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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Lazy? Doesn't seem like it." Duncan didnt budge when she pulled his hair, but instead studied her form once she appeared before him. In his eyes, she was the average height, decent to look at, and from what he just witnessed, mischievous. Just as he was. Smirking, Duncan shifted his weight and raised his gaze to meet hers. "So how did those kids earn your rage?"

"Right, i'm going to need a reason to leave, i'm not going to leave you here alone" Nyx said looking skeptical that this could be more dangerous than the demons.

@Lotusy (Did you really think Nyx would leave that easily)
(@GingerBread No, lol.)

"It's... just... something. I feel some kind of new power from the potion. It's supposed to grant me some kind of attack magic..." He coughs. "Oof... it kinda hurts. Basically, I'm going to let everyhing out. I'm going to blast that vampire outside of the room, and then we can go fight demons."

Rhianna appeared, her porcelain skin showing, her dark blue eyes and black hair.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.5d956e6ea693ddf1e7f746683083fac3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.5d956e6ea693ddf1e7f746683083fac3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Rhianna did a small shrug. "I find it quite miserable here, and boring. Others people happiness is... Odd. So I like to throw kids." She said with a small smirk.



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Duncan was silent for a few moments, his gaze having shifted elsewhere towards the direction of the school. From what he could tell the trouble was still manifesting. Rolling his irises and returning his gaze back to the girl, Duncan dropped his brow and leaned against a nearby pole. "Interesting. Mind telling me your name?" @DarknessSpirit
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"What's the worse it can do to me, you used my blood for it" Nyx said leaning against the wall "Also you need to clean this place" he said half joking.

"Heh, I know. My mom would have a heart attack." His fingers glowed orange. "Here goes nothing!" He fires a beam of orange light at the door, and the vampire outside.

@Thalia Raiz
Columbus ducked behind a corner, he held his arm that now had a large cut in it. He grit his teeth in pain, there were about three demons on his tail, "Crap, going back in here was so stupid, what was I thinking?" The sound of the approaching demons caught his attention, he looked to continue down the hall, but he could hear more approaching from that side. He began to panic, fire seemed to be something that at the very least a few of them could control, and fire magic would be one of teh only things that would end him.

He began to panic,
"That's it! I-I'm screwed! How did this even happen?" He stood up, they were close, he squeezed his eyes shut, "No...No, I'm not dying, not here....There's gotta be a way out." His eyes glowed blue once more, he looked around frantically, confused spirits were everywhere, but one caught his eye. He rushed to it and grabbed it with a hand that was now shining blue, he shoved it into his gut, "Sorry, but I need to borrow you!" His eyes returned to their normal darker shade of blue as the demons finally rounded the corner.

He turned away from them and held out three fingers like a gun at the wall. There was a few seconds of nothing before he shot at the wall with powerful magic, it gave out as rubble went everywhere revealing another hallway, with a girl in front of him. He grabbed the girl and ran again,
"Don't ask questions! Trust me when I say we need to go!"

@Thalia Raiz
"That was kind of cool" Nyx said looking at jay "And to think if you just told me earlier, you could have gotten that before" He added as he got up and walked over to jay, "so what's the plan now?"

Jay watched through the new hole in his door as Columbus ran and grabbed the vampire girl. No! Columbus, you need to look out! She could take your blood! He opens the door. "Nyx! I'm going after them!" He sprints, and gives chase.

Duncan nodded with a small hint of a smile. She was cute. The best thing he'd seen since he arrived, he had to admit. Taking a moment to interpret her first remark, he chuckled, and extended his left hand from within the depths of his pocket, holding it out in front of her. "The name is Duncan. Yours is a sound for sore ears." @DarknessSpirit
Nyx took off after Jay "Hold on, i'm coming too" He said to jay quickly catching up with him "I want to kill her, she tried to harm you" Nyx added anger evident in his voice

Columbus turned back, "Eat? Blood? Wait....Crap your a vampire aren't you." He heard them behind him, he couldn't stop, so he stuck his arm in the girls mouth and pushed her ahead, "Drink up, it's old, but it should hold you off for now."

@Thalia Raiz
She drank. She chugged the blood. Her eyes turned back to blue, her hunger satisfied. "Thank you. Now I owe you. What is it you want me to do?"
Columbus shook his arm out, "For now, all I want you to do is survive. I highly doubt we could take these things out alone, I'm thinking we round up as many people as we can and evacuate."

@Thalia Raiz
"Na. I've got a better plan. I can make portals in front of the first portals to make them cycle back into the underworld. I just need blood sources. Making portals drain me, you see, so every time I make a portal I need to drink blood. We put portals in front of the first portals, and they're gone."
Columbus smiled and held up his arm, "That's great! Good thing for you, you got an unlimited blood source right here! I can give you however much you need, you just take care of those portals." He rolled up his sleeves and turned to Jay and Nyx, "Good news! We might have a way to get rid of those portals, bit of a long shot, but I'm willing to try anything at this point!"

@Thalia Raiz @Lotusy @GingerBread
Columbus jumped in front of her, but forgot to drop the spells. He stood there for a few moments in shock, his chest bloody as he was about to pass out, "Crap...Shoud have thought that through...." He passed out.


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