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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Hisaki Arohi

Location: School | Mood: Excited

Hisaki brightens up. "Really? Thank you!" she says, resulting in a few glares from people actually reading books. "I'm Hisaki Arohi. What's your name?" she asks, taking a seat and dumping out the contents of her backpack onto the table. She needed to get her things organized.
Amber smiled as the girl took a seat. "Hello Hisaki, my name is Amber Summers. It's nice to meet you!" She said happily, putting her book away, so Hisaki could have her full attention.

Hisaki Arohi

Location: Library | Mood: Ecstatic (did I spell it right?)

Hisaki smiles at Amber. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you as well, Amber Summers," she says, laughing a little bit. She's still organizing, but she's also listening. She's really good at multi-tasking.

((So sorry! I've been cleaning all day and haven't had a chance to reply!))

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(That's fine!)

"Are you a new student?" Amber asked, placing her hands in her lap. She had a hunch she was right, but couldn't be to sure. "Because I am, and today's my first day!"
After wandering around the cafeteria a bit, Corvus decided to go to the library to find some peace and quiet. The noise of the cafeteria made his head hurt after a while, and so he went. Upon entering the library, he was surprised that there were many seats and tables already occupied. With a slight sigh, he browsed the bookshelves of the library and took out a copy of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. The blurb about Chris McCandless and his journeys around the landscapes of Western United States piqued the elf's interest, for he had similar experiences before settling here in Lakoria. He quietly took the book from its shelf and sat at a table with two relatively chatty girls and started reading, giving half of his attention to the novel and the other half on the conversation between the two girls beside him.
As the wind circles gently around,a breeze suddenly comes revealing the entire town to you, you notice a building which was big in comparison to the rest, you had only been given limited information on how to get here so you assume that building is going to be what is known as your new 'school'. Having never been to a school before, you start to be weary of the atmosphere as no one acts the same as they do in your hometown. "It appears as though that's my new school..." as he looks into the distance. "i guess I'll make my way there first then."
(@CelestiaVanGuard Um, excuse me, did you make a character sheet? Please make one before you start RPing.)

Shina shuffled around awkwardly, watching the interaction between the boy and Aoi. She felt like he didn't want to talk so she decided to make this quick and not disturb him.

"I just wanted to say thanks for earlier. You know, helping me get this guy off. Um, I know this is kind of awkward now since I'm carrying him around now but uh, I'm Shina and this guy is Aoi. Nice meeting you. I'll just ... leave now."

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the scene she was making. Normally she wouldn't act so flustered around people but something about meeting Aoi made her feel like it was okay to act like a girl for once. She grabbed Aoi and ran off, hugging him tightly to her chest.
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The root squeaked apathetically as it was quickly picked up, the force causing him to drop all his chips.

Shina stopped and turned at the voice; it came from the boy that she was just talking to. She slowly walked back and stood before him.

Pandora looked back through the books as more people gathered in the library. Her attention now turned towards the elvish looking boy from earlier, who now sat at the table with the two louder girls, who had their conversation much louder than the rest of the library. Getting up, she began to roam the aisle, browsing the history books.


She murmured, sighing under her breath. The fiction aisle was on the other side of the library, across from the tables. Pandora cursed quietly. And so, she hesitantly began her way towards the aisle, walking close to the wall, hoping not to be seen by the group.

Hisaki Arohi

Location: Library | Mood: Happy

Hisaki nods. "Yeah, I'm new. And I am soooo lost. I might have been looking around while the principal was showing me around, " she laughs to herself, "but I wasn't paying attention. My brain was not witholding any of the information being thrown at me."

Amber nodded and giggled. "Yes, I too am lost. Maybe not as lost as you though." She said, her tail wrapping around the leg of the chair. "Maybe we could explore together."
Alliah had leaned against the wall, listenign to loud music in her earbuds with her hood up. Anyone near her could faintly hear the music as she quietly sung. "Oh, yo, yo there's a demon insiiidee...." next to the Library

The book "Croak" In her hand
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For the first time Corvus spoke. After taking a moment to muster the courage, he said to the two girls, "You're both lucky you were lost. What you missed was a deadly game of dodgeball."

Hisaki Arohi

Location: Library | Mood: Excited

Hisaki brightens up, finishing her organizing spree. She smiles at Amber. "Okay!" she says, shrugging her backpack onto her shoulder, "Now or...?"

"Why not?" Amber replied, and grabbed her bag. She was so happy to already have a friend. "Let's go!" Amber said happily and stood up.

Hisaki Arohi

Location: L.H.S. | Mood: Excited

Hisaki smiles and stands up too. "Alright!" she says, walking out of the library. Once she's outside of the library, she asks, "Okay, sooo....where to first? Right or left?"

Pandora now wandered over to the fiction aisle, happily avoiding the rest, she smiled. But as soon as she looked into the aisle, her smile faded into an unhappy groan. A girl stood with her hood up, just like Pandora herself. Music could be heard faintly.

Alliah noticed Pandora, not caring enough to even think about the groan she released. Shut up...Just continue on...

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