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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(@CelestiaVanGuard Depends, do you want a slap from Shina? xD )

(@LegenDarius Cut out some of the parts about Pandora. She should be able to choose what action she takes. Take everything slow and one at a time so she has a chance to react the way she wants to)

"Stop!" a blast of wind blew through the school ground, forcing all the students to fall onto their knees, their transformations and special abilities cancelled. The monsters in the air were dragged back to the ground by gravity, unable to move by their own will.

Shina gasped in pain as her magic was forcefully stopped, falling to her knees as the fire shards disappeared. She didn't notice it when she was casting it but that magic had been sapping her energy. She placed a hand on her head, her body trembling as she fought to stay awake. No, not again. I won't faint again.

Teachers were walking around, handcuffing every student that was fighting. Once the handcuffs were on, they were forced back into their human forms and their magic neutralized.

"Who's the one that start this mess?" The principal stood at the side, her hands raised and eyes flashing in anger. It was clear that she was the one that stopped the rampage.

Not wanting anyone to take the blame for her, she spoke up. "Me."

The principal narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at her. Makeshift wind shackles appeared on her wrists and ankles. The force making her immobilized disappeared and she was able to stand.

"Come with me," the principal turned and walked toward her office, "discipline the rest of the students."

(You guys can choose what type of punishment you want o3o Just nothing too .. gory like tied up on the wall and whipped or something -shivers- Everyone can have a different punishment. The injured ones should be in the infirmary instead though.)
"Phew, It appears she didn't notice, it's that or I'm screwed, I might have to avoid her for a while :3" Says Hak

Hak notices that all the students were suddenly being handcuffed, seconds went by and they had finally got to him,

"You know, I would say I'm sorry but it was mostly :3 self defense...." Says Hak as hes forced to the ground,

"Is that anyway to treat a student?" Says Hak

"Does a normal student tear the sky and building apart with a Pole arm Spear?" Says Teacher #1

"You have a point....It seems like you was watching the fight for some time..." Says Hak

"Well, you see it's called being smart... we aren't stupid enough to go into a fight when we hadn't got all our teachers at the time,

that'd just be marking our own deaths..." Says Teacher #2

"Fair point..." Says Hak as he is pulled up and taken into the dark corridors of what was left of the school building.
Back on the ground back and human sized again Willow watched as the teachers rounded up the students.
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(@CelestiaVanGuard I'm not letting you off that easily bout kissing her xD Staying away is a good idea)

As Shina followed the principal, she tried to turn her body in various angles as much as she could while bound by the wind shackles. "Ouch..." she whimpered quietly as she felt bruises at each slight effort. For some reason though, her lips felt a bit warm. She faintly remember a sensation on her lips while she was barely conscious. She couldn't remember what had made that sensation but she did remember feeling like she was carried once by someone that wasn't rough to her, like the three jerks were.

She shook with rage at remembering what the three jerks had did to her. Just before she fell into complete darkness, she had heard one of them say something suspiciously similar to wanting to "touch" her. The memory of the night she was kidnapped replayed in her head; a tiny flame flared from her hands before it was extinguished by the wind. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I-

"Come in." They had reached the principal's office and the principal was beckoning for her to take a seat.

She snapped to her senses and obeyed, sitting down at one of the comfy chairs across from her.
This is gonna take a while...


A few minutes later, she stood outside the principal's office with a grim face on her features. Detention for three weeks and 24/7 surveillance of her for the rest of the school year. She didn't know how they were going to watch her while she was at home and she definitely didn't wanna think about how they are most likely going to be able to find a way to do so. She sighed dejectedly and start to make her way home, feeling like she forgot something.

Start a massacre afterschool and kill a bunch of students and all I get it detention and surveillance. Not that I'm complaining but what a soft punishment.

Suddenly, Shina froze in her steps and turned around, her eyes filled with worry.

@Death Peacher Found a way for you to jump back in~)
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Hak Finally appeared from the inside of the school, whether he was given a punishment or not was unknown to everyone else but him, either way he picked up his Spear and left the gates.... and then realized he would have to sleep outside....as no housing was sorted for him, for now he took a walk to the park and sat under a tree, not long after he fell into a soft sleep..... "hopefully no one notices..." He said and with that he had drifted away into a sleep.

