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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kino stirred, his ears twitching slightly. "Nnhhh...." He opened his eyes, and they shot open when he saw a giant wolf towering over him. He looked at her in fear for a moment, then smelled the air. "S-seraph....?" He whispered. "What...h-how...."
She looked away, slightly embarrassed, she then placed her large hand on his head and slightly ruffled his hair, "I'm glad you're okay." She growled in the direction of the Demon, "Be careful, you're strong and courageous. But don't die. Attack at the right moment!" She bolted towards the large demon and jumped for it, clamping her mouth around it's neck she also dug her razor sharp nails into it's skin and didn't let go for anything. She let a growl through her teeth that had gripped onto his flesh.

@sitanomoto @metalcity @PhoenixFire13 @LokiofSP
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Kino sat up. Seraph was a werewolf?And she called him... Courageous? That part was much more surprising than the whole werewolf thing. He grabbed his dagger, still glowing with blue energy, and waited until he saw an opening. He ran forward and jumped, flipping over a smaller demon, then used the next one as leverage to vault up to the devil's head. He grabbed on tightly and raised his dagger high in the air, then stabbed it in the devil's eye with a mighty thrust of his hand. The blade stuck and kino held on for dear life.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c511e95ba_1(41).gif.6a06c7553b3fa93b6578963b0dc6ca4c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c511e95ba_1(41).gif.6a06c7553b3fa93b6578963b0dc6ca4c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c511ebd39_1(46).gif.8b50bac1742e24533ea3ed8978de3963.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c511ebd39_1(46).gif.8b50bac1742e24533ea3ed8978de3963.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Yato smiled after seeing that he managed to knock the other onto his back. However, as soon as his opponent shot up and sent him towards the ground by the throat, his expression grew into one filled with irritation more so than amusement as smoke filled the area. Once the other finished talking, he smiled with a breath for a laugh, and spit in the guy's face before allowing his burning aura to engulf the guy. After that, Yato would perform a back-roll and stand to his feet, once again taking a fighting stance and wiping some sweat from his brow. Because of the smoke filled the cage, Yato was overwhelmed with a troubled sensation. To avoid being found by the glow of his aura, he allowed it to dissipate into nothing. "Tch...come on." Looking around in all directions, "Sorry, I don't abide by the rules of others..." A soft snicker escaped from parted lips as an idea slapped his conscience.

Stepping back a bit, Yato took of in a sprint, darting across the blinding room of smoke. Upon reach the wall of the cage, he ran up it with the help of his aura and eventually stood upside down in what would originally be a ceiling if they were in an actually room.
"Alright..." With great speed, Yato allowed some of his aura to take the form of a large pole; it still engulfed his body as well. Basically, his aura is unlimited, but does reach a point to where it soon wears him out. All in one movement, he began twirling the blunt spear with both hands as though he were a fan, causing the smoke to spin throughout the room into a miniature tornado. "Keh, this one's new." Within the brief moment he could see, Yato managed to catch a glimpse of the other, smiling lightly. "Found you..." And with that, he kicked off from where he stood, and flew towards his opponent, swinging the weapon towards the other's face. If it were to make contact, a large burst of aura would envelop the guy's body, causing him to burn for a brief moment before the aura would fade. However, if the other were to dodge the attack, Yato would be left vulnerable for the short amount of time it takes for him to finally land on the ground.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity



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Ebby fights to wake her self up. She shivers and twitches but cant move a single limb. Her dreams fill with demons and her new friends.

'What a mess...' Her male form says at he appears before her. 'I was this close.' He gestures holding both hand an inch apart from one another. 'Then you had to go and ruin it for me'

'What did I ruin.' she replies hastily.

'I could have had the power of all of those demons and you had to push me out like you always do.' His voice raises inside of her head as he vanishes into dust.

Ebby begins to weep. 'Please help... anyone.' But her voice is only heard inside of her dream.

"Pitiful HUMAN!!" Enball shouted as he wiped the spit of his cheek, "DON'T YOU DEAR TOUCH MY FUTURE BODY" He continued to shout.

