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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh, this is gonna be fun..." Says Hak as he sees the leader of the three approaching him,

"You know.....I'm sure the school won't mind if it's self defense right? :P teeheehee...." He says whilst smirking.

Hak begins spinning his Spear above his head, the sheer weight of the spear suddenly started to make the area become windy, it was getting more breezy by the second

and after a couple of seconds of Hak spinning his spear at god like speed, He Slams the bottom of it on the ground making everything that surrounded him engulfed in Spear like wind cutting through anything in it's path.

"I've gotten pretty rusty having not fought someone in over 2 days....oh well that'll just make it more fun as i'm practically lowering myself to the level of scum like you"

Said Hak as he had a sharp teethed evil laugh. His aura was enough to alert almost every fighter in the school.

(Trying to spice it up a little without making myself seem to Over Powered teehee :3 :) )
Pandora turned, attempting to ignore what the guy had said to the girl from the library. It had reminded her of all those times she had been harassed. For now, she turned back, watching as a guy started to spin a gigantic spear above his head.
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He sighed as The 4 orbs fly back over to him and vanish, He opened his eyes and looked at the boys.

"I warned you"

His body began to change as though something was much different with him. After a moment he No longer looked human, He was now a 2 story tall Mecha Dragon.
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The twins heard some commotion outside and rushed out. They saw the girl and glanced at the boys.

Slowly, Lila snuck up and tried to carry the girl away. Unluckily, she snapped a twig with her foot accidentally, c

reading some noise

Jack rushed forward and joined the boys who were fighting the bullies. "How dare you!" He yelled angrily
"Holy crap-!"

Pandora said, as a giant, metallic tail was swung towards her, knocking down the tree. She dodged it by jumping out of the way to her right, to which she was now in full view of the fight scene, with no-where else to hide.
"Tsh. I honest would've had sex with you guys if this shit didn't result to fighting. Thing is though, you are gonna get very well killed if you don't turn around." She said aggresively "I get terrifying real quick..."

The white orb dissappeared
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Hak then proceeds to lunge forwards at immeasurable speed and comes to a halt also at immeasurable speed, which made everything behind him get sent flying due to the wind, the spear point was now on the leaders neck simply piercing as you can see a little dribble of blood drip down his neck, "Grrrr I told you I've gotten rust I hit you by around 0.234543567 cm/s ...." Says Hak, the leader had no time to react, now almost everyone who was still in the school was looking upon this fight wondering what was going on...
"In fact, let's make a wager!" Her betting self coming out "If you win, i'll submit to whoever's left of you three. However, if I win... I cut it off." (I love alliah mainly because of her personality and attitude, lol.)
Pandora, watching the blood, began to smile again, her eyes flickering with blood lust.

"Ha, ha- time for some fuckin' action!"

She grabbed her hunting knife that she kept in her satchel. Gripping it in her hand, she watched for a chance to fight.
(Excuse me language here cause um, I'm the bad guy, remember 8D)

"Shit!" The boss jumped back as the spear came close to cutting his throat. "Not bad, but not bad doesn't mean good!" Suddenly, his body began to melt into the ground. Before anyone could react, he melted completely, leaving his clothes behind on the ground. "You may have power over that spear and wind on your side, but I have control over the entire earth!" As if to justify his claim, a stone hand busted out of the ground and grabbed the unconscious girl, swatting the two Pokemon aside. "Don't think I don't see you two ants over there. Right now, this entire school is my hemisphere."


Guy #1 rolled his eyes at the girl's annoying attitude. "I don't even want to touch that ugly body. Have you seen yourself? Flat-chest, plain hair, and what are those orbs? Some sort of balls you hide under your chest to make it seem bigger? Oh please, get a better body before talking to me about sex."


The guy versing Tyrrell (Guy #2) looked up at the mecha dragon and whistled. "Whoa, that's some nice power you have there. You know what they say, pick on someone your own size." And with that said, he began to grow as well, his body transforming into a 30 feet tall Hekatonkheire (not too OP I hope? Also, a Hekatonkheire is like a giant with a hundred hands). He slammed half of his hands on the ground, shaking the entire school ground. "Bring it on, bug."

(Phew! Three different fights to fight at the same time @.@ Gotta get some good ideas)
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She got a headache at his attitude, being made fun of. Her entire fear form flickered on her body, visible and obvious. "I ain't fuckin' ugly. These orbs are also like pesky parents to stop me from rampagin and murdering every human on sight." She was icredibly irritated for being pointed out for her average body, having a aggresive expression. She gritted her teeth and her voice had a slightly more demonic tone

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"hoh hoh....THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN MWUHAHAHAHA" Says Hak his eyes begin to look red and sharp.

