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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Reanne "Then practice." Rea replied softly, her voice coated with understanding. She had been there once. Feeling helpless as she watched Ayato die. She didnt do anything. She just stood there, horrified, tears streaming down her face. Rea shook her head from the thought, looking at the girls eyes. " Your not weak. No one is. They just lost the will to fight." Like me...
"B-But..." She tried to find a way to say something but just ended up laying on the floor. "I'm pathetic... A weak excuse for living..."

Jack slowly came to and was unable to hear but could see clearly.
Huh... So this is the school? Apparently it's prestigious... And people like me roam freely... Still, it'll just be full of a bunch of stupid commoners. Human or not.

I pushed the door open into a random classroom. I guess I interrupted the class. Although I'm not sure I'd call it a class. There were a bunch of creatures (with a couple mere humans scattered here and there), playing with their magic and weapons. It was unlike my old school. Back where... I push the thoughts out of my head. No room for them. I make my way to the front of the class, where a teacher stands there with one eyebrow raised.

I notice some people are craning their necks to see me. Grr... I pull a chair out and stand on it, making me taller. Damn shortness. "Listen up, commoners. My name is Katsu Mikage! Remember that! I'm new in this school, but I still expect to be treated above you all. Any questions?"

A random boy raises his hand. "This is a freshman class. Junior classes are somewhere else..."

"Shut up! I'm sixteen!" I yell. With my petite size, Gothic Lolita dressing and childish attitude, I'm often mistaken for someone much younger. So annoying!
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Snickers arise from around the room of the people I don't recognize. I am really frustrated... I feel like I could... Could....

I summon my scythe and swing it with a lethal spell. I mutter the words of the ancient language. Three skeletal creatures slink out form one of the dark corners in the room and rampage the class. Screams arise from the classroom as fear and blood break through the room. The undead trio have made several gashes in students' limbs. I'm the one laughing now. I might not get very popular form this... But the fun makes it worth it.

The teacher speaks up. "As much as I enjoyed your spell, Miss Mikage, I think you should end it." With a whoosh of the scythe, the skeletons disappear. I sling the scythe onto my back. "Oh, by the way, I'm a necromancer."

I walk through the hallways, buried in a book. Suddenly a group of students approach me.

(Sorry about saying group of students approached, but I need to get familiar with characters. ^^)
One of the teachers walks up to Tyrrell about to give him his punishment.

"You, Mr Tyrrell Techno will be watched 24/7, you will also need to help repair the school with out the help of your orbs since obviously they can repair themselves and you I guess, and you have to go check in with Mr. Mortes every day after school to get a virus scan"

Tyrrell gulped, scared out of his mind about the punishments he is getting from the teacher. Then Mr. Mortes spoke up.

"If you don't show up to my classroom after school, you will have to write me a 2 page essay on whatever I decide on and you will have to clean my classroom top to bottom" Mr. Mortes said.

"O-okay sir will do-" Tyrrell then got interrupted by the vice principal

"You will need to check in with the principal once a week, and I will be watching over you during school" the vice principal said.

"A-Alright I will"

Tyrrell sat down and took his coat off once all the teachers and vice principal left. One of the orbs fly over to his rght arm and starts to work on it, like repairing it. He kept on thinking about what happened to him and how he got a virus into his mainframe.

"Well we better get home, its getting late and we have school tomorrow, and a lot of work too."

He stood back up and started walking home.
Hak slowly woke up after several hours sleep under the tree, he realized he had missed the whole school day due to the lack of energy, he hadn't had such a fun fight in

over 2 months... As he gets up he notices what seems like vines dangling in his face shooting straight up, as he looks up he sees what appears to be a house made out of vines with such a strong hold. He had no idea how he hadn't noticed that before...

"Since when was that there?!..." He Mumbles

(@OceanBunny )
Willow wakes up to the sound of someone moving below her house. She peeks through the vines and sees the boy who was sleeping beneath the tree is now awake. Leaving he house she shifts to human size and lands lightly on the ground next to him. "Hi, Im Willow," she says with a smile.

Hak turns around as he notices a girl lightly dropping to the ground

"Oh...hi, my names Hak, assuming by what your wearing and that you came out of that tiny vine house, I guess you go to our school?" He says with a smile whilst blushing partially.
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"Yea, I just got here last night." Willow said. "But everything was so crazy.." Her wings flutter beind her, lifting her slightly off the ground.

"Its nice to meet you Hak." she smiles sweetly at him.
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"I'm a Freshman, I only started two days ago actually" He said.

"And yeah, you get the from the reception, wanna go there now?" He says whilst smiling

"Oh actually, schools over, hmmmmm...." Hak says whilst looking puzzled.

Corvus noticed the shifting, and once again left the balcony to check up on Pandora, who was now awake. He didn't know what to say, so he just watched her as she sat on the bed, trying to make sense of the situation. A gentle breeze flew into the room through the open door, carrying the aroma of the flowers with it. The sun was already almost below the horizon, and the clouds above were shining orange and purple.

She looked gorgeous in the glow of the sunset, but still Corvus was very cautious. He had a .50 caliber Desert Eagle hidden inside his cloak in case Pandora should attack him. He sighed. I really hope I don't have to use this... He thought as he felt the cold hard metal through his cloak.

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"Hmmmm..." He thought, and then realized she had a good point about school being closed...Hak doesn't live anywhere currently so he tends to sleep under trees and in hidden places. "I guess we will have to wait for tomorrow...." He says whilst looking disappointed, and then continues to smile, after all her smile was enough to keep him going for the night.


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