas eruption, and the bullet cut through through the air and embedded itself inside of the guy's skull, instantly killing him. Go to sleep, Corvus thought as he breathed out. He pulled the bolt and pushed it back in, putting the next round into the chamber with a click.

(@PhoenixFire13 If you want the guy alive, I can cut out this last part.)
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Pandoras grip on her knife began to slip threateningly.

"No, no- fuck-!"

Tears began to form at her eyes, as she fought the urge to keep herself alive by her only means. She felt her back aching, her wings attempting to burst through. Her tearful eyes grew a deep red, no white remaining. And suddenly, she let go of her knife, the winds picking her into the air as she screamed painfully and demonically.
Corvus heard the demonic scream to his right. He turned the rifle upwards and to the right and looked down the scope. There in the distance he saw a familiar girl transforming into a succubus, with wings sprouting out of her back like stems sprouting out of a seed. "What the heck is that...", Corvus muttered to himself in fear as he drew his eyes away from the scope. Snap out of it!, he told himself before aiming down the scope once more. He kept a close watch over her, mulling over whether he should shoot her or not.
Pandora continued to scream and cry at the same time, her wings saving her life unwillingly. Her demonic appearances formed, and her clothes transformed into that of a succubi's. She slammed into the nearest enemy, and tore him down.


And so, the blackened angel fell in a furious inferno.

Willow snapped out of her daydream at the sound of screaming. She looked around the campus in shock wondering what had happened here.
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"Snap! She's out of control!" Corvus yelled. He fired a shot at her, but to no avail. He quickly worked the bolt to reload another shot and fired, but he missed again. He fired a third round at her, but still it had no effect. The demon was too fast for even Corvus to hit. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down, despite the demon's furious rampage. Panicking will only reduce his accuracy. He breathed rhythmically as he worked the bolt, loading the last bullet into the chamber. He needed this last round to count.
Corvus closed his eyes, and a strange glyph resembling a clock appeared on his forehead. He opened his eyes, both of them glowing blue as the minute hand of the clock glyph on his forehead was slowly turning. Pause, he muttered, and all was still.

The ghouls and goblins lay frozen in the air, while the monsters and men on the ground stood still like statues. All was still; time had stopped. Corvus looked down the scope and aimed at Pandora. When he saw her, his eyes widened. The demon was still moving! "H-how...", he said to himself in shock. "That doesn't matter! She's slowed down so I can still hit her!" Readying up his DSR-1 once more, Corvus held his breath and fired the shot at the succubus. "Please God, let this one shot hit...," Corvus prayed as he watched the bullet fly through the air. The .338 Lapua round embedded itself into Pandora's left leg, right above her knee. And with that, the time-stop dissipated, and the monsters continued their battle. Only Pandora was suppressed.

Corvus whispered excitedly, then let out a sigh of relief. "But then again, I'm out of bullets, and I don't have any energy left to summon any more magazines... I gotta go before Pandora sees me." And with that, Corvus slung the sniper rifle over his shoulder, drew out one of his pistols, and went back into the school.
Pandora shoved the fallen angel into the ground, successfully killing it (if that's alright with you, @PhoenixFire13 )

Ignoring the bullets slicing the air around her. Suddenly, a bullet pierced her leg, and she flinched in pain.


She yelled, grimacing in the sudden burst of pain. She turned in direction of the bullet- yet no one was there. She screamed yet again in fury.
(@LegenDarius Nah, kill the stupid goblin QAQ I was saved and then kidnapped again cause of him)

(@TheCreator645 No prob, they're all gonna die in a few seconds ^.^)

The boss watched the battle go on with a gleeful expression. His entire body was rushed with adrenaline and he had to strain himself from fighting. Every cell of his body wanted to rip the resisting students into shreds and eat them all. But, he glared at the girl in his arms, first came this human girl. He let out a loud whoop. He was about to eat the "princess" and all the "knights" could do was watch as their precious friend gets-

"I'm giving you three seconds to get your dirty hands off of me, bastard."

He froze in his action, and looked at the girl. Her clear blue eyes were open and trained on him, piercing him with an ice cold chill. He grinned smugly, "Finally awake, Fire Girl? Look around, all your puny friends are dying from their little mission to save you. Isn't it a wonderful sight? Now if only I had some... pop... corn..." He looked down at the hand thrust between his chest.

"I said three seconds, didn't I? Miss the countdown and you're dead. Guess I forgot to mention that." Shina pulled her hand out of his chest, leaving behind a fire that quickly spread to the rest of his body. He screeched and dropped her, clawing at his body in a futile attempt to put out the flames. She summoned some short flames beneath her feet that propelled her to a standing position so that she landed softly on her feet. In her hand was the Golem's heart made of stone.

"How fitting that your heart looks just like you." She sent the heart up in flames, followed by a howl from the Golem before it disintegrated into ashes and floated onto the ground. "Cold and broken."

She looked around at the fights going on around her. No one had noticed her yet but now everyone will. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she was wearing an enormous aura of power around her. Everyone froze and turned toward her. She flicked her wrist at the air before her. Before long, each and every one of the monsters that had assisted the three boys found themselves with a fire shard (similar to ice shard except it's made of molten rock, I guess, not ice) pointed toward their weak points.

