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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Ow! That stings!" Jay clutched his chest for a moment before returning to his laughter. "Give me a paw, Nyx. I'm sorry, but this is... so... hiss-terical!" Jay gasps for air. "Oh my god, I can't keep doing this."


(Sick 'im!)
Corvus was stunned slightly as his new familiar hit his chest, but he was delighted to see this mysterious creature again. "What's your name?" he asked it.

@DragonStorm (Sorry didn't know)
"Grief. It's a word that never leaves. Never dissapeares, it just sinks in when the time comes. I don't even know any of you and you expect me to feel sympathy for them?! God. Grief doesn't often get to you does it." It was a rhetorical question but went silent for a moment
Columbus got right up into her face, "I expect you to feel something here! I mean, you don't have to be sad but somebody just died! Feel something other than anger at people trying to live life and get by! God, how would you feel if this is how somebody reacted when you died?!"

i hope so Nyx thought in a defeated tone before curling up in Willows arms hoping this was just a nightmare.

@OceanBunny (Just saying, nyx when he turns back will have no clothes)
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Jay gets up. "Heh... yea. I wouldn't mind him staying like this, but I'd like to have him back to normal. You're an animal person, Willow, so I'll leave it up to you." He turns around, sending a quick orange beam at Willow's new leopard. Jay slowly walks away, putting his hands in his pockets.

As he walked, the thought of Shina's death came back to his mind. Wow... I should be grieving. He reaches for his dorm room door. He walks in, and slowly locks the door behind him. As he showers, eats a snack, brushes his teeth, and completes his evening routine, her death weighs heavily on his mind. He goes to sleep, grieving. I never got to pay you back... two times over...

(@PhoenixFire13 Ready for time change. Bonus points if you remember what Jay's talking about.)
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"Ah, nice to meet you Azilernyo. Skip the formalities, just call me Corvus," he said to the strange creature with a smile. Looking out at the sky, he saw that it had turned to normal, taking on an orange-purplish hue while the stars slowly began to show themselves. "I see the day is far spent. We're going home now, Azilernyo," Corvus said, offering his hand to his newfound familiar.

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Willow frowns as Jay walks away. 'He never answered my question.' She sighs to herself before turning and heading towards the building where Miyuki and the others were. She smiles as she sees that the orange light Jay had cast before leaving had healed Miyuki's leg. Not sure how to move them Willow just cuddled up to Miyuki with Nyx still on her lap and grew some vines to weave over them like a house. "Goodnight everyone." She said as she drifted into sleep.

@GingerBread @Lotusy (good to go @PhoenixFire13)
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(I'm surprised he isnt worried about the burning feeling in his chest @LegenDarius)

"Will you promise not to take my Gemstone out of my chest again, I could have went into my human form and given it to you" He said kinda annoyed at how he was treated at first meet.
She got back in his face, Rhianna hissed and growled her reply "I wouldn't care. Because I'd be DEAD. And I'm not angry. Just annoyed that somebody can be so ignorant to be happy. At a time like this." Her expression held anger and amusement.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c513ed74a_1(4)Used.gif.9a53d7cd84cfdfe4441bcd2adfac3b58.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c513ed74a_1(4)Used.gif.9a53d7cd84cfdfe4441bcd2adfac3b58.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c513f1d5c_1(7)Used.gif.e6691b96aa83b263652e440952fbea17.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80056" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c513f1d5c_1(7)Used.gif.e6691b96aa83b263652e440952fbea17.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

After running off, Yato headed straight for his dorm room. It took him a good five minutes to get there, and the whole way he was cursing to himself in hope that he'd make it back to the fight in time. Darting into his dorm room, he glanced all around with a furrowed brow, "Where is it!?" Just as he made the move to head further into the room, Yato face-planted the floor with a loud grunt and thud. "What the hell!!!?" Lifting himself up on all fours, he looked beneath him and between his legs to see that he had tripped over his skateboard. A sharp grin made it's grand entrance on his expression as he shot up and grabbed it, all in one movement. "A-ha-lright!" And with that, he made his way back to the school where the fight with that large demon was going on. However, he didn't return to the expected. Seeing everyone gathered around, the demon gone, and some blood in different places, etc. Yato grew disappointed, tilting his head in confusion after coming to a halt on his skateboard, kicking it up and grabbing the top with his hand. "What happened? Where'd the big boogie monster guy go?" He was talking to no one in particular, but to whoever felt like answering the question. "I wanted to fight the boogie man."




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"Well it's good their ignorant and happy, it'll make it easier to deal with! I know this because guess what?! I'm ALSO DEAD! This is the best time to be ignorant and happy!"

"Oh, alright. Sorry, I didn't know," Corvus apologized. He took his familiar and then teleported back into his apartment. He was surprised that aside from a broken window, there wasn't much damage done by the demons. Leaving Az by the door, Corvus stood in the middle of the living room with his hands and feet together, and a familiar clock glyph appeared that surrounded the area around the building. Standing in the middle of the magical circle, glyphs orbited his wrists like rings on a planet, while a giant clock glpyh was visible on the elf's forehead.

