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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Columbus (Not gonna refer to her as Alliah till after this post) ran into the school, running to his old tutors place of work, "Oh god how am I gonna explaain this to him? 'Hey there Lugh I was feeling kinda odd and was just wondering if you knew how to cure becoming a woman?'...Yeah no, this isn't gonna be good at all." She rounded the corner of a hallway and slammed the door open, throwing his original thoughts of calm out the window, "LUGH HELP IT'S ME COLUMBUS AND I WAS WALKING DOWN THE STREET AND THEN I BLINKED AND I WAS A GIRL AND NOW I HAVE GIRLY BITS AND I AM SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW, HELP ME PLEASE!!!"

Columbus walked out of Lugh's office confused. First the tutor thought he was some girl named 'Alliah' (Knew her because staff need to have a way to know students names.....And because I needed an excuse to be able to refer to the character as Alliah) and she was playing a joke, he then spent a few moments falling backwards in his chair laughing, he then told him that he'd do what he could, and that until then he should act normal. Starting with her clothes.

Yeah a rainbow sweater, frilly skirt and knee socks bunched up at the ankles was defiantly weird. She walked back to his dorm only to find it was locked, she sighed,
"Of course, I forgot, I'm not me anymore, and I have no keys." She sighed and realized he had no idea where the dorm he had woken up in was. So she burst down his own door and grabbed as much money he could find that he hadn't left in his wallet, he then picked out a nice long sleeved white shirt over a beige button up, finished off by cargo pants. She stepped out and closed the door again, she sat up on the railing and sighed, "Well what now?"
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Ebby snaps awake screaming, "chocolate noodles!" She shoots onto her feet and then pauses for a moment.

"Hello?" she questions if anyone is there because she can't see anything. "Is anyone there?" As she wanders around she trips over Shiroi. Letting out a "D*** It All!" as she falls to the floor.

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"Um... I think." She hesitates. "What class is first again? AND why are my eyes broken??" She attempts to look Willow in the eyes but it just results in her staring off into empty space.

Franki stretch's hit legs out after climbing off of Shiroi's back.

"Um.. I don't know.. Maybe Jay can help." Willow said as she looked at Ebby's eyes and waved her hand in front of them. She placed Nyx on Miyuki's back where he curled up to take a nap. "Come on, let's head into the school. Hopefully we'll run into Jay." Willow said, taking Ebby's hand and leading her out of the building while their pets followed.

@Momo Mix
Ebby waves her free hand at Franki as black and purple energy emanates from it. "Franki go get the big bones." As Franki jumps off of Shiroi, He gets up and follows behind Ebby and Willow.

"We aren't late are we?" Ebby questions willows timing.

"No we're not late yet." Willow assured her. "Im not sure which way to go though.." She sighed and looked over where Hak was still asleep. "Usually i just follow Hak since i don't know my way around yet.." She says, wishing he had woken up.

@CelestiaVanGuard @Momo Mix
"meow, meow meow. Prrrrrrrrrr"

Enki kept trying to say stuff by all was blocked by his cat-ness. Crap, how will I inform people that I'm human. Wonder if... Enki tried to summon Maka and Chloe but with out his thumb he couldn't do the proper movements, he tried to summon his sword but couldn't as well.

God FU... "MEOW MEOW, PRRRRRR, RAWR!!!" some one looked over to see this cat acting really strange, they ran over fascinated. As Enki started to try communicate with the teen but they pulled out there phone and started to record.

Ebby sighs, "Shiroi bring us to that one guy with the face and the name." Shiroi starts walking in front of Willow in an attempt to lead her to Enki.

Franki arrives at the grave yard where the bones of the fallen demons are laying on the ground. Franki begins gathering the bones into a large pile before leaving to find a bag.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
"MEOW MEOW!" Could you destroy this brats phone. "MEOW MEOW" Stop recording me!!! I will destroy you!!! Enki said as he continued to try and attack the kid, scratching towards his phone. Other human, please help if you understand me. "MEOW MEOW"

"Oh no, Ebby!" Willow calls out as she rushes after her recently blind friend. 'Are you okay?' She asks Enki as she helps Ebby back up. Miyuki growls at the boy with the phone, baring her teeth as she stalk towards him.