Dammit, let me back in my body, this guy has a fighting style we are not familiar with, its hopeless, you cant win something your not familiar with. As Enki thought this the boy prepared another attack, QUICK!

Fine, stupid human. I'll be back and this body will be mine, oh also I have granted you a new sword. I hope you like it. Enball laughs as he leaves Enki's body, allowing him to return to normal.

Enki sees the attack, closing in on him. "Shit, sorry." He shouts as his sword transforms and Enki lunges forward blocking the attack, he pushes back and tries to force the attacker to stop. "I'm ok, I wont fight you any more. The guy you where fighting has left." Enki says in a state of panic for his life. then he thinks to Shina,
Don't worry I'm back.


My new sword look

@PhoenixFire13 @Suzumaki Arakai
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'Miyu go back to Ebby, you'll be safer there.' Willow's voice filtered through the pain. 'I don't want to leave you Willow.' She responded stubbornly. 'You're leg is broken Miyuki. I'll be able to concentrate on the fight better if i know youre out of harms way. Please go back to Ebby, make sure she's okay and help Shiroi guard her.' Willow told her while trying to keep the devil restrained so the others could take him down without getting too hurt. 'Okay Willow.. but be safe.' Miyuki reluctantly agreed and crept away from the fight and back to where she had left Ebby, Shiroi, and Franki.

With Miyuki out of harms way Willow turned her full attention to the devil before her. Flying higher into the air, she called more vine forth from the ground. With dozens of vines now wrapped around each of the devils limbs, and more still lashing into him, the devil was slowly pulled towards the ground.

@LokiofSP @Krekire @metalcity @Suzumaki Arakai
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51220cc9_1(5).gif.97c5c9347f98c15afcb8d832d3236799.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51220cc9_1(5).gif.97c5c9347f98c15afcb8d832d3236799.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c512250e2_1(6).gif.9826b8b4c75bf01c05b30a6d5e8c0e8a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c512250e2_1(6).gif.9826b8b4c75bf01c05b30a6d5e8c0e8a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

As he lunged into the attack, Yato was taken back a bit when the other blocked with a sword he hadn't seen appear. "Huh?" The guy's words confused him. Dropping his guard and allowing the spear to fade into a puff of aura, similar to that of smoke. Furrowing his brow with the click of his tongue, Yato crossed his arms with a pouty expression, "Tch, damn..." Turning back to face the other, he held his hand out to shake, giving a cocky smile for introduction. "Name's Kurotani Yato. You can call me Yato." Because this guy was taller than him, Yato had to look up in order to see him. Little does he know that this guy is younger than him. Although, it's probably a good idea to keep him oblivious. Or else he'd get upset and turn into that of a ranting child. Suddenly his expression changed into one of curiosity, "So...what was up with you?" The cage around them had already disappeared, fading away as it traveled like water towards Yato, disappearing within five inches from his person as it became absorbed by some invisible outlining that seemingly traced his body. "Like..what was the-...Shit." Looking back towards the giant demon he had forgotten about, "We should probably help! I'll be back! You..." Yato made a few strange hand notions before smacking the air, "Ah, screw it. I'll be back!" And with that, he ran off to get his skateboard as fast as possible, hoping to return and enjoy the fight as well.




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Enki sighed "Jeez you really got into that, wish it was me fighting you though, seemed like fun. Maybe when we finish here we should spar. Names Enki, sorry about that, I'll explain it to you later." Enki looked over at the demon. "Well now that I'm probably stretched, we should kill this beast." He said with a smirk. Then Enki sent out a purple flame at his feet, enhancing his speed and he charged at the demon and slashed its arm, it knocked him back.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"I need to do something! But what? My powers are worthless in this fight..... Wait! My potions of weakening! I can weaken the devil with one of my potions!" She said to herself running to the door.....

(Anyone notice her leaving, please?)
PhoenixFire13 said:
(@TheRPingMudkip Well the roar should have woken him up xD )
Shina's jaw dropped at the sight of the transformation the boy went through. His entire form had changed into something she had never seen before, and that was something to say because she's seen a lot of different monsters and whatnot.

