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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Yeah good for YOU! What you get dressed up and buried? Had some stupid flowers put over your grave? Some people cry for you? Well guess what not me. IM still hanging in a abandoned house." She saw him turn away and leave a a she teleported to her new dorms. And since shadow demons don't sleep, she layed in bed and read a book.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51482e10_1(51)Used.gif.bc9dddd9c8feacdfed58809de4a5a619.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51482e10_1(51)Used.gif.bc9dddd9c8feacdfed58809de4a5a619.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Just as Yato was about to drift off into a light sleep, he suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through his body upon being nudged by someone's...hoof? Opening his eyes after a loose wince, he came to see Leon towering above him. Although, he was caught off guard, in which he seemingly shot up to his feet and backed away with a loud holler. Until he noticed who it was, he thought that a large horse or bull had come to take his soul. Letting out a sharp sigh, Yato bent over and rested on his knees, "Dammit, Pony Boy..." He probably forgot Leon's name already. A light shade of pink shrouded his cheeks as he averted his gaze, tugging at the ends of his beanie. "I wasn't...scared or anything..." Oh, Yato...you're just too prideful. Off in the distance in which the fight had occurred, Yato could hear the faint audio of someone talking. As though he were a cat, his ears gave a little twitch before he smiled brightly and grabbed his skateboard. Taking off on his feet at first, then jumping onto the mobile object, Yato began towards the destination in hope that something was there to fight. "Come on, Pony Boy!" It wouldn't take long before he arrived. And when he did...he was no less than disappointed to see some strange object in the middle of a spotlight...just sitting there in a mocking manner. Well, that's how Yato took it. Walking towards the object, he crinkled his nose at it, and tilted his head. "The hell is this?"

@Isune @Dnaleri017



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Kurotani Yato

Just as Yato was about to drift off into a light sleep, he suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through his body upon being nudged by someone's...hoof? Opening his eyes after a loose wince, he came to see Leon towering above him. Although, he was caught off guard, in which he seemingly shot up to his feet and backed away with a loud holler. Until he noticed who it was, he thought that a large horse or bull had come to take his soul. Letting out a sharp sigh, Yato bent over and rested on his knees, "Dammit, Pony Boy..." He probably forgot Leon's name already. A light shade of pink shrouded his cheeks as he averted his gaze, tugging at the ends of his beanie. "I wasn't...scared or anything..." Oh, Yato...you're just too prideful. Off in the distance in which the fight had occurred, Yato could hear the faint audio of someone talking. As though he were a cat, his ears gave a little twitch before he smiled brightly and grabbed his skateboard. Taking off on his feet at first, then jumping onto the mobile object, Yato began towards the destination in hope that something was there to fight. "Come on, Pony Boy!" It wouldn't take long before he arrived. And when he did...he was no less than disappointed to see some strange object in the middle of a spotlight...just sitting there in a mocking manner. Well, that's how Yato took it. Walking towards the object, he crinkled his nose at it, and tilted his head. "The hell is this?"

@Isune @Dnaleri017

Kentaro Watoga In his usual deep, raspy, echo-like voice, "Finally someone has the decency to notice me. Could you give me a hand and... well... honestly I don't know... I'm stuck to say the least. Maybe I reformed in my armor wrong?" Kentaro moved his head to face the person with his pure white orb-like eyes. "This isn't what I normally look like... in fact this is rather new to me still." Kentaro sighed and tried moving but couldn't. Damn, this blows. I have to ask someone to help me... God I hate this damn form. If only I knew what was wrong...
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Leon followed behind Yato with little to no effort before looking at the purple figure. He heard ti speak and slowly walked over when it asked for help. Leon examined the figure for a minute and only shook his head, "How can we help?"

@Dnaleri017 @Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c514e5c82_1(67).gif.3e56268303b452f2a51d68e0abc98dd1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c514e5c82_1(67).gif.3e56268303b452f2a51d68e0abc98dd1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c514e86ea_1(66)Used.gif.0e6591553a6a0a70c0a2d9ce049a1362.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80101" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c514e86ea_1(66)Used.gif.0e6591553a6a0a70c0a2d9ce049a1362.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

As soon as the strange object started to speak, Yato jumped back in defense, throwing his hands around in a frenetic manner. "Uwah, ah!? Haaah!?" After a split second, he raised a brow, "Y-you can talk?" Strange how he adjusts easier to whatever this thing is than he does to animals...little, fluffy kittens. Listening to the thing speak, he grew even more confused, "You what? Armor...this is..." Yato began to poke at the "person," laughing lightly in the process. "Armor?..." Suddenly he spat and threw himself backwards onto his back in a fit of amusement, his breath was completely taken from him as he rolled around laughing. "Ahaha! Oh wow! This is gre- this is...wow!" He then winced at the pain in his side due to three broken ribs, kicking his feet around like a child, "Ah! Oww...haha..agh...ow..." However, the laughter continued on...

