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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Noticing the troublesome girl walk into the hall, Corvus was conflicted. He wanted to help her, since she was struggling with all of her wounds. But at the same time, he wanted to run away. Far away. Pandora terrified him to the core.

He didn't know which way to walk. He could walk toward the school exits and make his way home in peace. Or he could help the troubled girl. After a few seconds, the elvish boy gave an exasperated sigh and turned to Pandora. "Need any help?" he called out to her.
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Pandora looked back at the boy.

"-Hm? Ugh- n-no, I'm fine-"

She cringed, almost collapsing at the pain. Her wings came around her figure to cover herself. She looked away, embarrassed, cursing under her breath.
Alliah went back to her normal form, naked. The two orbs reappeared (THE NOTIFICATIONS DIDNT POP UP ; 3 ;)
The four orbs spoke up at the same time.


The orbs flashed green and blue for a couple minutes with a red color appearing every now and then. Once it stopped flashing blue and green and maybe a few reds they spoke up again.

"Scan Complete.....Found one Vi....Vi.....Vi.....Virus"

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Corvus's legs itched, almost visibly, to go the other way. But he remained adamant. Pandora was cowering before him, while he himself cowered before her on the inside. Nevertheless he looked directly at her and said, "You're not. You're about to collapse."
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"Gaah... I need clothes..." She picked up her clothing, what was left of it, and put it on. A loose t-shirt, a jacket, and underwear. She put them on and started to rush home
"And who's fault would that be...?"

Pandora hissed, using the wall to support herself.

"And now, if you'll excuse me; I need to go- I-I mean... I'll find somewhere..."

She began to stumble along the hall, determined to get out of the school and somehow find a place to sleep that wasn't out in the streets.
Corvus stared down at his feet in shame. He was the cause of her pain. However... It was necessary.

But instead of trying to justify himself, Corvus spoke, "If you need some place to stay. I could offer you mine. At least for a couple of days..." Time seemed to slow down as he said this. Corvus had forced himself to utter each and every one of these words. And now came the awkward silence...
The principal sighed in disappointment. She wasn't specialized in terminating viruses from machines but she was hoping her amateur skills were at least able to help a student in need. "I'm sorry... I can't seem to-" Her eyes lit up as she remembered a teacher that was teaching a class on Trojans and malware protection. She turned around and scanned the grounds for him. Her eyes fell on a male teacher in his 40s that was handcuffing a student.

"Mr. Mortes (just makes up some random name), come over here for a second please!"

The teacher looked up at the sound of his name and walked over, leaving the student he was with to another teacher. "Yes, madame?"

"This student can't seem to return to his human form due to a virus in these orbs that seem to serve as his key in controlling his transformations. Can you take a look and see if you are able to terminate the virus from the program?"

"I'll do my best, madame." He turned to the orbs and started inspecting the orbs in a similar way that she did, except the codes he typed were longer and more defined. He also tapped the orbs a few times with a small hammer. What the purpose of doing so was, she had no idea.

After a few minutes, he put away the hammer and turned to her. "It's complete. The virus is completely terminated. While I was at it, I did maintenance on the orbs as well. They should function better now against future viruses."

"Thank you," she looked back at the orbs, "This time should do the trick. If not, I really have no other alternatives than to have to return to your hometown."
"I-I said I'm FINE!"

Pandora yelled at the boy, her voice becoming demonic and her eyes turning red once again. But at this, she fell to the ground, collapsed as she gave way to her weakness and pain. She cursed weakly before falling unconscious yet again.
The orbs spoke up again

"Scanning scanning....Can not add new software.....Altering Software now"

The orbs flashed blue and green for a few minutes before turning blue.

"Scan complete, Virus Terminated, Software altered"

The Orbs then Flew back to the mecha dragon before all the orbs went into its back. The back of the mecha dragon closed and it changed back to its humanoid form with the 4 orbs.
Kyzaba had managed to find a way to sleep in a dark corner of the school after Nanami refused to speak to him. Having had enough sleep, he stood up and yawned before realizing that he would have to go to the music class. He'd promised the music teacher that morning that he'd help her out with some instrument tuning and he was quite late. Immediately, he ran toward the sound proof room and after a greetings to the music teacher, he started tuning some violins which was an instrument he loved. Soon, he left the room and walked off to see what everyone else was doing before noticing a giant dragon in the middle of the school in front of him.