"Oh, uh, ok." She ran toward the devil, still very much in shock, and began to shoot multiple fireballs at him from a distance.

I hope that guy has a good plan, whatever it is.

  • Kentaro Watoga Dashing toward the demon he flashed up onto the roof if the school almost as if he teleported. I wonder if I can mess with his souls strength directly... might as well try. Kentaro reached a clawed hand for the demon and disappeared from sight, his new forms armor dropping to the ground below him, he himself though was inside the demon seeing exactly how the demons soul was growing in power. Well, time to unravel his essence. This will take forever with how strong he is already. Damn, if only I was stronger. Whatever, better get to ripping. Lifting a clawed hand he began slicing and dicing through the demons soul, of course it wasn't doing much but it was a start, at least he could be useful. He wondered how that girl was doing and, as if he was the demon, saw her fighting the demon with all her might. Better not let em' down Taro. This is your only shot afterall...

Venus startled awake when a bone rattling scream ripped through the air. What the hell was that? She thought as she ripped the covers off and rank to face the window. "Holy carp fish!" She called out. She then ran to put on a jacket. With one arm in it she hopped on one foot trying to get her shoes on. Venus grabbed her dagger and was about to leave when Caspian said, Hey don't forget the spear. It could help and what if we end up switching? "Oh right." Venus nodded and ran back to grab the spear. Then she ran outside onto the lawn. Venus bumped into a few students. Some gave her dirty looks even when she apologized.

Venus skilled to a stop in front of the demon. It looks like I"m not the only one who had this idea. She remarked. This is because you go looking for fights. Caspian signed. Shh! She said. " Hi I"m here to help." She said dropping the spear. Hey! Caspian protested. Venus shrugged. I can't use the dagger and the spear at the same time! Well put the dagger in your shoe. You can use the spear and if it gets knocked out then you have something to use. Fine okay! Venus slid the dagger in her boot and picked up the spear.
Just as she was about to say something. Rihanna felt something different and came from the schools direction. She instantly teleported into the school. And quickly walked around until she walked into a girl, but behind the girl was serveral other people. And the devil thing. Which instantly looked at her. She saw its quick moment of confused. Only because she was a type of demon herself. "Traitor!" It yelled at her/half growling. It threw her acrosst he room towards it. She slumped against the wall and it picked her up with its hands. She teleported away. Turning into a black mass of shadows.
(@metalcity So um ... what happened to Fiona? O.o I did leave her behind to help you control him. Well, too late now, never mind.)

(I think I'm almost ready to end this event. Gonna wait a bit more though)

Shina sighed in relief as she heard Enki's voice is his head. Her concentration had been broken when she had seen Enball taken control over Enki again, despite Fiona's attempt to stop him. She had tried to go help him but the devil had kept her occupied. Now that she knew he was fine again, she was able to focus on fighting the devil. She smiled at him as he rushed forward to join the fight.

"Careful though! Fiona said that she can't seal Enball anymore so try not to give him a chance to take over again!" she shouted at him.

"Oh, and thanks for helping him return to his body," she shouted over to the boy that had helped Enki.

@metalcity @Suzumaki Arakai
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(Sry, wasn't sure what u did exactly and u went off, say that Enball overpowered her then I quess)

Enki started to slice the beast. "This new sword, I like it!" He added a blue flame to it to give it more of a kick. As he did so the demon swiped at him, Enki jumped back and slashed its hand, leaving behind a mystical flame. It danced on the demons skin. "Don't worry, I'll try not to worry you again in a fight. Or ever for that matter!" He thought to her as he moved in for another attack.