@Isune @Dnaleri017

(Heading to bed c:)



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Tenya breathed out a low sigh. She was currently on the roof laying back on her familiar's soft white fur. After Nemna had taken both her and Rea to the infirmary, Tenya asked Nemna to take her up to the roof.


, permission to speak?"


"Our mission, is it over?"

Tenya took a moment to think. Was it over? "I don't know." She replied staring up at the sky.


(Ima say...I have no clue how to make Enki react, as u know. He was the one that kinda killed her)

Enki sat there, eyes filled with horror as he watched Shina die

No no no... SHINA...don't die for me, please Shina!!!.

He couldn't do anything, tears ran down his face uncontrollably. I forgive you about the journal, don't die because of that!! Dammit don't die!!!

All was useless as he heared her sweet voice again echo through his mind, as if it was a dream and someone out side was forcing him to wake up. Dammit, we will find a way!

Everyone started to leave, Enki sat there, in pure shook. "I'll be stronger, I'll get stronger. You hear me. I won't let anyone die again, you hear me Shina. Not again!!!!" He shouted out as he rubbed the tears away. Then he layed there, he didn't know what to do.
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(Secret Hak Skip ;P)

Hak sensed Willow's energy flowing through her body and headed towards her location, he noticed that she was quietly sleeping with a kitten and decided to lay in the grass and keep watch over them (Idk okay...still in school trying to decide what to put with @metalcity )
LonelyAssassin said:
@sitanomoto Forgot to tag you sorry Dx
LonelyAssassin said:
Seraph let go of the Demon when it was pulled down and it's eye was taken. She grabbed Kino again and leaped away from it, seemed like it was on it's last two legs now. She carried the Fox in her arms and got a safe distance before looking back, the fight was ended... and it would end sadly. She was still in her werewolf form, when she saw what happened.
"Are you okay Kino?"
Kino nodded. "The girl..... She... She died....." Kino closed his eyes. "I wish I knew her...." He noticed Enki on the ground and he looked at Seraph pleadingly, as if asking for permission to go and comfort the boy.
Seraph nodded her big wolf head and let Kino on his Feet, "I need to go back and... change." She ran off on all fours leaving Kino to comfort the Boy. She got really far before automatically starting to transform back into her Human form, she let out a few screams as her bones and flesh morphed and popped back into human position. She was lying there with nothing on letting out huffs of air before scrambling back up and walking home shattered to get changed into something decent.
metalcity said:
(Ima say...I have no clue how to make Enki react, as u know. He was the one that kinda killed her)
Enki sat there, eyes filled with horror as he watched Shina die

No no no... SHINA...don't die for me, please Shina!!!.

He couldn't do anything, tears ran down his face uncontrollably. I forgive you about the journal, don't die because of that!! Dammit don't die!!!

All was useless as he heared her sweet voice again echo through his mind, as if it was a dream and someone out side was forcing him to wake up. Dammit, we will find a way!

Everyone started to leave, Enki sat there, in pure shook. "I'll be stronger, I'll get stronger. You hear me. I won't let anyone die again, you hear me Shina. Not again!!!!" He shouted out as he rubbed the tears away. Then he layed there, he didn't know what to do.
Kino watched as Seraph left, a sad smile crossing his lips before turning into his fox kit form. He padded up to Enki and pressed his fluffy body against the grieving boy. He let out a whine of sympathy and he felt the boys convulsing sobs.
Enki saw the boy approach him, he looked at it. Hoping that it would leave him alone. But no, it crawled up to him and tried to understand his suffering. "No, leave me alone." Enki got up, forcing the boy to get off of him. He started to walk way, he found a tree and laid next to it. Power.

(Not sure when my next post will be, my next on will be big. It might take me a bit, I really want to think it out.)

but still @sitanomoto
Kino remembered the night his parents had died. How he had reacted the exact same way Enki did. How Kolby hadn't left him alone until he calmed down. How much anger that he had had for the murderer would not be quenched for years. Kolby helped him through that. This boy needed a friend. Kino knew he did. He silently padded behind the boy and up a nearby tree to watch.
Enki could sense there was something close to him, watching him. Why wont he leave me alone. Enki could sense the same presence that tried to comfort him before. We need to talk... Enki started to meditate, then his body fell cold onto the floor, dead. All feelings went to his conscience.

black=Enki blue=Fiona red=Enball

Enki's mind:

Enki walked over to Enball, "Look whos back...think you can def-URG" Before Enball could finish his sentence Enki ran over with incredible speeds.