(@PhoenixFire13 Ikr :3 xD dw I'll try and find a way out of it :3)
Not wanting to be a bother to the busy teachers Willow decided shed wait till morning to find her classes. Shifting back to her smaller form she flew around the campus until she found a tree. She smiled noticing the boy sleeping beneath it. Willow landed on a branch and began to grow some flowering vines, weaving them into a small house she climbed inside. Surrounded by the familiar presence of nature she drifted into a light sleep.
Hak's pure black hair moved with the wind as the breeze was perfect. Still in his slumber not fully aware of his surroundings or whats happening.
For some strange Reason Tyrrell didn't change back to normal, its like something went wrong with his Transformation. He watched people go in but he just stayed where he was the entire time, He was nervous for his new friends. He Ordered the orbs to start dismantling his guns, He knew that he might be in major trouble with the destruction of other things around the school for his size and weapons.

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In his panicked firing, Corvus quickly ran out of bullets on both guns. He was now empty; neither his DSR-1 nor his Raffickas could protect him now. "Dang it... What do I do!?" he said to himself in an almost futile tone. Finally, he said "Screw it!" and ran as fast as he could, hoping to buy some time for his mana to return. However the principal's force field took hold of him and Pandora, holding both of them in place. Both of them were trapped there, confused. Then teachers came and cuffed them, and dragged them away. One of the teachers took Corvus's DSR-1 that was slung on his back, and after a quick body check also confiscated his two pistols.

"What's going on?" Corvus asked the teacher. He said nothing, and just continued to push him inside of the school. He had the urge to yell "I'm innocent!" but he saved it for the interrogation. It would make him seem more believable, he thought.
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(Pandora doesn't really have a human form but she can create the illusion she is- at the moment she is still succubus)

Pandoras fury ceased as more bullets sprayed into her body. She fell into the ground with a great impact, unconscious. Her wings fell to the ground beside her, as did her tail. Her horns dug into the dirt, which was splattered with her own black blood. She wasn't there for long until a teacher handcuffed her and carried her into the school.
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Reanne Rea took the boy to the infirmary, her sister following her. Rea sighed, she only helped them because it reminded her of someone. She laid the boy on the bed and turned to look for a nurse, she noticed the girl looking down. "Are you okay?"
Tyrrell Looked at the Teachers who kept on Yelling at him to change back, one of the orbs that was dismantling his weapons comes down to the Teachers and starts to speak.

"I'm am Sorry for this incident, we are trying to figure out why he cant turn back"

The orb said before looking back towards Tyrrell and then looks back to the teachers.

"He keeps trying to shift back but something wont let him change back"
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Pandora woke up with a start, jumping up, gasping for air. She quickly calmed herself down, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw the blood soaked bandages covering her body. Her hoodie and satchel were next to the bed. She quickly shoved her hoodie on to cover her. Laying back down, a sharp pain came from her back, from her wings.

"...s-still there... Fuck..."

She muttered, realising her situation. Homeless and badly hurt with a side of a Succubis appearance. Pandora felt like crying.
(As per @DragonStorm 's request, I'm gonna temporarily RP as the principal/staff for one or two posts while I wait for @Death Peacher 's reply)

The principal sighed and rubbed the spot between her eyes. The troublemaker girl had just left her room, leaving her to feel stressed and exhausted. In the 10 years that she had been a principal at Lakoria, this was the first time she had to deal with mass destruction of almost half of the entire school ground and who knows how many casualties there had been. Not to mention the phone calls she would be making to each and every student's parents about the incident and somehow reassure them that Lakoria was still a safe school for their children. She also had to put up an illusion in the surrounding neighborhood so that the humans were unaware that a war between mythological creatures was happening right next door.

She placed her head in her hands for a while and allowed herself to rest. But before long, she could hear the staff members yelling at a student to undo their transformation. Oh boy, more trouble, she thought as she ran out of her office to inspect the problem. She was greeted by a 2 story tall metallic dragon that sat in the middle of the school ground. A good amount of blue orbs were flying around it, as if they were trying to undo the transformation.

She walked up to the staff members beneath the dragon. "What's going on? Why hasn't this student returned to his human form yet?"

A teacher replied, "Well, madame, the orbs stated that he's unable to do so."

"Unable to do so?" she repeated. She sighed and looked up at the dragon.

"State your name and school year, child of a Mecha Dragon. Why are you unable to return to your human form?"
The orb in front of the teachers looked at the Principal.

"This is Tyrrell Techno, he is a senior here. We are doing a scan over his system now to figure out whats wrong"
"I see..." The principal snapped her fingers and summoned a file to her hands. The file held reports of each student enrolled in Lakoria and their backgrounds, or as much of their backgrounds as was provided. She flipped to the file with a header that read 'Tyrrell Techno, Senior, 17, Species: Mecha Dragon'. She scanned through his background, stopping when she read something possibly useful.

"It says here that you normally have four orbs following you in your human form. Those four orbs seem to be in charge of your transformations. Maybe the cause lies in damage on those orbs. May I see them?"
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"We are the orbs"

The orbs changes red for a really quick second.