Kino wrapped his fingers around his dagger and pulled outward. There was a sickening *POP* as the devil's eyeball...well..... Popped out of its socket. The eyeball was impaled on Kino's dagger and he looked at it in half horror-half amazement. The Devil gave an almighty roar and clutched at the spot where his eye used to be. Kino raised his hands in victory, still holding the dagger/eyeball, and then toppled over backwards onto the Devil's head.
Kentaro Watoga Shit... this is exhausting, and it's not doing anything, he keeps repairing it as if it were nothing... I gotta get out. I've done as much as I can and if I stay much longer I'm probably going to die. Finally giving up Kentaro left the demon's body returning to his armor and teleporting a distance away realizing he couldn't move. He was stuck beside someone but he couldn't tell who. His soulsight wasn't returning to normal and when he glanced at his hands he saw the purple clawed arms, only they seemed burnt and bloody. In his deep, raspy, echo-like voice he panicked, "What the hell!? Why can't I turn back?! Why is my soul essence bloody and burnt?! WHY CAN'T I MOVE!
(RIP my heart. This scene QAQ I don't like writing gory scenes)

Shina smiled shyly, glad that her relationship with Enki had gotten back to normal. She turned toward the devil for another attack but the devil roared and opened its majestic wings, flying into the sky. He broke the vines that tied it to the ground, tearing at it ferociously. The students that were on him fell off as he lifted off. His powerful wings fanned the ground, causing everyone on the school ground to be swept off their feet and blown back by the strong wind.

Pesky Earthlings! How dare you reduce me into this miserable state! Those small demons weren't enough! I need more power! But first, the devil began to charge up a large fireball that crackled with dark lightning, I'll take out that girl!

The devil threw the fireball at Shina but she dodged to one side. The devil continued to throw more fireballs at her but she dodged each one, countering the ones that she wasn't able to dodge completely. He roared in rage, Annoying bug! Why don't you just die already?

"Because I'm the child of a Phoenix. Oh, and I kinda don't like dying." She grinned and created two blue fires with crackling lightning, just like the devil's. She summoned jets of fire beneath her feet that propelled her onto the school rooftop and threw the fires at the devil. They hit his wings and burnt a large hole in each of them. Screeching, the devil fell to the ground, creating a mini earthquake at his impact.

So, you have enough skill to control fire to that degree. I underestimated you, girl. But! the devil looked around at the group of ants around him. His eyes landed on his target and he grinned evilly, showing his sharp teeth. He doesn't! I'll take care of him first! The devil flapped his wings and flew in another direction, close to the ground.

Confused, Shina looked toward the direction the devil was flying toward. Her eyes widened as she saw the lone boy in the area, struggling to get up from the previous attacks.

"Enki!" she screamed out his name to warn him. He's not going to see him in time!

Without thinking, she summoned the jet of fire beneath her feet, flying like a comet toward them. The devil roared with delight as he saw that she wasn't going to make it. Too bad, girl! You're not going to make it! You should have stayed there and watch as your precious friend gets ripped into pieces!

I will! I will make it! Shina closed her eyes and willed her fire to grow larger. Make it, make it, make it! Please make it! Then she realized something that made the world seem like it had stopped around her. She knew she wouldn't make it. Not if she had to block the devil's attack. Not if I have to block his attack ... Then! I won't block his attack! She increased her speed and shot forward, stopping herself between the devil and Enki at the last second. She threw her arms out and grab the devil's arm, just as the claws ripped through her chest.

She coughed out blood. The devil roared in laughter. So you chose to sacrifice yourself. What a close relationship! Allow me to dye it in red blood! He pulled back his arm to stab Shina again but her grip tightened. What the- Let go, girl. Let go of my arm! The devil raised his other arm and slashed her legs. She cried out in pain but didn't loosen her grip.

Shina could feel her vision getting darker. Ha... I'm such an idiot... How much have I changed in these few days ... Back then, I never would have sacrificed my life for someone else. It was always just me. No one else. But ... She raised her head painfully to look at the students behind the devil. I made so many friends ... in my third year of school... I'm happy... that I was able to experience this feeling... She coughed out more blood and turned to glance behind her at Enki.

I'm sorry... for reading your journal without your permission... I can't... do anything to turn back time.... but... I can do this. Her eyes gained a new hard look as she took a deep breath and released all her energy with a scream. Her body caught fire in a mix of color: red, orange, and blue. The fire quickly spread onto the devil's skin, causing him to roar in pain.

What are you doing?!?! Self-combustion?!!? You wouldn't! You Earthlings are too scared to die! the devil tried to pull back his hand but Shina gripped it harder, refusing to let go.