"You bastard, just give me your power. No one will ever die again!" Enki said as he punched the devil in the chest.

Every one dies, if you believe you can stop death with power, that's just being arrogant!" Enball slammed his fist in to Enki, forcing him to cough up blood. Blasting him east.

"I demand to know your deal in the contract!" Enki shouted as he ran over but got punched again.

One friend dies, and you become a fire cracker. I've been doing everything your side of the contract demanded. power!" Enball shouted as he went to take another punch, but another figure appeared in his mind.

"I could tell you Enki, sorry but Enball's still being stubborn." Fiona said in a slight annoyance tone.

You bitch, don't tell him!" Enball ran over and tried to throw a punch at Fiona.

"Your enemy is me!" Enki said as he kicked Enball's fist, as he landed he turned in a split second and punched Enball's chest, then proceeded in another kick to the chest.

Fiona smiled as she saw the boy stop her from dirtying her hands. "
His true goal is to take over your body, but plans on using your body as a portal. Like the one you just saw. But on a bigger scale." Enball got up and went for a kick, Enki jumped on his leg but was surprised to see a punch land on his face, he flue back and landed on his back.

"You bastard, you are training me so you can take over this world." Enki shouted in anger as he imagined another portal killing anyone else he cared about.

Enball laughed "
Close but no cigar, I don't plan on take over. This world will be destroyed, then will be brought back up as the next hell, and we will take down the old one!" Enball shouted as he throw a fire ball at Enki.

"And I guess there is nothing I can do to stop this contract." Enki said as he summoned a flame to counter the one that was thrown, they exploded but as they did Enball ran through the smoke and grabbed Enki by the neck.

Alright, I'll make a deal you cant refuse. Kill the first person you see and I'll end the contract. It's simple, one death to save many, can you do it?" Enball laughed as he slowly began to strangle Enki.

You cant force him to do anything." Fiona said as she questioned what to do.

If you don't, I will fully take over your body. Kill your soul and everyone here, so. One person or many." Enball continued to laugh.

"You evil bastard." Enki was reluctant until a idea popped into his head. "Fine, I will agree by your new rule. On one condition, it must be full eye contact, I must met the victims eyes fully." Enki said with a smirk as his idea grow larger.

Fine, that sounds fine. I'm looking forward to what you will do next." Enball laughed even more as the idea was suggested.

As Enball finished Enki woke in his body, he gasped for air. Then covered his eyes completely.

Seraph had now changed into something more suitable than her... well nakedness. Even though it wasn't much more it was enough and she liked it that way, she adjusted her fingerless gloves and walked back to the School, hopefully everything had calmed down. Plus she really needed clothes that could adapt to her werewolf transformation.

"This place became crazy lately... ugh... I hate it when bad things start happening."

Though she had to admit it felt good to use her transformation ability with the freedom to control it, probably the adrenaline rush of the sudden boost of power. Almost like a drug. She did make it to the school.

Enki left the school, covering his face so no one could see his eyes, he entered the town. Terrified for everyone's life. He made his way into a shop and managed to get some sun glasses. People looked at him puzzled by his way of wearing sunglasses in the night. But he just walked way with an agonising grit of the teeth. He walked back to the school and found a new tree, where no one was. And he went to sleep.
Isune said:
Leon followed behind Yato with little to no effort before looking at the purple figure. He heard ti speak and slowly walked over when it asked for help. Leon examined the figure for a minute and only shook his head, "How can we help?"
@Dnaleri017 @Suzumaki Arakai
@Isune[/URL] @Dnaleri017

(Heading to bed c:)
Kantaro Watoga "I have no clue, just... do something?" Kentaro grumbled to himself. "If only I knew how to control this damn form I wouldn't be having these problems..." Kentaro tried moving around himself and glanced down his clawed hand returning to normal and his vision clearing into his normal soulsight and the armor dispersing with his strange form. He stretched as he was no longer in that soul essence form. "Oh boy, thought I'd be stuck like that forever, still don't know how it works though." Turning to the two people he held out a fist, "The name's Kentaro Watoga, Taro for short. Don't ask what I am cause I honestly have no clue myself."
The night was a hazy mess. Miko doesn't remember the exact order of events, but there were demons, death, Nyx as a cat... It was too much for him to process. His vision became hazy. He hadn't been assigned a room so he had followed Jay to his room, but not wanting to bother him, he just laid his bags outside the boys dorm, and put his back against the wall, sliding down the wall and sitting down. At some point, which he didn't remember, the boy fell asleep.

