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Fantasy Lakoria High School

As the doll was following her, it became very confused when she offered it the chips. The root then came to the conclusion that she wanted it to hold onto the chips for later. The Root then started to stack the chips as she gave them to it, and carried them on it's back. When Shina placed the root on the table, it sat there and watched her with it's large glowing eyes, soaking up all the information it could possibly take in.
Pandora smiled as the boy stood up and walked away. The presence made her seemingly uncomfortable, as she glanced at the boy when he wasn't paying attention to analyze him. At that point, she made note of his elvish appearance before he walked away. After a while of sitting down, becoming bored, she got up to get away from the cafeteria's crowded noise, to head to the library, a place where she spent most of her time, since rarely anyone else spent theirs in the library.
RealityEntity said:
Rea sat beside Seth as se continued eating. Then, Seth asked the question she prays that she wont hear. "Err.." She said, unsure whether to answer or not...
"Lets make this fair then." Seth finished his yakisoba. "I tell you how i wound up here, you tell me. Deal?" Seth licked his fingers clean. "So good."
Tyrrell was Lucky enough to escape from the Gym coach wrath, Who knows what would have happened. He then headed to the cafeteria to get some food. When he did get some food he went over to an isolated Table and sat down before eating.

"First day of school and its not going very well, I barely met the girl that bumped into me but no one else"

He sighed and continued to eat. He was alone for a long time so far, The orbs were still floating around him, they knew when to move out of the way when he is eating or when he is doing anything else.
Joseph Foreve was kinda weirded out and sad that EVERYONE went on different tables from him as he sat there lonely, then the tables each having 1 person more people joined only other tables. He then pulled out a golden key
and said "GEMINI!" He then turned into a Gemini Celestial Spirit
(orange sash one) which are able to transform and steal powers of anyone/thing, yet stayed normal and began eating with his kawaii face

(Please note I didn't make up these names and such it is based off an anime .3.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/key.png.872a8048a48f34bcb01ed1876152e9dc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/key.png.872a8048a48f34bcb01ed1876152e9dc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49ca9d5d_AnimeFairytailCelestialSpiritLEGEMINISKIP.PNG.bfaaaf42aaeda9618e12ae9c8e2ab417.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49ca9d5d_AnimeFairytailCelestialSpiritLEGEMINISKIP.PNG.bfaaaf42aaeda9618e12ae9c8e2ab417.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Shina picked out anther book about plants and placed it on the growing pile on her left arm. Satisfied at the amount of books she was able to find, she returned to the table and started flipping through the pages in the first book. When she couldn't find anything that was useful, she turned to the next book. This continued for a while until she reached a book titled Rare Mythological Root Creatures: Second Edition. She stopped at a page with a picture that looked exactly like the weird plant she had first seen in the morning. The words underneath read "Root Child". She looked up at the doll, who was watching her quietly.

"Are you ... a Root Child?"
RealityEntity said:
"Okay." She replied,somewhat at ease by the sudden proposal, "Sounds good to me."
Seth's eyes changed to a deep violet as his voice suddenly became female. "As you know, there are a total of four people that share this body little one." Saleh spoke first to explain. She had the most knowledge about Seth's blackouts and tended to know mostly what happened. "Everytime the body is in severe danger we release ourselves. This turns into a bad thing very quickly because most of us don't hold back." Saleh sighed. "Seth doesn't know this, but in our other forms, we've killed people. But because Seth has no recollection of it and there's no evidence of the other two or I there, we are just told to move to another school. As far as Seth knows, this is going to happen at this school to." Saleh sighed deeply as she thought of Seth as more than just some lost kid for once. "But if he's willing to let you know the truth, I hope he does stay here. He's normally against talking......at all."
Shina cautiously took the chip from the doll's- no, root's- thin vine like hand. She crunched on it slowly while staring curiously at the root. So it- he was called a Root Child. She didn't know why she came to refer to the root as a male but it seemed natural to do so. She finished the chip and moved the root so that he was facing her directly on the opposite side of the table.

"Do you understand what I am saying?"
Suddenly feeling as if a heavy weight had been lift off her shoulder, Shina let out a loud cheerful laugh, receiving many hushes from the people near her. She accepted the chip from the root and pat it gently on the head with a huge smile on her face.

"Good to know your not an evil plant monster that was gonna eat me. Do you have a name?"
It smiled as she pet him, his leaf twitching in excitement. When it was asked about it's name, he just tilted his head and shrugged.
"Then... I'll call you... Aoi, okay? Aoi is Japanese for blue. And you have a blue leaf."