"Maybe... not... but... IF THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO KILL YOU," her flames increased in size and power, "THEN I WILL SACRIFICE EVERYTHING, EVEN MY LIFE!"

She screamed even louder, releasing everything, even her life force, to give the flames enough power to burn the devil into ashes. The devil screeched, clawing at his skin with his other hand. He began to melt in the heat, leaving only his face behind. I will remember this, girl! I won't give up on getting power! And I will return! One day, I will retuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn....... Then his entire being vanished, burnt away by the flames, unable to revive until years later.

The flames continued to burn, even as the devil disappeared, consuming Shina's entire body. She landed on her feet on the ground and turned to look around her. She smiled sadly at each of the students. Then she reached Enki. Her smile wavered and a single tear dropped to the ground.

Don't worry. I'll be back. I haven't died yet. Just think of this as a temporary good-bye.

She closed her eyes and allowed the flames to circle around her, reducing her to ashes that floated away in the night breeze.

(Sorry if the ending felt kind of rushed. I needa to eat dinner. Anyways, uh, enjoy! -flees- Start making your way home though, since it's nighttime. I'll start the next event when I get back from school tomorrow.)

@FeIix @Darsider1 @Isune @DarknessSpirit @Thalia Raiz @Blacknife
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As the devil took off the ground Willow was thrown backwards through the air. Hitting into a wall she slid to the ground. Struggling back to her feet she watched as Shina disintegrated the devil before being consumed by her own flames. "Noo!!" Willow screamed as her friend turned to ash in front of everyone. Tears slid down her face as she watched the ashes disperse in the wind. 'Willow what's wrong?' Miyuki's voice filtered through her head as she sensed her owner's pain. 'Shina's gone.. she turned to ash.' Willow responded. She started moving among the students, hoping there was someone she could help. 'The girl you woke up withose unicorn tears?' Miyu asked whishing she could console Willow somehow.

@PhoenixFire13 (@GingerBread and anyone else who might need help)
"Shina!" Jay was shocked, devastated as his friend turned to ash. "Why did she do that..." He glanced over at Enki. He's probably going to be hit the hardest by this... We should give him some space. Jay rose up, quietly walking away from the scene. We'll miss you...
Seraph let go of the Demon when it was pulled down and it's eye was taken. She grabbed Kino again and leaped away from it, seemed like it was on it's last two legs now. She carried the Fox in her arms and got a safe distance before looking back, the fight was ended... and it would end sadly. She was still in her werewolf form, when she saw what happened.

"Are you okay Kino?"
Nyx's eyes shot open at the sound of someone screaming, he saw that the demon was no longer there, he wondered what the screaming was about, he spotted willow, he called out to her "Hey willow what happened, we won right?" Nyx asked groaning as he tried to stand up.

Turning at the sound of Nyx's voice Willow moved towards him with a sad smile. "Yes, we won.. Shina sacrificed herself.." She explained, her voice shaking, as she knelt beside him. "Are you okay? Is there anything i can do to help" She asked in a concerned tone.

Columbus looked at the scene with an open jaw. If he was being honest, he hadn't known the girl personally but he knew the feeling. Death sucked, even if your dying for somebody you care about, it's scary, something nobody should have to experience....Not that soon.

He pinched his arm hard, trying to do something to get the tears flowing, tears that should be shed at a time like this, but he couldn't. So instead he sighed, bowed and said a quick prayer, "Hey.....Girl.....Gods I didn't even know your name, I know you didn't deserve to go this early, and I hope your alright wherever you are now. I hope you can't hear this honestly, because if you do that means you died with regrets, and that's something nobody should have when they pass...So.....This is the part were I get on my knees and swear vengeance right? Vow to get stronger in your name..." He huffed, "I'm sorry but I can't, I mean...I'll try, but I can't swear I'll do it, not on the life of a stranger."

"I wish I could at the very least have tears for you, but I don't. So the best I can do is thank you, and wish you a peaceful rest."
He picked up a nearby cinder and threw it at the spot she died, he then turned away and began to head home, "I just hope that's a worthy and proper sendoff....See ya."

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