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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Last post for today so try to twist your conversations around Shina since I won't be replying till almost 24 hours later)

Shina watched the girl she bumped into with a curious feeling. She was searching around on the floor for something, which Shina assumed to be the cane that lied on the floor a few inches away from her feet. She leaned down to pick the cane up for the girl but to her surprise, the girl straightened up and reached straight for it, accurately placing her hands around the cane.

And here I thought she was blind ...

Shina felt another wave of guilt at bumping into the girl. "I'm really really sorry about bumping into you. Is there anything I can help you with as a way to apologize?" She nudged Kyzaba with her elbow, giving him a look that said you-ask-too-since-you're-an-honor-student.
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"No, it's alright," Anastasia assured her, raising her hand and giving a friendly smile though it was directed slightly right of the girl. "Though... if it isn't too much trouble could I ask one of you to explain how I can get to the library? I need to check out audio books or CDs... whatever they have here." Judging by the noises she heard, she figured it was maybe three people in the area around her? It was only a matter of tapping into what she already knew technically but she avoided that since it tended to be privy.
"Nice to meet you Pandora," Corvus said with a bright face. "Stay put while I go and prepare dinner, alright?" And with that, he left the room.
Kyzaba smiled when the girl had mentioned the library. "Yeah. I know exactly where that is." Kyzaba said, willing to help the girl out like the gentleman and honor student he was. "I'm pretty sure she's pretty busy." Kyzaba knew quite a short cut to the library from the area and he was quite bored at the moment so why not help someone out right? He turned around before saying, "follow me! Oh wait..." He stopped when he realized that the girl was unable to see.

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Reanne Rea sighed, she was contemplating whether or not she would do it. She didn't have a choice anyway. She hugged the girl."When a friend is sad, hug him or her. Thats what Ayato taught me, so I just did this." She said smiling slightly, Rea didnt want people to be sad.

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Lila slowly started to smile, tears wavering in her eyes. "Teach me..." She whispered softly into her ear. "All we're good for right now is singing..."
Pandora sighed as soon as Corvus left the room. She sat on the edge of the bed, gazing into the night sky beyond the balcony.

"Oh...What have you gotten your self into..."

She spoke softly to herself, a worried expression on her face. She would usually be happy to finally be alone, and she was, but something else bugged her- she didn't mind Corvus's presence- and she had never known anyone she didn't hate.

While going over her feelings mentally, she began to get dressed, grabbing her clothes from her satchel.
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"Thank you, Kyzaba," Anastasia replied, smiling gratefully. She had pulled the name from her knowledge much as she always did when directly greeting someone to have a more polite way of talking but she didn't delve farther than that. When he told her to follow him and a few moments later, she heard is dejected tone, she chuckled. "Right," Ana said. "Would you mind if...?" She hesitantly reached out her hand only meaning to set the tips of her fingers on his forearm so she didn't lose him by chance. "If not, that is okay. I can still get their, you would just have to be patient with me," she added apologetically.
Tyrrell stopped by the park on his way back to his house. He pulled his coat up some more, no matter what...he is always nervous of what people might think of him. There was a light breeze that went by, it was quiet in the park this fine evening. The day was coming to an end, but the sun was still out high above in the sky watching over us, until the moon comes out for the night. He laid down on the soft grass and closed his eyes to relax, after what happened on the first day of school for him and his class mates. The orbs went invisible to hide from the people around. Tyrrell soon dosed off to sleep, not realizing what was about to come for him to dream about.


(This part is the dream)

He awoke to be in a car with two people up front........His parents.........He tilted his head and thought to himself
my mom and dad are still alive He smiled at the thought of hugging them. Tyrrell looked out the window, and saw the beautiful landscape that went by as they drove. The trees and the leaves looked so alive and well like someone came by and made sure they had enough nutrient and water. The flowers were so bright with color that made the animals run around happily and the insects with food. He and his parent were unaware of what was to come until Tyrrell looked throw the front windshield to see a truck coming in front of them, He felt scared and worried what might happen. He tried to warn his parents but nothing came out of his mouth, nor could he hear his parents talking to one another, like it went silent. All he could do was say it in his head while mouthing it and pointing, saying Mom Dad Look out! He yelled in his head.

But it was too late, The Truck slammed into the front of the car. Glass shards went everywhere. After a bit Tyrrell became conscious again and looked towards his parent, and his eyes went wide. His parents were covered in blood and glass shards, to Tyrrell view it looked like they were trying to block as much as the shards of glass as they could to protect Tyrrell. He still couldn't hear or say anything, He wanted to say
Mom....Dad are you guys okay! Answer me please! Please! but he couldn't say a thing. His vision got blurry before he closed his eyes and passed out...


(Back to Reality)

He then woke back up breathing hard and looked completely frighted "MOM! DAD!" He yelled as he woke back up, He looked around to see people that were near by just staring at him, like is this boy crazy. Tyrrell calmed his breathing down and then thought to himself
Damn it, was just a dream I shouldn't get this worked up about stuff like this He pulled his coat up some more. He couldn't figure out what happened or how he dreamed about that car accident that killed his parents. He pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged his legs, he tried not to cry in front of all these people but it was hard especially for him.

((Anyone can join me))
(Alright :D )

Willow flaps her wings lifting off the ground. She holds out her hand, a rose vine grows around her wrist the flower forming and blooming in her hand. She holds it out to him with a smile.


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