"Move and you die." She thought for a second, then shrugged. "On a second thought, I'll leave that to the others to decide." She kept her fire shards in place but glanced between each of the students that had been fighting the horde of monsters. The choice was up to them for her to do the honors or for them to finish their fights.

(Welp, I didn't wanna seem too OP with the giant aura thing so I'll leave the choice to you guys)
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Before long there was a massive Gun aimed at The boss of the gang. Before long Tyrrell started to charge the gun up.

And then a voice spoke out.

"Ready to fire and obliterate target"

Willow shifted to her smaller form in fear at the sight of all the carnage and battling students. She hovered in the air and watched as a young girl ripped the heart from a golem monster. She looked at the girl in awe as she brought the battle to a standstill.
Pandora paid no attention to the shard of molten that was pointed towards her heart. Instead, she screeched violently, and flew to the source of the bullet, to the rooftop of the school, her eyes still pure red with bloodlust.
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Corvus, hearing Pandora landing on the rooftop where he was previously, hurried down the stairs. A little of his energy had come back at this point. His eyes glowed a faint purple as he whispered, "Mute." With that, his footsteps were muted as he soundlessly fled down the stairs, leaving no trace to the bloodthirsty demon that was chasing him. He made his way to a back door of the school and exited there. Once outside, he stuck to the shadows cast by the school building and he fled the school grounds without anyone noticing. At least he hoped that no one noticed.
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The twins managed to get up weakly.

"D-Damn..." Jack muttered before collapsing.

Lila rushed over to Jack. "Wake up, wake up!" She yelled frantically, tears streaming down his face. "We shouldn't have faced them... We're too weak..." She muttered, laying down on the floor next to him as tears soaked her body.
"Oh....I hope she doesn't notice what I did to her whilst she slept..." Says Hak "But whatever she did has made it more interesting....guess I'll take my fair share of kills now..."

Said Hak as he smiles in a demonic way. "Level 1....Magic Cast 1,000 Blades" And with activating this power he had activated his First Step God Like Speed and plunged forwards at immeasurable speeds slicing down every enemy in his path. "Hoh hoh....you can still stand can ye boss?, then taste my Level 2 Magic Cast 10,000 Blades"

(Exactly same as before but faster and a lot more blades...Hopefully not to op) And with that He left 10,000 holes gaping from within the golem.

(@PhoenixFire13 Just tell me if you don't want this part in :) )

Hak turns around to see the golem's structure slowly shattering into 10,000 pieces +

Yet His body had no time to reform due to the enraged fire burning from within him, with that each and every enemy was trembling at the strength of the students.

They knew there was no way out of this....

(Make something up now? :) )
Reanne Rea sensed something different as she abruptly stood up, her ears perking up. She sensed powerful auras coming from the direction of the school. "Shit." Rea cursed, her head turning towards Seth. "We have to go," She said, running to the direction of the school with inhuman speed, dragging Seth with her.


(Sorry if I was inac, school was hectic xD )
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RealityEntity said:
Reanne Rea sensed something different as she abruptly stood up, her ears perking up. She sensed powerful auras coming from the direction of the school. "Shit." Rea cursed, her head turning towards Seth. "We have to go," She said, running to the direction of the school with inhuman speed, dragging Seth with her.


(Sorry if I was inac, school was hectic xD )
Seth sighed as he let Saleh take over and scooped up the neko. The flew with incredible speed across the sky even without Saleh taking full form. Her wings were powerful enough that they arrived at the school within minutes.
Reanne "Woah." She whispered, looking at the wings with fascination. Never in her life had she seen dragon wings! She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw the school, a part of it destroyed. Rea gasped. She was sensing powerful auras but not this powerful. Seth loosened his grip, allowing her to investigate what happened. Her eyes widened as she saw chaos and destruction in front of her. Dark creatures, attacking some of her schoolmates, she felt stress from the commotion. She saw a figure, hunched down, her back shaking. Rea immediately rushed over, as she saw a girl, crying. She looked over to the boy, and sensed that he was weak, very weak. She dragged the boy, before lifting him up to his feet, his arm draping around Rea's shoulders. He seemed to be unconscious. "Come on." Rea called out to the girl, motioning the girl to follower her as she began dragging him to the farthest section on the campus, away from the warzone.
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Pandora flew high above the grounds, searching for the person her shot her. The blood dribbled down, hitting the concrete a hundred meters below her. She looked back at the warzone, where everyone gathered, including teachers. Pandora then looked over to the back of the school where a familiar elvish boy hid I the shadows. Pandora took note of the large sniper rifle slung to his back. She smiled happily, beginning her agile descent towards him.

(I must sleep cus it's 10pm for me - feel free to shoot me or whatever, just don't do to much @LegenDarius QwQ
(@TheCreator645 So much for suppression xD . Guess shooting a succubus in the leg didn't work as well as I thought it did)

As Corvus was attempting to escape the school grounds, he felt the air shifting behind him. He looked back for a second and saw a horrifying demon descending toward him. Quickly he pulled out both of his pistols, set them to burst, and began spraying the incoming succubus with bullets. The rounds hit Pandora, one in the face, some on the arms, but mostly on the torso.
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