"Wonderful! Ol' Mortes sure knows how to do the job well. How do you feel?" The principal sighed in relief. Thank god I didn't have to do another annoying task.
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"Ow, what happened"

He put his right arm up to his head since he forgot to put his coat back over his arm.
The elf sighed as he picked up the fallen girl princess style. He then closed his eyes and leaned toward her...

Glitch, he said as they were both teleported into Corvus's apartment some 5 miles from the school. His apartment seemed to be a small, but comfortable space. It was a lovely home. Corvus smiled at the fact that he was back there after such a long day. But then he remembered the girl that he was carrying... He sighed with mixed feelings as he went inside of his bedroom. The room was quite a nice space with a bed near a wall, a night stand with a lamp on top of it. A computer desk complete with bookshelves and a comfortable office chair sat across a comfortable mat in the shape of a Mudkip, and a sliding door in the middle of the wall between the bed and the desk opened the way to a small balcony.

The nurse seemed to have done a good job in patching up this poor girl, so Corvus just laid her on his bed. He prepared water, bandages, and other necessities should Pandora need them and placed them on a small table near the bed. As Pandora slept, he slid open the sliding door, walked out on the balcony, and looked out upon the sunset. The smell of the flowers that decorated the edge of the balcony filled his nostrils while the soft glow of the fading orange sun filled his heart with peace, something he hadn't felt in a long time. "Today has been a long day..." he said to himself. "But at least I'm here now." He leaned against the edge as he enjoyed the gentle breeze, happy that he was alive.
"You seemed to have been stuck in your dragon form due to a virus that infected your orbs. I had someone take care of it and he said he improved them as well. You should ask the orbs for the details. Do you need to go to the infirmary? I'm quite busy so I'll send someone over to assist you if you want."

The principal gave him a smile that said please-say-you're-alright-so-that-I-can-return-to-the-other-tasks-I-have-to-do-that-hurt-my-head.
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He thought about what she said.

"Wait, am I in trouble for destroying some of the school...or actually most of the school ground?"
The principal tapped her foot impatiently, wanting to finish her workload before midnight so she could return home and get some sleep before coming back with a headache the next morning. But she was the principal and it was her job to assist the students. So she straightened up and stopped her tapping.

"Yes," she waved over one of the teachers, "Have this teacher take care of your interrogation. Having destroyed a majority of the school campus, your penalty will be severe but it won't make much a difference to your normal school life. Now then, please excuse me."

She walked back to her office and collapsed on the sofa, exhausted. I'm definitely retiring after this year...

(Thus, end my temporary role as the principal. The punishment is up to you to decide now. Make up a conversation like Corvus did or just skip the details like Hak did @DragonStorm )
Pandora lay on the bed, still unconscious. She groaned, twitching in her sleep, and flipped her self unto her side, curling up to keep herself warm. Her wing lay over her body, serving as a temporary blanket.
Corvus heard the girl shifting in his bed, and when he came back into the room to check on her, she had turned to her side and covered herself with wings. He then gently placed a thin blanket over her and pet her head. She doesn't look so bad now, he thought as he smiled at her. She looks kinda cute.

After a few moments, Corvus withdrew his hand and went back outside on the balcony. Leaning against the edge again, he sighed and thought, Let's just hope she stays that way.
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Pandora began to groan softly, the change of presence and the hand on her head slowly alerted her, and so she slowly began to wake up.

"...ugh... Where the fuck am I...?"

Pandora eventually groaned weakly, sitting up in the bed. She looked around the strange apartment, pushing her messy brown hair back to get a better look. She cringed again, noticing the pain and aches in her body.
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Reanne Rea sighed, as she walked out of the infirmary, running her hands through her hair frustratedly. A lot has happened in the little time she has been gone. She walked through the quiet hallway, the only sound resonating from her light footsteps.
Alliah returned, being clothed in a loose t-shirt, some baggy jeans, and her normal shoes. She walked into the courtyard, her glare giving a sting to anyone who looked into it, she was not happy. She didnt even bother to put in headphones before she started playing music, bugging the people around her with some explicit lyrics coming out of Hollywood Undead's mouth.
Reanne "I can tell you're not fine." Rea commented. "Tell me." She said as she realized that there was no nurse at the moment. She went through the cabinets and got a basin, filled it with water before walking over to the unconscious boy. She began to mutter an ancient language, before the water began to glow and morph on her hands. She pressed it onto the wound of the boy, the wounds disappearing in less than 5 seconds, with nothing but a tiny scar left.

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