@Momo Mix @metalcity
"HAHAHAHAHA this cat has sunglasses, and it is freaking. THE. FUCK. OUT HAHAHAAHAHA. Just look at it HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" the boy laughed out as he saw this person run over to him, then he ended the recording and ran off. As the boy ran off Enki sighed "Prrrrrrrr, RAOW!!!" he was surprised as he was knocked over, his glasses fell off and he paniced and jumped at them, forcing them to land on his face. Thanks for the help but how do you know my name. What are you the girl from the game? Enki thought back to the game and remembered the girl your Willow aren't you, do you know if you can change me back? Enki asked as he started to lick his paw, then remembered he is human and quickly stopped.

@OceanBunny @Momo Mix
"The people on a school that other day." Ebby proclaims remembering the incident at the infirmary. "You were that guy holding that not guy in your things." Ebby holds out one arm pointing. Standing facing the wrong way, Shiroi nudges her to face to correct direction. Ebby continues, "These things." Still pointing at her arms.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
"I can try, and yes I'm Willow, we're looking for Jay right now. Ebby couldn't see when she woke up." Willow said, picking Enki up and placing him on Miyuki's back next to Nyx. "Yes Ebby, he was the one holding Shina." She said sadly.

@Momo Mix @metalcity
w...what are you doing, just return me to my normal body. I believe its to do with the collar. Just take it off, I want to be alone. Enki looked away from the group as Shina's death flooded his mind again. A tear ran down his eye.

@OceanBunny @Momo Mix
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"Calm down, we're gonna go find Jay." Willow said as she headed further into campus. She scanned the area as she walked, hoping to spot Jay. Suddenly she saw something sparkling in a fountain. 'Whats that?' She wondered as she moved towards the fountain. Getting closer she noticed that it was a pearl. "Pretty.." She said as she reached for it.

@Momo Mix @metalcity @Lotusy
'Willow don't!' Miyuki's concerned voice fills Willows mind as her hand closes around the pearl right before Ebby reaches her. 'What's wrong Miyu?' Willow asks as she turns around, pearl in hand. 'If the collar caused the boy to become a kitten what if there are other cursed items on campus.. and maybe Ebby's blindness is a curse too.' Miyu says, frustrated that her owner may now be cursed. 'I didnt think about that..' Willow responds as a funny feeling spreads through her from where the pearl sits in her hand. She slips the pearl into her pocket. "Come on, lets find Jay." She says, her tone now worried. As they head off again her hands start to turn to crab claws.

@Momo Mix @metalcity @Lotusy

(I should've let you become a crab...)
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Enki sighed "prrrr" just take this collar off of me. As he thought this he noticed Willow picking up a pearl No don't, it could be a trap. As it wasn't instant he began to believe that it wasnt cursed but then noticed her hands turn to claws. Dammit, break the pearl!!! Enki thought loudly, hoping that he could get to Willow in time.

@OceanBunny @Momo Mix
Ebby falls to the ground as Willow grows claws. "were did you go?" Ebby lays on the ground for a moment until Shiro comes over and helps her up. "Where has Franki been... I sent him like ten minutes ago..."

Franki finishes filling the bag and attempts to drag it back. Moving very slowly down the street he only made it to the schools front gate.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
Nearing the dorms Willow notices a tree outside. She closes her eyes and connects to the tree, hoping it has seen Jay today. 'Hello..' Her voice enters Jay's head. "I'm still here Ebby.. just becoming a crab.." She says to her friend while waiting for the tree to answer her. 'Im sorry Miyuki, Enki.. I should've been more careful.' She said regretfully to the two who had tried to stop her from picking up the pearl.

@Lotusy @Momo Mix @metalcity

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