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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Willow yawned and stretched as she woke up. Looking around she saw that Nyx was still a kitten and curled sleeping with her and Miyuki. Turning to check on Ebby she smiles seeing that she was asleep curled up with her pets. Willow removed the vines from around them and noticed that Hak was sleeping in the grass outside. She was happy her friends were whole and safe.

@Momo Mix @GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard
Columbus stretched as he got up, he rubbed his face and went about his morning routine, he decided on wearing a grey and white long sleeve with a vest before grabbing his bag and heading out, he made his way to school and began to think, "So we still have school, never mind a student just sacrificed themselves saving everyone, or the fact that we were attacked by demons..." He rubbed his face again, "Why did I accept that invitation? I could have played my abilities and appearance off but noooooo! I just HAD to go to a special monster school."
After finishing last night's dinner, Corvus called Az to bed and they both went to sleep. It was yet another exhausting day, and it seems both Corvus and Azilernyo welcomed their beds like they were the pearly gates. I hope tomorrow will be relaxing..., Corvus thought. I really hope so... With that, the elf gave himself up to glorious sleep.

Corvus awoke the next morning revitalized and rejuvenated, looking brightly at the magnificent rays of sunlight that filtered through the glass door to the balcony. Sliding the door open, he stepped on to the balcony, where a sublime sun slowly climbed its way up over the horizon. The Yggdrasil flowers on his balcony shone brightly as they always did, complementing the rays of the sun, and the vast blue sky. Corvus remained there leaning on the balcony with a peaceful smile on his face, finding comfort in the simplest, day to day things.

'It's Monday.. We have school..' Willow thought as she looked up at the sun. "Hak, it's morning." She said sweetly to her sleeping friend before scooping Nyx up and walking over to Ebby. She knelt down to check Ebby's temperature and pulse, hoping she wasnt sick from the past nights events. 'Good morning Willow.' Miyuki's voice filled her mind as the leopard walked over and licked Willow's cheek. "Morning Miyu. Nyx it's time for school." Willow said, petting Miyu and cuddling the little Nyx kitten.

@CelestiaVanGuard @Momo Mix @GingerBread
"Thanks." He returns the sheets to his room. "Aw, crap, Mondays. Hate 'em." He slung on his bag and walked out the door. Before he walked away, he turned to Miko. "Do you need a place to stay? I noticed that you followed me, and you're probably new to this school. You could stay in my dorm until they find you one."

Nyx woke up, seeing he was in willows arms he assumed he was still a kitten, he then heard willow say it was time for school

You're joking Nyx thought I have to go to school like this?

(Eeeeeeehdo ... Correct me if I make mistakes or missed anything @DragonStorm Just got a good idea owo Let's make this an early Halloween event since Halloween is almost here)


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN~~~ Welcome to an early Halloween event to celebrate the coming soon of Halloween right by our doorsteps (better get those costumes and candies ready). To get everyone in the spooky holiday spirit, let's all have some fun with curses! That's right, curses =w= Doesn't that word have a lovely tone to it? Anywaaaaaaaaays, the goal of this event is for you to receive a certain curse, which you have chosen for yourself, randomly of course. You must survive an entire school day trying to reverse the affects of this specific curse, WITH your fellow RPers' assistance. You may not break the curse on your own because that will be way too boring o3o The curses vary from light jokes to humiliating transformations. Choose your interactions wisely, my friends xD to avoid the most painless and humiliating paths. Or, take the path of the courageous and walk into the spotlight to challenge embarrassing yearbook pictures in ze face *^*


The curses will be posted momentarily in the OOC chat. Once you know what your curse is, you may create a situation of your choice that would enable your character to receive the curse. Um ... nothing else so... ENJOY!!! -flees before I get pulverized by rotten tomatoes-
'Well of course you do, though you'll be attending my classes today.' Willow giggled as her voice entered Nyx's mind. 'You didn't think I'd leave you alone all day did you?'

(@GingerBread ..I have to sleep.. alcohols kicking my arse xD )
Miko sighed. "I don't know... I don't want to be a bother or impose." He said, not wanting to disrupt Jay or be a bother. "I can wait until someone assigns me a dorm." He said with a smile, knowing how long it might take.

If i'm going to school like this, then you will tell no one that i'm now a cat Nyx thought not wanting anyone to know he had been turned into a kitten.