He jumps back and begins spinning his spear all around his body but this time.....4x faster than before he began making a tornado, the sky tore apart, it was like a vortex dragging all the wind and clouds from everywhere above the school, it began to rain, thunder and lightning struck over and over

"You know there is a reason I'm known to have reached god's door..." He smirked

all of his senses became heightened the school by now was engulfed in clouds,rain, lightning, thunder, spear like tornado's ripping the trees and the back of the school apart

"Now.... I wonder how long until you get caught in my tracks, will it be you or the school left standing eh? " Says Hak

(Oops :3)
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Guy #1 took one look at the monster before him and whooped. "Well that's one ugly bastard. Why don't you have a more beautiful form, one more fitting of a lady? Oh, I know! Someone gorgeously handsome, like me." He reached toward his neck and revealed a pendant necklace. "Watch and learn how to become a legend, girl." Grinning, he pressed the center of the pendant, which turned out to be a hidden switch. His body glowed brightly, blinding those who were unlucky to be near him. When the light faded, Guy #2 had two folded black wings on his back. He opened them dramatically, revealing their large feathers. "Aren't my wings beautiful?"
( 0.0 sorry I thought you spoke to my character nvm)

Pandora began to find her hold on the ground hard, as great winds started to vortex around the fight scene, causing even more chaos.
The Mecha Dragons back opened as about 50 orbs fly out.

"I have warned you to stand down, and now your going to regret fighting me"

The orbs than took off looking form different Technology to break down and reassemble on Tyrrell. (How tall is 30 feet to like a 2 story house?)
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"Shut up! It's not like a manifestation of fear isn't meant to be beautiful you fucking swine!" The orb left was unable to control her, resulting in it endlessly try to calm her down. Her fear form forced out, the two stingers on her back aimed at him. She stood taller then she was, 6'0" " You don't stand a chance! It took five decades for the highest angels to trap me in that foul human body!"

Her tone was deep and demonic
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(@DragonStorm Er, idk 8D I picked a random number)

The boss laughed, the sound boomed as it seemed to echo from within the tornado. "You think my power lies in the ground?" As the voice spoke, pieces of debris torn by the began to move toward a spot, as if pulled by a gravitational force greater than the tornado. The debris created a body and the head of the boss shot up from the top, now in it's final form as a Golem. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention," the golem raised an arm and pointed (it looked like it was pointing?) toward a spot of black in the middle of the tornado, "be too rough and I can't promise that Fire Girl will come out alive, not that I care about her worthless body. Maybe I'll just end her pain right here." He clapped his arms and pointed at some debris floating around her. At his command, they flew toward her body, threatening to crush her.


Guy #2 watched, amused by the little things flying around him and the dragon.
"What are these things, flies?" He summoned a wooden club on 10 of his hands and began swatting the orbs one by one, destroying them. "Just so you know, I never missed a single mole in that Wack-a-Mole game."


Guy #1 frowned, angry at the insult he received for his wings, which were his pride and joy.
"A manifestation of fear, you said? No wonder you're so ugly. It's just like humans to come up with ways to scare each other." His wings began to glow as a white light flowed through them, tracing out an ancient pattern. "I normally don't kill girls but you're an exception. You insulted my wings. So die." His wings fired out two white large white lasers, striking at immeasurable speed, toward Alliah.

(Working overtime today DX)
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They made contact, but it was barely much to her. She dashed quickly, slashing at his left wing to only make him more pissed off. The anger pent p in her had been completely out, her heavy breath seething through her gritted teeth. "You're nothing!"
Guy #1 screamed, his unhuman voice piercing eardrums and causing them to bleed. "YOU DARE HURT AN ANGEL!" He covered his face, continuing to scream in rage. "I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW YOUR PLACE YOU FILTHY HUMAN. NO ONE, NOT ONE, TOUCHES THESE WINGS." He raised his head from his hands, his face was morphed beyond recognition. It was the face of a demon formed from a fallen angel, cursed by their thirst for blood. He let out a beastly howl and flew straight toward Alliah, grabbed her by the neck. "I LOST EVERYTHING FOR THIS POWER. I KILLED THOUSANDS FOR THESE BLACK WINGS. HOW DARE YOU HURT THEM YOU IMBECILE PIECE OF FLESH!"
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I noticed the debris floating towards her body, aiming at her like a 1,000 daggers, it seems he was using her to protect himself

"Very Well...." Hak Said, he yet again slammed the bottom of the pole on the ground, this time the wind sent everything flying only the strongest could withstand the pressure,

the echoes and screeches coming from the wind shredding past everyone, the debris surrounding the girl was destroyed hence leaving her unharmed,

Hak proceeds to pick the girl up in a 'princess carry'. He then proceeds to perform a ritual by kissing her once henceforth becoming her loyal knight, by doing this it has enabled Hak to create a standstill with all the fights going on. Luckily she is in no state or form to question what had happened then, after all she's currently unconscious....

"Let's start this fight again shall we, except no showing off this time, but don't blame me if you die..." Says Hak

(@PhoenixFire13 By the way is this okay, your choice :) )
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The orbs reformed before flying back to Tyrrell and fires a beam wich starts to create different weapons and in the center was this one huge one too.
"I don't give a single damn! I'll tear at you all I want! I am no human, I am a fucking god!" Her stingers stabbed the sides of his ribcage rapidly and quickly, her second mouth biting off three of his fingers as it ate them. She let out a high pitched screech, just at the edge of howmany herts they ear of a 20 year old could pick up


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