Jay woke up to the sound of a body sliding to the floor. He jumped up, awake, grabbing the alchemy book and heading to the door. As he unlatched and opened the door, he saw a boy slumped outside, asleep. From his earlier introduction, Jay recognized him as Miko, a boy who helped fight off the demons. Poor guy. He's new, probably has nowhere to stay. Jay went inside, and grabbed his pillow and blanket, the lay them with the boy. He closed his door, grabbed his shower towel, and went back to sleep.

Kino watched Enki walk away, then changed back into his normal self. He sighed. "Well.... I tried anyway." He slid down the tree and walked back to where he left his dagger, eyeball still impaled on it. "Yikes...." He said out loud. "I did that?" He said, picking it up and staring at it in amazement. He looked at the dagger. It was still glowing with the blue light that Shina had put on it. He looked at the direction where the boy had run off. "Id better figure out what to do for him. I wonder who here knows magic." He mused aloud as he walked to his dorm.
Seraph continued through the school, seemed like people were walking around recovering from the incident. Lets just hope it remained that quiet for a while, she didn't really feel like using all of her transformation power even though she got a kick from it in the end. She could feel the lust for power being used by the creature's real soul - the monster was just waiting for those nights to wreak as much havoc as possible. There was always a condition to gaining power. This was hers.
(Alright, here goes the time skip. Gonna use this chance to explain how Shina gets turned into a bird as well)

Shina felt like she was floating in a calm sea of light. Her body was light as a feather and she could feel all her burdens being washed away. It was truly a paradise sort of feeling. Is this what death feels like?

Shina ... child ... you did well, my child.

Who's there? Shina turned her head. She saw a figure almost transparent in the light. Squinting, she could just barely make out the shape of a woman that looked like ... like her mother. M... mom...?

Yes, child. The light seemed to smile at her. You did so well. Now it's time to return to the fire. The figure held out her hand, beckoning for Shina to take it.

Mom ... A torrent of feelings crashed into Shina. Tears flowed down her face and she rushed forward and embraced her mother. At first, she had expected herself to go through her but looking down, she noticed how her body was formed of the same non-physical substance.

There, there, you have suffered so much, my poor child. Her mother patted her head softly, just like how she used to do when Shina was younger. You have done all you can. Now you can rest. She began to glide backwards into a golden door behind her, pulling Shina with her.

Ok... Shina smiled and allowed herself to be pulled along, happy that she was able to see her mother again. Suddenly, she saw Enki's face in her head, followed by Nyx, Jay, and every one of her friends, even the faces of those she just met and never met, all who went to Lakoria. She broke away from her mother's embrace.

I... I can't, Mom. I promised them. I promise him. She looked up at her mother's face sadly. I promised my friends that I would return.

To her surprise, her mother smiled and nodded slowly. I knew you would make that decision. But I still had to see your face again, sweet child. She felt her mother embrace her again, harder this time. Then she was pushed away. Go, child! Fulfill your destiny! Your body will not return for some time but it will return. The body of a Phoenix will regenerate over time. Your father and I will watch over you as we have and will continue to. Be brave, Shina!

Mom! Tell Dad I love him! Shina couldn't stop the tears from falling down her face as she drifted further and further away from her mother. I love you!

I know. A figure stepped out from behind the golden door and placed an arm around her mother, smiling at Shina. We know.

Dad! Mom!


Shina's eyes flew open. Sunlight streamed through an open window. She laid there in silence, allowing the tears on her face to finish falling.

"Mom ... Dad ..." she whispered. Then she started to cry, only to realize that her voice had become a higher pitch. She looked at her hands in surprise; they had turned into wings. She looked around in panic, searching for something she could use to see her reflection. Realizing that she was in her room, she flew to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

What she saw was a small, red bird staring back at her. She raised her wings, so did the bird in the mirror. She flapped them and flew into the air, and the bird in the mirror copied her movements exactly. She landed back on her feet, smiling in her mind.

Thank you, Mom... Dad... I may not be able to return to them as Shina, but at least I can watch over them.

She flew out the open window in her bathroom, landing on a tree on the school grounds. Her kind, intelligent eyes scanned the school ground, nostalgia hitting her in a powerful wave as she saw all her friends, alive and well.

I'll return one day. But for now, I'll watch over you guys.

(This is the time skip. Get ready for the new event. I have a picture of Shina's bird form on her character sheet, if anyone's curious.) @DragonStorm Please do the honors owo
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Moki woke up, there was a blanket around him, and a pillow that he was lying his head on. "This must have been from Jay." he thought as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Hey... Jay?" He stood and went to Jay's door, knocking on it. "Hey... I came to return your blanket and pillow." Miko said knocking on the door once more. "Jay?" he called out again, trying to adjust his hair to make himself seem presentable.


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