@OceanBunny (Alcohol is bad for you :P )
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51ae63a5_1(79)Used.gif.02e370de2c8d6f1c3e623efd0218f67b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51ae63a5_1(79)Used.gif.02e370de2c8d6f1c3e623efd0218f67b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

[before The TimeSkip]

Still rolling around on the ground in a fit of laughter and pain from the broken ribs, Yato didn't listen to anything the other seemed to be saying, nor did he take notice of his strange transformation until after he stuck out his fist in introduction. Opening his eyes to wipe the tears that had come along, Yato's expression changed almost instantly from amused to freaked out. Quickly, he shot up and onto his feet, then began looking around in all directions before facing Kentaro, pointing with a raised brow, the other furrowed.
"You...Are you the weird thing that was just sitting right here....where you're standing?" Well, Yato...it doesn't take an genius to figure that out, don't be stupid. "Don't ask what you are?...What are- Wait you said you don't know..." Balling up his fist, Yato bumped the other's, his expression now nonchalant and un-amused. A long-drawn yawn crept up on the teen, causing him to rear back, shaking his head as it came to an end. "Aaaaaah~ Ah! Damn...how long's it gonna last?" He spoke in reference to the yawn, turning around and placing both hands behind his head, fingers intertwined. "I'm Yato...just call me Yato." He began walking off, forgetting his skateboard where it lay. However, he soon remembered, and turned around with a slightly embarrassed smile, slowing inching back, picking up the board, and turning away to return to him dorm room for some sleep.

@Isune @Dnaleri017



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She was about to check her phone, when suddenly she appeared into another body. "What the hell?... Where am I? What?! M-My voice! My skin!" She (or he, which one?) felt all around her body, and even checked... well... Ahem. "I have a... Grr, what the hell happened!?" She yelled, checking around the room. Everything completely different.
It was all so sudden, one moment Columbus was walking down the street, thinking about everything, what he'd do moving on, how to get stronger. Then BAM! He was dazed, confused, and in bed with a phone next to his ear. He looked around confused, he saw a number he didn't recognize and he hung up, "Was that all just a dream?....No....Lugh said I couldn't dream unless it was something like a vision..."

He regained feeling slowly, looking around. He put his hands to his eyes only to realize they were softer, in fact he felt softer in general. He looked at his hands, "When did I get...Paler? Am I grey? Wait, no, god I look like I haven;t seen sunlight in twelve years...Wait....Am I naked? I NEVER sleep naked!" He lifted the covers and his scream caught in his throat, "That....I....I think I'm missing something...." He jumped up and noticed his voice, "WHAT KIND OF MAGIC?!"

He ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror panting, and he was definitely different. His snow white hair had been replaced with a chocolate brown, his ice blue eyes replaced by a lighter, softer color, his normally brown skin was pale as moonlight, and most noticeably he was missing his!...Well....You can guess.

He screamed for a few moments,
"O-okay Columbus...Think! Think! THINK!" He snapped his fingers, "I-I can tell Lugh, he'll help me! Yeah, he'll fix this!" He quickly pulled random clothes from the dressers and threw them on, he felt so awkward and different. He grabbed the phone and a bag and ran for the school, trying desperately not to scream the entire time.

(Got my post in, bed times now! Post again later.)
"No! No, no, no, no! This isn't even supposed to be possible! I'm a manifestation, not even a real being! Just a spirit in a physical body! I don't even have my magic to have fun!" She was yelling to herself, smacking her fist against the wall. She was panicking, not knowing what to do. She thought this was a dream... She hoped. If it wasn't she feared that she could be made a slut, raped, all of the sort. She hated what was going on... Then she realized. How can she even fear?
Krekire said:
She was about to check her phone, when suddenly she appeared into another body. "What the hell?... Where am I? What?! M-My voice! My skin!" She (or he, which one?) felt all around her body, and even checked... well... Ahem. "I have a... Grr, what the hell happened!?" She yelled, checking around the room. Everything completely different.
(Not sure by what you mean by which one, if you mean by what to refer to her as, it would still be she...I think, if you mean what Columbus (The character you swapped with) is, he's a guy. If it helps, I'm just pulling up your CS until it's over so I have a reference sheet.)
Az was flying around the house with the smell of food cooking in the air. He was a good cook most of the time "Hey Master I made some breakfast" as he flew up next to the boy.

(@LokiofSP @Krekire Aw, you guys got there before me XDDDDDDD Btw, Alliah, er, currently-Columbus, mention Alliah's name in your posts so we don't get confused. Although now, should you two switch names? XDDDDD)

Shina watched curiously as a familiar girl ran through the school gates, looking all flustered and ... girlish. More like ... her clothes looked like they were mashed together in an outrageous fashion. Did the late bell ring already? No... I don't think so... Why is she in such a hurry then...

Still intrigued by the mysterious behavior, she decided to follow the girl into the school. She lifted her wings to fly off but sees an object than makes her stop in mid-flap. Stumbling, she quickly adjusted herself before she smashed into the ground, hopping to keep her balance. That totally looked un-bird like. Hopefully no one saw that...