Shina was faintly conscious of how childish she was acting, jumping up and down in excitement like a toddler would when she got a new toy. Since she lost her parents at a young age, she never knew how it felt like to have someone close to her. Realizing that she had found a Root Child and was now something called a "parent figure", her body tingled with excitement at finally being able to understand how it was like having a family member. Even if her child wasn't exactly her biological child and not human.
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The Root Child's eyes seem to hold a smile behind them, as it bounced in it's place excitedly, happy that the parent figure has accepted it for what it is.
"Well, now that we know who and what you are now, let's get something to eat! That dodgeball game really made me hungry and a bag of chips is so not enough."

Shina picked Aoi up and placed him on her shoulder. She began packing up her stuff, bringing the books to a container marked "Return to self" and placing them in. She paused at the book she had found about root creatures and took it back out, checking it out with the librarian before walking out of the library and toward the cafeteria. She got her usual order of a cheeseburger and coke, turning around to sit at an empty table. Before she sat down though, she saw the boy with the blue orbs that she had bumped to on her way to gym. He was sitting alone at a table. Feeling a bit of pity, she walked over and sat down across from him.


The Root made a light squeak of happiness as it was picked up and sat upon her shoulder. He then held onto her shirt, making sure not to grab her hair. Almost like it knew that it would hurt her if her hair was pulled.
(Sorry if this ain't a quality post, I'm doing homework while I type this.)

Amber sighed as she walked into her new school. She wasn't nervous, despite not knowing a single soul at the school. She walked through the front doors, coming in late. The drive up here was long, but she still decided to come in. After wandering the school for awhile, learning where all of the rooms were, and where her classes would be, she decided the best course of action would be to relax in the library. Amber walked into the library, and noticed either all of the tables with people at them were full, or they were empty. She took an empty seat and placed her bag on the table.
He looked at the Girl and the creature


He spoke quietly like he didnt want to talk very much or at all

Hisaki Arohi

Location: School | Mood: Excited and nervous

Hisaki rubs the sleep from her eyes, blinking rapidly as she moves to get up. Opening the door into the hallway, she trudge downstairs, sleep still overpoering her vision. Reaching for a bowl, she misses the cabinet handle. Her hands begins to throb, "Ow, fuck!" The pain begins creeping up her hand and to her elbow. "Dammit. The fucking counter, I swear it's so annoying...," she mubles, grabbing a bowl, a spoon, the milk, and her personal cereal box. She groans, slamming the empty box down on the island. "Kiyan, I'm gonna kill you!" she screams upstairs to her little brother. She throws the box away and puts the other materials back where they went. Hisaki opens the cabinet again, grabbing a PopTart. She walks to the fridge and pours herself some sweet tea in her favorite mug that says "the life I really want to live is in my dreams" with designs drawn all over it. It was originally a white mug, but she had decorated it with Sharpies a while back. She kept having to redraw it when she put it in the dishwasher, so she settled with hand-washing it.

As she begins eating her breakfast, she walks back upstairs, balancing the other PopTart on her arm, the mug in her hand, and the first PopTart halfway in her mouth. She walks into her @Kayzo I am SO sorry I didn't post earlier! I always take a long time on the first few posts.))[/font][/font][/font]
Amber was reading silently, lost in her own little world when the sound of someone else's voice brought her back to reality. She closed her book and looked up at the girl, getting a good look if her. "Oh, of course you can!" She said, giving her a warm smiled. New friend incoming? She really hoped so. Meeting new people was a highlight of Amber's life. "Make yourself at home."

(@BabyDoll that's totally ok!)
(Sorry for the delay i was at skool (BP))

Pandora watched on from behind the bookshelf, watching as more people entered the library. She decided not to touch the small plant-like doll the other girl had left with earlier, despite her curiosity. Pandora liked to watch things as they went on, observing people from afar. A creepy habit, she thought to herself; she'd rather not interact with people anyways. She got down to sit against the bookshelves, taking out some candy to eat.
"Its okay." Rea said, suddenly realising why he was acting that way. "I hope he does stay here too. I'll be his friend, and I'll help him, through thick and thin." She declared quietly, determination surging through her body.

"Well, I was once part of an organisation. Basically, its an organisation that kills people. I have been assigned a contract and in return, I get to have money to feed myself and live a normal life. I was heartless, I didn't have any mercy, and I was feared by many." She started, nostalgia in her eyes. " Then, on that very contract, I met the guy named Ayato. He was the one I was suppose to kill. I had to befriend him. Then, finish him off. But, I cant. He showed me the how wonderful the world is and he became the brother I never had. But sadly, all great things come to an end." Rea sighed, looking down on her lap." He was killed, by the same guy who assigned the contract. There, I broke. I lost the will to fight. I snapped. There, I created another personality of me. Shadow. She was my sister. And if I die, she dies too."

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