W̟͊̾o̠͍̫̰͙r̳̹̼̜̠̠̥̒̽ͤ̓l̰̯̟̯ͧͩ͗ͫ̾̚d̯̱̥̼̔ ̺̗̫̖̬͎̪ͪͣS̤̦̺̠ͨ̽̀̂̉̎ͫt̩͑̌ͤ͆á̟̭̝̩t͔͛e͇ͣ̊ͥ ̯̃̾͆͊R̻̩̬̩̻͙̯͒̓̔ͮͤë̅̏̇ͅs͓̲͍̲t͔̟̱̓̐o̯̪͔͕̭̖̐̿ř̬̙͈͉̓ͅẹ͎͇͙̔ͦ͒

With that, the state of the building went in reverse as the glass shards picked themselves up and reassembled themselves into the former window, and chunks of debris flew in reverse back into their previous places. The state of the building was restored, and everything was spotless. With that, the glyphs disappeared, and Corvus returned to normal as the magical circle dissipated. "Did you like what you saw there?" he asked turning to his familiar, hoping he would impress him.

"Neat but you know I could have helped so you didnt have to use energy" He said before flying around the house "Its getting late master why dont you go sleep?"
When his familiar began to fly around his home, Corvus made his way to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Tonight's special was an east coast classic: New York Strip with some french fries. Really can't go wrong with these..., Corvus thought as he seasoned the lean meat with some salt, pepper, and oregano and tossed it into the skillet. He then pulled out some sliced potatoes and tossed them into a fryer.

A delicious aroma emanated from the stove, and smelling it Corvus's mind was filled with images of his home world. He remembered all the restaurants as a child and how delicious and mouth-watering their food was. Though his home world was destroyed, Corvus joyed in bringing little bits and pieces of it into this one. He stared fondly at the slabs of meat as they cooked, and at the sticks of potatoes as they heated up, proud of his craftsmanship. But as he cooked, he couldn't help but think how Pandora was. "Hope she's alright...," he thought aloud as he continued preparing dinner.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5147439b_1(21)Used.gif.b7e01911032e26f0d335c8aa38d56555.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5147439b_1(21)Used.gif.b7e01911032e26f0d335c8aa38d56555.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5147733d_1(22)Used.gif.3cd20c4a9b7c615a30680384adde8f68.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5147733d_1(22)Used.gif.3cd20c4a9b7c615a30680384adde8f68.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

When no one answered him, Yato began to sulk like a child, turning around and allowing his skateboard to fall to the ground on all four wheels. As it rolled forward just a bit, he stepped on it and kicked off with his other foot, now gliding back to his dorm room. Seeing that it had already gotten pretty dark, he stared at the ground with an irritated expression, still sulking. "Assholes takin' all the heat...tch...why did I sleep so late?" Little did he know that someone had risked their life just then, falling into the sweet release of death, which some consider to be unwanted. Yato grew up to live life as though you're about to die only tomorrow. His father figure taught him not to fear it, and charge in head-on with no worries. However, you shouldn't waste yourself away without a purpose. Yato is still searching for his little purpose, and one time mistook learning to skateboard for it. After getting the hang of it and realizing it was more simple that he figured it'd be, he decided to set out for a different reason.

Still staring at the ground, Yato wasn't paying attention to where he was going, and ran "head-on" into a light pole, causing him to stumble backwards and send his skateboard off into the distance, "Gah! Wa- Agh!" He landed on his backside, wincing at the pain in his side. He gripped the area in which he had three broken ribs, "Tch...I for...got...Shit." Gently throwing himself back, sprawling his arms and legs out, he began staring up at the starless sky. Well, to him it's starless because he doesn't have his glasses and everything's a blur. A soft sigh escaped from parted lips as he closed his eyes, "...What's the use?..." Yato was now reminiscing on the concrete outside of the dorm building. He would eventually fall asleep until the next day if no one where to wake him. However, they'd still see him upon waking up and heading outdoors in the morning.




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Columbus sighed, "Anyways, I don;t have time for this, it's been a long day and Im going home."

Columbus walked into his dorm to done with the day to do anything, between raiding a zoo and killing the devil, he just wanted to shut down, he collapsed on his bed, and closed his eyes.
Kentaro Watoga Kentaro stood in place looking around, he couldn't move for some reason and nobody was trying to help him. Glaring he grumbled to himself. "Of course nobody cares, who would help a strange purple thing just standing in place. How the hell am I supposed to become human again?!" Kentaro looked around still glaring sat and waited every now and then repeating the same phrase in his deep, raspy, echo-like voice. "Anyone wanna help me regain my movement or do I am I supposed to just stand around being useless..."
Leon shook his head as he found out what had happened. This school was getting crazier by the second. And now, Leon just wanted to unwind for the rest of the day and hopefully forget about everything that had happened. Leon eventually turned around and headed back to the dorms, only to see Yato on the ground...was he asleep? Leon was amazed how someone could fall asleep on the concrete like that. He lightly jabbed Yato with the tip of his hoof and looked down at him, "Hey, wake up there buddy."

@Suzumaki Arakai

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