"We are able to repair ourselves at a massive rate and be recreated"
"The only thing we cant do is get rid of Viruses and other things that can effect us, but we can bring out the 4 orbs that follow Tyrrell"

The orbs flys back before bring 4 other orbs

"Here they are, Now I.....I....I must get back to dismantling the weapons"

The orbs then flys back.
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"Hmm ... viruses, huh. May I see them for a second?" The principal took a close look at each of the orbs. After some 30 minutes of inspecting or so, she pulled on some gray gloves and touched one. An interface popped up from the glove and she examined it, reading each command carefully and occasionally typing in some words in the keypad that appeared with it. Before long, she had adjusted the code in all four orbs and touched each of them in turn, synchronizing the new code with them.

"I tried to terminate the virus but I don't know whether it worked or not until you give it a test. Can you try returning back to human form again?"
Corvus walked the dark-evergreen halls of the school while being kept secure by the teacher. He was led to what appeared to be one of the dean's offices. The dimly lit room appeared to be used for almost secretive purposes. There were bars covering the windows, and there was nothing but a table and two cold metal chairs. The teacher sat him down in one of the chairs, and he himself took the other seat across the table.

"What's your name and your year, elf?"

"I am Corvus Exsul, a junior." Corvus wanted to add that he was a new transfer, but he quickly deemed it as unwise.

"Right. Let's cut to the chase then. What were you doing getting caught up in this skirmish?"

"I was sleeping inside one of the classrooms when I felt an earthquake shake the building. I went outside and I saw this massive fight going on, as if it was a full scale war. I went back inside of the school and up on top of the roof to get another view of the fight, and I saw one of my classmates unconscious, guarded by three suspicious looking monsters."

"Do you know her name, by any chance?"

"I believe her name was Shina."

"Right..." The teacher seemed to recognize the name and made a mental note on informing the principal. "And why were you armed? You had a sniper rifle and two machine pistols on your person when I found you. Care to explain?"

"Yes, I used my time powers to summon these weapons once I saw the fight. When I went on top of the roof, I was scouting the area and that was when I found Shina. One of the monsters made a move toward her, and he looked like he was about to kill her. I'm sorry sir, but I had to kill him..." Corvus said with a tone of regret, now knowing the gravity of his actions, even if they were justified.

"Why didn't you just suppress him?" The teacher asked, almost accusingly.

"The monster had already been wounded, and I didn't have the time nor the accuracy to aim for his legs. From my perspective, his head was a bigger target than the rest of his body. There was no time... I had to save Shina, she was just an innocent girl." Corvus explained, genuinely honest in his response.

The teacher bowed his head and nodded to himself. After a few nervous seconds, he lifted his head to face Corvus and spoke again. "But what about the succubus girl that you were with when I found you?"

"I had seen her all throughout today. I heard her scream demonically while I was up on the roof. I kept a close watch over her, but when she began to go berserk I had to suppress her. It took a lot out of me, but I managed to wound her leg. Unfortunately that didn't do anything other than anger the beast. She chased me all the way down to the back of the school where you found me. I only had my two pistols then, and she was charging at me with killing intent. So I panicked and I just sprayed bullets at her for all I was worth. It was the only thing I could do to defend myself from being killed or eaten..." Corvus bowed his head.

"Yeah... Good thing she's still alive in the infirmary."

Corvus lifted his head. She was still alive? A blend of mixed emotions then flooded the tired elf once he heard those words. Pandora seemed like such a nice girl, and Corvus was glad that she was alive. But then again, she was a demon... What could happen if she was at large with the rest of the student body? Corvus was unsure of what triggered the transformation, but it was likely that she can go berserk at any time. She wasn't just a liability, but she was a potential threat to the students, to the faculty, to anything and everything around her.

With a sigh, the teacher continued. "Well, you're free to go, Corvus. You don't seem like the type to cause trouble anyway. Just be careful where you point these things." And with that, the teacher handed Corvus back his weapons. Corvus took the DSR and the 93Rs and laid them out on the table. He placed his hands over them with eyes glowing blue and glyphs surrounding the guns, and the guns dissipated into countless letters and glyphs. Those symbols traveled around Corvus's body until they disappeared down his right wrist. The teacher sat still for a moment, amazed at the light show he just witnessed, before getting up and opening the door. He gestured Corvus out, and the elvish boy walked out into the hall, relieved that he didn't face any punishment at all.

But one thought couldn't escape his mind: How are Shina and Pandora doing?
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Suddenly, Pandora burst out of the infirmary, carrying her satchel along with her. She winced in pain, struggling to make her way out. But as soon as she began that, the elvish boy from before walked into the hall.

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