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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Welp, imma take a huge risk here by doing this...)

Shina flew out of the classroom window in shock. She had arrived in class earlier only to find that everything around her was gigantic sized. Confused, she sat on her desk and waited for the teacher to take attendance but she completely ignored her. Annoyed, she opened her mouth to inform the teach that she was here but found that her voice was strangely high-pitched. That's when she realized she had somehow turned into a bird. She flew around the school grounds in panic.

How. In. The. World. Did I turn into a bird?!?!?!?!

She flew in circles above the school; all her understanding of logic and reasoning left her mind.

How in the world does someone turn into a freaking bird in one night?!?! And why can't I remember anything in the past two days???

She continued to fly in circles before she finally realized she had flown too low and was starting to look weird to the students. Ok, Shina, calm down. This is probably just temporary. You'll change back sooner or later.

She blinks as she sees a strange gathering of animals and plants in one area of the school. They look like they're panicking about something... Maybe this is a curse of some sort! Maybe they can help me!

Shina flew toward them, trying to catch one of the animal's attention. "Chirp chirp chirp chirp! (Excuse me, can you understand me?)"

(Shina thinks her curse is turning into a bird)

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy @Momo Mix @GingerBread
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Willow looks up shocked at the sound of Shina's voice in her head. She sees a small red bird flying near them. 'Sh.. Shina? How?' Her voice was confused as it entered the little birds mind. Tears slide down her cheeks as she watched the bird fly.

@PhoenixFire13 (my thoughts are only directed at you so no one else knows they just see a bird) @Momo Mix @metalcity @Lotusy
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(@OceanBunny I was about to ask you know you knew it was Shina but since you mentioned her voice, guess she's been found out xD )

Shina blinked in surprise, stopping before the mishaped human turning into a crab, whom the voice in her head seemed to be coming from.

Um... Do I know you? How do you know my name?
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'I'm Willow.. we met the other day.. at the infirmary.. before the demons attacked.' Willow responded. 'Do you not remember what happened?' She asked, looking around at everyone else and thinking how strange they must look. Suddenly an extra pair of arms began to grown from her sides. "Oh great" She mumbled.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy @metalcity @Momo Mix
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Colliah(Mixin the names) was in the school still confused like hell. She didnt want to act, so she'dbe herself, but what if her oroginal body would messs up her life? She went to her regular class, of course it was the wrong one so..

She was directed to Columbus' original class. She didnt go in, so she figured that shed find herself first of all.
Kino woke up bright and early, as he always did, but something was a little off. He shrugged Then opened the window and rubbed his eyes. He breathed in the smell of the morning air and took in the sounds of quiet life on the school grounds. "Sunday." He said. "Gosh, what a busy Saturday." He turned into a fox and hopped out the window, wandering over to the trees on the grounds.

"AAAAAAGH!!!! FOX!!! PREDATOR!!! ENEMY!!! RUN AWAAAAAY!!!!" He heard something yell. He looked around frantically and saw a squirrel shoot up a tree like a bullet. "FOX FOX FOX FOX FO- AAAAAGH!!! LEAF!!!!!!!"

He giggled a little. when he saw the new bird over a group of animals, he wandered a little closer. The bird was a species he had never seen before. He sat down cocked his head at it curiously. "Your plumage is beautiful," he said. His tail felt weird..... Longer and thinner, and his neck felt heavier (both due to the cowbell and the new cow tail that he sported.)
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(@OceanBunny oops sorry, fixed it. And you're the only one that can hear Shina's real voice right?)

Shina stared back at the human blankly.

Willow...? I'm sorry, I can't remember knowing someone named Willow. Infirmary though? And a demon invasion? When did all that happen?

She looked around at the animals curiously, her eyes stayed a bit longer on the cat with the sunglasses. He seemed familiar to her somehow. Like a feeling of recognition.

"Chirp (Thank you)," she replied automatically at the fox that had just arrived. She blinked and shook her head.

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Amy left her home in a rush, her Father standing at the doorway to see her off as she ran down the driveway.

"Be yourself!" He called after her, and she met him with a glare. What a cliché thing to say. She had only been to the school once to get a small tour. She knew there was a computer lab near the library, and some computers in the library as well. Maybe she didn't have to be late.

She pulled out her iPhone and concentrated on it's link to her and her father's shared cellular data network. "Alright" she said, her body already beginning to fade and shift as she began to upload herself into the network. 0's and 1's began to appear along her faded form and her body, backpack, and cell phone faded from existence. Her father watched from the house and sniffled. "That's my girl."