She walked over to the object and stared at it curiously. It looked like an amulet of some sort. She chirped and hopped forward, poking it with her beak. Nothing happened. Weird ... I'm getting a feeling like I want to wear it ...

Without realizing what she was doing, she dipped her head beneath the amulet and pushed her head through the loop, wearing it like a necklace. All of a sudden, her mind went blank and she stood there, blinking in a stupor.

... What was I just doing? She looked around in confusion. Where am I... oh, I'm at school! I need to get to class before I'm late! She rushed to class on the ground, running like how she would as a human.
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Enki woke up in a panic, dreams of Shina dying kept re appearing in his mind. He got up and placed a hand on his head, rubbing of the sweat. As he started to get up Hyip started to back at him, not sure why Enki turned his head and saw the dog playing with a new coular Enki took the coular off of Hyip and looked at it in confusion. Then placed a purple flame of the dog to see if it know where this came from, but Enki's mind flooded with thoughts of love and food making him confused he ended the connection. Not sure what to do he tied Hyip to the tree and placed the coular on his neck his body puffed out fur "what! I didn't sign up for this! No! Wait!" He tried to take the coular of but it was to late, he was an adorable little kitten. He tried to ask for help but it was to late "meow, meow meow." What I'm a cat now, for heaven sakes. And I can't take it off looks like I need to find someone.

KitKi started to walk around the school looking for help.
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"Ugh~"Duncan awoke with a hazed eyesight, and his hair fluffier than usual. It had taken him close to forever just to find the main office. Then, he was faced with another problem. Finding his room. Rolling his gaze slowly off the side of the bed, he raised his right arm, angling his hand to his face. Staring aimlessly at the mark on his hand, he soon dropped his hand back down to the surface of the bed, only to lean sideways. In doing so,the sunlight shining rebelliously through the blinds to the front of him hit him in the eyes. "It's too bright in here." Instinctively, he motioned quickly to avoid such contact. Undoubtedly he spread a bit too far, resulting in himself hanging halfway off the bed, before finally letting go.

Now on the floor, Duncan lay flat on his back, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. He wasn't sure as to what he was going to do for the day, besides lay around or walk about. Seeing as though he had no real reason to escape his room, Duncan slowly began to climb his way back into the bed. By the time he was mid-way, he got a slap on his stomach. A growling noise emitted clearly from his form, which resulted in him looking down and scratching the back of his head.
"Son of a~" Big mistake. Releasing his grip, he fell once again, back against the floor. Duncan didn't bother to get back up, for he was too busy sulking."Argh~" In the midst of his useless sulking, Duncan caught sight of an odd looking object beneath his bed. He wasn't sure exactly how it got there, and assumed it came from the previous owner of the room. Blowing his breath, he reached over and picked it up. Not even a minute after he picked it up, had he noticed that his hands disappeared from sight. "What the?"

Duncan was surprisingly calm, that is, until he reached the mirror. All Duncan could see was the outline of his form, some kind of glowing figure. It took a few moments for him to be staring at his lack of normal reflection for him to become alert. "What....the....hell is this?!" Running his hands through his now ghostly hair, Duncan shifted his gaze to the window. How was he going to be seen like this? He couldn't even touch anything. Which was evident by the object laying on the floor where he once lay, in the place that his stomach was supposed to be. Blowing his breath, Duncan started to walk out the door, and instead, tumbled out into the hallway. Though instead of being stopped by hitting the wall, Duncan tumbled all through the halls, until he fell out the side of the building, thumping hard against a few bushes below. "WELL LUCKY ME!"
"You could stay in my dorm, it's not a problem..." He suddenly felt a small change. Limbs were sprouting from his body, and his feet started to elongate and split. "Crap! Gotta go!" He stumbled through the dorm exit, then fell onto the grass outside. Already his feet had become roots and dug into the ground, pulling him upright. Bark covered his skin, until his face became wood. Goddammit. Life's just a birch that way, I guess.

He waited for an hour, before a pigeon finally landed on his branches. It was Thomson, one of his pigeons. Thomson! Oh my god, can you hear me? Thomson cocked his head. "Coo?" Jay sighed inwardly. Oh thank god! C'mon buddy, get Democritus! ... Well? Go! ... The pigeon stayed on his branch. "Coo." Ugh. Goddammit Thomson. I'll just wait.

Seraph woke up this day, a new school day, she was tired and sat up, yawning and stretching her arms into the air. Well at least things have been a little quieter since then, she stumbled over to the bathroom lazily and cupped her hands under the tap after letting the water run. She threw the water into her face and looked in the mirror.


She looked down at herself, mainly at her own chest. Except it wasn't there, well what you would expect for a female wasn't there.