She had found the link to one of the computers in the library thanks to the call catalog being pulled up in the background and initiated her download. She waited for the progress bar patiently, while checking her email for a map of the campus so she had an idea of where she was going. She knew her download was complete when she felt a pull toward 'reality', as she called it. She obediently stepped toward the light and looked around. She was in the library! The last of the metallic binary coding ran down her legs before she was whole again, and she looked for anyone that might have seen her. Not a soul - at least not near this computer. She turned to the computer from which she'd traveled and closed out of her email, and the small box which read 'DOWNLOAD COMPLETE'. In her mind, she kept a picture of the map of the school for reference.
(yes only Willow, they just hear when you chirp. You're wearing the amulet right? @PhoenixFire13)

'It happened on Saturday.. You.. Turned to Ash to save Enki..' She told the bird, looking back at Enki in his kitten form with his sunglasses. 'You're a Phoenix though.. so maybe that's why you're a bird no.. Have you touched anything today? We seem to be getting cursed..' She asked, hoping they could somehow get Shina's memories back. Listening to Enki, Willow pulled the pearl out of her pocket with one of er extra hands, She tried to crush it using her claws but it wouldn't break. 'Maybe someone else has to break it..' She directs her words to Enki.

@metalcity @Momo Mix @Lotusy

((I'm going to play Tyrrell for this last time, because I have something planned for him, This is going to be the Last post for Tyrrell))

After Heading home from the infirmary, He was determined to find out what was wrong with him, even if it requires him to Die. He went down into the basement at his house and walked over to his workbench and sat down on the stool. He laid his arm onto the workbench and two clamps locked his arm onto the workbench, He knew this was most likely going to harm him severely. He looked towards his orbs "Okay, I'm ready when ever you are" and before long the orbs fire a red laser at his shoulder. Tyrrell Screamed in pain as his right arm was being removed from his body. He thought to himself 'This pain is not what it should feel like than what I did to my friends' He then started to tear up and then started to cry.

Once the orbs finally removed his right arm he grabbed some bandages and started to wrap it around where his arm use to be and around his chest, and before long a red blood stain started to appear on the bandages. He hasn't bleed since the car crash. He looked towards his orbs "Find out whats wrong I'm going to call the school and tell them I wont be showing up for a very long time and to see if they can tell Shina That I said Goodbye" He then turned around and headed up the stairs and towards the living room where the phone was. He dialed the school number and waited for someone to pick up, once one of the staff members picked up Tyrrell blurted out what he was going to say, his eyes watering from the thought of not seeing his friends again "Hi....This is Tyrrell, I'm calling to inform you that I wont be showing up for school for a very long time.....Sorry for the inconvenience, and Could you also tell Shina this 'Goodbye friend' for me please....thank you" once they ended the call he walked to his bedroom and laid down on the bed. He moved his hand over to his stump and sighed.

He never wanted to feel this kind of pain ever again, nor did he want to remember the accident with how his parents died. He sat up on the edge of the bed "don't forget me, I know some day I will return to school again and when I do I promise not to leave ever again" He winced in pain and moved his hand over the stump, it still hurt to him and he will never forget this pain that he cause to himself.​
A̷l̷l̷i̷u̷m̷b̷u̷s̷ (Okay mine is worse, I'll never do it again) Columbus got up, "Well...I guess I still have school, I'll start there I guess." She got up and headed to classes.
"Here," kino said, having heard Enki. He raised aa small paw. "Let Me help you." He beckoned over the small kitten with his cow tail that he still didn't know was there. His back two paws had turned into hooves and he was developing black splotches on his fur.
Franki finally makes it back to ebby with the bag of bones that she sent him for. As Franki approaches the rattling noise alerts Ebby to his presence. "Good boy Franki" She cries out as he falls to the ground exhausted. She thinks to herself 'still no bird' as she stands there still waiting.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @PhoenixFire13
Amy took a step away from the computer toward the exit of the library. Suddenly, everything was different. She felt shorter, somehow. She looked down at her feet and saw that they'd been replaced with hooves. She gasped, which came out as more of a muleish squeal. She blinked rapidly and looked back at the computer. Is there a glitch in my coding?! Her heart began to beat frantically. I should have stayed home, I should have stayed home, I should have stayed home! She was fairly certain she couldn't operate the computer to get back home - not with these hooves! She took a few timid steps forward, hoping to walk the glitch from her system with no luck. She wondered if she could find someone, anyone, who knew what was happening.
(@OceanBunny Yeah, still wearing the amulet)

Shina flinched back when the kitten walked toward her and began to scratch something on her neck. Maybe it was her instinctive fear of cats now that she was a bird but she felt like she shouldn't be too close to feline species. She sighed in relief when the half-human half-crab, stepped in between them.

Amulet? She looked down at her neck. Sure enough, there was an amulet lying there on her chest. I don't even remember putting on this amulet ... My memory is full of holes...

She shook her head and tried to remember the events in the past two days again but no suck luck. Yes, please, remove this amulet. I think my memory loss is from this. I can't seem to remember anything, not even the events leading up to this amulet ending up on my neck.

"Chirp chirp!(I''m not a bird!)" she complained at the blind girl before she remembered that she could only chirp in bird language.

@metalcity @Momo Mix @sitanomoto
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