Her hands were all over her body, trying to find her breasts but they were actually gone. WHERE ARE MY BOOBS? She doesn't usually pay attention that much to her boobs, maybe this was karma for not doing so? But now that they were suddenly gone she was horrified, she had taken her boobs for granted and now they were gone. Eventually she found out that she was a man, she was crawled up on her bed, rocking back and forth.

"No. No. No. No. No. No."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51c71d6d_1(15)Used.gif.4d4c26ec53325b303ca7826a0994f793.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51c71d6d_1(15)Used.gif.4d4c26ec53325b303ca7826a0994f793.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51c750d1_1(20)Used.gif.14e2d52e677f19e6b023f36f71351849.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51c750d1_1(20)Used.gif.14e2d52e677f19e6b023f36f71351849.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Upon returning to his dorm room last night, Yato never managed to make it to his bed. Having tripped in the doorway and falling on his face, causing him to swell with anger, he grew stubborn and...well, stated that he'd just sleep in the floor if life's going to be that way. And, of course, he eventually fell asleep without knowing it, only to wake up with his feet hanging half-way out the door, and the rest of his body inside his dorm. "...Ahhh~..." A low grown escaped him as he stared up at the ceiling, taking note of the distance. "It's...so far away..." Yato lazily lifted a hand and began gripping at the air as though trying to grab the limitation with narrowed eyes. "Why's it so far away..." The words came out in a hushed whisper. Looking down a bit to stare at his feet, he finally remembered what had happened last night. Fighting the demon, breaking three ribs [which still need healed], seeing some weird thing that just so happened to actually be human, and returning to his dorm...then falling. Nothing else was said as Yato sat up, cringing at the pain of his injuries, and slowly trudged over to the side of his bed farthest in the room, looking for his phone. However, when he came to see that it wasn't on charge, his brow furrowed. "What?...This is..." Now looking around in every direction, he commenced his search. "...ridiculous...Where is it?" It didn't take long for him to give up.

"Fuck it..." Swatting a hand at the air, Yato made his way into his bathroom and eventually got undressed to take a shower. After removing his shirt, he stared at the area in which his ribs had been broken, gently poking at them with a disgruntled expression. "...Will this kill me?...Probably...?" And with that, he continued on. The time spent in the bathroom consisted of: Bathing, making funny hair-dos with the shampoo, falling out of the shower and smacking his head on the sink, brushing his teeth, flexing in the mirror and talking shit about his height, then finally escaping back to his room to get dressed in a pair of black jeans and a tight, dark-blue shirt with long sleeves. Let's not forget his beanie either. Another thing...Yato's dorm door has been open this entire time.

"Damn...I'm starved." Yato sauntered over into the kitchen area of his dorm, and leaned against the refrigerator door for a brief moment before opening it up, grabbing a bottle of coke, then placing it on the counter to search throughout his cabinets. There wasn't much to be found...just some ramen noodles, gummy bears, and ice cream in the freezer. His final decision was the ramen. "How do you cook this shit?" Being the dumbass he is, Yato pulled on two separate ends of the package with everything in him, resulting in the crushed up noodles flying everywhere. Flinching as this happened, "Agh, wh-th- ...DAMMIT!!!!" Anyone walking past his room would probably notice the boy stomping around like a child who was just told he couldn't have the toy he wanted. The crackling sound of noodles being crushed sounded out as he danced around in a fit of anger, cursing lightly under his breath before finally bringing the rant to an end upon seeing a shark-tooth necklace laying in the middle of the debris. "...Ah?" Bending down to pick it up, "What- Do these come with prizes?.." he began to laugh as he examined it further, "Pfft! Oh wow...that's stupid. Who wants a shark-tooth necklace?"

As he said this, Yato began back to his bathroom, still laughing about how silly the prize was. Within ten feet of the toilet, he shot the now balled up necklace into the latrine, cheering once he made it. "And he scores!!!" However, his bottoms up came to a sudden end when the toilet seemingly exploded after radiating a light blue aura, sending Yato halfway across his room and into the dining table with a loud grunt. "...Oh...Shit..What wa-?" Sitting up with a hand on the throbbing part of his head, he stared at the bathroom in confusion, seeing as it was destroyed. "Oh no...no, no, no..." Yato jumped up within the blink of an eye, and could now be seen standing in the doorway of the bathroom, both hands gripping his hair as water continuously flowed out, slowly flooding the area around him. "...How am I supposed to piss now!?...I should tell someone..." Just as he went to turn around, Yato's body began to grow heavy as he tumbled to the floor upon being touched by the water. Without knowing, the necklace had appeared around his neck like magic. The boy was no longer...well, a boy, but instead a shark the size of a grown man's arm. There really is no escaping his tiny nature.



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